can someone help me with a pve build
This is pretty much the best guide you could find on the warrior right now.
hi guys, I just got my warrior to 80, and was wondering if anyone could give me a build for doing dungs and thingies for pve ^^
I use a greatsword, because I read it’s the best for warriors, but I’m not sure what to get for my offweapon set…is a long bow okay? or what else should I be using?
A longbow is absolutely OK. You would use it to let your party stack might and in certain places put down massive AoE damage.
Thing with PvE is though, that contrary to PvP or WvW, you always know what you’re up against. This means you can change weapons to suit every single occasion. Are you coming up to a certain boss just swap to weaponsets that suit that challange.
The best thing to do, is pick whatever you like the most.
I run sword/axe and Longbow.
sometimes I switch to rifle.
Sometimes I feel like running around with a greatsword.
Its more how well you play your toon, and what kind of person you are, and less what build you go with.
Honesly who would you rather play with? some kitten elitist jerk from WoW with his own “omfgrofflestompyourface you don’t have the right build/gear!?!?!” attitude?
Or someone with 5 dps less, who is a joy to play with?
The best thing to do, is pick whatever you like the most.
I run sword/axe and Longbow.
sometimes I switch to rifle.
Sometimes I feel like running around with a greatsword.Its more how well you play your toon, and what kind of person you are, and less what build you go with.
Honesly who would you rather play with? some kitten elitist jerk from WoW with his own “omfgrofflestompyourface you don’t have the right build/gear!?!?!” attitude?
Or someone with 5 dps less, who is a joy to play with?
If it only were 5 dps no1 would be qqing about it
Sadly it’s more like doing 2-3 times more dmg when running the meta with the right armor and stuff compared to some pugs saying " I play what I want"
Run whatever you want but get ready to get kicked from a party in dungeons when they want you to run the right builds/weapons etc.
I would also recommend Nike!’s guide which was already linked.
Member of Snow Crows [SC]
The best thing to do, is pick whatever you like the most.
I run sword/axe and Longbow.
sometimes I switch to rifle.
Sometimes I feel like running around with a greatsword.Its more how well you play your toon, and what kind of person you are, and less what build you go with.
Honesly who would you rather play with? some kitten elitist jerk from WoW with his own “omfgrofflestompyourface you don’t have the right build/gear!?!?!” attitude?
Or someone with 5 dps less, who is a joy to play with?
Like Celeste said, if only it was 5 DPS, nobody would care (or almost nobody )
Anyway, its like everything in life. You can do whatever you want, you can try to do about right, or you can try to max things out at the cost of great effort.
I don’t really like ppl that say, run 1 build with 1 gear, with 1 food, with 1 nourishment, with 1 composition, etc.
But I don’t like either ppl that say play how you want, there is no consequences, life is pretty and everything is good.
If you play a game with other ppl, its kind of nice to see someone at least try to play efficient stuff. No need to go full zerker, you can toss a couple of knight or soldier pieces if you feel to squishy. No need to go full dps meta, most profession have 2-3 meta build and even there, you can usually tweak them a little to fit your need.
The best thing to do, is pick whatever you like the most.
I run sword/axe and Longbow.
sometimes I switch to rifle.
Sometimes I feel like running around with a greatsword.Its more how well you play your toon, and what kind of person you are, and less what build you go with.
Honesly who would you rather play with? some kitten elitist jerk from WoW with his own “omfgrofflestompyourface you don’t have the right build/gear!?!?!” attitude?
Or someone with 5 dps less, who is a joy to play with?
If it only were 5 dps no1 would be qqing about it
Sadly it’s more like doing 2-3 times more dmg when running the meta with the right armor and stuff compared to some pugs saying " I play what I want"Run whatever you want but get ready to get kicked from a party in dungeons when they want you to run the right builds/weapons etc.
I would also recommend Nike!’s guide which was already linked.
I’ve yet to see a build/guide/video of someone doing that much more dps than I do with my sword/axe build.
its usually just “i seem” or “it feels like” they are doing more dmg.
