W v W-r o a m e r
So I wrote something (in my eyes normal) about the warrior forums @ the general forums. This is what happent.
Your post in Dear devs was infracted by a moderator:
After the last balance patch the people on the warrior forums were felt left behind.
The last time that a dev reacted to the warrior topic/forum was 6 months ago.
Because of this people realy start to beleave that you guys dont read the warrior posts at all. I Just want a confirming from you guys so everyone is happy. Thanks!
Moderator Note:
We understand that you want get our attention about an issue you feel passionate about. All ArenaNet staff members, from designers to moderators, continually pass along feedback and suggestions to the rest of the development teams. Addressing a thread directly to ArenaNet Staff tends to cause disruptions on the
forums and therefore is not allowed.
Please tell me what did I do wrong? Maybe its because of my weak English skills? Can someone inlighten me please. Giving me tips for what I said wrong?
you did nothing wrong. Anet was just trying to remove a post that they thought was putting them on the spot or insulting to them because the gist of that post was “Hey ANet you are screwing up!” that is something no company can allow to go moderating because it makes them look bad.
The truth is they don’t look at the warrior forums. A similar thing happened to me when i posted “Guild Wars 2 Redone” on the general forums. they moved it into community creations (read: hid it in a back corner to be forgotten) but they have never moved, or attempted to even comment on my Warrior Redone or TheBravery’s Warrior Balance, both of which are posted on the warrior forums.
Thanks for telling. But man that is Just so Fkdup. On the general forums you see that devs are reacting on topics like If the game is brand new.
But when you checking out the proffesion forums all I can hear is the sounds of crickets and people in agony. It doesnt make any sense. Devs are having a great time @ the wich quaggan back item should I wear topics while the real important topics are completly ignored. Hmmm maybe the game is dying after all…
You should probably read the rules before you complain about them…
All I wanted is a confirming from a dev that is reading war posts…
Even If I fixed the post by the Arenanet rules, If I hear Emkelly speaking about it Ipersonaly think it wouldnt matter that much.
Your post does technically breach the forum code of conduct in a pretty mild way (imo), and it was probably for that reason that it was deleted. I think they could have let it ride, and the mods may be letting this thread ride because they recognize it’s not aggressive against Anet staff and it’s probably better for everyone to just let the discussion occur in the interests of community relations.
I get the frustration, and even share it a bit. But I think seeing the dev’s side of the equation would answer some of your questions. According to a recent post (or vid or something), it was mentioned that there are something like 1000+ bug, fix, or customer service reports per day.
When you consider how many of those will be duplicates, low quality or, and let’s be real, really bad ideas/serious QQ, the signal to noise ratio (useful stuff to not useful) would be overwhelming. Combine that with every change will impact some people negatively and others positively, there really is no winning for them.
They probably don’t read the warrior forum very much, if at all. I don’t really blame them either… it’d probably be soul crushing for even the most dedicated and earnest dev.
(edited by Choppy.4183)
1000+ reports omg. I have to agree that is a insane amount of reports.
Im glad to hear that you share the frustration a bit btw Xd but Lets be honest, it would give us a better feeling If 1 dev is reacting once in a while. Hé doesnt have to react on all posts ofc. Even If its only 1 post each month, i would be so happy about it. I know devs are busy people. But reacting on 1 topic each month on all profession forums, is like a 10min Job. And its Just kinda Hurts in some way you know when I see devs reacting on allot of topics when the real good feedback topics are kinda ignored.
you know that +1 option next to each post? If that actually represented the importance of the thread to the community that might help Anet know what post to take seriously. For example
Lets say i post something about say, Endure Pain bug. everyo0e who agrees with me or sees it as an important topic can +1 it, then at about 1000 +1s the thread might be made sticky, or maybe send an automated check message to the devs to check it out. That might help out wit their crazy report sizes, it may also help with duplicate threads topics.
The Endure Pain bug might even be in their dev queue, who knows. I worked for a SaaS company for a while and we often struggled to find the right balance between fixing some problems now, folding those problems into bigger fixes, and how much/what to communicate to stakeholders (other staff, customers, etc) in terms of what was in the development pipeline.
Maybe if there was a way to give a general sense of what they were planning to work on in advance of their development sprints, or have some way for the player base to easily identify if the issue they were experiencing was a known bug, it would help. Or maybe it would be a bad way to go for different reasons, I don’t know.
Could a customer service person or project manager (rather than a dev) get some good community management points by occasionally engaging on the forums? Yeah, probably. Whether it would speed anything up or not is another matter, but it might reduce frustration levels among the player base if people felt as though someone was listening.
In the interests of self preservation though, it’d probably better to find the parts of the game that are still fun for you (other areas of the game, other classes, etc), still noting the issues on the forum (and elsewhere), but having fun while waiting for them to get sorted out. You probably do this already (you seem like a pretty balanced poster, tbh), but I’ve seen some people flame out in outrage here too. It’s just not worth it!
I’ve got to think Anet knows the population has dropped (it has in wvw at least), so they must be motivated to find ways to keep people happy (and kicking in more money through the gem store). Maybe they read the forums more than we think.
(edited by Choppy.4183)
We did received some hope from Gaile (thnx for the reply Gaile x I love you)
This is what she told me
now the profession forums are read frequently. I hear them being discussed on a regular basis, input from players, questions, etc.
The devs are super busy, so it’s not easy for them to get into a dialogue with players, and they can take input and run with it without posting. But I do see that if it’s been six months, that seems as if “no one is listening.”
I’ll try to figure out how to update.
Thanks for the note,
(edited by Hoaxintelligence.4628)
Gaile’s a gem who’s been around since gw1. Having more people like her around who are skilled in community relations would go a long way, but there are always limits to what can be done. Glad you got a response.
Yeah man Im glad aswell. Things like this gives us some kind of hope.
I was so glad that she anwsered so fast. I will spam Gaile from now on, once every month (Just for a monthly reminder to make sure) untill a dev is finaly reacting on the war forums. Much respect for Gaile.
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