so op
So op, you demolish those lvl 24 pve mobs!!!! Must be broken better nerf warrior.
nah just bring the others up to the warriors level
ArenaNet should have personal player spectating available, so we can all watch this guy in six levels when he runs AC.
Those lvl 24 mobs are pretty hardcore I have to admit.
I can’t believe this! kitten ?
Dude once you reach the big boys league you will be crying that warriors are Under powered.
That 90% crit chance is gonna disappear real fast, and you’re going to be whining about your extremely low survivability even with high toughness and vitality. Warriors aren’t tanks, they die real fast against any kind of damage despite their health.. damage is all they have. I played a lot of MMOs, and warriors here are real glass cannons even in tank build, they just die real fast no matter what build you have, and if you take away the damage they do, then no one will play them.
At low levels, warriors require little skill, but at higher levels they require a very skilled player to survive against anything, and in places like Orr you will be kiting things despite your armor and health.
(edited by Zsymon.8457)
AH no i dont want to work for my kills
oh wait
I think you are confusing working for your kills for: dying by getting within melee range of anything late game
my warrior is my main, and early game yes, its pretty easy, but the CC, conditions and insane damage from mobs late game will make you want to roll rifle
Until that warrior walks up to you with a bigkitten hammer and totally demolishes you without receiving anything
Zietlogik is exaggerating Whilst warriors are not ‘tanks’ obviously i have a 80 warrior that is very survivable, in Solo PvE (if that is what he is referring to) you can actually outregen damage done to you from 2-3 mobs and be essentially invincible if you build right. And in dungeons you can melee just fine. (again you really do need to build and gear correctly to be able to melee in a dungeon, glass cannon builds just wont work :p)
ArenaNet should have personal player spectating available, so we can all watch this guy in six levels when he runs AC.
where he will easy mode hardtank everything while doing toooons of dmg as well o.O yes i ran it as well on expl when my worriar was 35 ^^ actually at lvl 30 but yer…
That 90% crit chance is gonna disappear real fast, and you’re going to be whining about your extremely low survivability even with high toughness and vitality. Warriors aren’t tanks, they die real fast against any kind of damage despite their health.. damage is all they have. I played a lot of MMOs, and warriors here are real glass cannons even in tank build, they just die real fast no matter what build you have, and if you take away the damage they do, then no one will play them.
At low levels, warriors require little skill, but at higher levels they require a very skilled player to survive against anything, and in places like Orr you will be kiting things despite your armor and health.
o.O seriously.. you got no clue… go play a elementalist in ac or just after lvl 35 and then come back with your wierd ideas… worriars are insane tank with insane dmg even at lvl 80.
Why have this many people responded to an insanely obvious troll?
He did everything but hit 64 size bold font and type out “I R TEH TROLL TEH WARIORZ!”
C’mon guys, really?
Yaks Bend
May be troll or may be not. I had same feelings when played warrior after elementalist.
Anyway, warrior’s faceroll in GS/rifle build is boring.
Warrior with heavy armor and many defencive abilities is not tank… facepalm.
Hate to break it to you, but every other 5 signet warrior is gonna have 80-90% crit at level 20-30ish. As you level though, diminishing returns kick in, since that 200 free precision gets less and less valuable.
My advice is to break away from the 5 signet build when you hit 60+ so that you start getting rid of bad habits/learning new ones. Bad habits being, only using 1-5 skills and not using any utility or elites. Gotta get used to watching cooldowns/distances etc eventually.
elementalist is superior over warrior when it comes down to pve
i got both and my warrior is 80, ele is just so much better. YOu can actually aoe 20 melee mobs as an ele (if you ever find that many) because they’ll never even reach you when you play your class right and put effort. As wwarrior you can’t. Not to mention ele’s staff ccs are so useful in instances
warrior is “good” but definitely not op for anything , be it pvp or pve
So warriors are OP because Deep Strike is a flat +40 Prec as oppose to based on warrior level, gotcha.
elementalist is superior over warrior when it comes down to pve
i got both and my warrior is 80, ele is just so much better. YOu can actually aoe 20 melee mobs as an ele (if you ever find that many) because they’ll never even reach you when you play your class right and put effort. As wwarrior you can’t. Not to mention ele’s staff ccs are so useful in instances
warrior is “good” but definitely not op for anything , be it pvp or pve
I’d love to see a video of you doing that. I don’t think any ele is actually capable of that, especially if any of those mobs are ranged.
The fact is most of the people in this thread have no clue how good they have it. Warriors are one of the top tier professions in this game; they have been since BWE1. Everyone here go play an ele to 80 then come back and say warriors have problems…
Key word – melee. One ranged mob in pack kill your wonderful ele. Of course, you can spec ele as tank, but… you know, my guardian in tank spec does better damage. Btw, try to aoe kite pack of undead mobs (risen trall for example), who are so fast like diarrhea.
Sorry to delude you, incisorr, but all AoE skills have a cap on targets they can hit and that’s 5. Even with the powerful s/d ele’s combo (ring of fire → phoenix at point blank → tooth & arcane wave → earthquake → churning earth under arcane shield – 15 stacks of might then), you will kill quite quickly 5 mobs at most… but then you’re left with the cooldowns. You don’t have enough trait points to spec into reduced cooldowns on all elements and you NEED to use all elements as an ele. You can’t just go fire+earth, trait fire and earth, and ignore water and air, as you can with any other profession – just pick your favourite two weapon sets as warrior and roll with them.
Got my warrior to 20 now, but i’ve seen lv80 warriors PvEing in Orr and my fully-exotic ele comes NOWHERE NEAR to what warriors can do; the dps they’re dishing out is literally insane, all along with high survivability even with just high passive hp/armor.
Not to mention that all groups successful in suicide missions like CoF1 had at least 2 warriors (and a thief) in their lineup, and never an ele…