(edited by zMajc.4659)
Zmajc's Axe/Axe + GS/BoW Fractal build
Immersion points 10/10
I hoped for more feedback :P
Did a few more fractals with the build and so far i’m enjoying it much more than the standard meta. The loss of mace knockdown is slightly annoying but not a big problem
I’m using the same build, except I have 25 in arms and 15 in strength for building momentum trait (exstra dodge after using eviscerate).
I know its less dps as the current meta, but I can output a lot more DPS in higher level fractals with this build. GS 100b just aint good enough, I can rarely finish it to the end without endure pain, and you are also rooted. With axe you can always kite, great burst, stack big AoE vulnerability with whirling axe, pump instant adrenaline and you can also dodge while using this skill. I miss mace stun tho
Not bad, i might change the build to 15 str / 25 arms myself. Building momentum gives you all around more than last chance, especially in higher fractals and the build is burst oriented anyway.
I was looking at a 20/20/0/0/30 Build which would be a variation of this.
What makes you guys want to take only 15 in str when you spend 20 and you can get 10% crit damage for axe?
I see no cleanse. So you have to rely on others for your condi cleanses….. that could get problematic ub boss battles where the krew gets scattered.
Also : axe 5 whirl finisher is currently broken, instead of many projectiles it only does 1. I’ve been told it’s been written up, but no fix yet.
Beware, for Commander Kaga farms j00, ktrainer!
r.i.p [iLL] Maguuma
if you get 20 in STR you loose 10% dmg boost from Attack of Opportunity or 5-15% crit chance from Heightened focus.
As for condi cleaner you can allways swap out FGJ or banner for signet of stamina.
and the best thing is with whirling axe attack, you can dodge and still doing damage, it doesnt interupt the attack
I find it very interesting that you guys are using no condition in this build and yet you’re using a hambow.
What are the reasonings behind this?
Longbow because it gives more party support: AoE damage, might stacking with fire field combo and pin down for root helps a lot. Example: dredge boss root under fire switch, cliffside boos root for easier meleeing (he cannot jump smash), every boss fight is easier if you root him and you can easier melee. You want to melee as much as possible, ranged is a no go.
btw I’m using GS as secondary weapon 75% of the time in fractals.