suggestions for rifle balance

suggestions for rifle balance

in Warrior

Posted by: LionChain.7694


I think that all rifle/harpoon gun shots should pierce. The damage on gun flame should be reduced by maybe like 15%. And Crack Shot needs to be reworked so that it provides a CD reduction and either gives 150 precision while wielding a rifle or gives a 33% chance to apply one 5-sec stack of vulnerability on hit (not crit hit); if the vulnerability suggestion is used, then gun flame damage should be reduced by maybe 20%. I love gun flame as much as the next person, but I’ve seen wars do like 18k-20k gun flames and then spam that thing like every 2-3 sec, and that’s ridiculous.

Also, this is an idea, but it would be cool if the rifle five attack, if it hits a target successfully, chains into a second skill that’s like a melee bayonet attack, allowing you to stab your target. Since a lot of rifle skins don’t have a bayonet on them, the animation would probably need to show the bayonet stabbing the target.

Anyway, hope you take my suggestions into consideration, anet, although I know there’s like a 99.99% chance you will just throw these suggestions, and suggestions from other war players, out the window and do whatever you want.

suggestions for rifle balance

in Warrior

Posted by: Majestic Concupiscence.4521

Majestic Concupiscence.4521

Yeah. The fact that they took away thw the piercing from rifle on warrior just made it unplayable for me. Longbow is condi damage and the f1 is a time lapse ground targeting attack. No thank you.
But about gunflame, that’s the only burst skill I’ve gotten to one shot players with. Stun with elite skill, knockback with utility skill, gunflame, dead.

suggestions for rifle balance

in Warrior

Posted by: revox.8273


rifle is the only thing that can show a middle finger to enemyes at range, gunflame is the best thing that warr have now :/ so if u nerf its damage, it will be useless, my point of view

suggestions for rifle balance

in Warrior

Posted by: Tumult.2578


Rifle balance will never occur. Get used to that. It would require balancing the weapon separately in PvP and PvE.
For that to happen, they would have to give up the esports pipe dream and they wont even when all the players are gone.
The last change made the weapon slightly better in PvP but made it absolutely worthless in PvE.
They’ve made their first strictly PvP weapon.

suggestions for rifle balance

in Warrior

Posted by: Kicker.8203


In tPvP, rifle primal burst makes the warrior come close to meta but still not there. If it gets nerfed you might as well delete the class.
In wvw the numbers get absurd on all skills.

(edited by Kicker.8203)