Zerker warrior only! on lfg site
ehhh I avoid those groups like the plague. Some of the players are skilled, but more are just bad. Zerker Eles can drop just as much dmg(if not more) than Warriors in CoF; check the Ele forum if you don’t believe me.
It’s good to vent but a solution that works for staying away from people like that is just don’t play with them. Some people take this game way to seriously and you have to forgive them for being the way some of them are.
not trying to be a jerk, but I can see why 30 points into healing shouts is bad. On another note, try not to generalize them as “zerker wars” because the fact is, a lot of good players are zerker wars because they know how to stay alive while dishing out maximum damage.
Also, even though there’s nothing wrong with signets, if you’re in a good group, you’d coordinate someone to take banners of disc and str while everyone in the party uses the elite banner (because they stack).
Not really, pin gear is to know if you are zerker or not. they don’t care if its rare or exotic as long as it’s zerker gear. because if you are not, they are pretty much losing time to let you profit.
" I whisper them once with just a " " so I can block them "
“ so tired of this unhealthy relationship going on”
seems irony
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
ehhh I avoid those groups like the plague. Some of the players are skilled, but more are just bad. Zerker Eles can drop just as much dmg(if not more) than Warriors in CoF; check the Ele forum if you don’t believe me.
Only posted this because the zerker warrior only groups have been leaking into other dungeons and it’s making me sad. Found them in ac, ta, coe, and arah too. My heart was broken when I saw all of those on the sight at the same time.
And you are 100% right about ele and thief is in the same boat. Ele in fire with all the lava fonts and +10% dmg to burning is crazy vs stationary targets. Also a thief kills the door the fastest out of any class and makes the effigy melt with perma poison. If you have a decent grenade engi in the pt and no other condition stackers, a ppc engi will also deal stupid amounts of dmg. They alone can maintain 25 stacks of bleeds and vuln while also adding on burning and poison for the added deeps. After about 5 seconds into the fight, the engi could be doing warrior calibre damage and giving the team 25% more damage permanently.
I’m sorry necros and rangers, I just can’t defend you here. Have an 80 of both as well but they just don’t shine here (my experience anyways as trying both as zerker and ppc).
So what we’re basically saying is that most classes are viable if not better than warriors in this instance.
But tbh I can tell people who are absolute morons apart from people who are half-decent…most of the time. On a couple of occasions I’ve had parties who say ALL RUBY ORBS, OR KICK!!! Even though there’s runes out there with 3-4% flat damage increases. Honestly it goes to show just how much they understand this game… treating it like WoW all the time. You will get nowhere with these people.
So what we’re basically saying is that most classes are viable if not better than warriors in this instance.
But tbh I can tell people who are absolute morons apart from people who are half-decent…most of the time. On a couple of occasions I’ve had parties who say ALL RUBY ORBS, OR KICK!!! Even though there’s runes out there with 3-4% flat damage increases. Honestly it goes to show just how much they understand this game… treating it like WoW all the time. You will get nowhere with these people.
lol. If a warrior has scholar runes, then they are probably a good warrior. Having the confidence to say you’re going to be above 90% hp most of the time is a good boast when most warriors just feel like they don’t have to dodge since they can out tank and out dps anything.
Same goes for any other class but it just seems more rare on warriors.
People have the right to make their preferred requirements etc.
You’re not forced to join them and it does not touch you in any way what that team/player do.
I hate when I say “no noobs” in my ads and people go mad on me.
Why? It’s my team so I get who I want, and if I’m not in the mood for explaining I want no noobs.
Live and let live, I hate 4zerk parties too but it’s their right to play like that.
All true but when you say no noobs, what you’re really saying and expressing to the community is that you are indeed a noob and in need of a good carrying.
Saying anyone welcome says you’re confident in your skills and have faith that anyone can be a good player if given the chance to learn and excel.
If someone straight up says it’s their first time doing a dungeon it means that they know they aren’t going to be amazing but they are willing to listen and learn. If you’re willing to be patient with me you might get a gem in the future, but for right now I’m a clump of coal waiting to be molded.
Saying zerker warrior only, link all gear, blah blah blah means, “This is my first character, I have no idea what other classes are or what they can do but they aren’t as good as me. I am da best and you all suck. Profanity. You’re all dumb cause you’re not my class with my build. I am the king of the universe.”
When I’m in a pt with 2 rangers and a necro I usually dread what’s going to come next but that doesn’t mean I’m going to leave the pt. Give those guys a chance, there might be a reason those guys are on those classes. They might know something you don’t and make the run super easy. This isn’t guaranteed for sure but everyone deserves a chance to proves themselves. Don’t judge it before you see it in action.
I’m no fan of speedruns, the ‘trinity’ profession only groups, skipping bosses and zerker only groups either…but your assumptions are way over the top, randomfightfan.
That is to say, just because I don’t run speed runs, or don’t like to always run pure zerker, or only have 3.5k achievements, don’t have 100% world completion and have only gone up to lvl 30ish fractals but run them at lvl 20ish…I don’t want people jumping to the conclusion that I’m a n00b that can’t hang with the elites or that I’m hardcore and play 6 and above hours a day. I’m just me and no need to jump to assumptions about me. So no need to jump to assumptions about other people :P
People want to run the content a certain way, and they should have the right to without being labeled something they aren’t.
I’m no fan of speedruns, the ‘trinity’ profession only groups, skipping bosses and zerker only groups either…but your assumptions are way over the top, randomfightfan.
That is to say, just because I don’t run speed runs, or don’t like to always run pure zerker, or only have 3.5k achievements, don’t have 100% world completion and have only gone up to lvl 30ish fractals but run them at lvl 20ish…I don’t want people jumping to the conclusion that I’m a n00b that can’t hang with the elites or that I’m hardcore and play 6 and above hours a day. I’m just me and no need to jump to assumptions about me. So no need to jump to assumptions about other people :P
People want to run the content a certain way, and they should have the right to without being labeled something they aren’t.
