m!@#$% conditions!

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Achilleus.6145


I’m probably not the first to post about it, but I had to get out of my chest… I hate how necros can be so overpower when it comes to their conditions. I get that there shouldn’t be a top class, that all class should be equally but fighting a necro does not feel that way at least personally or any class that are condi builds and you can’t really say we(warriors) are condi builds more like we should be the anti-condi builds really! I usually don’t have problem been a in 2v1 fight but fighting two necros on a 2v1 is pure suicide, one of them put down 6 condition in one shot…. I have tried everything and it feels like warriors r super weak up against all does kitten conditions… one you can use “Berserk Endurance” which last for 8sec lol? and it takes min to reload?! lot can happen in freaking min especially going after necro, now yes you got your weak necros but you also got pro necros(condi builds) who r just pain in the a@#… two, yes you got shouts but is not enough either and sigil I’m not going bother.. Points of this is how does everyone else deal with it..?

Don’t get me started with their army of pets and extra life bar…

Twitter & Instagram: @AchilleusBolt

(edited by Achilleus.6145)

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: warriorjrd.8695


Ooh an extra life bar, you have heavy armour so stop crying. You also have plenty of CC and do you know what necros don’t have a lot of? Stability. Try taking a hammer to a necro fight and watch how much easier it is. Warrior can deal with conditions so easily, like I don’t know if it’s a new trend for warriors to complain about necros, but this isn’t the first thread I’ve seen crying about necros. L2P the class, warrior is easy mode, if you struggle on a warrior perhaps the game has too many buttons and you should try something like pacman or solitaire.

It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Achilleus.6145


Ha you make me laugh, no I don’t do hammer or bow I’m not kitten warrior… I’m not crying either you see any tears on that post I don’t think so. Just my opinion on how I see things. Yes that extra bar line its pretty annoying just saying.. too bottom lulz good one! Easy class? bc all other class do what shoot and run yeah that takes lot of pro skills….

Twitter & Instagram: @AchilleusBolt

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: NovaanVerdiano.6174


Wait… wait… You’re crying about a class that masters conditions that they’re good at what they’re doing?

Also, just fyi, if you use a hammer the second slot doesn’t automatically become occupied by a longbow and even if you don’t use a hammer, you have more CC-options.

Oh and please tell me you don’t run a condition build.

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Shadelang.3012


I kinda hope is a condi war…Who loaded up bleed stocks on a necro and had them sent back at him. he was talking about an army of pets so I assume he got butchered by a MM. They only have control conditions as far as actually utilizing them properly. They can throw out healthy bleed stacks but since they dont have high condi dmg they might as well just be another type of poison.

Im ASSUMING… That he went in got immob/chill chained and had his key attacks nerfed by weakness. Then its just a batter of transfering condis back at him then waiting for him to die. I cant tell you how many people I kill on my necro just from being able to send condis back at them. Returning a warriors pindown has been the death of many a hambow u.u

If he was axe,gs, or rifle. Then I have to assume it was mostly the prevalence of weakness and chill which are a Good MMs best mitigative tools. Which means the MM managed his cooldowns properly to take advantage of death nova and the OP..didn’t.

Anyway OP. If you want some practice killing MM necros I can teach ya how to do it fairly regularly as long as your willing to learn. Send me a message in game? Theres an empty arena SOMEWHERE we could use to get ya some practice in 1v1ning it.

Ghost Yak

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Xari.1086


[…] I usually don’t have problem been a in 2v1 fight but fighting two necros on a 2v1 is pure suicide, […]

I think this is the many issue. You seem to have a strange viewing on balanced fights.

If you are running into two enemys at once you SHOULD get in trouble. I mean serious trouble if they are equally skilled. And even if those two players are not that good they SHOULD give you hard times. This should be the case for every build on every class.

I feel that there are way too many builds which can dominate multiple enemys at once.

Sure if you run into two upleveled new players in WvW who dont know what they are doing you shall and will win anyway. But if you are fighting against same level players with some experience in PvP you SHOULD lose or at least have to escape and run.

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Tao.5096


1 fully charged Burst skill = -3 conditions
Signet = -12 conditions
Shout = -1 condition
Trait = -33% duration to impairing movement conditions

Warriors have it hard against conditioners.
They do.
Really do.
I’m serious.


Did I ever tell you, the definition, of Insanity?

