warriors are exctinct
warriors are in a pretty decent spot, all classes should be more like warriors. tbh, most are, which is good
your mistake is comparing them to thiefs. its like comparing a knife to a bazooka
its not that warriors are underpowered, its that thiefs are insanely overpowered and noone should ever compare with them to make a point across.
anyway, I doubt ANet can ignore for any longer that 80% of the population is playing a thief in sPvP, and will soon react. thiefs will be nerfed to hell and back.
Warriors are decent?
They’re weak in pvp and overrated in pve, people who think warrior is awesome in pve should try rerolling to some ranged class with debuffs and the ability to put full berserker gear for max dps. My warrior needs atleast knight gear to be able to survive most of the time at melee range (in pve) while my ele is just fine with full berserker stuff, i have 11k hp but who cares? I can just kite and use reflect projectiles, my dmg is much higher + I can heal party and slow mobs/push back stuff/stun, etc, actually be a glass cannon that also has debuffs, unlike war
oh and yes, the reason why i play warrior > because its a fun class (unlike say a thief, which is boring 1button spam, and yes, thief was my first choice but seeing as how your skills do everything for you (dodge/move you/aim/dmg) i just gave up on it, people who enjoy spamming 1 button can go ahead)
Just wanna add a simple observation here. I see lots of replies on Warriors posts that say “lol, you don’t know how to play, L2P” slamming people complaining about the warrior being either under-powered or other classes/professions being overpowered in comparison (actually same thing: imbalance between different but yet supposed-to-be-equal professions).
I can suppose that I can’t play a Warrior at its fullest extent, maybe other guys dont know how to play it either, maybe lots of guys are also noobs. But when almost noone plays the class in competitive games (including the noobs but also the so called “pros”) then that’s an issue. These guys are supposed to search every last detail and take advantage of any kind of options they have in their arsenal, if they totally exclude a specific class from their choices then there’s something wrong with it.
The way I see it is that if your targeted audience (gamers) rejects your product (Warrior class) on its entirety then the problem lies with the product, not the audience. To quote a common phrase in my line of work in real life “the market is never wrong, if you fail to understand it its your fault, not the market’s” (I am a professional Forex trader thus the “market” is the Foreign Exchange Currency market).
Warrior isnt underpowered, you are just playing it wrong. Warrior, ele, and thief are about the only 3 classes in this game who can roll full glass cannon and dominate a match. I dominate on my rifle warrior all the time, people love getting popped for 10k from range.
Warrior isnt underpowered, you are just playing it wrong. Warrior, ele, and thief are about the only 3 classes in this game who can roll full glass cannon and dominate a match. I dominate on my rifle warrior all the time, people love getting popped for 10k from range.
So let’s suppose I am playing it wrong and that’s why I fail while playing it. However it seems that the rest of the community is also not picking a Warrior as often as other classes, are they too playing it wrong? Is everyone playing it wrong, thus failing when selecting it thus resulting in them not selecting Warrior at all for sPvP?
On a second note, I am sorry but a long range rifle shooter was not what I had in mind when I selected Warrior, I suppose that noone has that image of gameplay in his mind when rolling Warrior either. If people tend to select a long range rifle shooter as the best viable build on a Warrior then I think there’s an issue here.
I can only speak to spvp, no tpvp experience. I’m surprised more people don’t play this spec, but axe/mace and hammer with the appropriate utilities is a perma cc fest. Probably one of the more effective builds out there, and by far one of the most frustrating to play against.
Warriors have a mayor problem, this being the fact that their design was that of a raw melee powerhouse. Now this raw melee powerhouse got nerfed and now is a melee I slap you in the face and hope you bleed kind of class. Warrior’s damage as a glass cannon should be comparable to the thief. Now don’t give me that bullkitten about thief being over power, I killed thiefs all the time, people kill me as well when I’m on mine and their damage is only “Insane” if they hit another glass cannon. Hit a bunker and your damage is just about enough to deal with em.
Now here is the problem. Classes like elementalist can deal heavy damage from range, heal, protect and kite. All in one package. Classes like warrior can use a rifle which is boring, or ignore the whole mechanics given to the class as burst was nerfed thus cannot really burst, melee means many auto attacks as most skills are either worthless like 100B or have a long cool down like shield skills. This make you relay solely on auto hitting, our auto attacks need to be in melee and well positioned this is enough for us to have a damage range which is higher than any other class, why? For one the damage per second DPS will be sub par with ranged classes as they can keep damage flowing while we depends on massive movement while being kited. Warriors can’t kite, else we can’t hit, so we can only pack an offense with a little help from the shield for defense. On the other hand our burst should hit a lot higher, due to it being our only “unique” mechanic and even so has a really big chance to miss.
