WvW Warrior

WvW Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Ronako.2315


So I’m interested in the versatility of the warrior, with so many weapons. However everyone says that the warriors aren’t really that great, other than maybe a couple builds in wvw. Is this really true? I mean, player skill is definitely a huge deciding factor, but I feel like a good warrior fighting a decent anything else would have trouble.

WvW Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


So I’m interested in the versatility of the warrior, with so many weapons. However everyone says that the warriors aren’t really that great, other than maybe a couple builds in wvw. Is this really true? I mean, player skill is definitely a huge deciding factor, but I feel like a good warrior fighting a decent anything else would have trouble.

go back to thief, I wish I started there. 1.2k hours in and I solo most my days and still get destroyed by some kitten grenade engie noob who doesn’t even carry stun breaks. Devs don’t really give 2 kittens about the class seeing as how they finally gave us what we STARTED with 1 year after release. My gems are being put to cocaine addiction and paid sex that is Arenanet development. You’ll wish each month, hoping for a better balance update or even new trait mechanics, but constantly get disappointed by the kittenty PVE Meta content that is just masked by weapon skins. Mic dropped.

WvW Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Steelo.4597


just to spoil your day completely Callahan – gems sales are going to ncsoft and are prolly invested into Aion or the next GW2 expansion

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

WvW Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


just to spoil your day completely Callahan – gems sales are going to ncsoft and are prolly invested into Aion or the next GW2 expansion

oh nice. Makes me feel much better about how terrible they are doing with balance this late in the game. Thanks.

WvW Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Edward.7362



warrior is a great profession. It’s interesting to play. It’s not overly complicated, but it’s also not boring. You can do well on it (I don’t play tPvP) and have fun with it.
Everybody likes something else and some professions are utterly boring for one person and exciting for other. having said that my experience is (I have level 80 of these professions):

Elementalist: My main. You’ll have to work your a** off to play it properly. Constant attunement switches, mistakes are costly and might get you killed. You’ll get OWNED until you learn to play it decently. Also you can’t really switch weapons that means if you hafve Dagger/dagger you’ll have to go to enemy if you want to do damage – you can’t switch to ranged.
Guardian: Powerful, really good defense but… …somehow boring. It’s been ok for levelling, it has got everything I want from ideal class but somehow I just enjoy other professions more. It’s probably my build… People like to have guardians around. A very good choice.
Necromancer: Biggest faceroll ever. Just cluster your enemies and put 3874065 million AoE on the ground and they’ll die. Quickly. Two weapon choices + Death Shroud. If you like necromancer theme then go for it – easy to play and you’ll get results. (Tagging with necro in WvWvW is a laugh. Just spec for targetable Wells and use staff + Death shroud)
Warrior: Very interesting profession. Nice armor and health pool lets you go as tanky or bursty as you wish and you’ll still be viable. If you are interested, I just posted a jack-oa-all trades WvWvW build. I describe in some detail why I took what trait and occationally I write about some possible uses. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/warrior/Post-Your-Build-Thread/page/3#post2590763 I am having a huge fun with a similar build in sPvP.

My suggestion is that you create a character of each class and try them all in sPvP. You should get the feeling what “feels” right for you. For example I know rogues are extremely powerful, but I just can’t stand playing them. It’s not my cup of tea.

Desolation EU
Shandaara – elementalist, Liiana Iceclaw – warrior
Sir Edward Ironwing – guardian, Infinius Black – necro