"adrenaline restored."

"adrenaline restored."

in Warrior

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


Just for clarification, when warrior was featured and the changes to rifle were being show cased the demo warrior adrenline bar didn’t deplete over time. Right at the end of the showcase the cryptic line …“Oh, yeah..we’ve restored adrenaline..” was dropped in.

This is a fairy big thing to warrior players. I would actually hazard to say it is more important to many us than what rifle shots will now pierce.

How exactly has adrenaline been restored? We going back to hambow days of where burst misses didn’t lose adrenaline?..or just back to before decay patch?

Considering that these changes are going to be used in your up coming tournament finals, some of the info was just a little too vague.

"adrenaline restored."

in Warrior

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Adrenaline decay removal is huge because it means one can proc signit of fury (for example) and enter berserk mode without having to enter combat first (by landing a hit). This can save crucial seconds in combat when you need to get your burst/unblockables going, or a long range gunflame shot daze to interrupt a stomp etc.

Decay changes alone would make for huge quality of life and clutch moments.

"adrenaline restored."

in Warrior

Posted by: Arddyn.7683


You can already do that, just spam f2 with signet or to the limit and you’ll enter zerk mode without being in combat. The adrenaline will decay when you enter zerk mode, but you will still pulse stability (with eternal champion) and get all those boons.

"adrenaline restored."

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371


You can already do that, just spam f2 with signet or to the limit and you’ll enter zerk mode without being in combat. The adrenaline will decay when you enter zerk mode, but you will still pulse stability (with eternal champion) and get all those boons.

not everyone has the f2 because not everyone want to use berserker.

"adrenaline restored."

in Warrior

Posted by: Liewec.2896


i missed the live show and dulfy doesn’t mention this, if we really are losing adrenaline decay then that is FANTASTIC!

"adrenaline restored."

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


Just for clarification, when warrior was featured and the changes to rifle were being show cased the demo warrior adrenline bar didn’t deplete over time. Right at the end of the showcase the cryptic line …“Oh, yeah..we’ve restored adrenaline..” was dropped in.

This is a fairy big thing to warrior players. I would actually hazard to say it is more important to many us than what rifle shots will now pierce.

How exactly has adrenaline been restored? We going back to hambow days of where burst misses didn’t lose adrenaline?..or just back to before decay patch?

Considering that these changes are going to be used in your up coming tournament finals, some of the info was just a little too vague.

I watched it over and over. Sorry at 49:38 the moment he leaves combat the adrin decays. sorry to give you tha bad news. The adrin bar doesn’t deplete while in combat. never has. I don’t know what he meant other than to just reiterate that crack shot restores adrenaline.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

"adrenaline restored."

in Warrior

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

You can already do that, just spam f2 with signet or to the limit and you’ll enter zerk mode without being in combat. The adrenaline will decay when you enter zerk mode, but you will still pulse stability (with eternal champion) and get all those boons.

If the adrenaline decays once in berserk though, you cant use the burst, which XD. Also what do you need stability for if you’re not in combat XD

"adrenaline restored."

in Warrior

Posted by: Arddyn.7683


I didn’t claim there was any use for it, I was merely telling you that it was there and a possibility. No need to ridicule me for it.

"adrenaline restored."

in Warrior

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

I didn’t claim there was any use for it, I was merely telling you that it was there and a possibility. No need to ridicule me for it.

Sorry, it wasnt meant to come off as personal.

"adrenaline restored."

in Warrior

Posted by: Arddyn.7683


Don’t worry about it myfriend.

"adrenaline restored."

in Warrior

Posted by: Thuggernaut.1250


It would be nice, but I highly doubt they reversed the adrenaline nerf. Especially after that extremely weak “highlight” reel of a balance preview.

"adrenaline restored."

in Warrior

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


Just for clarification, when warrior was featured and the changes to rifle were being show cased the demo warrior adrenline bar didn’t deplete over time. Right at the end of the showcase the cryptic line …“Oh, yeah..we’ve restored adrenaline..” was dropped in.

This is a fairy big thing to warrior players. I would actually hazard to say it is more important to many us than what rifle shots will now pierce.

How exactly has adrenaline been restored? We going back to hambow days of where burst misses didn’t lose adrenaline?..or just back to before decay patch?

Considering that these changes are going to be used in your up coming tournament finals, some of the info was just a little too vague.

I watched it over and over. Sorry at 49:38 the moment he leaves combat the adrin decays. sorry to give you tha bad news. The adrin bar doesn’t deplete while in combat. never has. I don’t know what he meant other than to just reiterate that crack shot restores adrenaline.

I noticed that. The overall performance of the adrenaline bar behaviour was different.
I can appreciate he is some form of testing mode, and this alone would affect a number of things purely for the test purposes, it’s just the cryptic “We’ve restored adrenaline.” I hoping for clarification. With the expected patch dropping in just over a week, now is the last chance for warrior players to have a say regarding mechanics like adrenaline.

"adrenaline restored."

in Warrior

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


A lot o players and myself included are still flummoxed by the adrenaline decay disaster.
Build adrenaline..enter berserk..use primal burst, rebuild adrenaline quickly..wait for the primal burst recharge..the whole stated idea for primal burst was that it doesn’t hit as hard, but can be used more often. The recharges on primal bursts and the behaviour of adrenaline storage and decay just don’t work smoothly with each other currently.