WvW tips requested for a Warrior!

WvW tips requested for a Warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: Amoledkill.7824


Hello fellow Warriors,

I need some tips and tricks for a Warrior who is going to spend alot of time in the WvW fights soon.

My weapons of choice are a sword and a shield. I chose these simply because I believe the sword is more effective against multiple oponents than the axe. I picked the shield because I believe the shield can be very usefull in both PvP as PvE because of the blocking and extra protection.

My playstyle is much similiar to a Tank Warrior back in WoW (which I also played). Focused completely on surviving fights, I chose to focus my traits on Power, Toughness and mainly Vitallity (20/20/22 so far. Just turned lvl 72, so I don’t have all the Trait points yet). You will always find me on the frontlines of the fights.


WvW tips requested for a Warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: LieutenantGoogle.7326


Go Hammer warrior with 30 points into defense
10 – any thing
20 – Hammer reduction
30 – endure pain

Skills (condition removing heal) (adrendaline heal works as well but its a bit risky)
Precision Signet and Bull rush, rest is optional

Proceed to CC everything you see.

lv80 with skills fully unlocked, warrior, elementalist and engineer
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.

(edited by LieutenantGoogle.7326)

WvW tips requested for a Warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: Recently.1043


Honestly, i think the best way to improve for wvw, is to play sPvP. You will get your kitten handed to you at first, but if you stick to it, you will learn your class and how to fight against specific classes/builds much, much better.

I stopped playing wvw regularly a bout a month ago and switched to sPvP mostly, then came back to wvw again the past week since my guild kept asking, and it feels way too easy. I even roll full glass cannon now in wvw, which i hadn’t done previously, and never feel worried, because the average wvw player doesn’t know how to pvp optimally, compared to a regular sPvP player.

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….

WvW tips requested for a Warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: Nergrom.7592


Here’s a few wvw tips:

1. Always keep a longbow and rifle in your bag, if not using them as a main weapon. Never know when you might need them.

2. If you don’t build for good mobility, staying with a group is better. The best way not to get killed when alone is to run like hell. If they give chase, you effectively stopped a few people from completing their objectives.

3. Know the limitations of your build and work around them. If the enemy group has a d/d glass elementalist, make him a priority. If you have a sword or greatsword he’s probably the only one that can catch you if you run.

4. Never overextend. No point chasing that thief if he’s running away, you got points to cap and doors to murder. Also don’t chase too far into the enemy zerg, when you become the only red name in a large group of green, you blow up.

5. If you run with a good crit rate, eat omnomberry pies. You will be that much harder to kill, it’s just silly.

(edited by Nergrom.7592)

WvW tips requested for a Warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: Evincarr.6235


Tbh, having high survival in WvW isn’t very useful. Sure, you don’t die as often, but it’s not like you’re really defending anything like in sPvP and most of the time you’re in a real fight, you’re fighting a zerg, so survival isn’t really an option unless you run like a kitten. IMO, you’re better off going glass cannon and playing smart.

- Only run into the actual skirmish when you have your defensive CDs up.
- Pick off people on the forefront of their forces.
- Used range weapons appropriately, only use a greatsword for mobility and when you know someone is going to go down from a 100b and they can’t escape (awesome to use when people are trying to rez someone.)

With so many people being up-leveled in WvW, a warrior in full exotics can absolutely DESTROY a group of lowbies and is a veritable force to be reckoned with even when there are a couple 80s in the mix. Warrior, and for that matter melee classes in general, have to play with a little more caution than a ranged for the simple fact that once you’re in range to do what you’re meant to do, you’re also in range of getting owned in a matter of seconds. Play smart, pay attention to your surroundings and use those ranged weapons.

WvW tips requested for a Warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: Deria.9158


1. Unless you are specifically traited for roaming 1v1 fights, stay with the zerg. In a group, you’re deadly. Solo… you’re just dead if your not traited/geared for it.

2. Play smart; don’t wade into a mass of enemies unless you have a way of wading back out alive.

3. Don’t chase. You will want to. You will do it, in fact. Every time you do, though, and the tables suddenly turn on you because a group materializes in front of you and you have no support or the person your chasing fires his heal and has his offensive cooldowns expire, you’ll think back to this moment and say “oh ya, right, don’t chase.”

4. Don’t waste your time emoting laughs or tears or dancing on people’s corpses. Aside from just being lame in general, you’re wasting valuable time you could be pushing the fight more in your team’s favour.

