please make cleansing ire more reliable

please make cleansing ire more reliable

in Warrior

Posted by: Drakortha.6974


speaking from personal experience in spvp matches, the requirement to actually hit an enemy with the burst skill for this trait to work is unreliable at best especially for a melee class who might not even be in burst range. Not only that but sometimes the burst skill not connecting at all (hammer burst bug)

other classes have ways to clear conditions without having to hit an enemy to do it so why cant us?

thank you

Ranger, Warrior, Guardian

please make cleansing ire more reliable

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


Yeah, warriors can’t really complain about condition cleansing right now buddy.

We can complain about insanely high condition damage, but that’s another story.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
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I always rage but never quit.

please make cleansing ire more reliable

in Warrior

Posted by: Drakortha.6974


but that is the problem. a lot of conditions hurt faster than i can build adrenaline + hit enemy with a burst skill. meanwhile rangers and other classes have easy “oh kitten” button. i just think a good compromise would be removing the impact enemy requirement, so that i could flee a fight and still clear conditions that are debilitating me.

Ranger, Warrior, Guardian

please make cleansing ire more reliable

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


but that is the problem. a lot of conditions hurt faster than i can build adrenaline + hit enemy with a burst skill. meanwhile rangers and other classes have easy “oh kitten” button. i just think a good compromise would be removing the impact enemy requirement, so that i could flee a fight and still clear conditions that are debilitating me.

I’d rather have a good ability to cleanse when I am in a fight, not running from one.

Honestly man, we have a lot of very viable anti-condi tools right now. Brawler’s Recovery, Signet of Stamina, Berserker’s Stance, Dogged March (even better with Hoelbrak/Lemongrass), Shake it Off, Quick Breathing, even Sigil of Cleansing is especially good on warrior. And then we haven’t even touched Cleansing Ire yet…

Now if they just tone down the ridiculous damage from mainly burning..

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

please make cleansing ire more reliable

in Warrior

Posted by: Bacon.1835


speaking from personal experience in spvp matches, the requirement to actually hit an enemy with the burst skill for this trait to work is unreliable at best especially for a melee class who might not even be in burst range. Not only that but sometimes the burst skill not connecting at all (hammer burst bug)

other classes have ways to clear conditions without having to hit an enemy to do it so why cant us?

thank you

Seems like you are yet to discover combustive shot

please make cleansing ire more reliable

in Warrior

Posted by: Sharky.1470


Cleansing Ire is fine as it is. We have other problems, as warriors, this ain’t one of them. I take Last Stand over Cleansing Ire, as I feel I don’t need it…

please make cleansing ire more reliable

in Warrior

Posted by: cryorion.9532


That’s why I use CI only with longbow and sometimes with hammer. Single target burst skills are unreliable imo for cleansing, e.g. you get blinded, you will miss = no cleanse.

please make cleansing ire more reliable

in Warrior

Posted by: Shala.8352


Cleansing Ire is fine as it is. We have other problems, as warriors, this ain’t one of them. I take Last Stand over Cleansing Ire, as I feel I don’t need it…

i usualy chose last stand over cleansing ire since the cleansing provided from it is unreliable, it’s based on a noob play from the opponent who let you hit him with a burst with chill/blind/cripple/weakness and many others… a decent condi player, when applied those condi will just kite like hell, since this is the purpose of condi damage player: dealing damage while kiting and running like a chicken, waiting for condi doing the damage instead of skills.
To be honest, last thing i will do when getting plenty of condi is trying to desperatly hit with a telegraphed burst the opponent and hoping he wont dodge, a desperate race against the time of condition damage. Cleanser skill/trait should be immediate and on demand, else they are not reliable.

So, speaking about warrior having many others cleanse doesnt make cleansing ire a decent cleanse mechanic.

please make cleansing ire more reliable

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


Cleansing Ire is fine as it is. We have other problems, as warriors, this ain’t one of them. I take Last Stand over Cleansing Ire, as I feel I don’t need it…

i usualy chose last stand over cleansing ire since the cleansing provided from it is unreliable, it’s based on a noob play from the opponent who let you hit him with a burst with chill/blind/cripple/weakness and many others… a decent condi player, when applied those condi will just kite like hell, since this is the purpose of condi damage player: dealing damage while kiting and running like a chicken, waiting for condi doing the damage instead of skills.
To be honest, last thing i will do when getting plenty of condi is trying to desperatly hit with a telegraphed burst the opponent and hoping he wont dodge, a desperate race against the time of condition damage. Cleanser skill/trait should be immediate and on demand, else they are not reliable.

So, speaking about warrior having many others cleanse doesnt make cleansing ire a decent cleanse mechanic.

It actually is decent. It still remains an option, a very viable one with Longbow, and it generates a lot of adrenaline. More then worthy of a GM.

