why dont you just have fun?!

why dont you just have fun?!

in Warrior

Posted by: eXs.6210


I rolled a warrior to simply have fun in GW2, and now I go on these forums and the only thing people are doing is complaining about this or that or how its not fun to play with this weapon or the warrior doesn’t kill fast enough or that people aren’t using team skills… and on and on and on…

Look, if you don’t like how the warrior plays, play a different class and not complain about it all day… I like my rifle and I like my signets and I don’t mind that it takes me 1.5 seconds longer to kill a mob than if I used a GS…

Whatever happened to playing games to have fun? Why did everyone suddenly turn into a mathematician to calculate crit chance and kill speed and regen speed and writing an algorithm for the most “efficient” warrior??? Seriously people… its a game… have fun with it… play a class that you want to play, use a weapon that you enjoy using and and remember that its just a game at the end of the day…

Peace… enjoy build calculations… I’m gonna go have fun…

why dont you just have fun?!

in Warrior

Posted by: LameFox.6349


It’s not that nobody has fun, it’s that nobody (or near enough) comes to a forum to say ‘Today everything went according to plan.’

why dont you just have fun?!

in Warrior

Posted by: Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806

Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806

Yeah, it’s an extremely unfortunate trend that began in 2004 doesn’t seem like it’s ever going to get better. It used to be that you could go to a forum and talk constructively about the game in question with ease. For the most part forums had plenty of civil discussion going on, with the odd troll and complaints.

Now in 2012 it’s swung the complete opposite direction. You have to wade through the complaints and troll posts to find the civil discussion. It sucks because I love foruming, but lately I’m becoming very disenchanted by this old hobby.

why dont you just have fun?!

in Warrior

Posted by: fractalKinesis.8569


While I agree that there’s just too much complaining about nothing, I have to say that some people genuinely find theorycrafting the perfect character to be fun.

Xiro, High Five Warriors [HFW], Jade Quarry

why dont you just have fun?!

in Warrior

Posted by: Ryoga.7126


I will not state that WoW is the source of this issue, but its true that forums about this game had done a lot of damage to the mmorpg community the last 8 years…

why dont you just have fun?!

in Warrior

Posted by: Savaric.2143


complaining about complaining….awesome