5. Know when to die. Since siege stuff is easy to tear apart while its being built, priority one is to not let it get built in the first place. So if you see two catapults being built it might be worth taking the death if you can destroy them. Or it might not. It really depends on how far you have to run to get back to the position your defending.

6. Don’t be lame. Some people alt+f4 when it looks like they are going to lose a fight. Don’t do that. Win, or lose, but don’t be lame. The 1s66c that it costs to repair your armour isn’t a huge deal.

7. Watch for instructions from the commander. It is super-easy to get caught up in the heat of battle, but quite often a commander will call for an easy target to be ignored or for an about-to-receive-reinforcement objective to be abandoned to avoid an incoming zerg. When that happens, if you don’t notice the message in your chat window, you can find yourself suddenly alone and surrounded by 40 angry people trying to kill you. I’ve lost count of the times this has happened to me.

8. Always carry supply.

9. Always get your supply from a supply camp. Seriously, don’t take it from the towers as it slows down upgrades to the towers and leaves you without a stockpile in case you need to defend.

10. Ignore rule 9 if you are defending a tower — losing the supply is better than losing the tower, and if you still lose the tower at least the enemy won’t gain the supply from it.

(edited by Deria.9158)

WvW tips requested for a Warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: aKIRA.7123


i play a sword/shield+rifle warrior, so i have to say that sword’s all about bleeds, so you need condition damage. power is secondary (but dont completely ignore it) get it into your gear and also take a look at the arms trait line

if you arent willing to adjust your traits because you’re set on power/toughness/vit, you should probably reconsider the axe because that scales better with power. taking a 1h sword with no condition damage will just be hamstringing yourself.

Azuna Hatsue | Sonya Hayashi
Jaunty Chaps [LAD]

WvW tips requested for a Warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: Tatanka.7980


Go Hammer warrior with 30 points into defense
10 – any thing
20 – Hammer reduction
30 – endure pain

Skills (condition removing heal) (adrendaline heal works as well but its a bit risky)
Precision Signet and Bull rush, rest is optional

Proceed to CC everything you see.

what sort of build is a Hammer Warrior?

WvW tips requested for a Warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: Traitine.8713


Condition damage isn’t all that necessary if the sole objective is to survive. Presenting a target nobody can take down, drawing a small group into the jaws of an incoming zerg, or anything like that, all in the name of generally frustrating your enemies is a good tactic.

The sword & shield build I run with is a kind of support build. You can read about here if you’re interested. While my main objective is survival, my secondary objective is to help out my team as much as possible. Without seeing your build, it’s hard to give you any tips other than make sure you keep a ranged weapon (rifle/bow) as your secondary. Defending a fortification is much easier inside the walls.

80 Warrior – Akallos Traitine

WvW tips requested for a Warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: Veritas.6071


Hello fellow Warriors,

I need some tips and tricks for a Warrior who is going to spend alot of time in the WvW fights soon.

My weapons of choice are a sword and a shield. I chose these simply because I believe the sword is more effective against multiple oponents than the axe. I picked the shield because I believe the shield can be very usefull in both PvP as PvE because of the blocking and extra protection.

My playstyle is much similiar to a Tank Warrior back in WoW (which I also played). Focused completely on surviving fights, I chose to focus my traits on Power, Toughness and mainly Vitallity (20/20/22 so far. Just turned lvl 72, so I don’t have all the Trait points yet). You will always find me on the frontlines of the fights.


I didn’t read the whole thread so forgive me if I touch on something from someone else said. Survivability depends too much on your build to be easily addressed. The problem I see with your Pwr/Tough/Vit is that you’ll be tough to burst, but in an open environment, you’ll be easy to take down through attrition. A shout Tough/Heal build will survive longer fights, provided you aren’t getting heavily bursted, and your shield should help with that.

My personal opinion: Vitality serves best with dpsers because it increases your time alive in the short-term and buys them seconds to get off their big skills. Healing, if you can stay alive, will surpass vitality.

The trick is, in whatever builds you are comparing, take the difference in vitality between the two builds and difference between Heal/Second: (Vit x 10) – ((Heal/Second) x length of the fight). If it’s a positive number, Vit gives more survivabiliy in that fight. If it’s negative, your healing build is better. Be realistic with Heal/Second. You probably won’t use all your healing stuff on CD or maintain full adrenaline, so you have to weigh that on your own. Also, active defenses should be considered, but math with all those variables isn’t so great.

Note that the above also doesn’t take into account large variations in toughness, and poison will suck.

Ve·ri·tas [English ver-i-tahs] A Latin noun meaning Truth.

(edited by Veritas.6071)