Shadow Returns Bugged

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Jumper.9482


Soo… I suppose we’re headed to a more RNG-focused and less skill-based game seeing as how alot of shadowsteps and shadow returns now have a random chance at failing and flipping matches around by getting you killed.

Ex: Teamfight mid starts, I use my utility Shadowstep to attempt to get to the enemy ledge to pressure the Necro since Infiltrator Signet and Infiltrator Strike won’t work anymore. Guess what? Random fail proc. Now I have to waste 5 precious seconds walking around the stairs, time ticking away on my shadow return. Three of his allies assist him and CC me on the stairs. I Shadow Return. OOPS! 404-Error Were you trying to shadow return 1200 distance away from this situation? TOO BAD. You get 200 distance. Oh btw you’re dead.

Now, I have no problem with dying or getting outplayed. But when I’m relying on a utility and expect it to work as intended and there’s just a random chance of failure like that, I don’t even know what to say. Especially since everything was working as intended for the past 10 months up until yesterday.

EDIT: So after further testing I found the new mechanic implemented to the ground-target shadowsteps/blinks. Now, on top of having distance and angle, you also have to aim the blink at the VERY top of the ledge (This was previously not a necessity). Any pixel lower and it will fail (this is ofcourse harder or easier depending on if you play an Asura or Norn). This I have no problem with, however, it makes targetted shadowsteps to ledges nearly impossible now (inf strike/signet, steal). Shadow Return remains to seem bugged pretty badly though.

Small sample from my hours of testing:
Shadow Return (utility) randomly failing/working for unknown reasons.
Winner of Curse’s NA Masters Tournament

(edited by Jumper.9482)

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Acandis.3250


1 step forward 2 steps back meng.

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: EoNxBoNx.9213


I was going to make a post about these issues that have started happening with teleports, but Jumper beat me to it. Nevertheless good thing someone started it. Teleports were working fine for 10 months, some might have been too strong, or even overlapped on each other. But the way they were changed made teleports in general (for thieves I am speaking) RNG, as the OP and title said.

I was in a match earlier today, where I tried to do, d/p burst for 1500+ range (not on flat ground) on someone stomping a teammate. Infiltrator failed, and Steal failed. At the same location, this happened again and it worked. I was beside myself.

I hope this is bugged, and these changes are not intentional. If they are thieves are seeing some dark days ahead.

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Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Ostricheggs.3742


Honestly, if you’re going to do something do it right. Poor jumper is suffering, either revert the changes or put thieves down warrior style. You done goofed on the returns by “fixing” LoS (hint: they still work sometimes)

On SOTG you touted thief mobility, in reality you completely neutered thief mobility. MOTM/TOL 2/TOG NA/WTS Beijing winner. Message me for PvP Coaching
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Deified.7520


Soo… I suppose we’re headed to a more RNG-focused and less skill-based game seeing as how alot of shadowsteps and shadow returns now have a random chance at failing and flipping matches around by getting you killed.

Ex: Teamfight mid starts, I use my utility Shadowstep to attempt to get to the enemy ledge to pressure the Necro since Infiltrator Signet won’t work anymore. Guess what? Random fail proc. Now I have to waste 5 precious seconds walking around the stairs, time ticking away on my shadow return. Three of his allies assist him and CC me on the stairs. I Shadow Return. OOPS! 404-Error Were you trying to shadow return 1200 distance away from this situation? TOO BAD. You get 200 distance. Oh btw you’re dead.

Now, I have no problem with dying or getting outplayed. But when I’m relying on a utility and expect it to work as intended and there’s just a random chance of failure like that, I don’t even know what to say. Especially since everything was working as intended for the past 10 months up until yesterday.

RNG eh? Now you know how us engineers feel! I could get this which could save me, or I could get this which wont really do much for me in this scenario.