I don’t run dungeons out side my own friends/guild for this reason though, to many disenfranchised wow left overs who rage if they “feel” like they are spending 10-20 minutes longer running the same dungeon they run at all hours of the day and night with ‘you’ than they did with the ‘last x class they had’ then act like everyone on earth will de-evolve back to pond goo if you don’t fix it RIGHT THE F NOW!!11
Typically they are the type of people that fill low elo in League of Legends, the kind that blame everyone else for everything that goes different than what they had in their own little minds. Its NEVER their own fault when they suck.
The problem is this:
if you’re in it to be the best at something, do everything right to become the best at it, don’t pretend that you already are, no matter what the facts say.
If you’re in it to have fun, do whatever is fun to you, but don’t screw everyone else who expects you to perform in a specific role.
its really simple.
(edited by Methal.9045)
I run sword/axe and Longbow.
I’ve yet to see a build/guide/video of someone doing that much more dps than I do with my sword/axe build.
its usually just “i seem” or “it feels like” they are doing more dmg.
No offense, but you really must not have looked very hard. ||
The meta is changing at an alarming rate!
The best thing to do, is pick whatever you like the most.
I run sword/axe and Longbow.
sometimes I switch to rifle.
Sometimes I feel like running around with a greatsword.Its more how well you play your toon, and what kind of person you are, and less what build you go with.
Honesly who would you rather play with? some kitten elitist jerk from WoW with his own “omfgrofflestompyourface you don’t have the right build/gear!?!?!” attitude?
Or someone with 5 dps less, who is a joy to play with?
If it only were 5 dps no1 would be qqing about it
Sadly it’s more like doing 2-3 times more dmg when running the meta with the right armor and stuff compared to some pugs saying " I play what I want"Run whatever you want but get ready to get kicked from a party in dungeons when they want you to run the right builds/weapons etc.
I would also recommend Nike!’s guide which was already linked.
I’ve yet to see a build/guide/video of someone doing that much more dps than I do with my sword/axe build.
its usually just “i seem” or “it feels like” they are doing more dmg.I don’t run dungeons out side my own friends/guild for this reason though, to many disenfranchised wow left overs who rage if “feel” like they spend 10-20 minutes longer running a dungeon with ‘you’ than they did with the ‘last x class they had’ everyone on earth will de-evolve back to pond goo.
Typically they are the type of people that fill low elo in League of Legends, the kind that blame everyone else for everything that goes different than what they had in their own little minds. Its NEVER their own fault when they suck.The problem is this:
if you’re in it to be the best at something, do everything right to become the best at it, don’t pretend that you already are, no matter what the facts say.
If you’re in it to have fun, do whatever is fun to you, but don’t screw everyone else who expects you to perform in a specific role.its really simple.
How much DPS do you do with sword/axe?
The best thing to do, is pick whatever you like the most.
I run sword/axe and Longbow.
sometimes I switch to rifle.
Sometimes I feel like running around with a greatsword.Its more how well you play your toon, and what kind of person you are, and less what build you go with.
Honesly who would you rather play with? some kitten elitist jerk from WoW with his own “omfgrofflestompyourface you don’t have the right build/gear!?!?!” attitude?
Or someone with 5 dps less, who is a joy to play with?
If it only were 5 dps no1 would be qqing about it
Sadly it’s more like doing 2-3 times more dmg when running the meta with the right armor and stuff compared to some pugs saying " I play what I want"Run whatever you want but get ready to get kicked from a party in dungeons when they want you to run the right builds/weapons etc.
I would also recommend Nike!’s guide which was already linked.
I’ve yet to see a build/guide/video of someone doing that much more dps than I do with my sword/axe build.
its usually just “i seem” or “it feels like” they are doing more dmg.I don’t run dungeons out side my own friends/guild for this reason though, to many disenfranchised wow left overs who rage if “feel” like they spend 10-20 minutes longer running a dungeon with ‘you’ than they did with the ‘last x class they had’ everyone on earth will de-evolve back to pond goo.