Burst is very similar to RIFT and maybe even swtor, with the difference that bursting in those games deals at least 4 times your normal damage. Here only the axe deals some damage and it doesn’t go pass the 2k on a bunker. That is pathetic. Now with the absence of dps classes besides the thief dealing any DPS the bunker build becomes a massive lol face roll that everyone loves. Guardians should stay as they are in bunker build, mesmer need a mechanic overview, warriors should be raised to the same level as thiefs and thiefs need to be nerfed only when using range attacks. Elementalist are fine the way they are, if anything take out some damage as they can do everything the way they are and so can engineers.
Now with elementalist and engineers being so good at doing everything, this leaves condition necro in the shadows, short bow ranger eating dust and the warrior who is suppose to be melee becoming an attempt to be a ranged class. Problem is simple, make melee deal enough damage to sustain, necros enough control to for their conditions to work and rangers, well honestly just make the pet better…
I agree, i’ve said this before.
Because warriors need to maintain melee range to do any sort of damage their auto attack damage needs to be upped across the whole range of melee weapons. Also because you only get any real damage on the third hit, and with the amount of kiting/blocks and shield you face this rarely occurs.
Please stop saying Warriors are “decent”, “fine”, “great” or anything other than flawed. Anet needs to know this class needs to be worked on. If all you heavily play is warrior than you might think warrior is decent. I thought the same until I branched out and learned the others. In Wv3 the flaws of a warrior is overshadowed by the other 20+ members you are fighting with. In SPvP they become more exposed as the fights are more contained.
Warrior burst skills are pointless. Sword(f1) leaves you wide open and axe(f1) is only useful if you go full glass cannon. Hammer is decent as it adds to it’s already good control but could still get better damage, since it’s a burst skill. Let’s not even talk about the last 2 weapons. Stances don’t offer much and shouts are weak. Atleast make shouts debuff also. Only the elite banner is useful. Warrior having banners and shouts, you would think they would be better at support.
Condition damage doesn’t even exist. Sure you can get your bleeds to do high damage, but good luck surviving long enough(even worst because any class can easily remove your bleed).
Warrior’s Flaws: You do NOT have control over the battlefield or any proper support to survive an encounter. The entire fight is dependent on how noob/newb the other guy is.
Damage: Needs to be tweaked by making bursts more useful. Auto Attack needs a buff since we rely so much on it.
Control: Abilities need to be more useful. This class is way too easily kited.
Support: Laughable…
(edited by Akumu.7238)
If a warrior doesn’t kill his target in a few hits, chances are he will be killed unless helped by an ally.
I’ld be curious to see, of all the people who think warriors are struggling what specs they are playing.
GS warrior is great for farming cursed shore! they are not totally useless
born Sept 20 – died Nov 11. reborn August 10
A slightly more depressing fact for us btw.
If you are ever now fighting and somehow get vengeance activated don’t ever go for an elementalist because even if you do kill them, you will never get to stomp them with the new downed state change. You will fall over, and they will rez back up.
In fact don’t go after mesmers, thieves, guardians (unless stability is up) necros (same, only if you have stability)…Rangers and engis you have a chance of stomping though.
Oh..other warrios though, you can definately stomp them.
“Now with elementalist and engineers being so good at doing everything, this leaves condition necro in the shadows, short bow ranger eating dust and the warrior who is suppose to be melee becoming an attempt to be a ranged class. Problem is simple, make melee deal enough damage to sustain, necros enough control to for their conditions to work and rangers, well honestly just make the pet better…”
I totally agree with this post. I see a ton of warriors just switching to Rifle for WvW/PvP instead of being melee.
Also, a ranger guildie of mine is always looking for ways to keep her pet up – to the point of waiting to switch out her dead pet every time it goes off of cool down, and she always switches to longbow for WvW. Short bow just isn’t viable in that situation, she tried and failed.
Now don’t give me that bullkitten about thief being over power, I killed thiefs all the time, people kill me as well when I’m on mine and their damage is only “Insane” if they hit another glass cannon. Hit a bunker and your damage is just about enough to deal with em.
hit a bunker guardian with any class other than a thief and you will see how his life bar barely goes down, and will be topped again the next second. the fact that thieves are able to deal with bunker guardians singlehandledly when any other duo of classes would struggle with them is a testimony to how inmensely OP they are.
oh yeah, Im aware that some specs like a rifle warrior can also hurt a bunker guardian (not deal with him as easily as a thief tho) but those trade EVERYTHING for their raw damage. looking at them funny will kill them.
thiefs are able to retain maximum mobility and unmatched defence in the form of stealth while hitting like trains.