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Archer Henchman.2534

Archer Henchman.2534

I’ll be entirely honest, I haven’t seen any RNG. It just seems as if the teleport skill placement need to be changed in certain areas so as to prevent body clipping. I’m sure this is far more difficult while using S/D because you ultimately don’t control the location of the teleport, but for infiltrator’s arrow and shadow step, things have been predictable, albeit severely restricted.

I don’t think this is a healthy change, but I can understand wanting people not to be able to teleport from the bottom of clocktower straight onto the point.

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Jumper.9482


Several vertical teleports that did not abuse wall-clipping now have what seems to be a hidden RNG factor that decides whether it works or not. I’ve literally tried some of these blinks from the same angle/distance and had varying results.
This is, ofcourse, as opposed to positioning and angling yourself properly pre-nerf.
I’ve tested for a few hours and had multiple incidents in live matches.
Winner of Curse’s NA Masters Tournament

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Evade-thieves are hated anyway . . . but my meditation guard became useless!

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Jumper.9482


Evade-thieves are hated anyway . . . but my meditation guard became useless!

Well, I can live without Infiltrator Strike working most the time. I still have one good ability in my kit left. But this particular instance was with the Shadowstep utility. Basically, same thing applies to Shortbow.
This isn’t particularly S/D related although it does put a huge hamper on top of a completely unexpected nerf to Sword/Med Guards and Sword Thieves.
Winner of Curse’s NA Masters Tournament

(edited by Jumper.9482)

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Evade-thieves are hated anyway . . . but my meditation guard became useless!

Well, I can live without Infiltrator Strike working most the time. I still have one good ability in my kit left. But this particular instance was with the Shadowstep utility. Basically, same thing applies to Shortbow.
This isn’t particularly S/D related although it does put a huge hamper on top of a completely unexpected nerf to Sword/Med Guards and Sword Thieves.

Don’t think this was actually intended by A-Net. Seems like the skill-gap on porting is gone.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Archer Henchman.2534

Archer Henchman.2534

Several vertical teleports that did not abuse wall-clipping now have what seems to be a hidden RNG factor that decides whether it works or not. I’ve literally tried some of these blinks from the same angle/distance and had varying results.
This is, ofcourse, as opposed to positioning and angling yourself properly pre-nerf.
I’ve tested for a few hours and had multiple incidents in live matches.

Can you let me know a few of the teleports that are giving you issues? I wouldn’t mind testing this out myself.

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: eMeL.6253


I see, that I am not alone who it remark. I hope, that it is bug, because it would was very big fail. From begin game it work, include it in style thief play… If it is deliberately, than … … … Some ports with infiltrator strike don’t work ever (for example – forest from stairs above keep), other work randomly. All worked good, but yesterday it began.

Cmon Anet I wait your answer !


(edited by eMeL.6253)

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: tac.2167


This is really frustrating

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Xeph.4513


I don’t think that this problem only applies to thieves, I think that in general the changes to ports spots around the maps, has been very unwelcome; it as completely obliterated a very interesting dynamic that was introduced to us at the start of guild wars 2.
I found this dynamic to be very refreshing as people had to memorize and understand all the different spots that you could port to.

I personally don’t think that it was necessary to nerf/change these port spots, it has done nothing but dumbed down the game, there are no more interesting port escapes or chases, it has also killed the viability of thieves on certain maps (looking at you khylo). I think that Arena net has made a mistake with this change, it was completely unwarranted and could’ve been tackled in a different manner, decreasing the port distances, potentially giving it a cool down, or giving it a totally new repercussion.

Sadly the change came at a very critical time where guild wars 2 tournament viewership has been on the rise, and one of the most enjoyable things was to watch people use these blink spots to their advantage, it saddens me that we will be seeing a lot less of that.

I really hope that arena net considers reverting this change.

Team Paradigm.

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

I don’t think that this problem only applies to thieves, I think that in general the changes to ports spots around the maps, has been very unwelcome; it as completely obliterated a very interesting dynamic that was introduced to us at the start of guild wars 2.
I found this dynamic to be very refreshing as people had to memorize and understand all the different spots that you could port to.