What conclusions did I jump to about you? The only people I said I now block are those that say the zerker war only link gear people. EVERY SINGLE ONE of those people I’ve done a run with made me regret it in one way or another. By the looks of your post you aren’t one of those people so I’d never assume anything about you. I might do some teasing but only in a way that you’d know I was teasing. You’d get your chance same and I give everyone a solid chance.
All true but when you say no noobs, what you’re really saying and expressing to the community is that you are indeed a noob and in need of a good carrying.
Saying anyone welcome says you’re confident in your skills and have faith that anyone can be a good player if given the chance to learn and excel.
Saying no noobs means no noobs period, I never needed to be carried especially in Arah that I can solo.
If I get a full 5 man team it’s because I want a quick clear.
Try saying “anyone welcome” in Arah and then wait 20 minutes at each skip run because you made it on first run and others need 20 tries.
Regardless of my skill, I can’t take control of other people’s characters and get them through stuff.
Realize that not everyone can stand a 3 hours-long marathon to complete a single path of a dungeon.
I’m not in my young years anymore so I can’t afford such a big waste of time due to people who spent no time learning to play their class.
It’s very egoistical to join “hard” content as a noob, especially if you don’t state it immediately because you make people waste their time.
I play games to have fun, not to babysit people; if you enjoy that all power to you, but the majority doesn’t want noobs.
Noobs is way too general of a term, used both as an insult and a measure of one’s skill. Maybe you should just clarify by asking for skilled players instead?
As for the OP, join a guild who doesn’t run cheese teams.
Saying no noobs means no noobs period, I never needed to be carried especially in Arah that I can solo.
If I get a full 5 man team it’s because I want a quick clear.
Try saying “anyone welcome” in Arah and then wait 20 minutes at each skip run because you made it on first run and others need 20 tries.
Regardless of my skill, I can’t take control of other people’s characters and get them through stuff.Realize that not everyone can stand a 3 hours-long marathon to complete a single path of a dungeon.
I’m not in my young years anymore so I can’t afford such a big waste of time due to people who spent no time learning to play their class.It’s very egoistical to join “hard” content as a noob, especially if you don’t state it immediately because you make people waste their time.
I play games to have fun, not to babysit people; if you enjoy that all power to you, but the majority doesn’t want noobs.
Not saying you have to say all welcome and take only bad players. Only saying don’t say (here’s an actual lfg I read a lil while ago) “no noobs, no whiners, no kittenes, no necro, no ranger, no thief, no engi. Link armor before you join”
Things like that or something hilarious like fractal 10 runs with ar requirements. Almost as bad is the 1st day where it was possible to get 35 ar, every lfg went from 25 ar min to 35 ar min! link or be kicked!
Sorry for rambling, back to my point. If you don’t want to have to carry someone, just say experienced players only instead of noobs will be kicked. You can kick them if they are bad but it’s not cool if you kick them even before you know what they can do.
And the last piece of advice I can give is if you can make the run but are afraid others can’t, roll a thief or mesmer. You just made it so they no longer have to run and just sped up the speed run even more. Arah is a dungeon that very much so allows 1 player to do ALL the running for the team (most paths). You may need portal guns to get the team to where you are but most of the time you’ll be given a fresh/new wp in all the necessary spots. The only path where that isn’t the case is p1, after the ooze. Although if the players can’t make that run, it’s still a very easy clear since you can kill the silvers before the run and the mini ooze die to a stiff breeze.
(edited by randomfightfan.4091)
Had a long post (too long) and we don’t need another wall. Here are some points.
- Discrimination in runs goes on all the time (no noobs, need a heavy, skilled only, 80 only, need ele for ice bow, etc). So this trend is nothing special.
- They have a point the faster they farm the better for them since you can have multiple toons, armor, weapons, and changing specs is cheap. They can assume for the benefit of time (you can’t get it back) its ok to make certain demands.
- You don’t have to run with them or associate with them. You are by no means required to party with them. There can be literally no communication with you and them besides that they don’t want certain players.
- We all have access to story mode, can complete it, and start our own parties. If that takes too long you can conform if that’s content you truly want to do quickly.
- The majority of the player base is weakly skilled (ie noobs). They tackle easy content, skip hard content, get pretty gear, and feel like they have mastered the game (they haven’t). Because the mindset is excellence through looks they will do what the need to to get better looking gear that is harder to get or looks “cool”.
- That pretty armor cost gold or some type of currency. They would like to get a quickly to show off to others and/or for personal satisfaction. They paid for the game same as you and you have every right to do the same, differently, care, or not care but what you don’t have a right to do is impede their game play as they do not impede yours.
- No one is ever going to agree with you 100% I suggest getting over this and not posting about it further. It’s a waist of time and not really worth discussing as their are strong merits to their actions given their end goal is cash and getting it quickly.
To note I have no full zerker sets. I run what ever I feel like and run my own parties. I carry whoever because it just makes things easier for me. Since I usually dictate what my group is doing or join groups where everyone is self reliant and doesn’t really care what others run.
One last thing. This is an inherent flaw of a system without specified roles being necessary. All content to some degree is designed around DPS being the only players in the party. Support is simply not necessary but nice to have for some content however at the same time support in general can’t carry a party but just a single player. “If content is too easy add more DPS”, is a general principle for all mmos so learn to accept it if you can.
Lol the other day I say a requirement for fractals 40+ must be in PVT Gear. I think it cuts all ways/ Player really just want to get through content fast and easily if possible.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
(edited by TheGuy.3568)
ehhh I avoid those groups like the plague. Some of the players are skilled, but more are just bad. Zerker Eles can drop just as much dmg(if not more) than Warriors in CoF; check the Ele forum if you don’t believe me.
Would you mind giving a link for that? Cuz’ I find it really hard to believe. And can’t find anything about it in the Ele section.
ehhh I avoid those groups like the plague. Some of the players are skilled, but more are just bad. Zerker Eles can drop just as much dmg(if not more) than Warriors in CoF; check the Ele forum if you don’t believe me.
