mace roaming

mace roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: hazahampo.4286


Hi guys,

I was wandering whether it is viable to roam with the mace? i only ask because i am working towards the moot and i would really like to be able to roam as well as pve and zerg with it.

Any build suggestions/pointers would be great . I am open to any play style and am happy to work hard to make a certain build work.

Rishi The Pink-Warrior Lyss Braveheart-Mesmer

mace roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: attrail.8613


Mmmm it could work. Maybe mace/shield greatsword? I only say greatsword because ifyoi want to roam youll need some sort of mobility

mace roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: RollingBob.8502


I don’t care for mace because it gives you no leap.

mace roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: bigmonto.4215


Hi guys,

I was wandering whether it is viable to roam with the mace? i only ask because i am working towards the moot and i would really like to be able to roam as well as pve and zerg with it.

Any build suggestions/pointers would be great . I am open to any play style and am happy to work hard to make a certain build work.

I would image its just your normal hammer / gs build, just replace hammer with mace + shield.

mace roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


I wouldnt use that build. Mace is much better than sword for this kind of thing. The f1 skill on mace is called skullcracker and is a 3 second long stun. The reason mace is better is because of a master trait in the arms tree which increases your crit chance by 50% against stunned foes. There is also a sigil, called sigil of paralyzation that increases your stun duration by 30%. That adds a whole other second to skullcracker so that its actually 4 seconds long, which is extremely long for this game. There is also a sigil called sigil if impact which adds 10% more dmg to stunned foes. Putting that on your greatsword is huge as it basically gives you a free +10% dmg on your burst combo. There is also a trait in arms called forceful greatsword which reduces all the cooldowns of your greatsword skills by 20%, but it also grants you might for each critical hit you do with your greatsword. So each hit with 100b will just keep getting more and more powerful as you stack more and more might. The 15 point minor trait in discipline also synergies greatly with this build, reducing the cooldown on your weapon swap by 5 seconds. That means you never have to wait around for your swap to come off CD, you can always be swapping.
This is what i personally use
Strength runes are currently the top dogs DPS wise for runes, and they synergies amazingly with forceful GS. Battle sigils as well synergies very well with the whole thing and its not uncommon to have 25 stacks of might after you use 100 blades. You should be hitting for a minimum of 15k with the whole skullcracker→100b combo. Also thanks to your very high fury uptime (boon that grants 20% critical chance) + unsuspecting foeyour 30% crit chance you built for you have 100% crit chance on every 100b. Its also extremely durable thanks to the blocks on mace and shield, evade and mobility on GS, 3k armor (very high in this game) and healing signet.
Just be careful and watch if people have the boon stability on their bar (immune to CC). Search gw2 skullcracker build on YouTube and your sure to get hundreds of results

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

mace roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: JJBigs.8456


Mace has long been nerfed. If you miss Skull Crack, its over. The problem is

1. Skull crack was given a long charge up
2. Skull crack glows and has a giant tell
3. Skull crack is easily predictable and is dodged or people move etc.

If you are amazing at landing Skull Crack, mace is viable. I however, have not had luck with it post-nerf.

Whats dumb is a melee hit takes longer to cast then a spell. Hilarous.

mace roaming

in Warrior

Posted by: Juba.8406


yep but buffing sigil of paralyzation brought it back to life.

i can see it still working in PvP , inside the chaos its easier to connect skull crack.

in WvW, Axe and Sword are better than mace.

mace is the slowest of the three and only able to do just the one trick “F1>100b” thanks to its stun.

Axe more mobile, even more DPS than 100b thanks to eviscerate and auto attack, so you don’t need to rely on just 100b for damage, although its poor in locking down targets, so there is no way to setup up 100b with it, and because of that GS when coupled with Axe becomes more of a mobility weapon not a source of damage weapon.

Sword is highly mobile which is WvW roaming is all about, coupled with GS and you have almost the best mobility in the entire game, and can lock down targets thanks to its Flurry immobilize, not superior like Mace stun but with the coupled mobility and lock downs also the bit of damage it holds thanks to “final thrust” and bleeding auto attack , it will be hard to pick mace over it.

(edited by Juba.8406)