(edited by Necu.9567)
help needed www high damage
Well considering that the build in the screenshot looks to be running 20/0/20/0/30, I think that your starting point is a bit off.
all trinkets are zerk thats for sure , compared images , also he use 100 power 10% crit food, power sharpening stone, weapon must be zerk and armor i would bet 5 zerk 1 power tougness crit damage runes no idea
also he got propably 25 blodlust stacks maybe www stacks for hp and power and there is visible 50 all stats i think, www buff
Why try and get those stats when you could get these, with absolutely 0 buffs or expensive foods?
thank you atse and crapboy cheers
i went full zerk armor weapon trinkets and melandru runes, with lemongrass
(edited by Necu.9567)
crap boy
ooh, this made me laugh, sorry CARPboy! :P
Why try and get those stats when you could get these, with absolutely 0 buffs or expensive foods?
That build has food, if you compare to my build with food, stats are way higher. 400 more power and 10% more crit dmg. Also 3k armor is useless , the dmg reduction from 2800 to 3000 not worth it. Its not even 2%
It’s nice to pretend. Knock 280 armor off of your build. You build has 2520 armor bro. Its weak as kitten. And I’ve spoken out about this before below 90% in PVP pretty much a 100% chance pop stability good chance. Soon as that happens you are at your actual armor rating of 2520.
Crapboy on the other hand is much smarter than you. His armor is 3096 so when he is below 90% and pops his stability his armor is 2896 which is 33% damage redution.
Your armor is not. Be mindful of think skin its deceiving. And Dolyak only helps as long as you dont use it.
Also I prefer these changes to carboys build.
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
(edited by Warlord.9074)
thank you atse and crapboy
i went full zerk armor weapon trinkets and melandru runes, with lemongrass
Crapboy ;d
………twice in the same kittening thread
If we’re only looking at the stats , cavalier may look better but without lyssa and food the cit chance is probably below 35 . considering most thieves use a D/P trickery build which is based on stealing boons , you will not have any fury while fighting them , so having crit DMG without critting is useless.
Also the survability in my build is higher because of endurance return on burst skills. I’m pretty sure a dodge worth more than an extra 100 armor.
Why are you taking runes and food off of my build, but not yours? Lets face it, who doesn’t use food in WvW? Youve also conveniently forgotten the sigil stacks in mine, whereas yours has full stacks, and bl bloodlust. Mine just has food, and if you feel like stacking it, a sigil
Its also not 100 armor more. Its 350 more
D/p trickery is build for spvp, not WvW. Most thieves in WvW use SA. And even if someone does steal your fury, you still have 46% crit chance, 58% with stacks
and wich runes you use atse , thx
Thieves use d/p, s/p, and s/d trickery in spvp. I should know, thief is my second main. Look up caed on twitch. Best thief NA using a d/p trickery build
Caed is caed , he is extremly skilled and knows how to burst , most thieves will hide in stealth and won’t deal any damage. S/P low skillcap high reward , D/P high skillcap high reward. Which one you pick?
Caed is caed , he is extremly skilled and knows how to burst , most thieves will hide in stealth and won’t deal any damage. S/P low skillcap high reward , D/P high skillcap high reward. Which one you pick?
I’ve played my thief in tpvp exclusively with d/p trickery. Yeah its hard at first (mostly just to survive) but once you get the hang of it its not so bad