Would you mind giving a link for that? Cuz’ I find it really hard to believe. And can’t find anything about it in the Ele section.
Well there is the whole “drop a lightning hammer for the mesmer” so both the elementalist and the mesmer are doing warrior-axe damage during the timewarp. I’d consider the damage improvement of the mesmer as the elementalist’s contribution.
People have the right to make their preferred requirements etc.
You’re not forced to join them and it does not touch you in any way what that team/player do.I hate when I say “no noobs” in my ads and people go mad on me.
Why? It’s my team so I get who I want, and if I’m not in the mood for explaining I want no noobs.Live and let live, I hate 4zerk parties too but it’s their right to play like that.
Thing is, that I would never party with you no matter my experience level in any given dungeon, just for putting that quote out there. “No noobs” doesn’t put you in a good light. Why not type something more neutral/less pejorative as “looking for experienced players only , please.” See? Then I would party with you if I find myself experienced enough in whatever dungeon/instance you may be venturing.
Noob is in general a negative term, which I never use to rightly describe anyone, and I won’t play with anyone who feels is OK to deem others as such.
I am not trying to be harsh or critical-it’s your life, and your choices, so I’m just letting you know how some of us may be perceiving your posted words. And I also believe in play and let play, BTW, so I don’t care about those pseudo-elite players looking for the right party for 30 minutes (what a waste of time :P); let them be happy with their feelings of superiority, but you will certainly in no way see me partying with them, no matter my skill level and/or experience (which is certainly NOT related to specific gear.)
I don’t believe for an instant an ele is doing anywhere near warrior level damage regardless of spec. their damage is all over the place because, regardless of weapon, they need to stack condition and power for various skills at the same time. While Lava Font and shower are amazing damage and combined can do about what 100b does, their auto attack is dreadful.
But as numerous people have said in this thread, simply don’t join with them. This is why guilds were created. Join a guild group or join a different guild that runs these places. Or get a berserker’s set if need be.
I think the problem comes from you wanting to be part of a speed run group while not tailoring yourself to best compliment the group. This isn’t the group’s problem, it’s yours.
When all is said and done, we’re talking mere minutes of difference between a 4x serkers + mesmer group and a 4 rangers + guardian group. Our time was 8 minutes as the warriors (record being 7.5?) and with the ranger group (mine was in magic find….) was only 12minutes.
If you don’t want to play the part, don’t try to join the group. It’s that simple.
Just avoid those goups, they’re usually full of unsocial elitists, who are quick to blame and complain when something goes wrong anyways. I run 10 0 30 30 P/T/V + healing, hammer/rifle shout warrior build and never had anyone complain, because I’m always the first one buffing/healing/removing conditions/CC’ing/tanking and ressing more squishy party members and I’m not pretending to be what I’m not.
I don’t believe for an instant an ele is doing anywhere near warrior level damage regardless of spec. their damage is all over the place because, regardless of weapon, they need to stack condition and power for various skills at the same time. While Lava Font and shower are amazing damage and combined can do about what 100b does, their auto attack is dreadful.
Again, have you checked Lightning Hammer?
It’s only downfall is you lose all of an elementalist’s versatility when you use one…but in CoF path 1, where damage is the only important factor, who cares?
Same with a lot of the other conjures: Ice bow and Fiery GS are stupid ridiculous on things with large hit boxes, but again, you lose all versatility of the profession.
(edited by Leo G.4501)
Thing is, that I would never party with you no matter my experience level in any given dungeon, just for putting that quote out there. “No noobs” doesn’t put you in a good light. Why not type something more neutral/less pejorative as “looking for experienced players only , please.
” See? Then I would party with you if I find myself experienced enough in whatever dungeon/instance you may be venturing.
Noob is in general a negative term, which I never use to rightly describe anyone, and I won’t play with anyone who feels is OK to deem others as such.
I am not trying to be harsh or critical-it’s your life, and your choices, so I’m just letting you know how some of us may be perceiving your posted words. And I also believe in play and let play, BTW, so I don’t care about those pseudo-elite players looking for the right party for 30 minutes (what a waste of time :P); let them be happy with their feelings of superiority, but you will certainly in no way see me partying with them, no matter my skill level and/or experience (which is certainly NOT related to specific gear.)
So it’s about semantics and political correctness.
If I say “no noobs” it’s world’s end but “experienced only”, which is exactly the same thing, is ok. Hmm..
Btw it’s really not about gear. If you’re skilled you can show up in greens.
That’s the awesome of GW2, skill plays a much bigger role in the game than gear.
I have a guildie who joined my frac 40 daily and managed to never go down with 0 AR and rare/exotic gear.
That’s a “no noob” for me, someone who can hold his own and won’t need me to hold his hand (especially since I’m a Warrior, I need to use my time maximizing DPS).
I avoid those lfms. Bit too stuck up and the linking of gear, lol.
All welcome are better and rarely have any problems. May as well as get the dungeon run and farmed rather than wait for another.
I just want a person new to the dungeon to tell me up front if I start the group. I don’t care about your spec or other stuff. Just tell me that you are new to the dungeon. I don’t kick just because you are new, just want to know how much direction needs to be provided.
(edited by CreativeAnarchy.6324)
I understand you want 4 zerker warriors and a mesmer. I understand you not wanting anything else. I DON’T understand why even if I bring my zerker warrior, you refuse to start the dungeon until I link EVERY piece of my armor, and are willing to kick anyone and wait another 5 mins until you find that perfect warrior. I DON’T understand why you act like jerks (not all of you but it happens way to often) to people with some build that isn’t yours or who has something like 30 points into healing shouts. I DON’T understand why you rage if someone wants to bring a zerker thief or something but don’t give a kitten if the mes is wearing all lvl 1 whites.