I will not judge PvP or WvW, but dont say that warriors are bad in PvE. I run with FULL magic set and I do not die if I don’t make a mistake. I used to run with full berserk before crafted MF armor and trinkets and of course it was easier but I just want use MF and there is completely no issues with that. Of course in dungeons I use knights set (but with ruby trinkets) and have no issues with fights. If people are dying I’m dying with them but usually at the end (except for Guardians but it should be that way).
From my point of view (so basically PvE point of view) the only thing that is really bad is melee fights in general when it comes to strong bosses/champions/dungeons. I like using rifle but I would like to swing my GS more often when I’m in epic fight.
Also I cannot agree that our utility skills are bad. We just should have like 5 more to give some diversity and more possibilities. And possibly some work should be done with banners. To many times staying in 1 place mean death (but whole idea of banners is really great).
EDIT: One utility that could help for example would be protection for let say 10s at least. It could be separate one or added to some signet when it’s activated.
(edited by Nuke Morg.1952)
My main is a warrior has been since 2nd beta event, I’ve played it in pve and spvp and wvw, I have seen no major issues with the class, I have seen annoying bits with other classes, but again nothing to suggest that the warrior is unplayable and certainly not extinct.
I’ll reestablish what other have already posted, be they nonwarrior trollers or actual warriors. You need to work within your class to achieve success, look at all the traits, skills, etc and base what you want to achieve of those. At first I had difficulty playbg the class but then I began to experiment and mix it up now I can be proficient in many situations.
Lastly if your that frustrated with the class roll a different one, it doesn’t take long to level and the way you are posting you’d be much happier playing something else.
PS on a personal note I don’t use greatswords because I find them to be the biggest noob combo out there, plus using them in pvp only gives you 2-3 useable skills.
Warriors are never OP in other games especially in wow and GW1, Just that warrior are terrible in in GW2
I love these threads. According to some of you, I am playing a totally under-powered class, yet I win just about every one on one encounter I have quite easily. I must be some sort of video game god. Talk about an kitten boost.
I love these threads. According to some of you, I am playing a totally under-powered class, yet I win just about every one on one encounter I have quite easily. I must be some sort of video game god. Talk about an kitten boost.
If you’re talking about anything other than tPvP, your opinion is invalid.
Warriors are great noob-stompers in hot-join and are strong in WvW because of the higher stat spread, but suffer terribly in the current tPvP meta, especially against bunker builds.
Those that claim they are thrashing people in PvP, I would love to see some videos of yo in SPvP. See how “great” you are in the tourney matches.
Is it that hard to realize a Warrior has to put in twice the effort to put up a good fight? Most of it still relies on how nub the other is. Do you not think there is something wrong when most utilities are garbage and most burst skills are useless? I keep reading about the greatsword but do you not realize the Warrior is able to use a lot of other different weapons?
Even still what nubs are actually being killed by your crappy HB? Without haste the skill is a joke. I guarantee you are killing nubs, other glass cannons, or both.
At launch there was a good split(I would say more so in Warriors favor) of how many plate wearers were warriors. The fact that there is a major visual decline in the amount of warriors you see in SPvP is evidence enough. Glass cannon Warriors were seen as OP until players learned the game and removed more of the WoW mind state.
Again, Wv3 is NOT a good place to test your class. The Zerg will cover up any and all flaws you have. Being a true 80 and smashing a false 80 in the few 1v1 moments also don’t help.
I love these threads. According to some of you, I am playing a totally under-powered class, yet I win just about every one on one encounter I have quite easily. I must be some sort of video game god. Talk about an kitten boost.
If you’re talking about anything other than tPvP, your opinion is invalid.
Please do expand on this…
I’ll expand it for you. TPvP is where people need extreme team work to win. Completely different from SPvP where people join to test builds practice, see what their class is like at 80 or simply stomp on n00bs. Now here comes the first problem. TPvP as well as SPvP is a domination game. These games tend to be fun when fast phased and team work oriented. Think Battlefield 3 Conquest mode. Now with the current state of the game, bunker builds such as guardians can whole a point against a whole team long enough for the team to come and help wipe the other team. Think campers with burst weapons or quick scoping in Call of Duty games. This takes away team work and makes people want to go for the mentioned class more often leaving other classes in the shadows.
Now here comes problem #2. While a guardian can suck damage like a sponge and deal heavy damage mostly AOE damage the warrior can only deal “decent” damage if he is full glass cannon. in other words he jumps in and dies. Most of our skills require heavy positioning and tracking, in other words any class that can move in any direction or immobilize us can destroy us. And guess what? ALL classes can. So while people whine that an element dancing elementalist is hard. “Oh please anyone who played an mmo before knows this # of keys are a joke” warrior have the real skill challenge as something as simple as landing a hit is a hard struggle.
