just Soooo Slow (ruins the gameplay)
whole gameplay is now like playing in perma lag….. i can understand the nerfs,but this way its like playing with perma chill.
we will see,maybe in few weeks im gona stop interupting my own arc divider….
Pretty big nerf in general..
I forgot about defy pain / endure pain also..
Welcome to the world of core warrior.
Might need to actually stow cast and bait defenses again, the horror.
warrior needed the nerf. Powerful synergy is so good now though. i’m so happy about these changes.
warrior needed the nerf. Powerful synergy is so good now though. i’m so happy about these changes.
You’re happy.. but a bunch of us are not.. I don’t need these dumb pvp nerfs in my raids.. and it’s stupid slugglish..
Especially the GS primal burst.. they went through so much to make this thing not suck.. and now it’s back to sucking
I’m also upset with this “balance” patch too… I feel like the person or people who played in pvp didn’t bother considering OR assumed that this nerf wouldn’t affect pve all to well, when it did. GS and headbutt does feel like a laggy gameplay xD … It’s quite hilarious in a sense that it probably wasn’t made for that kind of “cast”.
On a brighter note… axe is kinda “fast” … in terms of harsh damage output. Though I doubt its useful for anything other than spinning in an aoe field with the trait powerful synergy, I suppose someone can do math on the output. Axes still get buffed … If only dual strike had a slightly more range because I tend to use it prematurely when engaging xD
They really need to get most of these pve and pvp stuff in separate bins. Or they are trying REALLY hard to make warriors to not use berserker spec and consider using the newest upcoming spec on the next expansion. (probably favoring axes and w/e weapon we dual wield it with hint hint)
Why did they nerfed the GS skills on pve? I understand they nerfed those in pvp to balance things, but why do that to pve too? jesus anet ppl don’t compete on pve, most of them just want to have fun fighting npcs around the world, this GS changes make things too slow to be able to fully enjoy this particular weapon on pve with the warrior-berserker class
I don’t mind the nerfs to Arc Divider and Headbutt all that much (Arc Divider has a cool wind-up, and Arcing Slice is no longer strictly inferior to it), though it cemented GS warrior as dead in high-end content. The shield bash nerf is what ticks me off the most. It had plenty of telegraph before the nerf, due to the nature of Shield (IF they have a big chunk of metal on one arm, it means they’re either going to bunker behind it, or bash you with it), and the reactive, strong CC has always been a defining and critical part of that weapon.
I don’t mind the nerfs to Arc Divider and Headbutt all that much (Arc Divider has a cool wind-up, and Arcing Slice is no longer strictly inferior to it), though it cemented GS warrior as dead in high-end content. The shield bash nerf is what ticks me off the most. It had plenty of telegraph before the nerf, due to the nature of Shield (IF they have a big chunk of metal on one arm, it means they’re either going to bunker behind it, or bash you with it), and the reactive, strong CC has always been a defining and critical part of that weapon.
Agreed,shield bash had a pretty easy telepgraphed tell already and its mainly there to set up for a burst,i think its too easy to see this coming now.Tried it a bit last night and it does feel very sluggish to set up a combo.Im sure ill get used to it but it doesnt feel right atm.I dont really care about the ep nerfs or arc cast delay..But i dont see the reason to take on shieldbash aswell.
I do care for headbutt. In wvw it was kittenty skill on different terrain, and now its just terrible. Why does it deserve nerf ?
warrior needed the nerf. Powerful synergy is so good now though. i’m so happy about these changes.
if you look at dps of all classes,you will find out that power war needed BUFF and not NERF. powerfull synergy is trash and its useless.
if you look at dps of all classes,you will find out that power war needed BUFF and not NERF. powerfull synergy is trash and its useless.
Are you talking about pve where things just sit still and eat damage? If so, what does it matter if you don’t contribute an equal amount to whatever damage sponges you’re trying to kill?
In pvp/wvw though, no, berserker didn’t (and doesn’t) need a damage buff.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)
this update f@ked warriors soooo hard, now even blind people can doge our skills, warr seems sooo laggy and slow.
maybe we deserved to have our invulns nerfed, MAYBE! but whats wrong with my shield bash?headbutt? why? now i have time to eat+drink and still doge without even touching my kitten keyboard
greatsword is just usless now in both pve and wvw. i think that anet wanna force us to use axes,hammers and w/e fluffy unicorn on AAA bateryes they dream of at night
GZ to balancing team…maybe u will wake up in the end…
Everything I say is about pve only, in particular raids.