I know not all warriors are like this (probably most of you aren’t) but lots of angry people have given you a bad name. It is to the point that every time I see a post on the lfg site saying zerker war only, link gear, I whisper them once with just a " " so I can block them and move on… and I know I’m not the only one who does this. I want to go back to being e.l.e (everybody loving everybody), so tired of this unhealthy relationship going on
On this last sentence I have an anecdote. Keep in mind, I’ve got no problem pinging gear if that’s the stipulation on the lfgsite. I generally avoid those groups because in my experience too much time is spent waiting for the group to fill and the runs do not go any smoother.
So, yesterday I was hanging out in Lion’s Arch, crafting some levels on an alt when I got a whisper from somebody on my friends list that I had run CoF with before, asking “wanna do CoF?”
“Sure, lemme switch” I said, then dropped from the party I was in, switched to my warrior, accepted the new party invite and ported to the dungeon entrance b/c it was uncontested. My warrior is wearing full CoF zerker armor w/ruby orbs, axe/mace, and Twilight. Trinkets are ascended DPS pieces except for the earrings. I’ve probably acquired close to 6K CoF tokens in the past few months, so I think it’s fair to say that I’m familiar with the dungeon run.
Group is guardian (the guy who invited me), mesmer, warrior & me. They were already inside. A 5th warrior joins, links all his gear and somebody starts the NPCs. While waiting at the first door, the new warrior says, “Doesn’t a guardian make this slower.” “No,” I said, sticking up for the dude that invited me because past experience was that he did just fine. The guardian said something to the effect of “watch & learn.”
Somebody does a banner check & we have double strength, so I link discipline (just as somebody else does). Lols all around. Go through the door and it goes OK, couple of people get downed. Fight the first boss and it goes alright. Not blazing speed, but not bad. Run through to the acolyte room no problem, kill them and get through the tunnel. I remind the warriors to use FGJ at the end of the hall & when we get there the other 4 people in the group run to the braziers. So I switch out my discipline banner for frenzy & go to the controller. Kill it no problem & run into the last boss.
Fight starts, banners drop, but there’s no discipline banner b/c I couldn’t switch out. Mesmer rages “WHERE’S DISCIPLINE kitten ” Others say, “Pox linked it.” I said, “Switched it for frenzy for the controller.” Boss dies we leave & start another run.
This time we clear the first two fights no problem & get to the acolytes. The new warrior asks the mesmer & other warrior to link gear. Guardian says, they don’t have to they run with me all the time. Then one of them says, “Pox link gear.” Keep in mind, this is during the fight. I say, “Hehe” & link a blue zerker bow dropped during the first run. Then the guardian tells me to link my gear. I say, “Why should I, you invited me to this group.” “No you joined from lfgsite.” I reply, “Scroll up in you chat window.” “Why won’t you link your gear.” I say, “linking gear during a dungeon fight is dumb.” New warrior says, “kick him if he doesn’t link.” I laugh then see the loading screen.
Once out get a whisper from the guardian that invited me. “Why didn’t you link your gear?” I said, “Eff you. You invited me to the group.” “Because you know it’s garbage,” he said. So I linked some armor pieces, told him eat a D, then blocked him.
I’m seriously considering keeping some low level blues for a different class in my bag just in case I run into another jerk that starts demanding a gear check during the middle of a run AFTER inviting me to the group.
TL;DR: Even people who you have grouped with before can turn into raging kittens at the drop of a hat.
Knights of the WhiteWolf
Block me. i was probably the one who started the ‘ping your gear or kick’ trend.
Pretty fun to see everyone calling me an elitist and blocking me and whispering me with rage comments after I kick them.
But then again, my standards were of equal or lower standards than that of GW1. If you went to GW1, you’d really be crying.
To get an idea, most end-game hard mode dungeon groups often require voice chat to be in the group. They often ask to ping gear and build. In PvP, you’d need to type /rank to show you have a certain rank. etc..
It makes me laugh when GW2 is the only game I’ve played when I was ever been called an elitist. Not like my standards have changed. Fun how gw2 is so dumbed down that there almost is no more standards. People think it works because GW2 is such a zerg game where people cannot even see how inefficient their build is. I’ve even seen bleed axe warriors. Of course, that’s an insta-kick for me.
(edited by Phira.3970)
Block me. i was probably the one who started the ‘ping your gear or kick’ trend.
Pretty fun to see everyone calling me an elitist and blocking me and whispering me with rage comments after I kick them.
But then again, my standards were of equal or lower standards than that of GW1. If you went to GW1, you’d really be crying.
To get an idea, most end-game hard mode dungeon groups often require voice chat to be in the group. They often ask to ping gear and build. In PvP, you’d need to type /rank to show you have a certain rank. etc..
It makes me laugh when GW2 is the only game I’ve played when I was ever been called an elitist. Not like my standards have changed. Fun how gw2 is so dumbed down that there almost is no more standards. People think it works because GW2 is such a zerg game where people cannot even see how inefficient their build is. I’ve even seen bleed axe warriors. Of course, that’s an insta-kick for me.
Whats the point of your post again? Your talking about one path or incredibly easy content that many feel should be done quickly for farming purposes. On top of hat most of the content is this game’s dungeons doesn’t work best all zerker all the time and you know that. However you come place a target on your back and tell people to block and ignore you or pm rage if they see fit (that’s trolling my dear). While i don’t necessarily agree with your way of doing things I see the logic. However i wonder why should i place you on a proverbial pedestal when I get through content fine the way i do things? What makes your opinion more important? Who criticizes your build I wonder?
“Not like my standards have changed.” ohh but haven’t they? Kicking people on easy content that a child could do (no offense to children) for not having the gear, build, class etc. that you feel is optimal is normal to you. Isn’t that different that tackling hard mode (which could be difficult at times) which required “skills”, particular setups, team work, etc. By the estimation of most you have greatly reduced your standards to picking on the weak vs searching for the strong. It might seem like the same thing but it is different.