I personally don’t think that it was necessary to nerf/change these port spots, it has done nothing but dumbed down the game, there are no more interesting port escapes or chases, it has also killed the viability of thieves on certain maps (looking at you khylo). I think that Arena net has made a mistake with this change, it was completely unwarranted and could’ve been tackled in a different manner, decreasing the port distances, potentially giving it a cool down, or giving it a totally new repercussion.

Sadly the change came at a very critical time where guild wars 2 tournament viewership has been on the rise, and one of the most enjoyable things was to watch people use these blink spots to their advantage, it saddens me that we will be seeing a lot less of that.

I really hope that arena net considers reverting this change.

I doubt this was intended. They went for the bugfix for stucking in walls caused by ports and somehow it affected the port-abilities. However I hope they can find a solution as a part of tactical depth is sticked to ports, which is especially for competitive play a great mechanic.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Vuh.1328


I don’t think that this problem only applies to thieves, I think that in general the changes to ports spots around the maps, has been very unwelcome; it as completely obliterated a very interesting dynamic that was introduced to us at the start of guild wars 2.
I found this dynamic to be very refreshing as people had to memorize and understand all the different spots that you could port to.

I personally don’t think that it was necessary to nerf/change these port spots, it has done nothing but dumbed down the game, there are no more interesting port escapes or chases, it has also killed the viability of thieves on certain maps (looking at you khylo). I think that Arena net has made a mistake with this change, it was completely unwarranted and could’ve been tackled in a different manner, decreasing the port distances, potentially giving it a cool down, or giving it a totally new repercussion.

Sadly the change came at a very critical time where guild wars 2 tournament viewership has been on the rise, and one of the most enjoyable things was to watch people use these blink spots to their advantage, it saddens me that we will be seeing a lot less of that.

I really hope that arena net considers reverting this change.

It’s almost if quake would remove strafe/bunny jumping ..

Take your time to learn proper keybinding, it’s worth the struggle

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Harrier.9380


I remember devs saying they wanted to up the mobility on all Thief weapon sets to the Shortbow level. Instead with this one change they nerfed mobility of all blink capable classes down to Warrior/Necro level. Ofc it hurts Thieves most and as Xeph said, I don’t see them being viable on Kyhlo with this change.

Most annoying part of it is how what used to be skilled play got turned into RNG. Right now you never know whether old blink spots will work or not, you might get lucky and escape with your life, or just pop 2 meters from where you started and die.

All this seems very similar to weapon/utility lock added couple months ago. It seems devs are again trying to eliminate things r10 players consider unfair, while making PvP boring and frustrating for more experienced players.

This change seriously needs to be reverted.

“Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit,
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Phantaram.1265


I haven’t heard a single positive response about removing blink spots. Sure maybe most of the blink spots were unintended from the beginning but they enhanced gameplay. I can think of tons of games in the past where unintended features stayed in because the community liked them and the developers realized it was actually good for the game.

The same should happen here. Just revert the changes to blink spots imo.

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: LeGi.3921


It really saddens to see that so many ports got removed from the game and for others (like mansion on khylo) you have to click an area thats like 3×10 pixels to get the port you want.

Hope it will go back to how its used to be. Would be great when the portbugs could be fixed, so you wont get stuck in a wall, but i could live with thakittens

like Jumper said, most of the time when you use Shadowreturn you flip a coin and when its tail you saved your tail and yeah when its head the enemy got that from you.

We Are Extremly [ugly]

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

It isn’t exactly RNG. I am guessing that they have put some kind of a pathing algorithm like they use with projectiles that travel accross the ground. One tiny, possibly not even necessarily visible bump in the road and it is epic fail.

Hopefully in a couple weeks they can fix this along with the balance patch. It would be tremendous if they fixed the pathing on all of the stuff that has been broken since launch. Maybe this is the item that finally makes them go after it.