They should have skill split. Power ps was already bad in pve. Power ps already struggled to compete with condi ps, and could only really do so at vg, sloth, and kc. IMO most groups were better taking condi ps for vg and sloth as well.
This isn’t just a damage nerf. This is nerfing the fun. Now, the entire rotation feels so awful. Headbutt feels awful too. Honestly, half the frustration comes from the fact that quickness doesn’t affect your major skills. So you go from a lightning fast 100b to a sluggish arc divider.
maybe the wheel will turn and warrs wont use bursts) like in the old dayz
maybe the wheel will turn and warrs wont use bursts
) like in the old dayz
Except in the old days, Warriors had bonuses for not using bursts.
maybe the wheel will turn and warrs wont use bursts
) like in the old dayz
Except in the old days, Warriors had bonuses for not using bursts.
yeah, the 25% dps bonus, forgot about that XD
anets doing the same old same old. nerf all the elite specs so your forced to buy the expansion. if thats the case im not getting it.
if you look at dps of all classes,you will find out that power war needed BUFF and not NERF. powerfull synergy is trash and its useless.
Are you talking about pve where things just sit still and eat damage? If so, what does it matter if you don’t contribute an equal amount to whatever damage sponges you’re trying to kill?
In pvp/wvw though, no, berserker didn’t (and doesn’t) need a damage buff.
ofc im talking about fractals/raids/dungs and pve in general,no1 is playing pvp or wvw geez.. that train is away like 2 years
Are you talking about pve where things just sit still and eat damage? If so, what does it matter if you don’t contribute an equal amount to whatever damage sponges you’re trying to kill?
In pvp/wvw though, no, berserker didn’t (and doesn’t) need a damage buff.
ofc im talking about fractals/raids/dungs and pve in general,no1 is playing pvp or wvw geez.. that train is away like 2 years
Which brings us back to the first question. Why does your personal dps even matter?
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)
Are you talking about pve where things just sit still and eat damage? If so, what does it matter if you don’t contribute an equal amount to whatever damage sponges you’re trying to kill?
In pvp/wvw though, no, berserker didn’t (and doesn’t) need a damage buff.
ofc im talking about fractals/raids/dungs and pve in general,no1 is playing pvp or wvw geez.. that train is away like 2 years
Which brings us back to the first question. Why does your personal dps even matter?
Because in Raids.. you want to be as efficient as you can.. if people mess up every second that you pour out can make the difference. Being slow does not help with that
Why do you think we gear ourselves with the best stats/builds/infusions foods.. to make sure we’re bringing 100%
What I’m guessing you’re thinking.. is mindless content that really doesn’t have much meaning.. so anyone can run what ever.
In T4 fractals.. you’ll go down before you can do a cast time on some skills, adding more cast time to slow skills is a huge punishment
t4 fractals? you you have trouble with t4 fractals? You can run those without defense or discipline easily. If you have trouble with those fractals i suggest going back to t3 fractals until you work better as a team.
Because in Raids.. you want to be as efficient as you can.. if people mess up every second that you pour out can make the difference. Being slow does not help with that
The bit of his comment that I was referring to was when he said berserker (before this patch) needed a damage buff.
While I understand the desire for efficiency in pve, I don’t understand all of the anguish over what represents a fairly minor hit to dps there. Specifically, some cast times that have been lengthened by 1/4 second and a slightly increased CD on primal bursts.
I can understand pvp and wvw being thrown by the impact to their timings and the extra work now needed in fights, but even there they weren’t unreasonable nerfs (I wouldn’t have touched shield bash, personally, but whatevs).
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)
It’s only been one day and you guys act like warriors are defeated with a patch, I’ve won like 12 ranked arenas in a row today. Chin up, warriors are still powerful.
this update f@ked warriors soooo hard, now even blind people can doge our skills, warr seems sooo laggy and slow.
maybe we deserved to have our invulns nerfed, MAYBE! but whats wrong with my shield bash?headbutt? why? now i have time to eat+drink and still doge without even touching my kitten keyboard
greatsword is just usless now in both pve and wvw. i think that anet wanna force us to use axes,hammers and w/e fluffy unicorn on AAA bateryes they dream of at night
GZ to balancing team…maybe u will wake up in the end…
Warrior is still fine. Still dishes out a ton of damage. Stop crying because your 1v1 kitten stroking dueling now requires a tiny bit of thinking.