Remember smart player (like yourself) optimize runs and hope nothing goes wrong. Strong players just carry the team and don’t care if things go wrong they can handle it. I think its a tad bit childish to come here and try and incite anger from the community wouldn’t you agree being that you are so smart? :-)
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
I don’t care if you can clear any content. You can take 2 hours to clear fotm, and I will not call you successful. You are playing too defensively and too safe. It’s like swim floaties. You don’t know how to dodge so you resort to tanky gears which ultimately slows your team down.
I don’t care if you can clear any content. You can take 2 hours to clear fotm, and I will not call you successful. You are playing too defensively and too safe. It’s like swim floaties. You don’t know how to dodge so you resort to tanky gears which ultimately slows your team down.
On the swim analogy, I’d say you’re like those guys that go swimming and all you want to do is race to see who can finish a lap fastest or dive the most professionally…
…honestly, I’ve never gone swimming with people like that though but I can tell you, if one of my friends wanted to do that all day instead of who makes the biggest splash or goofy games like marco polo or chicken, I probably wouldn’t go swimming with them too often
I guess it’d be asking too much to just calm the kitten down and do a relaxed run instead since this is a game not a job.
Thing is, that I would never party with you no matter my experience level in any given dungeon, just for putting that quote out there. “No noobs” doesn’t put you in a good light. Why not type something more neutral/less pejorative as “looking for experienced players only , please.
” See? Then I would party with you if I find myself experienced enough in whatever dungeon/instance you may be venturing.
Noob is in general a negative term, which I never use to rightly describe anyone, and I won’t play with anyone who feels is OK to deem others as such.
I am not trying to be harsh or critical-it’s your life, and your choices, so I’m just letting you know how some of us may be perceiving your posted words. And I also believe in play and let play, BTW, so I don’t care about those pseudo-elite players looking for the right party for 30 minutes (what a waste of time :P); let them be happy with their feelings of superiority, but you will certainly in no way see me partying with them, no matter my skill level and/or experience (which is certainly NOT related to specific gear.)
So it’s about semantics and political correctness.
If I say “no noobs” it’s world’s end but “experienced only”, which is exactly the same thing, is ok. Hmm..Btw it’s really not about gear. If you’re skilled you can show up in greens.
That’s the awesome of GW2, skill plays a much bigger role in the game than gear.
I have a guildie who joined my frac 40 daily and managed to never go down with 0 AR and rare/exotic gear.
That’s a “no noob” for me, someone who can hold his own and won’t need me to hold his hand (especially since I’m a Warrior, I need to use my time maximizing DPS).
I love holding hands and helping others, though. However, I understand your point of view; we are just different.
Indeed, your Guildie is a good example of experience/acquired skills over “uber gear”, which is usually a subjective value as well (for some, not having full Exotic/Ascended Berserker’s is not “uber” enough, and thus “not worthy”.)
But yes, semantics help a lot, because it’s not what we say, but how we say it. I don’t like playing with people with serious attitude problems (not saying you do, as I don’t know you at all and have no right to judge you.) So if there’s even a hint of arrogance/self-entitlement/etc., I just won’t bother playing with such a person, no matter how good or experienced that player (or I) could be-even if you aren’t that kind of person, I am wary of any bad signals like that, that could just be avoided with a different wording (feel free to disagree, though-I am sure many others don’t mind as much as I do.)
I don’t know why people are still crying about the whole “4zerk warr/1mes” groups. Some people simply like to min/max and it’s their choice, so let them. When I’m feeling impatient or in a particular mood, I’ll take my zerk mesmer and join only those zerk warr groups. When I have more time or feeling helpful, then I’ll join some newbie or non-optimal group. I’m leveling up a level 35 warrior currently, and you can be sure that I’ll zerk it out, as well as carry PVT gear for other situations when she turns 80.
The point of my post is that you have a choice to start your own dam group if you don’t like other people’s setups. So stop complaining that you get kicked because you play a ranger or that you’d rather roll a more defensive warrior.
Death and Taxes [DnT] |
Block me. i was probably the one who started the ‘ping your gear or kick’ trend.
Pretty fun to see everyone calling me an elitist and blocking me and whispering me with rage comments after I kick them.
But then again, my standards were of equal or lower standards than that of GW1. If you went to GW1, you’d really be crying.
To get an idea, most end-game hard mode dungeon groups often require voice chat to be in the group. They often ask to ping gear and build. In PvP, you’d need to type /rank to show you have a certain rank. etc..
It makes me laugh when GW2 is the only game I’ve played when I was ever been called an elitist. Not like my standards have changed. Fun how gw2 is so dumbed down that there almost is no more standards. People think it works because GW2 is such a zerg game where people cannot even see how inefficient their build is. I’ve even seen bleed axe warriors. Of course, that’s an insta-kick for me.
…and while you’ll be wasting your time, worrying about all that we’ll be running whatever build we like and, you know, having fun with it. The only thing that slows down the run in any significant manner is the wipes, which are common occurrence in full on zerker parties.
OP dont play with people like those. They sound like they’re treating the game like work.
And now we begin to see the large disparity between hardcore players and casuals.
And now we begin to see the large disparity between hardcore players and casuals.
You should have read my first post more carefully. How can you call yourself hardcore if you do easy content? (this is much more direct). As I quote you saying “And the other day, I landed a 23k eviscerate in CoF. And a 47.5k hundred blade in CoF. I’m awesome.” which is impressive but is is CoF. I have yet to see you mention this about other runs you also said earlier “If you’re awesome like me and can make it through CoF p1 farm w/o getting hit once,” While I do like to see warrior pride to me it seems you apply this some what narrow view in one setting.
Let me expand a bit. This class has a lot of defensive options while having full zerker. Many would cal this the easy class to go glass on as the hp poll is big and we have invulnerable states to fall back on. How can you as a hardcore player think that playing this class zerker = something hardcore. I would truly like to know. Like i said before it seems you came here to troll and I get that but at the same time I would like to see if there is a rational individual behind those inflammatory statements.
