mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: Bacon Please.8407

Bacon Please.8407

Keep deleting our threads about warrior suggestions. Two pretty significant threads have been deleted by mods when all they were talking about were ideas for new skills, traits, and adrenalin usage. However they have been deleted. In another thread

“Good afternoon players!
As the thread does not add anything about “Warriors” and it complains about moderating actions, we proceed to close it.
Thanks for understanding!”

So why are you deleting the threads about us trying to better our class. The mods are oppressive and abusive with their power. They very clearly show favorites to other classes

We all like to [FARM] Guild Leader
Jade Quarry

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: BobbyT.7192


Because there’s alot of them already, there’s only so many “it’s broken fix it pls” threads can be made before it get redundant.

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

Keep deleting our threads about warrior suggestions. Two pretty significant threads have been deleted by mods when all they were talking about were ideas for new skills, traits, and adrenalin usage…

The recent example you outline had zero suggestions for new skills, traits, etc. This thread lacks suggestions for new skills, traits, etc. They both amount to “Why do the Moderators hate me?” and they will be locked.

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: Bacon Please.8407

Bacon Please.8407

Keep deleting our threads about warrior suggestions. Two pretty significant threads have been deleted by mods when all they were talking about were ideas for new skills, traits, and adrenalin usage…

The recent example you outline had zero suggestions for new skills, traits, etc. This thread lacks suggestions for new skills, traits, etc. They both amount to “Why do the Moderators hate me?” and they will be locked.

Both threads were completely about adding new traits. Are you daft? Perhaps you have mistaken the threads I am talking about because they were very clearly ideas of new traits and skills.

We all like to [FARM] Guild Leader
Jade Quarry

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

I said the recent example, the one you quoted the moderator message from, had no suggestions in it. Here are the quotes from every post in it:

_"Why do you move Warrior threads out of the Warrior section for no good reason, while the thread is still being discussed and or a thread that should be kept in the Warrior sub-section

If [ new player rolling warrior/old warrior player looking info ] wants to read something or gather information comes to the Guildwars 2 forums to find Warrior related topics… Do you ( as a moderation team ) think its more beneficial to that player and the Warrior community as a whole for all Warrior information/thread/idea/builds/suggestion to be under the correct forum subsection or to be shipped of to another section that wouldn’t be a Warriors first port of call?

Lately there has been a good number of warrior discussions moved to other subsections where they end up dying out the moment they are moved.

Is it a lack of Moderation training in what should stay or go?

Also, if Guildwars has a dedicated DEV/Group that deals in with Professions wouldn’t it also be better for them( the company ) to be able to see what the community ( warrior community ) is saying by simply coming to Our sub section rather than having to dig through a mass of random other thread which relate to everything under the sun?

TL:DR – why move warrior stuff to non-warrior stuff sections… silly stop plox"_

_"I’d like to hope that they wanted to expose more of the ideas to scrutiny as a portion of the ideas people were posting about here were straight comparing abilities from other professions.

IMO, that isn’t the way to balance things. Perhaps this will lead to less vacuum comparisons and more critical thinking about viable ideas."_

_"The moderation on these forums is totally and completely biased. Stupid troll comments and incorrect responses stay at the top of the page for weeks and when you call these lies out you get heavily moderated.

Now some corrupt mod probably one of the trolls that frequents the warrior forums with L2p comments, that would be too op or my personal favorite the tooltip quoter gets warrior posts moved from the actual warrior forums.

I understand it doesn’t make the game you work for or play and abuse the overpowered classes fun when people bring the truth out from under the blanket of lies you create."_

“I believe you have described the entirety of the Guild Wars 2 forums with that statement.”

_"Totally true. There’s zero accountability for mod bias on these forums and it’s pretty obvious that certain things disappear because someone on a power trip doesn’t agree.

I might not support all of Daecollo’s suggestions, but he’s entitled to post them just like anyone else. At least he’s showing some effort – something must come of it."_

“Don’t say L2p just say: I think you might benefit from trying other specs or tactics.”

