personal overview - warrior rework

personal overview - warrior rework

in Warrior

Posted by: EvilAmir.2346


I’ve been playing warrior since 2014, i have witnessed warrior’s fall throughout patches and patches of balance, i have seen decrease in numbers of their making, of their playing, they still exist in pve as they r still good for making high numbers, but those numbers come with noticeable cost, and as for wvw and spvp…..
I made this topic so those in charge could see 1 more opinion in what is my favorite class, but giving up of it because playing him outside pve is a mockery, a shadow of the past time where he was last good and up-to-date while there was a system still alive where we all would buy traits with gold….

To begin with:
Warhorn – weapon that remained in 2014 considering quality, too weak and useless, should get more boons-per-skill, more debuffs/conditions, and more condi cleansing

Maces – solid weapons, but difficult to build them up to be able to use them in their best form, traits that maces benefit from are spanned over 4 trait lines (in my opinion it should be more simple than that), and mace skills are too weak in dmg, that should be doubled up

Hammer – nothing to say except base dmg i think should be bigger by 25-33% because i hate seeing such a weapon hit barely 2k-3k with skills in spvp with zerk build

Offhand Sword – this weapon doesn’t exist anymore, should be reworked into tactical zerk weapon

Shouts – also trapped in 2014 – should get more boons/conditions, maybe dmg, but all in all, more properties definitely, even through traits (stronger heal – 1000 heal at 20k hp class is LOL), decrease cooldown on “Fear Me!”, maybe add or rework some shouts to more defensive abilities

Stances – too simple with huge cooldown time, there should be more to a warrior than doubling Endure Pain just to stay alive and “pretend” you can match other classes, also maybe add or rework stances to more defensive abilities, for the sake of bigger sustain and/or tank/bunker build

Signets – should have slightly better Active properties, maybe even passive 25% moving speed

Physical – return the old trait with 100% dmg boost OR increase base dmg, remove dependence on adrenaline, make them able for counterbuild similar to thief’s, decrease cooldown times, and make them up-to-date by giving additional physical skill that unlocks after initial successful hit – for example; after Bull’s Charge successful hit gain access to Elbow Punch – falling on an enemy once he is on the floor, or after Throw Bolas – pull your enemy toward you

Berserker (expansion aspect) – make it less dependent on EQUIPPING a trait line just to be able to use new stuff (I’m saying this for all classes, not just warrior), we should be able to use Rage skills and Torch irrelevant to using the trait line, maybe even Berserk Mode WITHOUT modified F1 bursts

Offhand Burst skills (new F2) – just to make Offhand weapons more useful/needed, while two-handed would have both F1-F2, but all weapons and weapon combinations would only be able to use 1 skill per adrenaline, and wait till adrenaline is pumped up again to use a second burst skill if the first one is still on cooldown

Adrenaline-over-time – a suggestion from personal opinion to give skills and abilities that use adrenaline like Revenant his Energy or Thief his Initiative

Traits – some need re-work, some need re-ordering to different lines or columns, some I think should be removed, and some new added

Thank you for watching, reading, and have fun playing!

personal overview - warrior rework

in Warrior

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


a very intrestin option the offhand burst. No berseker mode. F2 is a second burst skill for offhand (for 2h it just uses the current zerker burst. Traits that trigger on berzerker mode now trigger on F1 and F2 once. Woot zerkers rocks and is even easier.
And for banners: half all casting times and cooldowns …

personal overview - warrior rework

in Warrior

Posted by: EvilAmir.2346


I even came up with this;

Banners – would give increased stat bonuses, and for elite banner, make it Pulse Life every 10 secs, meaning when a player is downed, it will make him rise again, and when the player is finished and waiting to port-spawn, banner gets him back to Downed state, and after 10 secs to Life again – BUT i would make those banners destructible and remove pve aggro so they last longer once summoned

personal overview - warrior rework

in Warrior

Posted by: Zdaive.9302


I miss the Gw1 Stances system. In my opinion, Stances should be core game mechanics of the Warrior profession. Remove them from Healing/Utility bars and add switchable F skills that drain Adrenaline on use.
For example :
F2 – Defiant Stance : absorbs all incoming attacks
F3 – Frenzy Stance : gain Quickness and Might
F4 – Balanced Stance : gain Stability and Resistance

personal overview - warrior rework

in Warrior

Posted by: EvilAmir.2346


I myself prefer Stances the way they are, but hate the fact now that effect can be removed, because they are boons now, except endure pain and defiant stance, all stances should be unique and irremovable, but not a mechanic, mb its better that burst is a mechanic, but for the sake of balance its only 10% stronger, and should be more to live up to the Damage Dealer title