Now here comes point #3 Support. People say necros are under powered and left behind cause their conditions can be cured, but even then necros can survive more than warriors and their condition have have an impact on the fight. Elementalist can aoe heal while tanking and dealing damage and ccing. Guardians lol…don’t get me started on them. So on the list goes. What can the warrior do? Put a banner…that gives 1 buff or some lame regeneration IF spec into it. Then said banner goes into an incredibly long cool down. The area of effect is almost melee. Even if spec to cover a bigger area the banner doesn’t do anything as the enemy can simply kite the fight somewhere else. Shouts…spec into making them heal…they suck on their own, and the amount they heals doesn’t even compare to the amount all other classes can aoe heal. Not mentioning you need to be almost in melee for them to affect anyone.
Signets are self buffs, horrible self buffs while at it. Stances are the same as signets, but with 90 seconds/60 seconds cool down for a 7 seconds buff. Which just happen to come with a nasty debuff for the only useful one!
Our elites: Juggernaut doesn’t exist, it should be taken off the list seriously arena net was smoking gasoline when they created this. Signet of rage is the only half viable one and it feels more like a normal skills than an elite, compare it to any class elite and you will this the same. The banner can res people and add the same lame buffs other classes give from normal utilities.
Now you can spec around into different things, but none of them will lead anywhere solid. I done it all, hammer control build with axe/mace off. Condition “bleeding” builds. Great sword glass cannon, pure survivalbility, healing shouts and banners. All of it, none gives near decent results. People keep saying HB is op or should become a kitten burst skill, but HB never hits, and if it does people WILL dodge most of it. Unless they rolling on a bad pc or have their hand tied.
I forgot to mention physical utilities. Those…deal no damage and are either bugged or have absolutely no use. Throw bolas? 90% of the time they will miss or the enemy will be out of range by the time they are about to hit. Bull rush? Chances are the game will force target a mesmer clone, eng. turrent or something if it hits? Then what u HB and the enemy dodge half of it? Stomp…yeah sure I am a melee who wants his enemies away from him…brilliant. Only use this while trying to get someone off my downed partner and even then with stability this becomes useless.
There is more like our bugged traits and our main trait point increasing burst damage by OMFG 3%!!!!! If maxed. Also the useless of most of our traits and the bugs we have to deal with. Not to mention if you vengance down someone and die right after you auto rally everyone and their mom. Respawn death and re wait your spawn timer again.
Another epic point: Cool downs: Yup regardless of weapons, all of our cool downs are melee hits, auto attacks with a different animation even so they have horrible cool downs. Thus warrior ends being a 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,3,4,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 -minutes later- 7 miss 8 OHHHH, ,1,1,1,1,1,….10….yeah why did I do that for again…oh I revived someone…I’m so useful!!! ,1,1,1,1.
Today a mesmer told me keep practicing and you be a good pvp player like me. I almost wanted to stomp my boot on his face. But yeah, some classes just have it easy as he who control the battlefield controls victory and warriors can’t even control themselves.
Tpvp is a closed environment that is very predictable. It is so small, you don’t even need swiftness.
Solo WvW is a huge map where a lot of random things can happen. No mobility, you get zerged down. No condition removal, you fight that class that melts you. No offense, you are just a turtle. A warrior can have strong defense, super fast mobility, and decent offense to take just about any class in a 1vs1 situation. If some other people show up, you just zip away.
I guess we are on opposite sides of the pvp spectrum. I find tpvp a complete bore and total waste of time. I find nothing special about it. It pretty much what every other MMO has done the last 15 years.
WvW is a total rush. Nothing like ganking a few people then having a big zerg chase you down, only for you to lead them into your zerg or slip into a keep. Setting people up, slowing them down, or just zerging it yourself. WvW is always changing.
Tpvp…..they at the farm…..yawn….no wait blacksmith……wait, we need the stables….Oh wait, that was WoW, church, windmill, what else?
I do WvW as well, I do incredibly good on it. Still doesn’t mean because you can hide behind the zerg the warrior doesn’t need a buff. WvW is good, is probably my favorite part of the game but saying warriors can 1 v 1 ANY class gives me the idea you have a lot of fun killing those false 80 all the time. I can do 7 v 1 no problem since I am geared and spec better than they are, now 1 v 1 to an equal, sure I win most of the time, but certain classes simply face stomp you anyways.