I play my warrior when I don’t want to think while roaming, and I’m not particularly good at it. However after playing today – I can still reliably hit with shield bash, I don’t even see a difference with are divider, and landed that way more often than not. Headbutt was hard to land, but hey, it’s cooldown is incredibly short, so I got to try again over and over…
-Sorrow’s Furnace-
Although i can agree with some of the changes, the only thing that disturbs my gameplay as an Axe/Shield warrior since beta is the delay form 1/2 to 3/4. Why was necessary to change Shield Bash ? Players could avoid the “Shield Bash” blindly when was at 1/2. Now they can avoid it Blindly with 1 hand tied behind their back.
The skill was not OP. So i can not understand the logic behind that change. Maybe a dev can come and explain the reasoning behind the change ?
this update f@ked warriors soooo hard, now even blind people can doge our skills, warr seems sooo laggy and slow.
maybe we deserved to have our invulns nerfed, MAYBE! but whats wrong with my shield bash?headbutt? why? now i have time to eat+drink and still doge without even touching my kitten keyboard
greatsword is just usless now in both pve and wvw. i think that anet wanna force us to use axes,hammers and w/e fluffy unicorn on AAA bateryes they dream of at night
GZ to balancing team…maybe u will wake up in the end…Warrior is still fine. Still dishes out a ton of damage. Stop crying because your 1v1 kitten stroking dueling now requires a tiny bit of thinking.
I play my warrior when I don’t want to think while roaming, and I’m not particularly good at it. However after playing today – I can still reliably hit with shield bash, I don’t even see a difference with are divider, and landed that way more often than not. Headbutt was hard to land, but hey, it’s cooldown is incredibly short, so I got to try again over and over…
Power warrior actually doesn’t. If I’m not mistaken it was already pretty much bargain basement among dps and this certainly didn’t help. If it was a problem with Pvp, it should have been split.
this update f@ked warriors soooo hard, now even blind people can doge our skills, warr seems sooo laggy and slow.
maybe we deserved to have our invulns nerfed, MAYBE! but whats wrong with my shield bash?headbutt? why? now i have time to eat+drink and still doge without even touching my kitten keyboard
greatsword is just usless now in both pve and wvw. i think that anet wanna force us to use axes,hammers and w/e fluffy unicorn on AAA bateryes they dream of at night
GZ to balancing team…maybe u will wake up in the end…Warrior is still fine. Still dishes out a ton of damage. Stop crying because your 1v1 kitten stroking dueling now requires a tiny bit of thinking.
I play my warrior when I don’t want to think while roaming, and I’m not particularly good at it. However after playing today – I can still reliably hit with shield bash, I don’t even see a difference with are divider, and landed that way more often than not. Headbutt was hard to land, but hey, it’s cooldown is incredibly short, so I got to try again over and over…
Power warrior actually doesn’t. If I’m not mistaken it was already pretty much bargain basement among dps and this certainly didn’t help. If it was a problem with Pvp, it should have been split.
Context clues will clearly tell you I was talking about and responding to a reply regarding WvW. If PvE carebears are so adamant about having the best “DPS” for their non-human damage sponge enemies, they should just play whatever current profession is performing the best “DPS.” Because its obvious from PvE whining and crying that “DPS” is much higher on their priority list than actually playing the profession they enjoy.
-Sorrow’s Furnace-
(edited by Turk.5460)
this update f@ked warriors soooo hard, now even blind people can doge our skills, warr seems sooo laggy and slow.
maybe we deserved to have our invulns nerfed, MAYBE! but whats wrong with my shield bash?headbutt? why? now i have time to eat+drink and still doge without even touching my kitten keyboard
greatsword is just usless now in both pve and wvw. i think that anet wanna force us to use axes,hammers and w/e fluffy unicorn on AAA bateryes they dream of at night
GZ to balancing team…maybe u will wake up in the end…Warrior is still fine. Still dishes out a ton of damage. Stop crying because your 1v1 kitten stroking dueling now requires a tiny bit of thinking.