“ohh I love that one too. All warrior specs are viable because they are all so terrible so you can be just as effective in anything you run. tada!!!”

“They are viable. You just gotta run after attacking 2-3 times.”

“for kicks and funny i ran a zerker warrior in wvw come up on a realy good guardian lol, he out healed my attacks, i needed help to bring him down, also boon hate was in place does nothing, dev dont give a crap about this game, just look on there face on the sotg cams laid back not a care in the world, they dont know half of the stuff warrior does.”

There are no suggestions in any of that.

PS: Expect this thread to be locked.

(edited by Leo G.4501)

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: Bacon Please.8407

Bacon Please.8407

Because a thread is derailed does not make it irrelevant. A better way to handle a flood of irrelevant posts is to simply isolate the posts and remove them, not by removing an entire topic that has potential to grow.

We all like to [FARM] Guild Leader
Jade Quarry

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

Well luckily that thread wasn’t removed, just locked. You can still request the thread be unlocked by the Moderators but I doubt you have any compelling reasons that that thread should not be locked…

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: Kaga.7629


Honestly a lot of the stuff that gets posted or started on the warrior forum is just crap man. It is very bad. There’s a lot of Q.Q , there’s a lot of ignorance, and frankly guys like daecollo with his “ideas that will save warriors” of the week thing is jukittenll of fail.

There’s a lot of ways to skin a cat, but some of the people on this forums aren’t even in the same business as we are. there’s also a lot of lazy people that can’t do a forum search.

—Kaga Konikora (aka ze evil frostkeep defense director)
Beware, for Commander Kaga farms j00, ktrainer!
r.i.p [iLL] Maguuma

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: Juular.4729


daecollo has a right, we all do, but this is anet, when they have a sotg on cam again different people please, and the bias dribble they have for questions for them, unbiased people needed to question them, and for god sake devs look more pro, you look lazy has hell, you guys do realy cross over as igorant.

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

Honestly a lot of the stuff that gets posted or started on the warrior forum is just crap man. It is very bad. There’s a lot of Q.Q , there’s a lot of ignorance, and frankly guys like daecollo with his “ideas that will save warriors” of the week thing is jukittenll of fail.

There’s a lot of ways to skin a cat, but some of the people on this forums aren’t even in the same business as we are. there’s also a lot of lazy people that can’t do a forum search.

Heh, agreed.

While I do think Warrior could use more tricks/feats in combat, a lot of the threads that end up around are, like Kaga said, just crying. People say Warriors are jokes and useless, then proceed to make outlandish suggestions like 400HP/sec signets or some such and when people comment that no it’s not balanced, the criers will rush in to tirelessly point out how weak and useless the profession is.

I have nothing against Daecollo’s ideas and I even tried commenting on a lot of them as well as suggesting he consolidate his ideas to a single thread. I got dismissed, labeled a troll that doesn’t play Warrior and the train of kitten flinging on the profession just keeps going. I don’t even bother posting in his threads anymore because he only cares if you agree with him, dismisses your points if you don’t and constantly compares apples to kumquats to validate his suggestions.

And it’s not just his suggestions, the decent ones that have merit are usually looked over so people can go on and fling crap at the profession instead…it’s to the point you have to fling a kitten at the class in your opening sentence just to get anyone to read your posts…

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: Juular.4729


go on everyother professions forum and see how much they hate their players professions and then look at the warriors, somthing is realy wrong for us to be upset i am, i wish no hard feelings to anyone.

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: Veritas.6071


I don’t know how much time you spend in other class threads, but the Warrior threads are absolutely toxic. There is very little new discussion and our threads consist of little more than complaints or new player questions. I understand the warrior is in a bad spot against other classes played by competent players, but how much bickering do we really need?

Almost a year after release, the warrior hasn’t seen many changes to what really neuters the class. We have some shortcomings to which there are no easy answers, but it is sad to come on these forums and see nothing but whining and poorly thought out or overly complex suggestions.

