shaman boss FOTM, best warrior traits/skills?
Weapon : —-—- / Warhorn
Skills : For Great Justice / Shake It Off / On my Mark // Warbanner
Full cleric stuff (just buy a full green set) + rune of the Soldier
Traits : 30 tactics : —-— / Warhorn trait / Healing Shout trait
Ok this build is a bit overkill but if you want support it should do fine ^^
i really appreciate the reply, but i’m already a shout warrior, i know the build well.
I was looking for tips on the shaman fight specifically, and what traits/skills players might change from the normal shout warrior to better fight this boss.
have you actually successfully used war banner to try to res a dead party member on this boss specifically? i tried it twice and it never worked. maybe bc he nails the dead with his fire aoe after they go down and my banner can’t compete?
imo that fight needs alot of dps, but you also need to survive.
10 V
30 rending (forget the #), VII, X
30 I, shout cooldown, XII
GS/rifle, FGJ, SIO, and i slot in my open slot witch i use situationally with fear me. reason being all should be on shaman when he turtles at which point the fire eles, all converge and can wipe a party very quickly, fear me buys you a few crucial seconds cures a condition and gives a small heal.
soldier runes of course, and i run sigils of blood with omnom pies with zerker jewelry, and either knight or zerker armor (usually knight for that fight)
also remember, the best way to revive somone is to kill moar fire eles!, don’t get downed reviving from an aoe and for the love of god don’t try and res is boss is on you.
I personally love being set on fire constantly. Quickbreathing = Aegis twice every 16 seconds.