I play my warrior when I don’t want to think while roaming, and I’m not particularly good at it. However after playing today – I can still reliably hit with shield bash, I don’t even see a difference with are divider, and landed that way more often than not. Headbutt was hard to land, but hey, it’s cooldown is incredibly short, so I got to try again over and over…
Power warrior actually doesn’t. If I’m not mistaken it was already pretty much bargain basement among dps and this certainly didn’t help. If it was a problem with Pvp, it should have been split.
Context clues will clearly tell you I was talking about and responding to a reply regarding WvW. If PvE carebears are so adamant about having the best “DPS” for their non-human damage sponge enemies, they should just play whatever current profession is performing the best “DPS.” Because its obvious from PvE whining and crying that “DPS” is much higher on their priority list than actually playing the profession they enjoy.
so they nerfed pve war,bcs of pvp and we shoud go and play another class?D
seems legit,we shoud also all play thief now in pvp?
these changes was obviously for pvp only and somehow they managed to mix them to pve,or can you explain me why they nerfed WORST dmg dealer in game to NORMALIZE dmg and ele have new build with 50k burning?
this update f@ked warriors soooo hard, now even blind people can doge our skills, warr seems sooo laggy and slow.
maybe we deserved to have our invulns nerfed, MAYBE! but whats wrong with my shield bash?headbutt? why? now i have time to eat+drink and still doge without even touching my kitten keyboard
greatsword is just usless now in both pve and wvw. i think that anet wanna force us to use axes,hammers and w/e fluffy unicorn on AAA bateryes they dream of at night
GZ to balancing team…maybe u will wake up in the end…Warrior is still fine. Still dishes out a ton of damage. Stop crying because your 1v1 kitten stroking dueling now requires a tiny bit of thinking.
I play my warrior when I don’t want to think while roaming, and I’m not particularly good at it. However after playing today – I can still reliably hit with shield bash, I don’t even see a difference with are divider, and landed that way more often than not. Headbutt was hard to land, but hey, it’s cooldown is incredibly short, so I got to try again over and over…
Power warrior actually doesn’t. If I’m not mistaken it was already pretty much bargain basement among dps and this certainly didn’t help. If it was a problem with Pvp, it should have been split.
Context clues will clearly tell you I was talking about and responding to a reply regarding WvW. If PvE carebears are so adamant about having the best “DPS” for their non-human damage sponge enemies, they should just play whatever current profession is performing the best “DPS.” Because its obvious from PvE whining and crying that “DPS” is much higher on their priority list than actually playing the profession they enjoy.
so they nerfed pve war,bcs of pvp and we shoud go and play another class?
seems legit,we shoud also all play thief now in pvp?
these changes was obviously for pvp only and somehow they managed to mix them to pve,or can you explain me why they nerfed WORST dmg dealer in game to NORMALIZE dmg and ele have new build with 50k burning?
bcz some1 drank to much and didnt split the skills into pvp/pve
meanwhyle i found the solution to "soooo sloooowww " just changed back to core warr for wvw scenario and i like my class again, even without GS ^^
as for pve, as power warr, now i dish out around 19.5k dps on 4k hp golem) PLEAAASEE lower my dps cuz its “too kitten high”
funny how everyone praising the nerfs are openly praising the addition of sluggish movements and sluggish attacks.
Honestly…..I don’t know how to argue with you guys! I was always on the opposite train…advocating for more fluid movement and control over my warrior. I do think we needed nerfs in some areas, and I do think that the nerfs given do not address really any of those needed areas.
Just 2 different worlds I guess? whtever
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]
(edited by Cerby.1069)
funny how everyone praising the nerfs are openly praising the addition of sluggish movements and sluggish attacks.
Honestly…..I don’t know how to argue with you guys! I was always on the opposite train…advocating for more fluid movement and control over my warrior. I do think we needed nerfs in some areas, and I do think that the nerfs given do not address really any of those needed areas.
Just 2 different worlds I guess? whtever
Has anyone who plays warrior come out in favour of how they did it? Afaik, the only disagreement has been over (1) whether or not Berserker and/or Headbutt needed to be nerfed, and (2) the severity of the nerfs that occurred (from “meh” to “omfg it’s the end of the world!!11!!”).
Most people seem to be onside with the idea that borked timing and more sluggish movement wasn’t what was needed.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)