However, I’ll also say it’s equally painful to listen to any devs other than Jonathan Sharp talk, and I’m afraid the warrior is probably pretty close to what it always will be. I think at this point, we can expect band-aids but no major overhaul. After all, it isn’t the entire warrior community that is dissatisfied, and there are seven other classes from which to choose. This isn’t an excuse for what we are, but it’s a reason.

Honestly, between significant bug fixes and generating new content to keep a portion of the audience fixed, warrior balance falls pretty low on the totem-pole… especially because there are instances where we wreck everything and others where we may as well make a sandwich and respawn. We truely are on the razor’s edge between worthless and game breaking.

Ve·ri·tas [English ver-i-tahs] A Latin noun meaning Truth.

(edited by Veritas.6071)

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: Sil.4560


There actually was a video posted regarding a State of the Game live stream, but the thread seems to have “disappeared”. How surprising.

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: Juular.4729


I don’t know how much time you spend in other class threads, but the Warrior threads are absolutely toxic. There is very little new discussion and our threads consist of little more than complaints or new player questions. I understand the warrior is in a bad spot against other classes played by competent players, but how much bickering do we really need?

Almost a year after release, the warrior hasn’t seen many changes to what really neuters the class. We have some shortcomings to which there are no easy answers, but it is sad to come on these forums and see nothing but whining and poorly thought out or overly complex suggestions.

However, I’ll also say it’s equally painful to listen to any devs other than Jonathan Sharp talk, and I’m afraid the warrior is probably pretty close to what it always will be. I think at this point, we can expect band-aids but no major overhaul. After all, it isn’t the entire warrior community that is dissatisfied, and there are seven other classes from which to choose. This isn’t an excuse for what we are, but it’s a reason.

Honestly, between significant bug fixes and generating new content to keep a portion of the audience fixed, warrior balance falls pretty low on the totem-pole… especially because there are instances where we wreck everything and others where we may as well make a sandwich and respawn. We truely are on the razor’s edge between worthless and game breaking.

the hate in the warriors camp is prob why they dont help us, dogged march and boon hate go swim anet.

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


" We truely are on the razor’s edge between worthless and game breaking."

The problem is a handful of classes (theif, mesmer, guard, ele) are fine, and the rest are starving red headed step children who only fill niche rolls (Ranger, Necro, Warrior, Engineer)

The devs are and have been biased toward the former 4 classes. They only begrudingly give the latter any support where they really need it. Then say something about how it would be game breaking to do more…(Yeah, it would be game breaking for their favorite children to actually be getting killed from time to time.)

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Rangers are amazing at any role they play, you know how fun ranger is now that they added agony resistance/toughness/health to pets and fixed there AI? That thing is pretty much a warrior now.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


Meh, it still only hits 1 target, and it still can’t hit anything that moves unless its a squishy ranged type.

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Might as well rename the suggestion forum: Suggestions for Warriors.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


Ooo Ooo I have a suggestion.

lets rework the tactics tree. If the Arms tree is all about bleeds, lets make tactics all about burning!


Minor Traits
Burning Determination: placing a banner or shouting causes 1 sec of burning to nearby enemies.
Reactive Armor: At 50% health, receive a fire shield for 5 seconds (45 second CD)
Cauterization: Do 10% more damage to burning enemies.

Major traits:
Burning Arrows: no longer does 10% more damage, instead gives auto attack and Pin Down arrows the fire field burning effect at all times.
Stronger bowstrings: Double shot now causes bleed 50% of time + range increase.
Shrug it Off: Shouts remove 1 condition, does not stack with soldier runes.
Empower Allies: Gives allies a effect that increases their dmg per boon on them.
Empower: Moved to Master tree, causes any weapon you hold to gain a burning effect and occasionally cause burning (7 second CD).

Skill Changes
ALL banners gain the skill “Place on Back” which lets you carry that banner around with you and still use your normal skills. Downside is only one banner may be on your back at a time. Picking up a different banner causes you to drop current banner causing a blast finisher and put on new banner.