If you lack the capability to respond what I asked don’t bother responding at all I rather not read dribble about how much “deeps” you do and rather engage in true conversation.
I don’t care if you can clear any content. You can take 2 hours to clear fotm, and I will not call you successful. You are playing too defensively and too safe. It’s like swim floaties. You don’t know how to dodge so you resort to tanky gears which ultimately slows your team down.
If you read my first post (I realize you didn’t. That’s ok its is difficult for some) you would realize that there is some truth in what you say when it comes to easy content. Alas not all content is easy and having individuals who do steady damage and do not need rezing can and many times does mean more dps. For example if a zerker goes down in most cases another player must actively drop all dps and defensive measures ie you cant dodge while rezing to rez the now downed offensive player.
Many runs on ele and warrior end with me soloing the bosses. This happens so often now that I refuse to run zerker as those runs simply take longer on difficult content. The runs where I can carry the team with my mediocre 3500 power 55% crit 50% crit chance seem to go smoother ( don’t run CoF path 1 much I like harder content).
Swimming is a bad analogy as I prefer to take boats when in the water no point getting wet imho.
Sorry last edit I don’t like double posting.
What makes you hardcore? I have seen in your post history you have mentioned it a few times so what exactly makes you hardcore(hour played, content completed, legendary weapon)? Elaborate.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
(edited by TheGuy.3568)
Shame they allow skipping.
More rewards for the ability of running and ignoring the challenges.
Shame they allow skipping.
More rewards for the ability of running and ignoring the challenges.
GW1 was a lot about running too.
Running requires skill if the whole track is filled with knockdowns, slowdowns, oneshots and whatnot.
It’s still a mini-game that many (me included) enjoy a lot.
Phira got a point btw.
In GW1 we required a lot of things, yet it wasn’t any less fun.
I actually find it odd that nobody says his build in LFGs.
For example “Guardian LFG”.
Yes but a GS glass cannon that wants to be carried, a consecration spammer, AH boon spammer, pure of voice, RHS/Support, or what else?
“Guardian” can mean a corpse I need to carry on my shoulder or a great team member.
We should really reinstate that policy that you need to explain what you do, at least the team leader can make a balanced team instead of stacking 2 condition necros and 1 ranger that overwrite each other, 1 signet warrior, and then me, the poor guy who needs to carry these four corpses.
If a group leader demanded that I link all my gear when joining a party I’d immediately leave. Just ignore narrow minded players and move on.
Calm down.
Sure easy content. Anyone can clear CoF, but who can clear CoF efficiently? A few. How about: Killing Effigy (last boss in CoF) in 8 seconds. It takes a bit more than skills to achieve that (combination of skill, coordination, and theory craft).
And don’t get me wrong. I do want to do hard content, but… there is no hard content that is worthwhile. And to answer your question of ‘how hardcore is phira?’ I’m so hardcore (should I have been more modest?) that I completed everything that I now have nothing to do but to farm CoF until they implement new content.
I quit sPvP around 2nd month afterGW2 release (as did 90% of the spvp community has due to gw2 dev favoring casual content patches rather than hardcore player patches. Huge disappointment that this is supposed to be GW1’s successor. Many have even returned to GW1. Maybe I should do the same.)
And Fotm? Reached 40. Realized the majority of fotm players are just carried rather than reaching their level through skills. Mainly quit because I’m tired of carrying. I will, however, probably return to Fotm after cof is nerfed (probably this patch) because they implemented an option to invite other players. So yay, now I can kick those leeches (mf gear or skill-less players). Also, I’ve done fotm a bit more now as I needed ascended rings for my other 80s.
And WvW. Did quite a bit of that. Interesting to see how Jade Quarry became #1 server just as I moved to Jade Quarry. But … Zerg fest is just not hardcore content. I would go to WoW if I wanted to do zerg. But I quit somewherebecause there isn’t really any ladder to show how much I’ve contributed to WvW so I quit WvW.
So I really have nothing to do but CoF until they fix some things up.
Now, the main reason why I am hardcore is because I theory craft. Who actually does math so they can clear CoF faster?
And picture of /age and some items (note: That’s just 1 character. And that 40 fotm was achieved about months and months ago as I mentioned earlier.)
Any questions?
Holy moly grind out a computer from this millennium.
(edited by Nilgoow.1037)
Calm down.
Sure easy content. Anyone can clear CoF, but who can clear CoF efficiently? A few. How about: Killing Effigy (last boss in CoF) in 8 seconds. It takes a bit more than skills to achieve that (combination of skill, coordination, and theory craft).
And don’t get me wrong. I do want to do hard content, but… there is no hard content that is worthwhile. And to answer your question of ‘how hardcore is phira?’ I’m so hardcore (should I have been more modest?) that I completed everything that I now have nothing to do but to farm CoF until they implement new content.
I quit sPvP around 2nd month afterGW2 release (as did 90% of the spvp community has due to gw2 dev favoring casual content patches rather than hardcore player patches. Huge disappointment that this is supposed to be GW1’s successor. Many have even returned to GW1. Maybe I should do the same.)
And Fotm? Reached 40. Realized the majority of fotm players are just carried rather than reaching their level through skills. Mainly quit because I’m tired of carrying. I will, however, probably return to Fotm after cof is nerfed (probably this patch) because they implemented an option to invite other players. So yay, now I can kick those leeches (mf gear or skill-less players). Also, I’ve done fotm a bit more now as I needed ascended rings for my other 80s.
And WvW. Did quite a bit of that. Interesting to see how Jade Quarry became #1 server just as I moved to Jade Quarry. But … Zerg fest is just not hardcore content. I would go to WoW if I wanted to do zerg. But I quit somewherebecause there isn’t really any ladder to show how much I’ve contributed to WvW so I quit WvW.
