mistfire wolf elite skill
Signet of Rage pretty much beats anything else on a warrior, except if you want the war banner for groups. On some classes with weak(er) elites though it can be useful, she’s fairly strong and tends to live long enough to apply a bit of damage unless she gets roflstomped by a champion or something (I say ‘she’ because it summons pups which act like hilarious spirit-missiles).
Like most elite skills though, you get a very low skill-to-cooldown ratio.
ok,tyvm,i wont buy that upgrade if rage is way better.
Mistfire Wolf is mostly for show.
If you want a summon elite, then roll a human and learn Hounds of Balthazar. They last longer and are just better.
I’ve been quite happy with the purchase as I’ve been leveling in PvE. She’ll grab the attention of most NPC’s. Giving me plenty of time to use the rifle or back away from the target for healing. Besides, for me, it’s just fun to have!
As mentioned already, Signet of Rage is the best. Just the 30 seconds of quickness for covering terrain is great.