Typically they are the type of people that fill low elo in League of Legends, the kind that blame everyone else for everything that goes different than what they had in their own little minds. Its NEVER their own fault when they suck.The problem is this:
if you’re in it to be the best at something, do everything right to become the best at it, don’t pretend that you already are, no matter what the facts say.
If you’re in it to have fun, do whatever is fun to you, but don’t screw everyone else who expects you to perform in a specific role.its really simple.
How much DPS do you do with sword/axe?
Uh purple. Sometimes green.
No idea. Been a while since my self worth was inseparably connected to my DPS.
and left my dmg meter back in wow about 6 years ago.
But I got a bolt, so you know it must be way up there. Like in the top 900 of all warriors at comic con.
Sometimes I hit for 50, sometimes I hit for 13,000!! so theres that…
And women ask me to sign their babies all the time. So I know its got to be THAT high.
In all seriousness though, if it is any indication, if I whack at a mob long enough in a group of people, it doesn’t take long before its chasing me around the room ignoring the others. So how much dps it that?
(edited by Methal.9045)
Personally, if you’re looking to speed run dungeons you should use the meta build and learn how to use it to best advantage. If you’re simply map completing and roaming around PvE-land, use whatever you like, because once you know how the mobs work, it’s a faceroll no matter what; however you should lean to damage rather than conditions. While I was levelling I used a Valkyrie armor with berserker weapons, until I learned what I was doing. My main weapons were axe/mace and rifle. Now, I run full berserker and I’m comfortable using any weapons (currently using GS and axe/mace). The only one I would really not recommend for PvE is hammer. That is best used in WvW and/or PvP.
Have fun with your warrior! I love mine to bits.
I’ve yet to see a build/guide/video of someone doing that much more dps than I do with my sword/axe build.
its usually just “i seem” or “it feels like” they are doing more dmg.
Depend on your build man. Sword/Axe by itself is not that bad. Its not the best, but if you have beserker gear and have a good trait, then of course you won’t do 2 or 3 less dmg than a meta build. The difference will be there, but won’t be that much noticeable. And since most ppl don’t run in group that can get 25 vulnerability, 25 might, constant fury, banners, EA, Potions and Food, then you can even do a LOT more dps than a meta build in a pug group that don’t max out all offensive buff.
But on the other side. If you use a sword/axe build, with soldier gear and a heal shout build. Then ya, you probably do 2-3 times less DPS. GW2 is all about the little detail. A damage modifier there, some might, a runes, the right sigil, the food, the potions, etc. All of those are small, but get all together and you boost MASSIVELY your dps.
Take an elementalist for exemple.
A staff Ele can do 15.5k dps when fully buffed.
- Remove the Ranger frost spirit and spotter you get to 14k DPS
- Don’t want to waste gold on potions? You are now at 12.7k DPS.
- You have a hard time to stay at 90%? The scholar rune and Vital trait won’t work and you are now at 10.5k DPS.
- You are in a pug group and even if you can take care of fury yourself, your group only get you about 10 might. Ok then you are now at 9k dps.
- You can a hard time using your arcane rotation to get the ferocity boost most of the time. not a big deal, but you are now at 8.6k dps.
- You have a warrior in your group, but he want to play how he want so kitten the banners. Ah that’s alright, you are still at 7.5k dps.
- Those sigil are expensive man. 6.5k DPS.
- Who use food in dungeon when its not a record run? 6k DPS
Wow that’s more than 60% less dps man. And you know what? You are still using a meta build AND full zerker gear.
Ya but, I’m poor. I’m using only exotic and that’s alright. True they are expensive, lets go for 5.7k DPS.
Ok ok, but I’m still squisky as hell man. I’m ok with zerker trinket and weapons, but I need soldier gear to survive on my little Elementalist. No problem 5k DPS.
And now what about the trait? Do you keep the meta build or play how you want?
