Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
(edited by Valik Shin.9027)
Why is there so much hate about warrior? Lets look at what they have. They have no op builds in PvP and subpar damage outside of open world pve. Their damage is so low in fact they sacrifice 20%-30% of personal dps to increase team dps and it is a net gain for gain. The only thing the warrior is actually good at is support. So before u say warrior does to much dps in dungeons look at gaurdians, ele, thief, ranger, engi. Before you say they have to much cc look at engi and gaurdians. Before you say they have to much healing and condi cleanse look at ele and gardians.
(edited by Valik Shin.9027)
Where did you see warrior hate? Warriors are usually welcome in pvp, because they run support builds most of the time. Shoutbow is not OP maybe, but it is the strongest and most important build in the current meta.
The only time I really hate on warriors is in WvW, because they can just (and will) run away from you if they get outplayed, which is not really warriory, if you ask me.
Where did you see warrior hate? Warriors are usually welcome in pvp, because they run support builds most of the time. Shoutbow is not OP maybe, but it is the strongest and most important build in the current meta.
The only time I really hate on warriors is in WvW, because they can just (and will) run away from you if they get outplayed, which is not really warriory, if you ask me.
Half the post in this forum are warrior hate or have a fair bit of it in them
Sorry, I just don’t see it. What are people hating on?
For pvp mostly shoutbow, hambow, hammer/gs and healing signet. In PvE some people still complain that warriors dps is too high and in WvW they complain and cc and warrior land speed. And mobility for all 3 aspects
All classes receive their share of hate, actually, they all seem too good at something. However, each class has weaknesses and counter-builds, which is conveniently forgotten by players.
Warriors start with high stats, good control and run like the wind! However, they cannot stealth or teleport, have little to no access to protection, regeneration or retaliation. They’re muscular chicken, which can be easily made fun of during a fight.
Thieves are more invisible than visible, highly mobile with lots of teleports and evades. However, their damage capacity comes at a cost of severe squishiness. Greediness and impatience always result in their death.
Rangers immobilize and pew pew from the other part of the world. Tanky rangers are bathed in protection and regeneration. However, reflecting pew pew hurt a lot, avoiding pet attacks hurt a lot less. Persistence grinds through their moderate active defense.
Elementalists have a lot of everything. Too much of everything. But what they can do, they must do under particular affinities; they’re strong at everything, but not the strongest at anything (except at being strong at everything).
Mesmers have elegance. This is enough to get them rightly insulted. In addition to that, they can make a chicken out of you. They have splendid in-combat mobility, and they have clones working hard for them, both in physical and condition builds. However, their style is paradoxically predictable (it’s all about positioning), and a spotted mesmer is often a mesmer in trouble.
Engineers have remarkable control, to the point of making you feel like a flipper ball. They also have good condition potential. However, they have few stun breakers, few condition cleansing – their strengths are their weaknesses.
Guardians have good damage, and can pleasantly unleash it on you with nice offensive teleports. Should they be attacked back, they can blind the fool, block the fool, or let the fool be damaged by retaliation. They also burn like the sun! Fortunately, between cool downs, burst attacks are often enough to bring them down.
Necros have wild autoattacks, plenty of fear, hour-long conditions, gazillions HPs, hard-hitting beasts. But they’re desperately slow, and their running out of life force considerably limits their potential.
What hate? All hates are on rangers, thieves, and necromancer mostly.
People always want to trash ranger, necro and stealth thief.
Why the hate … because there are players that follow the following line of thinking:
What they want depends on what you’re doing.
I have eight 80s, one for each class. Warrior was my first with me putting over a thousand hours on it. After recently coming back to the game and pouring my soul back into each class, I find warrior to be a touch bland, really middle of the pack, but to say you hate warrior is just a blind statement.
Every class has its worth, just go out there and find it. Anyone mentions the meta I stop listening.
Every class has its worth, just go out there and find it. Anyone mentions the meta I stop listening.
How cool is it that you encounter some class and go “How the hell did he/she do that ? What build does that one even use cause it’s frikkin awesome”. It makes everything unpredictable and challenging.