There! How’s that?

(edited by Lorelei.3918)

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


How can some of you be this ignorant? That you play along with the garbage actions of the mods on this site.

Our threads are being moved and deleted and when we bring this up our thread gets locked because it doesn’t have anything to do with the warrior forums??? Are you kidding me it has everything to do with the warrior forums.

The mods and a few of the players that frequent the forums are censoring the real issues and the ability of decent players to get their points across by “LYING” constantly. And this new tactic by the mods to move our threads out of the forums or just out outright delete them is a huge problem.

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


You know somethings wrong when they start deleting threads because incessant crying. Much like class balance issues have become incessant. There’s obviously issues when things like this happens. Stop making stupid new content that only lasts for a month before it’s never used again. How pathetic is that? How long did it take to make the molten dungeon, and now you’ll never use it again? That’s the equivalent of buying a new lawnmower, using it an entire month, then just dumping it.

I truly do not see the point in these pointless updates. Develop new areas of the game that were in your original prequel (gw1 was done right), and stop dabbling in content where you have to literally pay to get the new weapons. I thought this MMO was supposed to be ground breaking? Yet the ring of fire islands aren’t even open? I feel like you guys are going backwards with development. Don’t get me wrong, you’ve created a great work of art thus far, however, there are REAL areas of the game that need your improvement!

Your HUD/UI still isn’t customizable? Guild wars 1 had a revolutionary UI. Yet it will take an “engineering feat” to replicate that in your NEW AND IMPROVED game? Someone back me up here, I’m growing tired from the prolonged use of my red skin and abundant sweat glands.

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


they don’t delete the incessant crying in the thief forums and they didn’t delete the tsunami of whine posts in the rangers forums 3 patches ago. Warrior forums is pretty tame compared to what happens in the thief forums on a daily basis and what happened a while back in the ranger forums.

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: Enmity.3428


It’s worrying when threads of relevance, especially threads that are critical, are deleted. We all chose to play this game for fun, enjoyment and entertainment. If game imbalances are spoiling any aspect of these then surely the proper recourse is to inform the game’s developers as to why. Would they prefer we just left the game to play something else? I don’t get it. We complain and moan because there’s a lot wrong with the class. Because we care. Because we want things to get better. Because we want to keep playing this game.

Forums are and always have been where players come to voice concerns and complaints, and to call for changes. Those who are happy with their class and with the game aren’t on the forums – they’re playing the game. If the Warrior forum is full of complaints, whines, rants, etc., it’s because there are so many issues that players aren’t happy with. Other class forums aren’t as “toxic” because their classes aren’t in such a bad shape. I’d have thought this much was obvious.

ArenaNet can either listen to it’s players and make the game better for them, or those players can just leave. It’s not complicated.

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: Juular.4729


It’s worrying when threads of relevance, especially threads that are critical, are deleted. We all chose to play this game for fun, enjoyment and entertainment. If game imbalances are spoiling any aspect of these then surely the proper recourse is to inform the game’s developers as to why. Would they prefer we just left the game to play something else? I don’t get it. We complain and moan because there’s a lot wrong with the class. Because we care. Because we want things to get better. Because we want to keep playing this game.

Forums are and always have been where players come to voice concerns and complaints, and to call for changes. Those who are happy with their class and with the game aren’t on the forums – they’re playing the game. If the Warrior forum is full of complaints, whines, rants, etc., it’s because there are so many issues that players aren’t happy with. Other class forums aren’t as “toxic” because their classes aren’t in such a bad shape. I’d have thought this much was obvious.

ArenaNet can either listen to it’s players and make the game better for them, or those players can just leave. It’s not complicated.

totally argee, sometimes i myself go off on one, i still think theres hope for the game, dieing hope mind you.

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: Bacon Please.8407

Bacon Please.8407

I just hope something changes before Elder Scrolls online comes along otherwise I will go play a warrior in that game.

We aren’t asking for anything ground breaking. Just not to delete our important threads and try to censor us. The mods should be held accountable.