And by hiding our flaws behind a zerg I mean, we can deal decent aoe damage with a long bow when the #3 skill is off cool down. We can kill the random dude who is roaming around alone. There it’s where everything ends.
I myself was trying to avoid going completely down the list, so I’m glad someone did. just like you I have tried EVERYTHING the warrior has to offer and the class just falls short in everything. Warrior has absolutely NO control over the battlefield.
The GW2 Warrior shouldn’t be in this game. You rely way too heavily on support from another. You need more than dodge to effectively mitigate damage in PvP.
I’m really hoping Anet is looking at all these obvious flaws the warior has. Some people here seem way too happy about this less than optimal joke.
Am I the only one that feels like I’m a Giant vs Ant, when facing 1v1 against a “Warrior”? Just watching him struggle to keep his hp up while he misses most of his attacks is funny. It’s bad that you need an ally just to be as effective as other classes are alone. However, though they help you, a Warrior brings very little to the rest of the team.
(edited by Akumu.7238)
Interesting thread and read. having both a thief and warrior i tend to agree with most of what’s been said. I’m not pro, just like to play. I will say that my thief does okay in WvW if he stays at range picking wayward targets or working in small raiding groups. With 13k health and taking 10k hits he doesn’t last long even in toughness gear. So nerfing offense more, and I use PP/DD, doesn’t really seem a reasonable.
But compared to my warrior he’s far more viable. Even using my elite for the 30 second speed boost with the melee swiftness trait he seems slow and plodding, which means he stays mostly as ranged (rifle) in anything other than gathering PvE. I wish I’d invested that time in another class really. I had hoped for more of a melee with armor. Seems like I got vitality at the expense of mobility instead.
(edited by dmbgodzilla.2745)
I was gonna make a warrior (having everlasting swiftness, fury 5 stacks of might) by elite seems interesting. I don’t see why people hate the elite (Signet of Rage). Many elites have way to long cooldown. So they arent usefull. This elite can become an everlasting buff. You guys don’t like this? Dang. I know warrior is underpowered in pvp. I agree completely. In pve they are fine BUT they need:
Higher run speed then any other profession Orr monsters run faster then people buffed with swiftness. If a warrior is in trouble, he basically cannot escape, not even with swiftness. Should be a trait (minor, at 5 point) somewhere that boosts move speed 20% (one that stacks with any other speed buff).
Greatsword skills 3-5 needs to be changed. They suck.
Sword conditions must be a lot more powerfull. Or overhaul the weapon.
Normal attacks (the main gameplay of warrior) is way to boring, slow and low damage. Improove them a lot! Mesmer has some very interesting attack patterns. ‘make a boon on first strike, remove a boon from enemy at second strike, make a clone on third’ (ok this doesn’t exist), but i’m just trying to say, this makes auto attacks so much more interesting. I think warrior 1 skills all should have combo finisher. They are the warrior, they need to go close. But where is strategy is a warrior can only smash buttons to do damage, and only move or dodge to get away from damage. Mesmers have distortion to safe them in close combat. In pvp this could be op for warrior (or not, especially in Tpvp). But warrior taking all the risks of the world in pve (Mind you priest of balthazar in Orr hits CRAZY hard, as do most champs, dungeon bosses). Yet you are the warrior, you must do close combat (kinda since you are called warrior). Now arenanet made the game ‘ranged is better’. Ranged is the only Solity (instead of trinity) Wariors should have response hotkeys to very powerfull enemie attacks. (while wearing close combat weapons, not ranged ofc). Not everlasting duration (op) but long enough (2 secs) to make a difference between ripped apart and surviving.
Priest of balth (and all the other Orr big bossses) are so OP. As ranged you of course can kite. But then the boss runs around like madmen use AOE and whipes everyone (80+ people died in that event in under 3 min). What’s the freaking point of a warrior here arenanet? Introduce new defence mechanisms. Like distotions for 3 seconds, but immobile for the duration. That sould like a very tactical decision to make. And not OP since their is definitely still a downside to it.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
i love WvW with my warrior, support shout build 0/25/15/30/0. Removes conditions so i can run for days, swiftness and fury 24/7 +5-11 stacks of might. i can 1v2 most under 80’s and have good 1v1 equal skill/lvl fights with anything but theif and necro. zerging i provide nice buffs with warhorn and debuff weakness at 1200 is a pretty bug debuff for the enemy zerg, group heals on shout is at least 600-700 range i often see my whole screen light up in green small heals sure it might not be more than other classses AoE heals but i still enjoy seeing everyone around me get healed instantly.