What about the weapon?
See. Its not 2 distinctive side here. Its a spectrum of how much are you able to go into Glass Canon and how much gold you want to spend on your character to get the best stuff. Sorry if I used Elementalist for all those number, I can’t give that much precision with a warrior sorry. But the concept is the same.
In all seriousness though, if it is any indication, if I whack at a mob long enough in a group of people, it doesn’t take long before its chasing me around the room ignoring the others. So how much dps it that?
Okay, so…
How much damage do you see from your autoattack chains on no armour/light armour/medium armour/heavy armour targets?
For example:
Lupicus is a heavy armour target, Subject Alpha is a medium armour target, Risen Berserkers are basically zero armour targets and Wraithlord’s Hunter, Magecrusher and I think Zadorojny are light armour targets.
What kind of numbers do you get on these guys?
In all seriousness though, if it is any indication, if I whack at a mob long enough in a group of people, it doesn’t take long before its chasing me around the room ignoring the others. So how much dps it that?
Okay, so…
How much damage do you see from your autoattack chains on no armour/light armour/medium armour/heavy armour targets?
For example:
Lupicus is a heavy armour target, Subject Alpha is a medium armour target, Risen Berserkers are basically zero armour targets and Wraithlord’s Hunter, Magecrusher and I think Zadorojny are light armour targets.
What kind of numbers do you get on these guys?
Would be easier if you give us the armor and trait of his build.
maha.7902 & Thaddeus.4891, you’re dealing with a lost cause here lmao.
There is absolutely no way you are going to convince a person like this that they’re wrong. They don’t care about the truth.
I’m 99% sure he’s a troll.
Purple and Guanglai youre both wrong. I do care. Especially when or if I ever group I do want to fulfill my role whatever that may be.
But youre also wrong. There is nothing you can say that will convince anyone with half a brain that “they are playing wrong”
that is a grade-school, cry baby, complaint. How can someone play wrong? are they having fun? yes. is that the purpose of the game? yes.
where is the wrong in that?
fk world of clonecraft where everyone was expected to be the dps with the same build as everyone else.
Though to be honest it seems that the only ROLE anyone has in GW2 is to kill stuff fast, and not die quick.
Armor is all exocts with a few ascended pieces, all power, crit, crit dmg. (used to be condi, till I realized that only helped on targetable units that could bleed) runes I use +10 to all stats,
build is 6/5/0/0/1
as for details I’d have to log in when I get home from work.
Purple and Guanglai youre both wrong. I do care. Especially when or if I ever group I do want to fulfill my role whatever that may be.
But youre also wrong. There is nothing you can say that will convince anyone with half a brain that “they are playing wrong”that is a grade-school, cry baby, complaint. How can someone play wrong? are they having fun? yes. is that the purpose of the game? yes.
where is the wrong in that?fk world of clonecraft where everyone was expected to be the dps with the same build as everyone else.
Though to be honest it seems that the only ROLE anyone has in GW2 is to kill stuff fast, and not die quick.
Armor is all exocts with a few ascended pieces, all power, crit, crit dmg. (used to be condi, till I realized that only helped on targetable units that could bleed) runes I use +10 to all stats,
build is 6/5/0/0/1
as for details I’d have to log in when I get home from work.
Uhm… The final 2 points goes where?
Purple and Guanglai youre both wrong. I do care. Especially when or if I ever group I do want to fulfill my role whatever that may be.
But youre also wrong. There is nothing you can say that will convince anyone with half a brain that “they are playing wrong”that is a grade-school, cry baby, complaint. How can someone play wrong? are they having fun? yes. is that the purpose of the game? yes.
where is the wrong in that?fk world of clonecraft where everyone was expected to be the dps with the same build as everyone else.
Though to be honest it seems that the only ROLE anyone has in GW2 is to kill stuff fast, and not die quick.