So I really have nothing to do but CoF until they fix some things up.
Now, the main reason why I am hardcore is because I theory craft. Who actually does math so they can clear CoF faster?
And picture of /age and some items (note: That’s just 1 character. And that 40 fotm was achieved about months and months ago as I mentioned earlier.)
Any questions?
No one is excited.
Big Smile No anger here just some insight.
I expected as much. You are indeed a “hardcore” player. Now that wealth of time and experience that could be spent bettering the community you spend kicking new members. Now I understand you are so “hardcore” you all but carried every party member you ever had to FOTM 41 (you’re shoulder must be tired). I jest, but on a serious note all players no matter the builds theory craft to some extent. Every time someone shares a build they found that works and post a guide they are theory crafting. I don’t mean to undermine your efforts but many of us do it frequently so I wonder why you feel so “special”.
WvW I cannot disagree on the big servers ( I am from blackgate) it is a “zergfest”, but many of us have devoted a great deal of time to it. Much like Spvp there is no better enemy than one that is as smart or smarter than you. Even if you felt the “community” wasn’t there you would be the first “hardcore” layer I have heard of that wasn’t actively involved in any sort of PvP anymore. For that matter literally opting yourself out of anything challenging (now is that truly “hardcore”?). Even the most frustrated pvpers stuck with it. Perhaps you are dedicated to the time but not the effort (efficiency also means looking for the easiest way).
Now by no means is this an attack on you I can clearly see you are rich in both knowledge and coin. However, I cant help but wonder what type player puts down other players. With all that time to play and coin you could literally be making a name for yourself as a leader in your class (see daphoenix for eles as a good example). You could be a commander in WvW on a server with so many good commanders its hard to stand out thus making it a bigger challenge. You could even devote all that time to FOTM and you have not conquered the tower yet by any means.
However, what you have claimed to do (as I have no proof you really started the trend) is optimized the “easiest” bit of content in the game and made it so that players should be excluded if they don’t play warrior or mesmer ikittenerker set of armor with one or maybe 2 builds being viable.
I do concede at the very least you are hardcore. However, your efforts might not be lauded as loud in the streets (…chat in this instance) as they are in your own head.
Scootabuser.4915’s 10G/HR CoF Path 1 Farming [Guide] is a decent example of having your logic but being mindful of other players (especially newbies). I find the conversations in that thread mirror this own.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
(edited by TheGuy.3568)
Never seen problems in elitist parties.
There is tons of mixed parties in local Fireheart Rise channel with all kinds of crazy group setups, if anyone want run as some ranger, or support warrior, or something else exotic. 10-15 min per run. When i’m in mood for trying something nontrivial or run on my alt, i going with them.
And there is lfg groups for speedruns with strict setup, strict tactic, gearchecks – for 5-8min per run. I go here when i want exactly this – quick, clean, smooth speedrun. Not adapt to new tactics because of the presence of a unusual class, not change anything in the run because someone wearing a different equipment or made exotic build. I want come here, do the work according to a strict scenario, receive payment and leave.
25 charracters
(edited by Rednik.3809)
Actually I did post several guides on CoF farm. For the most part, it was ignored with almost everyone questioning my logic (well okay, I have the fastest CoF video on youtube, and I showed you the math, what more do you need?) So I’m trying to help new players, but they ignore me and call me this and that. Well okay, who’s shunning who?
As for theory crafting, sure, just posting a build is theory crafting. So why should I feel special for my theory crafting? Because I did all the math calculations. I don’t just post “this is the best build” w/o proof.
And, I do not promote the 1 mesmer 4 warrior set up. That is a cliche. I have posted videos of elementalist, guardians, thieves, rangers doing it just as fast as warriors. But even with videos and threads, that hardly influenced the stereotypical view of how to run cof farm.
As for sPvP. No, most players , even the hardcore players left. You know the person that does the interview for sPvP with the sPvP game dev? He quit the game also. I tried to promote my ideas on what exactly sPvP needs to be great like in GW1, but I doubt my ideas are even reaching the devs through this forum.
As for whether I’m not contributing to the community, well, I do put a lot of work into improving the standards of CoF. And I guess I’m partly successful in that almost everyone is requiring gear check now. And I put a lot of work into theory crafting to show some misconceptions in this game, such as Rune of Rage is one of the weakest DPS rune and that stacking crit. dmg isn’t necessarily great. But who listens? A very, verryy small percentage of people. Hardcore players and casuals just don’t seem to mix very well while casual guides made by and for casuals seem to do the trick. And they are full of misinformation, such as the guide you linked. 10 second slave driver kill and not 6 like mine? Hybrid Gs-> axe warrior builds? And mesmer has wrong utilties. From what I saw, everyone had wrong weapon set up. The thief was rather slow at gating. Slow effigy kill. Bad mesmer TW timing. And the part that bugs me the most: 10g in 1 hour. Even in a perfect 1 hour run with no contested breaks,you’d get around 7.5g. That’s misinformation. But I guess because this person has better video editing skills than me and had music in the background, casuals are drawn to it.
(edited by Phira.3970)
OP dont play with people like those. They sound like they’re treating the game like work.
I think this actually is coming pretty close to hitting the nail on the head. Now I have a fully zerkered warrior, and I sometimes rukittenerg warrior groups. However, when I do so, it is purely to grind out told as quickly as possible. I wouldn’t necessarily call it fun; it can be satisfying, but only in terms of achieving good efficiency, not in terms of conquering new content.
Given that the aim of these groups is to get gold, and time is money, I have no problems with the group construction.
Nobody to my knowledge is preventing you enjoying the CoF content in terms of completing it and enjoying it, and if they are, that’s something entirely different to the 4 Zerg phenomenon.
If you’re not a zerk warrior, and refuse to get on board for these groups, then find another way to make gold, or join a different, satisfying dungeon.
And, importantly, probably have more fun!
I will respond to each part (not argue respond) as full fledged answers deserve a full response.
