A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Stealthasaur.2198


Really cool, good design job. Heavy armor is lighter than light armor and fat dudes can run faster than athletic human chicks…trust me I won tons of races.


Edit: Yeah I know I got outplayed by blowing all my stunbreaks but it got to the point where I didn’t even think he would try to hit me so I just went yolo.

(edited by Stealthasaur.2198)

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Shockwave.1230


Don’t forget about shortbow?

Sylvari Elementalist – Mystree Duskbloom (Lv 80)
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Stealthasaur.2198


Don’t forget about shortbow?

Would have made 0 difference, if anything it would be in his advantage if I swapped. I would be able to catch up for a few seconds, but I’d have 0 inti and be on the defensive with a weapon that gets out-healed by healing signet and be stuck on a 9 second CD and he could just kite again at any point anyway.

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Asomal.6453


Why won’t you use Headshot or save your Steal to interrupt his dash?

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Shockwave.1230


Poison from SB4. Not sure what your sigil on SB is, but if it’s fire, your auto-attack plus poison would chip away at him. Don’t have to use initiative while auto attacking so, you could have built some up even when using SB5 to chase as long as you used your other 3 ports too to allow you to build initiative. You had some opportunities where it would have made sense to swap to shortbow. When he’s not running away from you, the cripple from SB3 would put him in a bad spot.

Sylvari Elementalist – Mystree Duskbloom (Lv 80)
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Stealthasaur.2198


Poison from SB4. Not sure what your sigil on SB is, but if it’s fire, your auto-attack plus poison would chip away at him. Don’t have to use initiative while auto attacking so, you could have built some up even when using SB5 to chase as long as you used your other 3 ports too to allow you to build initiative. You had some opportunities where it would have made sense to swap to shortbow. When he’s not running away from you, the cripple from SB3 would put him in a bad spot.

Lol sb autoattack with fire would chip away at him….look at his health regen. I pulled my SB out earlier before the vid and was literally doing nothing at all.

Edit: Its also extremely easy to just strafe run and avoid every SB shot. Also, look what happens to the poison thats applied from my steal.

(edited by Stealthasaur.2198)

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: TheDevice.2751


Really cool, good design job. Heavy armor is lighter than light armor and fat dudes can run faster than athletic human chicks…

go find ur athletic chick and tell her to outrun a big fat wild boar… just sayin.

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: LordByron.8369


There are so many threads recently about WWW thieves and warriors complaining about who is more OP ._.

They’d better not ask for nerfs to other profession since if it happens they ll lose their main excuse:
“oh but warrior/thief is also OP”

P.S. and this is WWW where those 2 profession are immortal….

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

(edited by LordByron.8369)

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Also..Learn how to duel properly in obsidium,the warr was in the tunnel going to obsid to find duels,yet he gets ganked in midway by a thief..and up till this point he does nothing in return but being defensive and just moving on..yet you keep bugging him…

(edited by Moderator)

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Silv.9207


He joke you, killing you when at 10% hp, no more.
A War can obtaining a lot of swiftness by traits. Every 10 sec a war can obtain 10 sec of swiftness when do a critical hit. That’s why he run faster than you. Just a trait. And a lot of movement skills to increase the distance.
You play good, but he joke you. Don’t cry, it can happen.

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: sorrow.2364


Why is this on sPvP forum?

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Awwwww was someone able to reset the fight against the poor poor thief. The first response had it right, you were acting like a 12 year old and karma came back and bit you.

How was that karma? It’s a well known fact that warrior, while being great at being both tanky and offensive is also the kitteniest profession in the game with it’s 5-6 abilities allowing you to cross entire maps within like 2 minutes. And it’s OP healing signet that can passively outheal some professions damage. Everyone knows this, even warriors understand how much of a kitten they are from running from even fights. They taunt others and say “Awe he just QQ because he can’t catch me” And after laughing like he did in the vid for him running away they usually laugh back after getting backup from other players OR catching a lucky break like the warrior did. Also the fight was never officially reset, the warriors signet is just still OP. I despise thieves more than warriors, but in this fight, the warrior was definitely the bigger kitten, and child.

5 – 6 abilities to leap around… ? Even if they go Sword/Gs..They have one leap,whirl on 3 and rush on 5,that makes 3 mobile skills and not 6.Healsig is 400hp/sec,if youre unable to outdmg that with your ability’s,then youre doing something really wrong.
The rest i wont even bother responding on,more bull.

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: hihey.1075


The way you wasted your initiative is… disgusting at best.
More careful management of your Ini pool would have won that battle.