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Prysin.8542


this thread is gold. Almost as good as the mail i got from killing a DD thief with a burst ranger….

Yes necros are hardcore man, imagine if only you could run away from them.

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: warriorjrd.8695


Ha you make me laugh, no I don’t do hammer or bow I’m not kitten warrior… I’m not crying either you see any tears on that post I don’t think so. Just my opinion on how I see things. Yes that extra bar line its pretty annoying just saying.. too bottom lulz good one! Easy class? bc all other class do what shoot and run yeah that takes lot of pro skills….

You think that you have to go hambow to run hammer? You can run hammer with many other weapon sets. It’s the sign of a good player who can tweak their playstyle and build to adapt to a situation. You’re probably going up against a condi necro with no condi cleanse and wondering why you are losing. And yes, warrior is very easy to play, so I suggest you practice on the npc necro in heart of the mists before entering another arena if you think war is actually challenging to play.

It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Hoaxintelligence.4628


watch me handle conditions using -40condi food, dogged march, cleansing ire.
Everyone can handle conditions. Unless you suck.

Sît[MII]Ultimate Dominator
W v W-r o a m e r

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Hoaxintelligence.4628


Bezerker stance + signet of stamina = condi bomb killer, if you use it right.

Sît[MII]Ultimate Dominator
W v W-r o a m e r

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Ergolicious.1507


I usually don’t have problem been a in 2v1 fight but fighting two necros on a 2v1 is pure suicide.


m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Lucentfir.7430


watch me handle conditions using -40condi food, dogged march, cleansing ire.
Everyone can handle conditions. Unless you suck.

That doesn’t look like a condi mesmer to me……lol….

Reth Grimrazor – Charr Guardian – [GWB]Grim Warband – Tarnished Coast
Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


watch me handle conditions using -40condi food, dogged march, cleansing ire.
Everyone can handle conditions. Unless you suck.

That doesn’t look like a condi mesmer to me……lol….

its probably a celestial mesmer, celestial mesmers use power weapons, and let passive clone death traits do the conditions, anyway, the mesmer wasnt that good, he camped his gs in meele all the time, didnt rly dodge properly, hell he didnt even use sword 2 defensively properly

just my ytb channel


m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Ooh an extra life bar, you have heavy armour so stop crying. You also have plenty of CC and do you know what necros don’t have a lot of? Stability. Try taking a hammer to a necro fight and watch how much easier it is. Warrior can deal with conditions so easily, like I don’t know if it’s a new trend for warriors to complain about necros, but this isn’t the first thread I’ve seen crying about necros. L2P the class, warrior is easy mode, if you struggle on a warrior perhaps the game has too many buttons and you should try something like pacman or solitaire.

Heavy armor that doesn’t do as much as you seem to think it does.

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518



watch me handle conditions using -40condi food, dogged march, cleansing ire.
Everyone can handle conditions. Unless you suck.

No offense but that is hardly a good example. What kind of condi build uses GS/Sword + Pistol? His bleeds do less than 70 per tick, and that is with 5 stacks of might. My full power shatter mesmer can do that with 5 might stacks. It isn’t even a celestial build. Just a power build with clone death traited and illusions bleed on crit literally being his only source of condition damage which is virtually nothing.

That and the mesmer wasn’t good at all. He ate almost all of your burst, his dodging was very bad and he used GS alot in melee.

A PU condi mesmer will rarely ever let you hit them, and even if you do it will probably be blocked through aegis, a weak sauce hit due to protection and/or weakness all the while letting their clones and phantasms inflict bleeds on you. Especially if you are using a hammer/axe combo, they will kite circles around you.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Achilleus.6145


Ha you make me laugh, no I don’t do hammer or bow I’m not kitten warrior… I’m not crying either you see any tears on that post I don’t think so. Just my opinion on how I see things. Yes that extra bar line its pretty annoying just saying.. too bottom lulz good one! Easy class? bc all other class do what shoot and run yeah that takes lot of pro skills….

You think that you have to go hambow to run hammer? You can run hammer with many other weapon sets. It’s the sign of a good player who can tweak their playstyle and build to adapt to a situation. You’re probably going up against a condi necro with no condi cleanse and wondering why you are losing. And yes, warrior is very easy to play, so I suggest you practice on the npc necro in heart of the mists before entering another arena if you think war is actually challenging to play.