We all like to [FARM] Guild Leader
Jade Quarry

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: Sil.4560


I have to say, this is becoming completely ridiculous. When it gets to the point where some biased moderators are shutting down threads because the balance team is apparently too incapable – or unwilling – to fix the warrior class, wow.

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: Veritas.6071


It’s worrying when threads of relevance, especially threads that are critical, are deleted. We all chose to play this game for fun, enjoyment and entertainment. If game imbalances are spoiling any aspect of these then surely the proper recourse is to inform the game’s developers as to why. Would they prefer we just left the game to play something else? I don’t get it. We complain and moan because there’s a lot wrong with the class. Because we care. Because we want things to get better. Because we want to keep playing this game.

Forums are and always have been where players come to voice concerns and complaints, and to call for changes. Those who are happy with their class and with the game aren’t on the forums – they’re playing the game. If the Warrior forum is full of complaints, whines, rants, etc., it’s because there are so many issues that players aren’t happy with. Other class forums aren’t as “toxic” because their classes aren’t in such a bad shape. I’d have thought this much was obvious.

ArenaNet can either listen to it’s players and make the game better for them, or those players can just leave. It’s not complicated.

It isn’t just the complaining that makes it toxic. It’s the complaints and suggestions that give away the fact many of the whiners are clueless as to the mechanics of the game. Just because someone complains doesn’t mean they are correct. Lots of complaints in the warrior forums are spot on… the majority of the suggestions aren’t. Having said that, I stand by my statement that all the balance devs who’ve addressed the community, aside from Sharp, make me fear for the future of humanity.

Ve·ri·tas [English ver-i-tahs] A Latin noun meaning Truth.

(edited by Veritas.6071)

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: Epic.3950


Your post in Idea for Destruction of the Empowered: was infracted by a moderator:
Moderator Note:
Your post violates our code of conduct for inappropriate formatting. Please refrain from the use of all caps etc when posting.
This infraction serves only a warning. Additional infractions may award Infraction Points which can negatively affect your account. Infraction points may cause loss of privileges, including forum suspension.
Your message was deleted.
This is an automated message generated by an infraction given by a human moderator. If you believe you have received this infraction in error or wish to make an appeal, please send an e-mail to
Just got that… Obviously because I bashed bunkers since the message was obviously not all caps. 50% and 100% are very VERY different. Abusive mods be abusive. They must all be bunker eles and guards.

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


Another thread was moved out of the warrior forums as well today. It’s just the norm now that our threads get deleted or moved so they don’t have to address the real problems with the class.

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Another thread was moved out of the warrior forums as well today. It’s just the norm now that our threads get deleted or moved so they don’t have to address the real problems with the class.

Some got moved to the suggestions forum since that’s where, you know… suggestions go. I don’t see what’s wrong with that, helps keep things uncluttered and organized.

Technically this is supposed to be focused on profession discussion, i.e. build, tactics, advice, gameplay videos, skill analysis, &c. But it has the profession name on it, so it’s just a natural magnet for suggestions (instead of the suggestions forum), but reports (instead of the bug report forum), and general complaints (which I don’t think have a designated forum).

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


the suggestion forums where posts go to die awesome

mods keep deleting relevant warrior threads

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


You know if I could ask the moderators a question it would be along the lines of are you mentally handicapped or just plain biased? The warrior community after 9 months of class obscurity finally have the ear of the developers and what makes you think moving and deleting threads in anyway is helpful to us getting strong changes that actually improve the game and make the product you work for better.

The warrior community is under assault 24/7 by trolls and just plain idiots that derail our threads and lie constantly about the state of the actual game. It’s a 24/7 job to try to combat this garbage and idk I guess you think your helping? Well guess what Buckaroo your not helping. Moving our threads and outright deleting them cause a reee reee got it’s feeling hurt by the truth will end up getting us non changes just like the last patch. I don’t know if the moderators are trying to match the incompetence of the Arenanet play testers but it’s got to be neck and neck.