Some warriors out there do not follow the ‘meta’ and are pretty friggin good at what they try to do, so let ppl ‘hate’, it’s usually when they encounter something different then what they expect.
lmao you’re just focusing on the hate because you play that class, there are other classes that get way more hate than warriors do
We’ve gotten plenty of hate in the past, but not recently
Every class gets hate.
My only issue with Warrior isn’t actually with Warrior but with balance in the game overall …
3 classes have had solid positions in all metas in the game since release (Elementalist, Guardian, and Warrior) while the remaining 5 classes have been in states of fitting only one meta (barely in some cases) or none at all.
To be clear, I don’t want these three “dethroned” … I want the remaining 5 (soon to be 6) to be lifted up to that same level on the power curve for each meta.
As I said before for years now, I think Warrior is a model class for how things should be done in GW2.
I think anyone hating on warriors isn’t using their brain as much as they should at that given time.
You always sacrafice self dmg for team support. No free soup
Is that in reply to me? I thought I had those as two separate options … the Selfish/Support.
in PvP the class who have a solid position since release is thief and engineer.
They have no op builds in PvP
Shoutbow is probably the most OP build in PvP at the moment while it’s also one of the most forgiving ones in existence. This build alone makes every single condition build non-viable. Also, dealing damage is a joke, it’s mostly done by proccing on-swap sigils and spamming the longbow burst skill on CD (as the proc is instant and the AoE covers the entire point, it also has no counterplay).
2 weeks ago a team of 5 shoutbows won the EU ESL weekly cup. 4 out of 5 of them don’t even main warrior. Ofc that is not the most optimal comp, but the fact that it was doable tells a lot
(edited by witcher.3197)
in PvP the class who have a solid position since release is thief and engineer.
I think you mean just sPvP.
In WvW GWEN was:
Guardian, Warrior, and Elementalist are solid parts of the WvW, sPvP, and PvE metas as opposed to Thief and Engineer who are only part of the sPvP meta … and have not always been a part of it.
Thief and Engineer who are only part of the sPvP meta … and have not always been a part of it.
I think you’re right about engi but Thief is actually the only profession that’s been meta in PvP since release as far as I remember.
in PvP the class who have a solid position since release is thief and engineer.
I think you mean just sPvP.
In WvW GWEN was:
- Guardian
- Warrior
- Elementalist
- Necromancer
Guardian, Warrior, and Elementalist are solid parts of the WvW, sPvP, and PvE metas as opposed to Thief and Engineer who are only part of the sPvP meta … and have not always been a part of it.
Thief and engi has being meta in PvP since release..have always and will always.
Warrior was unused 2013, ele was unused 2013-2014, guardian was unused 2014 in pvp.
thief and engi has also being top roamer since release in wvw.
and thief is also meta dps wise in PvE since forever.
(edited by lighter.2708)
in PvP the class who have a solid position since release is thief and engineer.
I think you mean just sPvP.
In WvW GWEN was:
- Guardian
- Warrior
- Elementalist
- Necromancer
Guardian, Warrior, and Elementalist are solid parts of the WvW, sPvP, and PvE metas as opposed to Thief and Engineer who are only part of the sPvP meta … and have not always been a part of it.
Thief and engi has being meta in PvP since release..have always and will always.
Warrior was unused 2013, ele was unused 2013-2014, guardian was unused 2014 in pvp.
thief and engi has also being top roamer since release in wvw.
and thief is also meta dps wise in PvE since forever.
Slight correction:
Thieves were conisdered OP PVP and WvW back launch (probably the most powerful), that’s why they get consistent dps nerf throughout the patches. They’re also used in most dungeons because of the skipping and high dps.
Rangers were considered top PVP class back then as well on many builds until all the nerf hammers come and make rangers un-viable until 2014 patch.
Eles were considered weak in PVP back in 2013 when people didn’t know how to utilize it, and when celestial gears did not exist yet.
The rest are mostly accurate.
(edited by Toxsa.2701)
To add to this, this was warrior in 2013.
Notice all the running away he does as well as all the weapon reequipping mid match (can no longer do that)
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