Most of your guys points are valid, close range combat skills need a buff our lack of combat finisher is stupid, the adrenaline abilities needs reworking, except for maybe axe and rifle they are in a pretty good spot, sword could be better if it was quicker or did more burst damage, while keeping the same bleed stacks. i wish adrenaline abilities functioned more like finishers and when enemies where in down state it gave huge bonuses on damage to them or something to make it worth it to use up the adrenaline to quickly finish that guy off so you can deal with his buddy hitting you in the back.
havent played much sPVP or tPVP with warrior , cause thats not really my thing i love the huge scale battles and sieges, not the same old stuff other games have done and honestly implemented slightly better. i have a feeling when they made most of the gear the same it will show glaring mistakes with game balance which seams like most of the complaints on this post have been about. If you hate it but love playing warrior i can see how you would be frustrated. but for pve and WvW its not bad at all and could be a lot worse like rangers, i honestly think rifle is a better range skill set than either longbow or shortbow for ranger, ranger has to get two different traits for 20%cooldown and piercing, we get it in one trait, and our bleeds are constant not just from behind or side shots.
I do WvW as well, I do incredibly good on it. Still doesn’t mean because you can hide behind the zerg the warrior doesn’t need a buff. WvW is good, is probably my favorite part of the game but saying warriors can 1 v 1 ANY class gives me the idea you have a lot of fun killing those false 80 all the time. I can do 7 v 1 no problem since I am geared and spec better than they are, now 1 v 1 to an equal, sure I win most of the time, but certain classes simply face stomp you anyways
And by hiding our flaws behind a zerg I mean, we can deal decent aoe damage with a long bow when the #3 skill is off cool down. We can kill the random dude who is roaming around alone. There it’s where everything ends.
So what class do you claim can beat a warrior one vs one? Just curious…
There’s more to game than tPvP, despite what your arrogant self thinks.
When it comes to balance? No, no there is not. ANet themselves have said TPvP is where the balancing of the game takes place as the whole “ESport” thing is super important to them.
Yaks Bend
Tell that to Arenanet, see what they think of that.
I don’t think you’ll get very far with that line of reasoning.
@Okamakiri: Sure there is, but do I care about it? No. Go enjoy your PVE and let the big boys handle the competitive areas of the game.
@Ljiona: Mesmers can destroy a warrior easily, unless the person behind it have no idea wtf they doing, a GOOD thief can do so easily too, so goes for bunker guardians engineers. Both have so much healing behind them that you can’t really damage them unless you go full glass cannon, but guess what? Full G.C. means they be dealing heavy damage on you while sustaining higher defenses thus winning. Elementalist with decent element dancing can destroy a warrior for the same reasons engineers can.
You can huff and puff all you want, but gaming companies know what brings in the money and retains customers. And at the end of the day, that’s the only thing that matters to corporations. I know it might be hard for you to comprehend, but there is a reason why majority of GW2 financial and development effort was spent on PVE and why PVP has only one scenario type and four maps.
P.S. I’ve done my share of PVP over the years. Rank 14 in vanilla WoW, ex-gladiator, various FPSs (the only REAL PVP imo), etc. But I’m not arrogant or naive to think that’s all that matters, or even matters the most in MMOs. If ANet DOES listen to you, they’ll end up in the same place as all the other MMOs that ignored the majority of their player base.
Warriors are fine in sPVP. They are a bit weak in tPVP, although not as weak as rangers.
You can huff and puff all you want, but gaming companies know what brings in the money and retains customers. And at the end of the day, that’s the only thing that matters to corporations. I know it might be hard for you to comprehend, but there is a reason why majority of GW2 financial and development effort was spent on PVE and why PVP has only one scenario type and four maps.
Go read the last couple of blog posts and patch notes. They’re expanding the hell out of their sPvP/tPvP options. A big money maker for them is going esport with GW2. If they can achieve that status, they’ll be pulling down lots of cash as well as making GW2 an even bigger name in the entertainment industry.
You bet your kitten they’re going to balance around PvP when they’re this close to becoming a major player in competitive gaming.
P.S. I’ve done my share of PVP over the years. Rank 14 in vanilla WoW, ex-gladiator, various FPSs (the only REAL PVP imo), etc. But I’m not arrogant or naive to think that’s all that matters, or even matters the most in MMOs.
You PvP’d a lot in the largest most unbalanced MMO in history? No wonder your point of view is skewed.
If you’re talking about class balance, PvP is the only thing that matters. Classes don’t get the minor tweaks they’ve been getting because of PvE.
Actually the most player skill involved games are of the RTS genre.
If ANet DOES listen to you, they’ll end up in the same place as all the other MMOs that ignored the majority of their player base.
Once again we have the ONE guy who goes against the grain of most players and considers himself to be in the majority.