First of all I don’t like to use bow or hammer in pvp, there is no real challenge fighting like that. I have shouts and Berserk Stands, my points is if there is another way, warrior can use all skill we have to cleanse our self for real short amount of time while necros can put condi every sec. Now I’m not saying take that away from them, all I would love for warrior have at least one skill that can last longer than 8sec or that the skill can reload faster than 1min. Drop the kitten attitude and quit been all kitten about necros , btw you can keep the npc necro I already got my Champ Legio title

Twitter & Instagram: @AchilleusBolt

(edited by Achilleus.6145)

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: warriorjrd.8695


Ha you make me laugh, no I don’t do hammer or bow I’m not kitten warrior… I’m not crying either you see any tears on that post I don’t think so. Just my opinion on how I see things. Yes that extra bar line its pretty annoying just saying.. too bottom lulz good one! Easy class? bc all other class do what shoot and run yeah that takes lot of pro skills….

You think that you have to go hambow to run hammer? You can run hammer with many other weapon sets. It’s the sign of a good player who can tweak their playstyle and build to adapt to a situation. You’re probably going up against a condi necro with no condi cleanse and wondering why you are losing. And yes, warrior is very easy to play, so I suggest you practice on the npc necro in heart of the mists before entering another arena if you think war is actually challenging to play.

First of all I don’t like to use bow or hammer in pvp, there is no real challenge fighting like that. I have shouts and Berserk Stands, my points is if there is another way, warrior can use all skill we have to cleanse our self for real short amount of time while necros can put condi every sec. Now I’m not saying take that away from them, all I would love for warrior have at least one skill that can last longer than 8sec or that the skill can reload faster than 1min. Drop the kitten attitude and quit been all kitten about necros , btw you can keep the npc necro I already got my Champ Legio title

The way you’re talking would lead me to believe you got your friends to help you farm that title. You want enough condi cleanse so that his condis are useless right? Well then what’s the point of condis? Why do heal skills have a CD, I want them to be able to heal me after every attack I take. Conditions aren’t meant to be cleansed 100%, especially if they are coming from a necro or more than one target. It’s the same as your heal skill won’t heal you for all the damage you take, if it did, that would be pointless.

Seriously, stop whining about pointless garbage and play the game. You’re not going to have a condi cleanse for every condition they apply on you, so stop deluding yourself.

It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Achilleus.6145


The way you’re talking would lead me to believe you got your friends to help you farm that title.

Uh I have no friends I’m just lonely forever alone warrior over here doing Solo pvp, actually my friends don’t like spvp/tpvp as much I do they r more wvw/pve fyi! You still thinking I’m whining , put your glasses back on 4 eye I’m not, unless you think an opinion = whining than you r so right for once. Thanks for making my night

I’m also eh ah Champion Paragon bc I’m sucha forever alone pvperrr omgrrr and only lv 43 eeeeh!

Twitter & Instagram: @AchilleusBolt

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Blackjack.2083


As a fellow warrior I will say I’m not a fan of conditions either. However, the one class that I have no complaints about being heavy condition oriented is Necro. I mean this class to me just seems like what it should really kind of be about and so they should be the “best” at condition application.

What I do have a problem with is how every other class has such easy access to conditions and in some cases are more dangerous with said condition builds than necros are. I’ve said in numerous other posts that I view this as a much bigger game design flaw than conditions themselves. Giving relatively easy access to condition builds to almost all classes has only led to a more difficult challenge in class balance. If conditions would have been the domain of only 1 or 2 classes than I think the class balance challenge would have been much easier.

With that being said, if you are playing sPvP as a warrior you simply have to use bow if you want to be effective. After the patch it will become even more of a requirement. If you are effective in sPvP without the use of a bow and CI you would only be MORE effective if you used one. It simply is a must have now and even more so post patch. You are simply gimping yourself if you are not using one.

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Capela.1854


Ooh an extra life bar, you have heavy armour so stop crying. You also have plenty of CC and do you know what necros don’t have a lot of? Stability. Try taking a hammer to a necro fight and watch how much easier it is. Warrior can deal with conditions so easily, like I don’t know if it’s a new trend for warriors to complain about necros, but this isn’t the first thread I’ve seen crying about necros. L2P the class, warrior is easy mode, if you struggle on a warrior perhaps the game has too many buttons and you should try something like pacman or solitaire.

Is there a like button anywhere?

