possible Peak Performance is bugged

possible Peak Performance is bugged

in Warrior

Posted by: degoking.1482


I made a post about this a few weeks ago ever since 2 patches ago Peak performance does not seem to be working as intended. And to be honest i can’t believe no one has noticed or cares.

Any how to the point when u have full adrenaline with that trait u are suppose to get an increased damage of 30% on physical utility’s skills, and before 6 that patch few weeks back the damage buff would show on the skill tips, but now it does not.

Which i thought ok well it is anet and they probably messed up the skill facts just a bug right? the damage is still increased but it is just not displayed Well i did some testing on this and as far as i can tell Peak performance is not scaling with any of the utility’s such as kick, stomp, bulls charge. Now when i go into rampage i have to be honest i can’t tell if it is working or not. I am not a numbers guys this was just doing some basic testing myself so if i am wrong my bad.

But with that Said i would like an answer from Anet if they know that the skill tips are not working as intended. I am at least 90% sure Peak performance is not working with the utility moves i listed above which means it is basically a trait slot that does nothing just a wasted slot.

And like I said with rampage i’m not sure about this one, if it is or is not working. But if anyone else can confirm this that would be great, as i stated, i just did some basic test maybe i did something wrong so any help/answers about this would be appreciated thanks.