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: shadowpass.4236


hah, its funny, xii xii (zee zee as Im Behind You Lol calls it :P) is one of the best thieves I know. who wouldn’t laugh and taunt if the other player just kept running away? I know I would. lol.

btw, I rlly hate fighting thieves (stealth, etc.) although I do manage to beat them most of the time, xii xii is a beast :P try fighting him in an spvp dueling server and see how u do

and as a side note, I saw no 222222 so… yeah

I was a power ranger before it was cool.
Guild Leader of Favorable Winds [Wind]

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: hihey.1075


hah, its funny, xii xii (zee zee as Im Behind You Lol calls it :P) is one of the best thieves I know. who wouldn’t laugh and taunt if the other player just kept running away? I know I would. lol.

btw, I rlly hate fighting thieves (stealth, etc.) although I do manage to beat them most of the time, xii xii is a beast :P try fighting him in an spvp dueling server and see how u do

and as a side note, I saw no 222222 so… yeah

Tell me how 33333 is different than 2222. Because that’s how he used most of his initiative, on a target who was blocking or dodging, without even planning his skills.
Also, as a DP thief myself, I would never, EVER use all my stunbreaks against a M/Sh+GS warrior: I know a single Skullcrack can kill me, and ending up as a lootbag because of this would be even more shameful than not being able to kill a GS warrior.

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: shadowpass.4236


3 still teleports even if blocked.

regardless, if a warrior is running away like that at such low health, obviously, he was trying to 3 to teleport with that little stab after to try and kill him before he could run away some more

I was a power ranger before it was cool.
Guild Leader of Favorable Winds [Wind]

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: shadowpass.4236


also, the warrior, with all of his mobility, was able to stay at the 600-900 range most of the time (even after xii xii teleported to him) and quickly go to 1000-1200 range with the gs, so, 4 wouldn’t have been able to interrupt anyways, and keep in mind one of those movement skills (whirlwind) also evades

I was a power ranger before it was cool.
Guild Leader of Favorable Winds [Wind]

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Ugruk.4069


So he owned your kitten , by baiting your cooldowns and you are mad you couldn’t 2 shot him like you do to the rest?

Btw WvW—————> that way

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Black Teagan.9215

Black Teagan.9215

Wow, I must write: The thief is really bad. So many miscalculated actions, that it wonders me, why the fights are so long.

Caleb Ferendir
-Charr Thief-
It’s good to be bad!

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


The most amazing thing of this video is your conduct / behavior .

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: SonOfKrypton.4357


Why won’t you use Headshot or save your Steal to interrupt his dash?

You’re pressing random skills to make yourself seem really elite. The Shadow Refuge was absolutely priceless. This quote is so perfect. Someone telling you exactly how you could have won that fight.


Attempting to contact arenanet.support seeking counselling expenses.

(edited by SonOfKrypton.4357)

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Lonely Hermit.1967

Lonely Hermit.1967

Dude, honestly… he only killed you because you can´t play thief… You made so many mistakes…

And you laught at him? You are sad dude…

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Stealthasaur.2198


Really cool, good design job. Heavy armor is lighter than light armor and fat dudes can run faster than athletic human chicks…trust me I won tons of races.


Edit: Yeah I know I got outplayed by blowing all my stunbreaks but it got to the point where I didn’t even think he would try to hit me so I just went yolo.

Your vid starts off with you taunting a downed mesmer by spamm laughing.In return you get downed by a warrior and you come crying to the forums….This kitten just makes my day…LOL !!!!

Also..Learn how to duel properly in obsidium,the warr was in the tunnel going to obsid to find duels,yet he gets ganked in midway by a thief..and up till this point he does nothing in return but being defensive and just moving on..yet you keep bugging him…

That mesmer chased me from OS spawn because they were camping us there, and that war and his guard friend stomped out someone from BG in the tunnel. Lol

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: shadowpass.4236


So he owned your kitten , by baiting your cooldowns and you are mad you couldn’t 2 shot him like you do to the rest?

Btw WvW—————> that way

he didn’t bait his cds… if u actually watched the video, the warrior tried a lot of times to stun him but he couldn’t.

I was a power ranger before it was cool.
Guild Leader of Favorable Winds [Wind]

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: shadowpass.4236


it should be the warrior u guys are talking about, running all the way across the map to try and reset, mace stun 100b, soo much skill…

honestly, if u guys rlly think he’s that bad, 1v1 him, and don’t get mad when u get rekt.

I was a power ranger before it was cool.
Guild Leader of Favorable Winds [Wind]

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Azukas.1426


I was wondering what was going on until I came to the realization that this happened in T1.

Did anyone notice how empty OS is in T1???

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Ugruk.4069


So he owned your kitten , by baiting your cooldowns and you are mad you couldn’t 2 shot him like you do to the rest?

Btw WvW—————> that way

he didn’t bait his cds… if u actually watched the video, the warrior tried a lot of times to stun him but he couldn’t.

Yeah because him running away didnt make him use the shadow step +signet… NO SIR!

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Simon.3794


be more mobile than a thief in light armour

i have to correct you here, thief wear medium armor, but i agree, heavy armor and medium armor should not out run light armor, idk when will anet nerf warrior and thief mobility or just straight up buffing ele mes necro mobility

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Solstice.1097


Warriors can build for mobility. I’ve seen GS + Sword/Warhorn warriors roaming around at lightning speed, but have I ever died to one? lol no…. mace/shield, mace/sword, sword/sword, hambow, etc – those are the warriors that you have to worry about, and a thief can outrun any of them.

Thief has the advantage of having mobility built-in to it’s best combat specs.