Actually I did post several guides on CoF farm. For the most part, it was ignored with almost everyone questioning my logic (well okay, I have the fastest CoF video on youtube, and I showed you the math, what more do you need?) So I’m trying to help new players, but they ignore me and call me this and that. Well okay, who’s shunning who?
While I agree that many new players are thick headed ( I recall how many times I have told parties to just melee this or range that in AC) they still need to be taught. I don’t think anyone will blame you for kicking, ignoring, or otherwise ostracizing someone who is making a run harder. However at the same time education requires patience and given the number post asking for build help there are many who want to learn. Remember no matter how many times you get called kitten mother effer or something along those lines the most derogatory term we have is “Noob” + kick nothing hits harder than that.
As for post going ignored I think many of us have had that happen. Successful guides are simple direct and easy to understand but even then sometimes no one wants to read.
As for theory crafting, sure, just posting a build is theory crafting. So why should I feel special for my theory crafting? Because I did all the math calculations. I don’t just post “this is the best build” w/o proof.
And, I do not promote the 1 mesmer 4 warrior set up. That is a cliche. I have posted videos of elementalist, guardians, thieves, rangers doing it just as fast as warriors. But even with videos and threads, that hardly influenced the stereotypical view of how to run cof farm.
Well many theory crafters do math (including myself for that matter) so I can’t say it anything less than necessary.
Now remember I actually agreed with you about the min/max of it all. 4 Warrior zerkers + a memser is excessively efficient. I won’t argue that at all. “They have a point the faster they farm the better for them since you can have multiple toons, armor, weapons, and changing specs is cheap. They can assume for the benefit of time (you can’t get it back) its ok to make certain demands.”
As for sPvP. No, most players , even the hardcore players left. You know the person that does the interview for sPvP with the sPvP game dev? He quit the game also. I tried to promote my ideas on what exactly sPvP needs to be great like in GW1, but I doubt my ideas are even reaching the devs through this forum.
Well we can agree to disagree here as there are many hardcore sPvP players still fighting the good fight. We have all promoted many of the same ideas (proper leader boards, death match, 3v3 etc etc). This is off topic but I stand by what i said originally as it is a conundrum to me.
As for whether I’m not contributing to the community, well, I do put a lot of work into improving the standards of CoF. And I guess I’m partly successful in that almost everyone is requiring gear check now. And I put a lot of work into theory crafting to show some misconceptions in this game, such as Rune of Rage is one of the weakest DPS rune and that stacking crit. dmg isn’t necessarily great. But who listens? That’s misinformation. But I guess because this person has better video editing skills than me and had music in the background, casuals are drawn to it.
I only posed the question given your resources if you could do more (you by no means have to). Wealth and knowledge are primary in leadership in this game. However, like I said before 1 path in one dungeon seems lacking given your wealth, apparent aptitude, and desire to share. Its not hard to argue that even as a solo player in WvW simply having a commander title and the knowledge to use it can make even zerg v zerg environment intellectually challenging as tactics, decoys, and other measure all play a role in WvW.
Not to defend the other post (it is not mine) but it should be noted he says its a beginners guide and that better tactics are out there. Also note he said he designed the guide for casuals so that they would learn. Its true the better video editing, music, etc are all fluff, but that fluff shows (in quite a funny way I might add) a level of dedication that would only be necessary when teaching some one not as dedicated as yourself. In layman’s terms he made it pretty so they wouldn’t get bored.
Edited for lenght
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
Shame they allow skipping.
More rewards for the ability of running and ignoring the challenges.GW1 was a lot about running too.
Running requires skill if the whole track is filled with knockdowns, slowdowns, oneshots and whatnot.
It’s still a mini-game that many (me included) enjoy a lot.Phira got a point btw.
In GW1 we required a lot of things, yet it wasn’t any less fun.
I actually find it odd that nobody says his build in LFGs.
For example “Guardian LFG”.
Yes but a GS glass cannon that wants to be carried, a consecration spammer, AH boon spammer, pure of voice, RHS/Support, or what else?
“Guardian” can mean a corpse I need to carry on my shoulder or a great team member.We should really reinstate that policy that you need to explain what you do, at least the team leader can make a balanced team instead of stacking 2 condition necros and 1 ranger that overwrite each other, 1 signet warrior, and then me, the poor guy who needs to carry these four corpses.
Yes, GW2 suffers from the same problem GW1 suffer.
Mob drops aren’t worth the time to kill them, so people kill the least amount possible.
And people run because it is easier to run while obtaining the same rewards.
Also what are you doing running with PUGs?
Can’t find 4 regulars to play with?
Never seen problems in elitist parties.
There is tons of mixed parties in local Fireheart Rise channel with all kinds of crazy group setups, if anyone want run as some ranger, or support warrior, or something else exotic. 10-15 min per run. When i’m in mood for trying something nontrivial or run on my alt, i going with them.
And there is lfg groups for speedruns with strict setup, strict tactic, gearchecks – for 5-8min per run. I go here when i want exactly this – quick, clean, smooth speedrun. Not adapt to new tactics because of the presence of a unusual class, not change anything in the run because someone wearing a different equipment or made exotic build. I want come here, do the work according to a strict scenario, receive payment and leave.
People need to stop being so sensitive. There is not a lack of people willing to run CoF no matter what your build or class is.
Be thankful.
It is too bad some of the other dungeons don’t have the participation level that this dungeon has.
^ Correct. I have even posted a guide for Elementalists with a video and math that shows Elementalists outdamage Warriors with Lightning Hammer. And actually, with proper gearing, you will be doing 7-11k crit. on the last hit.
Not saying you have to say all welcome and take only bad players. Only saying don’t say (here’s an actual lfg I read a lil while ago) “no noobs, no whiners, no kittenes, no necro, no ranger, no thief, no engi. Link armor before you join”
I think it’s fine if someone makes a post like that, but they had better live up to the post’s standards themselves.