warr current viable builds

warr current viable builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Darkorox.5784


hey i was playing gw2 a while back but stopped my build was axe/mace and 2h sword offhand. started playing today and was wondering if my build is still viable for solo/dungeons ?

warr current viable builds

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


The zerker 30/25/0/0/15 GS+Axe/Mace is still pretty much the Warrior meta in PvP so you should be good if that’s all you want to do. PvP wise things have changed a good deal.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

warr current viable builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

The zerker 30/25/0/0/15 GS+Axe/Mace is still pretty much the Warrior meta in PvE so you should be good if that’s all you want to do. PvP wise things have changed a good deal.

Fixed that for you

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

warr current viable builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Darkorox.5784


ah thanks alot bros, cheers !