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Iceflame.5024


Necro Flesh Wurm Necrotic Traversal teleport has always been working like this and still does, welcome to the club. It’s got to do with the way pathing works and this issue is actually messing with a lot of things(corrupt boon for example). This game is strange: 5 target AOE limit, high tier pleayers that defend clearly bugged teleports through walls as good skill promoting plays(wut???), basically promoting bugs? A humongous number of bugs unfixed since release? Lots of strange stuff going on here.

(edited by Iceflame.5024)

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Harrier.9380


Ice, we’re not talking about porting through walls here, but about dozen or two ledge blink spots that suddenly got ruined.

Those blinks are part of the reason I like playing Thief, it adds dynamic my other classes don’t (and shouldn’t, since they got many diffirent tools) have.

I spent many hours learning those blink spots, as well as practicing to keep my cool and pulling them off in clutch situations, just like Mesmers do with Phase Retreat. Now I find one of the most interesting Thief mechanics taken away from me and all the time spent on mastering it being time wasted.

“Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit,
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Phantaram.1265


Necro Flesh Wurm Necrotic Traversal teleport has always been working like this and still does, welcome to the club. It’s got to do with the way pathing works and this issue is actually messing with a lot of things(corrupt boon for example). This game is strange: 5 target AOE limit, high tier pleayers that defend clearly bugged teleports through walls as good skill promoting plays(wut???), basically promoting bugs? A humongous number of bugs unfixed since release? Lots of strange stuff going on here.

Actually I’m pretty sure flesh worm could be used in every spot every other teleport worked, didn’t matter much though because who is going to cast for 1 and a half seconds to teleport in the middle of a fight.

And it’s not promoting bugs, it’s promoting good gameplay. This one just so happens to be a bug(maybe?), but that isn’t of any relevancy.

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Iceflame.5024


Actually I’m pretty sure flesh worm could be used in every spot every other teleport worked, didn’t matter much though because who is going to cast for 1 and a half seconds to teleport in the middle of a fight.

And it’s not promoting bugs, it’s promoting good gameplay. This one just so happens to be a bug(maybe?), but that isn’t of any relevancy.

As a fact I can say from my own experience that flesh wurm teleport has a lot of spots where it is bugged and won’t teleport you to that spot when spectral walk would work correctly in that very same situations. Haven’t tried spectral walk post patch though. As an example on Niflhel if you place your wurm on the edge above Keep and then jump down, the teleport will just move you a small distance towards that edge or to that spot but won’t put you on the higher level, you’ll end up just under the spot where your flesh wurm was next to the wall(there are a lot of cliffs like this on different maps that interact that way with flesh wurm teleport). I believe it’s always been like this.

In your view it might not be of any relevancy but I believe a lot of people would see it as bug exploiting that is being promoted which would make them question the game.

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Ice is accurate on this. The Wurm tele never worked like the Thief and Mesmer teles. It always had some wierd outcomes that are eerily similar to what Jumper describes.

This has been well cronicled and pointed out to A-net in the past. I suspect they may have implemented the same or similar code on the thief and mes teleports now. Arguably it levels the playing field, but not what I consider to be in a correct way.

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: LeGi.3921


Too lazy to make a video, so i just created a necro and made some screenshots of how it is possible to port on Niflhel with a fleshworm.

thats still working ~ so it works just like shortbow, blink and all the other stuff. you only have to know how.


We Are Extremly [ugly]

(edited by LeGi.3921)

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Iceflame.5024


Too lazy to make a video, so i just created a necro and made some screenshots of how it is possible to port on Niflhel with a fleshworm.

thats still working ~ so it works just like shortbow, blink and all the other stuff. you only have to know how.

Are you implying that I am providing incorrect information or are you trying to show that it works in specific situations? If it’s the first, I’ll just make a video then to prove my point. If it’s the second, then I would like to point out that it’s the problematic teleport behavior that is being discussed here and not those specific situations when it actually works properly.

