need opinions on new build

need opinions on new build

in Warrior

Posted by: pvtmiller.2641


Hey, i started playing around with a new build idea i had. I wanted to make a roaming warrior wvw build. So i went 0,4,6,0,4. I’m using GS and Mace/Shield, and knights armor, with berserker trinkets. Idk what kind of runes to use, or if this build is even a viable option.

Any constructive criticism would be appreciated.

need opinions on new build

in Warrior

Posted by: Highchu.3806


Would be helpful if you linked the actual build, just saying 0/4/6/0/4 (GS+Mace/Shield) can have many different variations. Try using:

need opinions on new build

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I honestly don’t really think it’s worth it to use GS with 0 in strength. I’m assuming you have 4 in arms for Forceful Greatsword, which is nice, but with a build like this you aren’t going to be able to burst anyone down unless they’re a total noob. GS has fantastic utility but its a weapon for builds focusing on direct damage, and going 0 in strength for that is a mistake in my opinion.

need opinions on new build

in Warrior

Posted by: pvtmiller.2641


here is the build. idk wht sigils to use. keep in mind im going for a roaming build, so i tried to make it have good damage and survivability.

need opinions on new build

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Regardless of what you decide to do, it’s a mistake to use GS without Forceful Greatsword (Arms X). If you really want to stick to the same trait point allocation, I’d suggest maybe Defy Pain instead of Rousing Resilience and certainly not Cleansing Ire because the burst skills for both GS and mace aren’t ideal for it. Cleansing Ire works extremely well with longbow’s combustive shot as it doesn’t require you to actually hit anything for it to work.

A few practical alternatives that you could benefit from instead of Cleansing Ire:
Shield Master, Sure-Footed (if you’re using stances), Sundering Mace, or Last Stand.

I personally think that if you are content with the weapon choice and trait points, you should go with Sundering Mace with the above options.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

need opinions on new build

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


Skullcrack works perfectly fine without points in Strength. Without Forceful GS even.

Take Unsuspecting foe.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

need opinions on new build

in Warrior

Posted by: Penguin.7906



need opinions on new build

in Warrior

Posted by: Highchu.3806


For the Missile Deflection+Riposte combo since it technically reflects all ranged attacks rather than blocking does it still cause bleeding? Also, does reflecting still count as being attacked triggering adrenaline?

need opinions on new build

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


For the Missile Deflection+Riposte combo since it technically reflects all ranged attacks rather than blocking does it still cause bleeding? Also, does reflecting still count as being attacked triggering adrenaline?

only bleeding if u block a melee attack. reflecting does not count as blocking though so traits like might on block don’t work. reflecting counts as damage you do so it fills your adrinaline as if you are doing damage. It does not work with cleansin ire as you are taking no damage while reflecting. as per the adrinaline gain part. the condition clear on burst works it just give u adrenaline if u are not taking damage.

the discrepancy is without missile deflection if you block a projectile while in melee range it will count as a block and return bleeding as i recall. With the trait regardless if you are melee range or not it will reflect the projectile.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

(edited by Warlord.9074)

need opinions on new build

in Warrior

Posted by: pvtmiller.2641


tht looks like a good build, but im not really a wrod/bleeding kind of guy. Should I put any points into strength? Like go for a zerker build with berserker armor, or is this good for roaming?

need opinions on new build

in Warrior

Posted by: pvtmiller.2641


slight improvements, added forceful GS instead of unsuspecting foe. Still looking for opinions.

need opinions on new build

in Warrior

Posted by: Penguin.7906


Forcefull GS is not as usefull as people are claiming, it adds a very marginal dps boost in pvp. And I think you are doing yourself a disservice not getting missile deflection, the trait makes Counterblow reflect projectiles for it’s full duration (same goes for ripposte on sword) if you are not in melee range of the attacker.
Rousing resilience is also not a very strong choice. It gives 1000 toughnes on 48 sec cd, when alternative is endure pain on 60 cd.
Furthermore I would recomend sword over shield, as it gives a block on a much lower cd and it gives you impale, which does good damage even without condition damage in your build. If you start using sword in offhand it opens up for more damage-oriented traiting aswell. I will list my suggestion again, please take a good look at it.


need opinions on new build

in Warrior

Posted by: pvtmiller.2641


I guess i’ll try your build out. Would my traits, the way I have mine set up be ok for it? I like having six in defense, because it gives more survivability. And no one has really told me anything about my personal build. Is it good for wvw?
more tweaks=

(edited by pvtmiller.2641)

need opinions on new build

in Warrior

Posted by: Penguin.7906


If you really want 6 in defence, id go something like this:

But i’d rather build toughness with items than lock ureself in with traits.


need opinions on new build

in Warrior

Posted by: Penguin.7906


also, I would change out FGJ for Berserker stance and Doliak signet for ballanced stance. The shorter cd and swiftness is more valuable than the extra toughness for when it’s not on cd.