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


Ha you make me laugh, no I don’t do hammer or bow I’m not kitten warrior… I’m not crying either you see any tears on that post I don’t think so. Just my opinion on how I see things. Yes that extra bar line its pretty annoying just saying.. too bottom lulz good one! Easy class? bc all other class do what shoot and run yeah that takes lot of pro skills….

You think that you have to go hambow to run hammer? You can run hammer with many other weapon sets. It’s the sign of a good player who can tweak their playstyle and build to adapt to a situation. You’re probably going up against a condi necro with no condi cleanse and wondering why you are losing. And yes, warrior is very easy to play, so I suggest you practice on the npc necro in heart of the mists before entering another arena if you think war is actually challenging to play.

First of all I don’t like to use bow or hammer in pvp, there is no real challenge fighting like that. I have shouts and Berserk Stands, my points is if there is another way, warrior can use all skill we have to cleanse our self for real short amount of time while necros can put condi every sec. Now I’m not saying take that away from them, all I would love for warrior have at least one skill that can last longer than 8sec or that the skill can reload faster than 1min. Drop the kitten attitude and quit been all kitten about necros , btw you can keep the npc necro I already got my Champ Legio title

well according to that ‘there is no challenge without these’

now that u dont take those u start loosing to condis, now , ‘m!@#$% conditions!’


just my ytb channel


m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Ooh an extra life bar, you have heavy armour so stop crying. You also have plenty of CC and do you know what necros don’t have a lot of? Stability. Try taking a hammer to a necro fight and watch how much easier it is. Warrior can deal with conditions so easily, like I don’t know if it’s a new trend for warriors to complain about necros, but this isn’t the first thread I’ve seen crying about necros. L2P the class, warrior is easy mode, if you struggle on a warrior perhaps the game has too many buttons and you should try something like pacman or solitaire.

Is there a like button anywhere?

The “+1” button at the top right corner of every post.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: McFribble.2349


Ooh an extra life bar, you have heavy armour so stop crying. You also have plenty of CC and do you know what necros don’t have a lot of? Stability. Try taking a hammer to a necro fight and watch how much easier it is. Warrior can deal with conditions so easily, like I don’t know if it’s a new trend for warriors to complain about necros, but this isn’t the first thread I’ve seen crying about necros. L2P the class, warrior is easy mode, if you struggle on a warrior perhaps the game has too many buttons and you should try something like pacman or solitaire.

Heavy armor that doesn’t do as much as you seem to think it does.

And Life Force isn’t a second HP bar, like you think it is. If any, and I mean ANY, Necro is using his LF as a last minute panic button, he doesn’t know what he is doing.

Life Force should be used within your normal rotations, and it plummets rapidly when triggered. If you think LF give a Necro more sustain than your Heavy Armor + Endure Pain/Berserker Stance does, you’re dreaming. It just looked flashier, ergo, it must be better, right?

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


Ooh an extra life bar, you have heavy armour so stop crying. You also have plenty of CC and do you know what necros don’t have a lot of? Stability. Try taking a hammer to a necro fight and watch how much easier it is. Warrior can deal with conditions so easily, like I don’t know if it’s a new trend for warriors to complain about necros, but this isn’t the first thread I’ve seen crying about necros. L2P the class, warrior is easy mode, if you struggle on a warrior perhaps the game has too many buttons and you should try something like pacman or solitaire.

Says the guy sitting behind 5 AIs that body block and deal damage while he casually strolls around laying down unblockable marks?

Yet the Warrior should L2P?

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

well according to that ‘there is no challenge without these’

now that u dont take those u start loosing to condis, now , ‘m!@#$% conditions!’


LOL that’s what I was thinking too.

The irony in OP’s posts is amusing.

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: warriorjrd.8695


Ooh an extra life bar, you have heavy armour so stop crying. You also have plenty of CC and do you know what necros don’t have a lot of? Stability. Try taking a hammer to a necro fight and watch how much easier it is. Warrior can deal with conditions so easily, like I don’t know if it’s a new trend for warriors to complain about necros, but this isn’t the first thread I’ve seen crying about necros. L2P the class, warrior is easy mode, if you struggle on a warrior perhaps the game has too many buttons and you should try something like pacman or solitaire.

Says the guy sitting behind 5 AIs that body block and deal damage while he casually strolls around laying down unblockable marks?

Yet the Warrior should L2P?

