WvW warrior.
On wvw as warrior u want atleast semi good armor aka 2700armor.
For 1vs1 fighting go condition dmg.
For group vs group I would recommend tanky hammer builds. U can go condition or power with hammer. If you don’t want to be melee fighter u can go condi or power longbow fella.
On group fights u don’t need so much dmg but u need to survive the hits u take. 20 people zerg will have enough AoE dmg to get enemy players down.
If u want to be medicore on bouth group and 1vs1 fights I think u should atleast try condi hammer(confusion stacking) and longbow.
Why condition? Welp condition dmg ignores armor. Allows build tanky without loosing too much dmg.
People seems using word “trolling” out of context way too often…
On wvw as warrior u want atleast semi good armor aka 2700armor.
For 1vs1 fighting go condition dmg.
For group vs group I would recommend tanky hammer builds. U can go condition or power with hammer. If you don’t want to be melee fighter u can go condi or power longbow fella.
On group fights u don’t need so much dmg but u need to survive the hits u take. 20 people zerg will have enough AoE dmg to get enemy players down.If u want to be medicore on bouth group and 1vs1 fights I think u should atleast try condi hammer(confusion stacking) and longbow.
Why condition? Welp condition dmg ignores armor. Allows build tanky without loosing too much dmg.
so what you’re saying is.. go balanced build. currently i have about 2600ish armour and 3k attack. thank you very much kind sir ^^
Would you recommend going for Rabid gear then (Condition, precision, toughness)? Or maybe settlers/apotechary (Toughness, condition, healing)? Or maybe something different? Personally I’ve been thinking of going sword and longbow with some conditions.
T/C/H build allows u to duel 30min straight with some other sustain builded class and it gets boring. They can’t kill u and u can’t kill them. This build is good in groups though.
For solo roaming take C/P/T. You get extra bleeds from crits. If u are going for this go dual swords. auto attack adds nice bleed, leap, final thrust can be ignored specially when enemy has more than 50% hp. Agony skill…. so good… kitten good… people usually tries to remove agony right away but as long as your sword is stuck on enemy it will stack the 3 extra stacks. Sword block is kinda offensive block, short cooldown, stacks bleed… really nice. Take also longbow, 5th skill root + 6 nice bleeds, use f1 on rooted enemy, walk near, use 3rd skill and blast some might to you for extra dmg.
If u go condition remember there is classes which can put your conditions from them to you, in other words, transfer conditions. It might hurt. Some transfers can’t be even blocked.
I love sword/sword + longbow soldier rune (shout build). 2k+ heals each shout and it effects teamates too. removes nicely conditions but ofc there is other fun builds out there.
Anyways I prefer Condition, percision and toughness and some items with vitality instead of toughness. Remember nothing says u can only use one type of stats. Mix a bit. 2800armor, 25000hp and condi 2000 with mixed gear is easy to get.
People seems using word “trolling” out of context way too often…
Maybe mix in some Dire then for the Condition, toughness, vitality
I’m currently running full knights armor and weapons (GS/Longbow) with 20/20/30 i have good sustainability and can do decent damage. Healing signet + Mango pies + adrenal health makes you even more tanky. I used to run a mainly PVT build but as your base health is high already getting more toughness has actually been working better for me. However i must say i play group fights mostly so if you are more looking for a 1v1 build or small group build you might better of with something else.
Just dont forget above around 2000 power it gets worth investing into precision.
It doesn’t really matter.
No amount of defense or healing or Defense line traits will avoid death when it comes for you.
Instead go full offense and grab all sorts of lockdowns you can get.
When you’re meleeing someone they usually don’t attack back but rather try to escape, so you don’t really need any defense when you’re semi-permanently meleeing someone locked down.
Roaming- I cant speak for.
Zerg wise is VERY different warrior. If you want to be useful to the group chances are that you want to be running Ptv armor with high health and armor (little damage output) and be running hammer. Its pretty much the warrior meta for WvW.
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]
Just try this build. Its easiest build to run in wvw it works great in zergs, groups of 5 and you can go solo roaming and you can deal with most classes on your own. I love the build I have over 3k attack and over 3k armor 28k health. Just give it ago its cheap as well.
If you try it or any one else let us know what you think. I been running it now for a few weeks and It just gets better as you get used to the motions of what to do. I have no problems in jumping in on a 3v1 fight and come out victorious some of the time or if not take 1 or 2 with me. Of course its wvw enemies in spvp its a dif story I have not tried it and I dont think it should be tried.
Looks interesting Loco, gonna try it out when I have the gear. I’m wondering however now with the new Dire stat if you should go with that since you’ll have a sword. Maybe it’s not enough though idk.
You want neither, you need full armor pvt and you need to beable to support.
I don’t really see the big benefit of pvt vs dire armor. And the supportive part should be no different between the 2. Please enlighten me so I get a greater understanding of things
I dont know about the dire stats, the sword and war horn I use to start a fight then maybe in the mid of a fight to get extra stamina for my dodges and at the end of a fight to catch up and kill with number 3 but it all depends how the fight is going. This build is noob proof really very easy no tricks tanky as hell and plenty of power.
Because in zergs you wont be doing a lot of condition damage…? Dire has condition damage as the main stat instead of power. You’re better off with soldiers armor on a warrior, as you dont have very good aoe condition damage outside of burning.
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]
Okey, I thought all the bleeds/burning (poison with sigil) would add up enough to get over the top of pvt with close to no crits.
Loco, dire stats are condition dmg (main) and toughness, vitality.
I’m looking for some suggestions on this build
Going full berserker in WvW is worst possible idea but hey on the bright side u learn why it is worst possible idea. By learning that you will start understand how WvW works and which things are bad there. I also went full berserker about a year ago and then started to add defensive abilities little by little. Then I went full defensive and found it a bit boring. Couldn’t be killed, can’t kill.
If you go full berserker u will have bad time but meanwhile you will learn and after you learn u will be able to build yourself. Just open your mind and be creative. GW2 allows to be like that. You don’t have to be full dps or immortal tank. You can be a mix!
People seems using word “trolling” out of context way too often…
Going full berserker in WvW is worst possible idea but hey on the bright side u learn why it is worst possible idea. By learning that you will start understand how WvW works and which things are bad there. I also went full berserker about a year ago and then started to add defensive abilities little by little. Then I went full defensive and found it a bit boring. Couldn’t be killed, can’t kill.
If you go full berserker u will have bad time but meanwhile you will learn and after you learn u will be able to build yourself. Just open your mind and be creative. GW2 allows to be like that. You don’t have to be full dps or immortal tank. You can be a mix!
I’m full berserker and I’m pretty successful in wvw
Just because you have berserker stats on your gear doesn’t mean u have to go dps oriented in everything else
Going full berserker in WvW is worst possible idea but hey on the bright side u learn why it is worst possible idea. By learning that you will start understand how WvW works and which things are bad there. I also went full berserker about a year ago and then started to add defensive abilities little by little. Then I went full defensive and found it a bit boring. Couldn’t be killed, can’t kill.
If you go full berserker u will have bad time but meanwhile you will learn and after you learn u will be able to build yourself. Just open your mind and be creative. GW2 allows to be like that. You don’t have to be full dps or immortal tank. You can be a mix!
I’m full berserker and I’m pretty successful in wvw
Just because you have berserker stats on your gear doesn’t mean u have to go dps oriented in everything else
Good for you
But overall it’s more optional to go a bit defensive. Something being optional for certain thing doesn’t mean you have to do it so enjoy your build :P
People seems using word “trolling” out of context way too often…