The majority of players asking for balance changes are referring to PvP. That’s from simply observing class-specific forums. Crying for buffs or nerfs is irrelevant. The point is that they’re directed at PvP.
- Balance is about compromise and making changes that don’t break any aspect of the game. Sometimes that requires multiple concurrent changes to offset the one desired balancing change, not lazy fixes that many only-PVPers suggest. If ANet has any common sense, that’s the approach they will be taking. Examples so far:
Problem: PW + Quickness is broken . PW without Quickness mediocre at best.
Solution: They nerf PW. PW + Quickness still a problem. PW in PVE is garbage.
Problem: BS + Assassin’s Signet does too much burst. BS without signet is solid single target damage ability, balanced in PVE by the fact that it has bad AoE, a common PVE setting.
Solution: Assassin’s Signet changed from +50% dmg on next attack to +15% damage on next 5 attacks. PVP burst reduced, PVE viability of BS untouched. Signet now viable for other build in PVP AND PVE.
- WoW is one of several MMOs, and just one of many competitive games I played. You of course chose to only mention WoW in some feeble attempt to discredit me. At least WoW balances with both PVP and PVE in mind. Btw, my favorite PVP in an MMO was WAR (T1-T3, T4 sucked).
- Vocal majority, paying minority. PVPers are known as the loudest and whiniest bunch in every game. Majority of players never even visit the forums, let alone post on them.
Thieves go down like wet paper sacks. Spiked armor, endure pain, and flurry really mess them up. Condition thieves seem to damage me a little more than the direct damage ones, but it is like my damage. It takes a few seconds. I got 30K hp’s with 3 condition removals, they have 14K and barely any condition removal.
Elementalist aren’t a problem. I got beat by one in beta, but that is the last time. I would almost say they are easier than thieves, but thieves are just so squishy and there aren’t enough elementalist to get a good sample.
Mesmer can be annoying but I beat them routinely. Most I just need to kite clones and phantoms while hitting them from range. A good one takes a little more. You bleed and damage till you are at 50%, leap out of combat, heal up, re-engage. You see in 9 seconds, you can heal full out of combat, they are stuck in combat because of bleeds and cannot. There was one that was very annoying, he would distract a lot, but his damage wasn’t enough to kill me. He came close, but again a warrior has superior mobility so I was able to leap and bullcharge out of combat to heal up. It ended in a tie. I do not think solo I would have killed him because he was so defensive, but he had no chance of killing me. Eventually my side came and he didn’t have the speed to run. We wiped him.
Defensive guardians don’t have the range to compete. I got way to much passive heals. I will eventually get him down with direct damage and bleeds or it will end because others showed up or he ditched. I won’t get below 95% against one and for the most part, I usually do eventually get them. Offensive ones aren’t usually a problem. I fought a decent offensive one last night, got me to 60% in a few seconds. I kinda wasn’t expecting it because most guardians do suck. I leaped away, healed up and started over. I was in the process of beating him. I was at 90% and he was below 40% with tons of bleeds ticking. Some people on my side showed up. He got mad and disconnected. That made me giggle. What a chump.
A defensive condition engineer is trouble for my build. I fought one a few weeks ago. It was hard to get damage because of the confusion and reflect from range. He seemed to have more removal than I did. At close range he would have destroyed me because of his elite so I didn’t try. I ended up kiting him all around the map and tried different things. I really wanted to figure something out. Nothing was really working at the time. Eventually some guardian or warrior on his side showed up when I was on leap and bull-charge cool-downs. They ended up whipping me. That was one engineer out of the hundreds that play in WvW. I think I will take that any day of the week. In hind-sight, I know just to avoid that match-up or position myself to where I have an escape route. I get kitteny sometimes because I truly believe warriors are kinda OP.
So what I am trying to say, I usually kill people in 1 vs 1 in WvW or it ends with one of us having to disengage. Other class builds lack either mobility, offense, or defense to take me down. Yeah, you may have tons of dps, but you have no defense. I just need to play it slow. When people complain that warriors suck, I have to disagree. Maybe it doesn’t work for in a mini-game, but it works in an open pvp environment where you aren’t limited on time and objectives. You can disengage and re-engage at will. By now, most people are level 80 with exotics. After 6700+ fights, I think I had some equal match-ups vs every class. I have yet to say to myself, “ kitten my class sucks and that guy just WTF owned me.” It is usually the opposite, “How did that crappy rifle sword warrior beat me so easily?”
I’m getting really tired of people using WvW as some kind of measure of warrior success.
Newsflash! You don’t know the gear of your opponents and many of them are also below level 80. Your position is automatically flawed because you and your opponents were never guaranteed to be on even ground.