Also, greatsword and to some extent hammer burst are also doable to land. GS burst is a quickcast AoE, and hammer burst can be a follow-up to other CC.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

please make cleansing ire more reliable

in Warrior

Posted by: Shala.8352


Restorative illusion: Heal yourself and lose conditions when you use a shatter skill.

Cleansing Water: Remove a condition when granting regeneration to yourself or an ally

Cleansing Wave: Remove a condition from you and your allies when attuning to water

Diamond Skin: Conditions cannot be applied to you when your health is above the threshold (this is a troll for berserker stance, just make you understand how much time berserker stance is acting on a elementalist durint an entire fight)

Shadow’s Embrace: Remove conditions periodically while in stealth CD 3seconds (trololololol brawler recovery, and not even requiring any action like cleansing ire)

Escapist’s Absolution: Remove a condition whenever you evade an attack (this alone can rrrrreeeeekt all the cleanse skills of warrior togheter, especialy considering the perma evades thief can have)

Blurred Inscriptions: Activating a signet grants you distortion and removes conditions. Signet recharge is also reduced. (trolololol it’s like having endure pain, a better on demand cleanse than cleansing ire and signet master all togheter in the same trait!!!! TROLOLOLOLOLOL WARRIOR TROLOLOLOL)

The Pledge: Torch skills remove conditions. Torch skills recharge faster while you are in stealth. (trololololol cleansing ire i dont have to hit, i just use a skill and cleanse)

Empathic Bond: Pets periodically take conditions from you, CD 10sec condition removed 3 (trololololol cleansing ire i dont have to hit and i dont have to build my adrenaline to remove 3 conditions)

I dont even start with necro cuz ye, he just eat conditions.
Okay what you see, is that other classes have better on demand cleanse traits that just make cleansing ire useless.
Stop telling me cleansing ire is decent cuz is actualy a kitten.
As i said many many times in this forum, the adrenaline gain from hit shoult be moved at the place of thick skin (wich has to be removed since is another trololololol) and cleansing ire should be changed by a DECENT OOOOON DEMAND cleanse mechanic, like the ones i mentioned from others class.

“Also, greatsword and to some extent hammer burst are also doable to land. GS burst is a quickcast AoE, and hammer burst can be a follow-up to other CC”
You fool, those are already hard burst to land and require an outplay (or noobplay of the opponent, it depends on the point of wiew), but as i said if i’m gonna unload a condi burst on you, i will dodge none of your attack but the burst, or just start kite you enjoying the timer to death flowing on your condition bar.

(edited by Shala.8352)

please make cleansing ire more reliable

in Warrior

Posted by: Thuggernaut.1250


Cleansing Ire fell out of the meta, because the specialization update wrecked Shoutbow and Hambow builds, and longbow is really the only reliable way to trigger Cleansing Ire.

The melee bursts are so fickle with the mass amounts of dodges, blinds, and blocks flying around, that you might as well just take Last Stand, because you can’t rely on Cleansing Ire to proc when you need it. We have to take triple stances to survive in PvP anyway.

Solution: make the more important part of Cleansing Ire (Embrace the Pain, old trait merged into Cleansing Ire) a separate trait again, preferably replacing Thick Skin).

please make cleansing ire more reliable

in Warrior

Posted by: DevilLordLaser.8619


Silly me, thinking Warriors had by-far-bar-none the best condition handling in the game. Maybe an Alchemical Tinctures Engineer comes close, but only if they take Elixir C as one of their options.

As someone who plays and loves their Necromancer, I can state that Ryn can only dream of being able to rinse off conditions as easily and regularly as Warriors do.

please make cleansing ire more reliable

in Warrior

Posted by: Thuggernaut.1250


Silly me, thinking Warriors had by-far-bar-none the best condition handling in the game. Maybe an Alchemical Tinctures Engineer comes close, but only if they take Elixir C as one of their options.

As someone who plays and loves their Necromancer, I can state that Ryn can only dream of being able to rinse off conditions as easily and regularly as Warriors do.

You might have had a point before the specialization update, when every Warrior carried a longbow + Vigorous Shouts. After the update, no Warrior that wants to actually do anything useful in sPvP runs that build.

The only thing keeping Warrior from becoming a condi punching-bag now is Berserker Stance + Brawler’s Recovery. As a Necro, you should have no problem condi-bombing a Warrior now; just wait for Berserker’s Stance to run out, and let the condis rip.

please make cleansing ire more reliable

in Warrior

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Silly me, thinking Warriors had by-far-bar-none the best condition handling in the game. Maybe an Alchemical Tinctures Engineer comes close, but only if they take Elixir C as one of their options.

As someone who plays and loves their Necromancer, I can state that Ryn can only dream of being able to rinse off conditions as easily and regularly as Warriors do.

Actually, Ranger’s Empathetic Bond is the best condi cleanse.

3 condi cleanses for every 10 second for doing absolutely nothing vs. 3 condi cleanses for building up adrenaline and making the attack land.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

please make cleansing ire more reliable

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


You fool – snip


I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.