role of a warrior
Damage mitigation + dmg.
i build my warrior pure dps with a greatsword and rifle as second weapon. Power/precision/critDmg.
I really don’t know what other classes hits for, but the end of hundred blades was a 25k crit at best.
A warrior can also assist with banners with 7,8,9
Aswell a good combo is the axe/mace with a axe in the mainhand that is relative quick and can cripple with an attack and add 4 stacks of vulnurbility with the other.
The mace “4” adds aswell 4 vulnurbility stacks and the “5” for a frontal cone stun.
A warrior is what u make from it. If someone else says warrior sucks, then they didn’t took the effort to make a descent working build. and making a build is not checking forums what is good!!!!
“I really don’t know what other classes hits for, but the end of hundred blades was a 25k crit at best.”
Actually, all that means is that the full HB hit for 25k, not the last one hit for 25k.
25k was the last hit. haven’t counted the whole skill dmg so can’t say that
No you miss-read what I wrote. Each HB attack # you see, is just an additive of the one before it.
Attack 1: 1000 Dmg
Attack 2: 1000 Dmg
But you’d see it as
Attack 1: 1000 Dmg
Attack 2: 2000 Dmg.
It’s just adding the attacks from before. Not many characters can have 25k hp so if the LAST attack is hitting for 25k, that means your HB should gib every profession in the game instantly.
Kids aren’t even reading the skill description of the one they put their build on it, today.
You’re right Defektive.
As for the role of the warrior, it depends. It can be support oriented damage, support oriented defense, CC, glass cannon, lots of things. It may not be as effective as other classes, but remember we’re a meatbag with lots of hp and heavy armor.