If I used WvW as a barometer of success, yeah, I’d say warrior is OP, too… except I know better than that. I’m running around in full exotics in every slot, but I know full well many players are not so well-geared, and still others just run around in PvE builds not knowing the first thing about building for PvP. It’s a terrible environment to make any sort of analysis from, no matter how you slice it.
All I can tell you is over in the rangers forum we are envious of your rifle and ability to own in melee, something we though we were going to get.
It is ignorant to say WvW is not pvp. I could say the same thing about Tpvp. All it is a small controlled environment. It is basically a football game. The goal isn’t to kill the other side, it is to score more points. You can do that by controlling 2 out 3 objectives.
At least WvW, you have randomness and have to be prepared for anything. I find that more of a challenge. I have done both. In my mind, which you will never change, WvW is pvp and tpvp is just a rehash of the same old trash that other MMOs called pvp.
Ljiona, can you post your build please, for educational purposes.
It is ignorant to say WvW is not pvp. I could say the same thing about Tpvp. All it is a small controlled environment. It is basically a football game. The goal isn’t to kill the other side, it is to score more points. You can do that by controlling 2 out 3 objectives.
At least WvW, you have randomness and have to be prepared for anything. I find that more of a challenge. I have done both. In my mind, which you will never change, WvW is pvp and tpvp is just a rehash of the same old trash that other MMOs called pvp.
Yeah but the fact that you enjoyed WvW more than sPvP or tPvP DOES NOT mean that the warrior class isn’t flawed(in current design). Your enjoyment of certain portion of the game DOES NOT mean there is nothing wrong with them. Please back up with facts and numbers and not personal preferences!
the only viable s/tPVP build is hammer/axe+mace;warhorn.
credit to Defektivx for this build.
so far, my game improved a lot. its just, i like greatsword more. haha kitten those cool sword skin.
and for WvW.. rifle bleed build with sword warhorn.
shoot shoot shoot, when things get ugly, those sword/warhorn is your speed hack.
I will not judge PvP or WvW, but dont say that warriors are bad in PvE. I run with FULL magic set and I do not die if I don’t make a mistake. I used to run with full berserk before crafted MF armor and trinkets and of course it was easier but I just want use MF and there is completely no issues with that. Of course in dungeons I use knights set (but with ruby trinkets) and have no issues with fights. If people are dying I’m dying with them but usually at the end (except for Guardians but it should be that way).
From my point of view (so basically PvE point of view) the only thing that is really bad is melee fights in general when it comes to strong bosses/champions/dungeons. I like using rifle but I would like to swing my GS more often when I’m in epic fight.
Also I cannot agree that our utility skills are bad. We just should have like 5 more to give some diversity and more possibilities. And possibly some work should be done with banners. To many times staying in 1 place mean death (but whole idea of banners is really great).EDIT: One utility that could help for example would be protection for let say 10s at least. It could be separate one or added to some signet when it’s activated.
Depends on the fight and why people are dying in pve I think. I run full ‘zerkers in CoE and against Alpha, once i learned the fight and dodge timing, I rarely die (crystal cage still sucks). So in PvE I think you can learn away the dying no matter how you are specced. In WVW I rarely lose skirmishes with other classes, unless I am outnumbered, typically only dying when zerged. I can’t speak to spvp I haven’t really done that. My experience.
love my beserker warrior but i certainly wouldnt use her in spvp.
here are tips for spvp
dont use GS
have a ranged weapon on second set, rifle is good
dont run headlong into 3 people and expect your team to follow you to your death
start using a shield
learn how to dodge
take condition removal
sword mainhand is good
dont use GS
In pve
dont use GS
use axe
use shield
use beserker gear
dont aggro 3 vets
dont be a hero trying to tank bosses that one hit kill
dont use GS
The biggest advantage of Being warrior is able to combine 21 different weapon combinations. But warriors can have same 2 weapon set equipped in combat…
But elemental only got 6 weapon combinations, but 4 elements x 6 combination = 24 sets of skills, and 4 elements x 2 weapon set equipped = 8 sets of skills
In Pve, I constantly swap hammer, longbow, axe+sword. But in pvp, it is not easy to switch according situations.
(edited by Warsoul.2647)
Its the player’s fault, not ANET’s fault in this case.
Also, telling people to not use GS in PvP is simply biased from an unskilled player. I would say the only thing that doesn’t work well in PvP is Long Bow.
GS in PvP is fine as long as you actually land it without Bulls Charge. I don’t even use Frenzy to land HB. Lmao. Its not that hard.
(edited by Schwahrheit.4203)