thief looking for advice

thief looking for advice

in Warrior

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678



So getting back into my thief for wvw. I am running a S/d roaming build, very minimal to no stealth besides heals. How would I go about competing with the Warriors best Wvw 1v1 build?
Looking here because you guys know the Warrior mechanics far better than I do.

My build is 0/30/10/30
Fuller zerker gear and trinks

(edited by BlaqueFyre.5678)

thief looking for advice

in Warrior

Posted by: ArtemisEntreri.4138


First off, S/D + zerker + minimal stealth = certain death. If you want minimal stealth in your build you will need to gear more defensively. Please link your build and armor/ weapon setup so we can assist or ask on thief forums. A lot of QQ about thieves in this forum.

Guardian / Warrior / Thief / Necromancer
Black Gate – Immortals of the Mist [IoM]

thief looking for advice

in Warrior

Posted by: Nickeloneon.8714


Thieves are usually easy for warriors… Unless they carry alot of blinds with them like D/P for example.

Pistol 5 is probably the most annoying thing ever created in this game… If you’re feeling cheesy, you should be able to hold your own against a warrior with it though.

Nycke / Best warrior evar ~ 11111111111111111-5-F1… I win!!

thief looking for advice

in Warrior

Posted by: Loading.4503


I’ve been working on my encounters with warriors also on my thief with s/d and the blinds help a lot from tactical strike and cloaked in shadows and a lot of warriors rely on unsuspecting foe for that crit chance so I usually try to boon steal when I see fury on them