Armor is all exocts with a few ascended pieces, all power, crit, crit dmg. (used to be condi, till I realized that only helped on targetable units that could bleed) runes I use +10 to all stats,
build is 6/5/0/0/1
as for details I’d have to log in when I get home from work.
Just for information. I know the information about the build is limited right now, but you should do between 6 and 7k dps once fully buffed. Compare to a DPS warrior that will do 12.7k dps and a more standard EA warrior doing 10k dps or a Phalanx warrior doing 9.5k dps.
So at best you do 26% less dps than a Phalanx Warrior, but of course you probably do lot less than that because you won’t be fully buffed, while a phalanx warrior will at least always have 25 might and EA that you probably won’t have depending on your party.
But i’m not saying that you play the profession wrong. You don’t use the strength of your profession. You participate less to your party in term of build. But like you said, its a game and there is nothing wrong with PHIW mentality.
I guess he made a typo and he runs 6,5,0,0,3^^
@Methal: sure this isn’t WoW or Aion… nevertheless at least in dungeons (most) people want to clear them fast. In open world content nobody cares what you play. Increasing the DMG and stacking/effective boonsharing is one of the easiest ways doing this.
But well, in the end it comes down to what you want to achieve:
Go pro or stay casual
Member of Snow Crows [SC]
Now I’m 100% sure he’s a troll.
Purple and Guanglai youre both wrong. I do care. Especially when or if I ever group I do want to fulfill my role whatever that may be.
But youre also wrong. There is nothing you can say that will convince anyone with half a brain that “they are playing wrong”that is a grade-school, cry baby, complaint. How can someone play wrong? are they having fun? yes. is that the purpose of the game? yes.
where is the wrong in that?fk world of clonecraft where everyone was expected to be the dps with the same build as everyone else.
Though to be honest it seems that the only ROLE anyone has in GW2 is to kill stuff fast, and not die quick.
Armor is all exocts with a few ascended pieces, all power, crit, crit dmg. (used to be condi, till I realized that only helped on targetable units that could bleed) runes I use +10 to all stats,
build is 6/5/0/0/1
as for details I’d have to log in when I get home from work.
Just for information. I know the information about the build is limited right now, but you should do between 6 and 7k dps once fully buffed. Compare to a DPS warrior that will do 12.7k dps and a more standard EA warrior doing 10k dps or a Phalanx warrior doing 9.5k dps.
So at best you do 26% less dps than a Phalanx Warrior, but of course you probably do lot less than that because you won’t be fully buffed, while a phalanx warrior will at least always have 25 might and EA that you probably won’t have depending on your party.
But i’m not saying that you play the profession wrong. You don’t use the strength of your profession. You participate less to your party in term of build. But like you said, its a game and there is nothing wrong with PHIW mentality.
You’ll all have to forgive me, Having spent the last 4 years actually being a warrior (US Army infantry baby!) I don’t have a lot of time to play.
You’ll have to update me on this Phalanx Warrior of which you speak.
Also I haven’t the gold flow to spend 10-20g on each rune that is FOTM.
Last time I played much was in February, and at that time there was no 1 point every 5 levels or whatever this new anti-fun garbage is, it was 1 per level so you actually felt like you were doing something when you got new level.
another topic for another time though
I’ll pick this up when I get off work in an hour. Then we can discuss which direction a good dps PVE build should go.
19D here. Irl has nothing to do with anything. Rifle+sword/axe just isn’t going to provide as much dps as a gs+axe/mace 65003 build. Personally, I think you’re moving in the right direction, just a minor change if you wanna maximize your deeps is all
19D here. Irl has nothing to do with anything. Rifle+sword/axe just isn’t going to provide as much dps as a gs+axe/mace 65003 build. Personally, I think you’re moving in the right direction, just a minor change if you wanna maximize your deeps is all
66002 is what im running. sword/ax
Strength is v III and Xi
Amrs is I, VIII, and XIII,
and Disc is III just cuz I hate moving slow. lol.
Looks like im replacing my Runes though. as divinity seem like garbage now. Though paying 15g for a rune of strength seems way out of touch.