I play warrior, but ok. And when did AI suddenly become so strong? Like I’m 583% sure that’s where most of the complaints about ranger go to, the pet, the AI. A minion mancer has no stun breaks, no condi cleanse and is an easy opponent. “Unblockable marks”, you need to put at least 4 points in death magic to get that, and it really isn’t that good of a trait either. So yes, I said it before and I shall say it again, if you are a warrior having trouble with a condi necro, adapt and learn to play.

It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Forestgreen.7981


Necro isn’t too hard to beat, the only thing you should be crying about is how roaming PU mesmers going to be unkillable “oh GOD THE TORMENT NEVER GOES AWAY, I just died” machines. There’s just no fighting them. Also tbh, I found killing warriors with conds to be insanely ez since warriors are just awfully slow and clunky. Try fighting an engineer that knows how to kite, you either stick on him and eat every nade or he kills you from afar with cond. Note the good engineers are the ones that just don’t fight in the fire field and kill you outside of it before taking the point back.

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Brigg.6189


War vs. necro usually comes down to positioning and initiation. If the necro has time and room to kite around the warrior, or a well placed flesh worm, they will be able to break through the warrior’s condi defense. If the warrior gets the drop on necro, they have the advantage.

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

usually don’t have problem been a in 2v1 fight but fighting two necros on a 2v1 is pure suicide, one of them put down 6 condition in one shot…. I have tried everything and it feels like warriors r super weak up against all does kitten conditions… one you can use “Berserk Endurance” which last for 8sec lol? and it takes min to reload?! lot can happen in freaking min especially going after necro, now yes you got your weak necros but you also got pro necros(condi builds) who r just pain in the a@#… two, yes you got shouts but is not enough either and sigil I’m not going bother.. Points of this is how does everyone else deal with it..?

Don’t get me started with their army of pets and extra life bar…

Necromancer isn’t op. They have light armor, poor mobility, and a rather short range, so the extra life bar is needed, because they melt under focus. That being said, They put down some very nasty condibombs, so you should not be expecting to beat them in a 2v1 to begin with. 2 decent necros vs you is a run or die situation.

A warrior cannot win every fight with nothing but will, sir. A warrior against two pro -any-class- is going to melt.

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


I play warrior, but ok. And when did AI suddenly become so strong? Like I’m 583% sure that’s where most of the complaints about ranger go to, the pet, the AI. A minion mancer has no stun breaks, no condi cleanse and is an easy opponent. “Unblockable marks”, you need to put at least 4 points in death magic to get that, and it really isn’t that good of a trait either. So yes, I said it before and I shall say it again, if you are a warrior having trouble with a condi necro, adapt and learn to play.

Ai has always been a bane in this game (Mesmer is a prime example of a easy to profit class). As it is a free projectile block, extra damage, and a target hazard. Why wasn’t mm necromancer a problem early on you ask? Because their minions were broken for well over 1 year before anet decided to actually admit there was a problem with them (not attacking at all in most cases).

Choose to remain blind and go with the gaggle of this community if you wish, but I will say this: There are no more decent players left in this game. The best you will get is average as evidence by all the horrible lazy passive builds being played by the “pros” in the tournaments. You more than likely believe the Warrior is OP (as does 90% of these community for no other reason than a lot of people play them) which is also absurd when most other classes far outshine them in damage and defense and two for mobility (and only 2 for mobility if the Warrior chooses to completely kitten himself with a horrible sword/x — greatsword build).

And yes, in sPvP on point fighting with greater marks is amazing (because if you are not fighting on point, then you are wrong).

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


I play warrior, but ok. And when did AI suddenly become so strong? Like I’m 583% sure that’s where most of the complaints about ranger go to, the pet, the AI. A minion mancer has no stun breaks, no condi cleanse and is an easy opponent. “Unblockable marks”, you need to put at least 4 points in death magic to get that, and it really isn’t that good of a trait either. So yes, I said it before and I shall say it again, if you are a warrior having trouble with a condi necro, adapt and learn to play.

Ai has always been a bane in this game (Mesmer is a prime example of a easy to profit class). As it is a free projectile block, extra damage, and a target hazard. Why wasn’t mm necromancer a problem early on you ask? Because their minions were broken for well over 1 year before anet decided to actually admit there was a problem with them (not attacking at all in most cases).