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: hooma.9642


it should be the warrior u guys are talking about, running all the way across the map to try and reset, mace stun 100b, soo much skill…

honestly, if u guys rlly think he’s that bad, 1v1 him, and don’t get mad when u get rekt.

u mean so much skill like constantly applying blind? the warrior was the smarter one. proven by vid. thief as apex pred. crying about that makes it funny.

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Ugruk.4069


it should be the warrior u guys are talking about, running all the way across the map to try and reset, mace stun 100b, soo much skill…

honestly, if u guys rlly think he’s that bad, 1v1 him, and don’t get mad when u get rekt.

So he should just stand in the black powder and auto atack? Rofl he outplayed the thief tactic, period.

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: silentnight warrior.2714

silentnight warrior.2714

Every one knows that thiefs have the best combat movement speed (instaports). Warrior and thief have both the best land speed but in combat warrior is weaker than thief in combat movement speed.
You got outplayed. Learn and move on.

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: redslion.9675


Really cool, good design job. Heavy armor is lighter than light armor and fat dudes can run faster than athletic human chicks…trust me I won tons of races.

“Fat” dudes actually run faster than athletic human chicks in real life. Considering you are talking about warriors, they aren’t just fat: they are also REALLY strong. Much stronger than any thief (talking about physical strenght, not overall combat prowess). So yeah, they have muscles to run. :P

And talking about realism, your toon doesn’t look like an athlete at all.xD

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: hehk.8705


Because I am not a 10/10 at thief like you I had to look up these numbers. Short bow auto = the damage of dagger auto, which seemed to work well for doing damage.

You are just like every WvW teef. You ganked someone from stealth and now think you are a god at 1v1s.

#l2p #sweg # curieisalwaysright #rarcrash #rarbeatyoulikehiskids #1v1meirl

P.S. you wasted your stunbreak to move your heartseeker, when you were already in range, into a skullcrack 10/10

Curie is my smooth Australian sensei.

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Aeroxe.8140


Nice! Thanks for the share. Yeah, clearly this is a class balance issue and needs to be looked at.

Thief (main), ele, guard
Past member of most teams NA. Retired proleague season 1+2.

(edited by Aeroxe.8140)

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Rozal Knight.2315

Rozal Knight.2315

You attack a War with no CDs left after he just got done killing a troll, chase him all the way into the dueling area. You waste your imitative trying to catch him, taunt him, then you go qq on the forums when you got beat.

P.S I have a look behind button and i saw you waste your initiative trying to close the gap.

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: sirflamesword.3896


You attack a War with no CDs left after he just got done killing a troll, chase him all the way into the dueling area. You waste your imitative trying to catch him, taunt him, then you go qq on the forums when you got beat.

P.S I have a look behind button and i saw you waste your initiative trying to close the gap.

Plz tell me this was you on the video, because if it was hats off on beating a troll.

Pinnacle of Responsibility[Mom]-Yaks Bend
Unstable Shield, Unstable Light

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Shyhalu.4891


So happy the warrior won Go random charr kitty!

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: lollasaurus.1457


get rekt lmao!!!!!!

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Terravos.4059


Really cool, good design job. Heavy armor is lighter than light armor and fat dudes can run faster than athletic human chicks…trust me I won tons of races.


Edit: Yeah I know I got outplayed by blowing all my stunbreaks but it got to the point where I didn’t even think he would try to hit me so I just went yolo.

You should of titled the thread

“13k HP Thief gets wrecked by Warrior”

Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: hehk.8705


Looks like a player skill issue.

Looks that way to me too.

Curie is my smooth Australian sensei.

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: TheDevice.2751


hah, its funny, xii xii (zee zee as Im Behind You Lol calls it :P) is one of the best thieves I know. who wouldn’t laugh and taunt if the other player just kept running away? I know I would. lol.

btw, I rlly hate fighting thieves (stealth, etc.) although I do manage to beat them most of the time, xii xii is a beast :P try fighting him in an spvp dueling server and see how u do

and as a side note, I saw no 222222 so… yeah

The absolute irony of a thief laughing at anyone about running away is just too much. A thief goes stealth when they think they’re going to die XDDDD. Warriros can’t do that so thay use mobility to reset fights.

He comes on forums to trash talk how much sense it makes to outrun a thief while being x4 bigger than some skinny chick makes even less sense. Put a giant beast like a bear in a room with some skinny chick and see who wins the fight. Or open the door and tell her to outrun it. Oh wait just use your imaginary poof ability to go invisible (not hiding behind anything just straight up invisible). Makes sooooo much sense. Get real bruh. You’re playing a video game.

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Mercenary Higgins.1807

Mercenary Higgins.1807

So you are kitten hurt about how you trolled a person walking right past you ended up killing you.

Then you cry that they are better than you because of their build?

Typical Thief Kitten

Keep on heartseeking bro

Mercenary Higgins: D/D
Fort Aspenwood

A fight between Thief and War [Vid]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Loco.4561


He’s now infracting people who post about what a terrible player he is, just to be aware

Mashup Bootleg ~ WvW Mesmer
Cyrus Glitch – sPvP/tPvP Mesmer
Doctor Loki – sPvP/tPvP/WvW Power Necro