I totally gotcha w/ the moving slow thing. The great thing w/ the 65003 build is that you can have perma swiftness both in combat and out w/ furious speed trait and gs3,5, sword 2 and warhorn 4 rotations. I don’t think that there’s a faster travel method than that.
You’re in the right direction for maximizing your deeps. Purple Miku’s got an amazing, in-depth guide to gs+axe/mace in dungeons and all pve, and I would urge you to look at it. It’s pretty awesome in my opinion.
Were you charlie or bravo?
Btw; you don’t HAVE to have strength runes. Scholar runes are an amazing set too. It all depends on what kind of content you run, i.e. pug/solo or guild runs?
Miku’s one of the best PvE guys in the game. Listen to what he says He won’t steer you wrong.
11b 1/75th Ranger.
I’ll check out the axe/mace thing
You’ll all have to forgive me, Having spent the last 4 years actually being a warrior (US Army infantry baby!) I don’t have a lot of time to play.
You’ll have to update me on this Phalanx Warrior of which you speak.
Also I haven’t the gold flow to spend 10-20g on each rune that is FOTM.
Last time I played much was in February, and at that time there was no 1 point every 5 levels or whatever this new anti-fun garbage is, it was 1 per level so you actually felt like you were doing something when you got new level.
another topic for another time thoughI’ll pick this up when I get off work in an hour. Then we can discuss which direction a good dps PVE build should go.
There is actually a lot of different type of build for warrior. Greatsword usually give you the best DPS, Axe put more Vulnerability on the target, while GS + Axe will give you a middle ground.
- Phalanx Warrior is build around the new Grandmaster trait Phalanx Strength. Its less personnal DPS, but you can stack a constant 25 stack of might for you whole party by yourself if you use runes of Strength, but you can do a lot even without those expensive runes. Its either 0/6/0/6/2 for a pure GS Phalanx or 0/5/0/6/3 for a GS + Axe phalanx.
- EA Warrior is build around the trait Empowered Allies. It the best buff for Competent group where you have other source of might like a Elementalist. 4/6/0/4/0 is for Pure Axe. I think you can do the same with a pure GS, but I don’t know the trait for that.
- DPS Warrior is build around the best personal DPS possible, but it lack the buff from Phalanx or EA. Here too you can either go pure GS with 6/6/0/0/2, GS+Axe with 6/5/0/0/3 (that’s the build in the guide linked) or Pure Axe (don’t know the trait for that, but its the least popular for DPS Warrior).
Keep in mind that this is the situation right now. It change a lot overtime, when the community figure out stuff, depending on your preference or depending on your party composition. For exemple, if you have a good Engineer in your group that can keep about 20 stack of vulnerability, then Axe or GS + Axe is usually not that good because their strength is vulnerability, while GS is more pure DPS.
All those build are pretty good, some are better than other, but not by that much. Except if you want to min/max your whole party, any of those build will do a great job so at this point pick what you prefer to play.
Miku’s one of the best PvE guys in the game. Listen to what he says
He won’t steer you wrong.
this is true. power builds r most efficient to group and even most solo play (if you are skilled enough).
but you might get bored of the meta GS – axe/x zerk build(s) and switch up playstyle.
in solo play, a hybrid (2k power/1100 condi unbuffed) and full condi LB-S/S 2/6/0/0/6 can be fun to break up the monotony. hybrid for open world so you can still get gold reward and run through mobs quickly…..full condi for soloing champs and dungeon bosses. you’ll want aristocracy runes (krait or undead while you earn the former). its just a difference of swapping some of your rabid gear, with zerk/carrion/rampager.
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold
There is nothing you can say that will convince anyone with half a brain that “they are playing wrong”
I’m just curious if a ranger using a longbow for an entire dungeon run qualifies as playing incorrectly. I should just be glad that he was having fun while the rest of the party carried him through the dungeon.
thanks for the replys guys, read though them all, and saw the guides you guys linked ^^