Choose to remain blind and go with the gaggle of this community if you wish, but I will say this: There are no more decent players left in this game. The best you will get is average as evidence by all the horrible lazy passive builds being played by the “pros” in the tournaments. You more than likely believe the Warrior is OP (as does 90% of these community for no other reason than a lot of people play them) which is also absurd when most other classes far outshine them in damage and defense and two for mobility (and only 2 for mobility if the Warrior chooses to completely kitten himself with a horrible sword/x — greatsword build).

And yes, in sPvP on point fighting with greater marks is amazing (because if you are not fighting on point, then you are wrong).

playing a mesmer is more difficult than u think

i am talking about the only viable build, wich isnt even actually viable much, wich is shatter..

just my ytb channel


m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: warriorjrd.8695


I play warrior, but ok. And when did AI suddenly become so strong? Like I’m 583% sure that’s where most of the complaints about ranger go to, the pet, the AI. A minion mancer has no stun breaks, no condi cleanse and is an easy opponent. “Unblockable marks”, you need to put at least 4 points in death magic to get that, and it really isn’t that good of a trait either. So yes, I said it before and I shall say it again, if you are a warrior having trouble with a condi necro, adapt and learn to play.

Ai has always been a bane in this game (Mesmer is a prime example of a easy to profit class). As it is a free projectile block, extra damage, and a target hazard. Why wasn’t mm necromancer a problem early on you ask? Because their minions were broken for well over 1 year before anet decided to actually admit there was a problem with them (not attacking at all in most cases).

Choose to remain blind and go with the gaggle of this community if you wish, but I will say this: There are no more decent players left in this game. The best you will get is average as evidence by all the horrible lazy passive builds being played by the “pros” in the tournaments. You more than likely believe the Warrior is OP (as does 90% of these community for no other reason than a lot of people play them) which is also absurd when most other classes far outshine them in damage and defense and two for mobility (and only 2 for mobility if the Warrior chooses to completely kitten himself with a horrible sword/x — greatsword build).

And yes, in sPvP on point fighting with greater marks is amazing (because if you are not fighting on point, then you are wrong).

I’m blind because I can play warrior and defeat the cheese builds you can’t? I’m blind because you don’t know class weaknesses and exploit them? Considering there are plenty of people like you, you managed to get one thing right, there aren’t many decent players left in this game.

It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Dahir.4158



m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: warriorjrd.8695


broski m9, wot you doin on these forums????

It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Eye Two.1538

Eye Two.1538

watch me handle conditions using -40condi food, dogged march, cleansing ire.
Everyone can handle conditions. Unless you suck.

No offense but that is hardly a good example. What kind of condi build uses GS/Sword + Pistol? His bleeds do less than 70 per tick, and that is with 5 stacks of might. My full power shatter mesmer can do that with 5 might stacks. It isn’t even a celestial build. Just a power build with clone death traited and illusions bleed on crit literally being his only source of condition damage which is virtually nothing.

That and the mesmer wasn’t good at all. He ate almost all of your burst, his dodging was very bad and he used GS alot in melee.

A PU condi mesmer will rarely ever let you hit them, and even if you do it will probably be blocked through aegis, a weak sauce hit due to protection and/or weakness all the while letting their clones and phantasms inflict bleeds on you. Especially if you are using a hammer/axe combo, they will kite circles around you.

Agree with you! I love PU

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Eye Two.1538

Eye Two.1538

watch me handle conditions using -40condi food, dogged march, cleansing ire.
Everyone can handle conditions. Unless you suck.

If mesmer PU add condition food 40%. Will be equal to zero

m!@#$% conditions!

in Warrior

Posted by: Achilleus.6145


Necromancer isn’t op. They have light armor, poor mobility, and a rather short range, so the extra life bar is needed, because they melt under focus. That being said, They put down some very nasty condibombs, so you should not be expecting to beat them in a 2v1 to begin with. 2 decent necros vs you is a run or die situation.

A warrior cannot win every fight with nothing but will, sir. A warrior against two pro -any-class- is going to melt.

Don’t get me wrong I honestly don’t care for necro’s extra life bar I was just kidding around with the comment, yes it’s annoying when they use last min resort which just puts more work into killing. Nor I’m saying lets take away necro’s condi, what did ask was is there any other way that I have not heard of when it comes to dealing with condis. I’m not saying warriors should be top chain and win every single fight, all I ask for is a fighting chances even if I lose to single pro necro. Ironically since I started this post I have done sPvP and tPvP and I have not had a problem with conditions!

Twitter & Instagram: @AchilleusBolt