WvW Warrior Zerg Build

WvW Warrior Zerg Build

in Warrior

Posted by: ozmaniandevil.6805


Hi all, I’m looking for comments and/or helpful hints on the following ZERG build. Just running with the zerg, surviving, sometimes at the front lines, sometimes middle of the crowd. For defense (like on a wall) I can switch out hammer to LB or Rifle (which would be better?).


Isle of Janthir – Knights of the Rose (KoR)

WvW Warrior Zerg Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Slomoshun.6317


-You’re using the GS without actually having any GS traits.
-You went 20 into Tactics and got 2 pretty worthless traits for zerging.
-Leg specialist only works on one target now and Shrug it off isn’t needed in a zerg since
there will be buku cleansing.
-Pick up Empowered if you’re selfish or Empowered Allies if you’re not and Quick Breathing.
-Lose the GS and pick up a Sword/WH or even a Sword/Axe if you feel like being selfish. The WH is a good blast finisher with a short CD so that is why most warriors choose it over a dmg dealing offhand.
-Signet of stamina isn’t very popular, I would go Signet of the Dolyak, Zerker Stance and Endure Pain. I rarely go down with that setup. You’re using Melandru Runes so most condies will fall off of you fast so there isn’t really a need for a condi cleanse utility. With your WH able to remove a condi with each ability and your Melandru Runes and zerker stance you shouldn’t have an issue.

WvW Warrior Zerg Build

in Warrior

Posted by: ozmaniandevil.6805


Thank you Slomoshun! I’ll try your suggestions. Thanks for pointing out the weaknesses.

Isle of Janthir – Knights of the Rose (KoR)

WvW Warrior Zerg Build

in Warrior

Posted by: JJBigs.8456



this blends alot of his suggestions into a good build imo. Zerker stance is optional and I run bulls charge sometimes too/fear me/for great justice are all good.

blow warhorn when you have condis that last too long and can get permanent swiftness from warhorn alone.

Protip: Never switch to LB/Rifle, even if defending a keep. Warriors job isnt ever to be ranged, its to be melee. You cant risk being stuck on LB for a big fight cuz you cant out of combat etc… Just stay melee 24/7 and be ready to push

WvW Warrior Zerg Build

in Warrior

Posted by: ozmaniandevil.6805


Thanks so much for the advice! It takes getting used to but i’ll practice a lot.

Isle of Janthir – Knights of the Rose (KoR)

WvW Warrior Zerg Build

in Warrior

Posted by: ozmaniandevil.6805


So another question… I’m not a PvP person and this weapons set is new to me. Is there any good attack rotation for when I get caught in a 1v1 situation in WvW when I’m using sword/WH and hammer?

Isle of Janthir – Knights of the Rose (KoR)

WvW Warrior Zerg Build

in Warrior

Posted by: urieldhynne.2743


There is not attack rotation in pvp. You have some combos but you need to play wisely all your skills and adapt to the enemy. Is all about counter and timing, with some combos of course.

Try this build, is pretty op for zergs, specially in frontline. You are almost immortal with this.

You can see the gameplay of this build in this video

For defense in a wall, you are a warrior! you dont stay in the wall hitting from range, you jump down, smash some heads with your hammer and go back inside for CD recharge.