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Romek.4201



i cant believe what i read here from you

i remember one day some months ago when you was streaming and you testet with a staff the spot in khylo to port from outside up in the mid of the tower. i remember what you said when you finaly found it and testet it 2-3×.

you said you hope arenanet dont ban you for testing this exploit and showing it people in stream. you said thats sooo a lame port and should be hotfixed .

now after months using it its fine?

sry its lame

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671


i cant believe what i read here from you

i remember one day some months ago when you was streaming and you testet with a staff the spot in khylo to port from outside up in the mid of the tower. i remember what you said when you finaly found it and testet it 2-3×.

you said you hope arenanet dont ban you for testing this exploit and showing it people in stream. you said thats sooo a lame port and should be hotfixed .

now after months using it its fine?

sry its lame

I don’t think you are being fair.

Xeph went out of his way to make it common knowledge. A-net should have hot fixed this along with the other teleport options, but chose not to, and also chose not to take a stance calling it an exploit.

When the Dev company makes no statement defining it as an exploit and takes no action to correct it, then the community must assume that it is an intended part of gameplay, and those who are familiar with it will use it. You can debate that it shouldn’t have been there (in which case I would agree), but you can’t hate on people that utilize little nuances in game play like this that are both well known and commonly used.

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Benjamin.7893


You can’t be serious. Teleports trough the walls at clocktower were completely broken and you can’t say that it “dumbed” down to game now can you. It’s not like they were hard to pull of, you just had to know about them.

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Pyriall.5027


Too lazy to make a video, so i just created a necro and made some screenshots of how it is possible to port on Niflhel with a fleshworm.

thats still working ~ so it works just like shortbow, blink and all the other stuff. you only have to know how.

Are you implying that I am providing incorrect information or are you trying to show that it works in specific situations? If it’s the first, I’ll just make a video then to prove my point. If it’s the second, then I would like to point out that it’s the problematic teleport behavior that is being discussed here and not those specific situations when it actually works properly.

I’ve used flesh wurm everywhere I was able to port to prior to the patch without issue. I’m not sure what difficulty you are having with it and I’ve still been able to go through walls including the one at Keep.

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Adam.6047


I read the changes made in the recent patch and to be quite frank. What the …. Happened. I do love the transparency, State of the Game – is all I have to say. Looks like it’ll be next month until something gets done.

The changes preventing the teleporting into Kyhlo are ludicrous at best. If they were supposedly bugs why is it that it wasn’t made clear by the Developers that they were bugs. Experienced players have gotten used to it and if anything it adds more skill and variety to PvP. Having the ability to teleport into kyhlo as a guardian using sword 2/meditations is what makes offensive meditation guardian builds worthwhile. I personally thought that the general direction of the game was to add diversity to the builds and setups that people run.

In my mind it was clear that there were bugs with teleporting, friends of mine would repeatedly get stuck in walls or the floor when they teleported. However porting into mid on Kyhlo is a game mechanic that makes the map unique and fun to play. It doesn’t ruin gameplay it adds to it. It adds diversity in the game mechanics of the maps in rotation. The current PvP maps have their different mechanics which make them unique. The ability to traverse across Kyhlo so well by classes which can make use of teleporting made certain classes more viable in competitive play.

Personally when I play guardian I’ll run sword/shield/hammer when Kyhlo is in the tournament rotation, if it isn’t I won’t. This is an example of build diversity, people like myself change their build/weapon sets dependent upon the map. What I don’t understand is why you would want to nerf build diversity and core mechanics which make certain maps fun.

If any of the Developers have been watching any of the NA tournaments recently you should be very aware of the fact that the shoutcasters are in love with SupCutie. Why you ask yourself? Because of his portal/blink plays – a mechanic in which everyone loves. By nerfing teleports it makes the game more slow pace and less enjoyable for spectators. Especially when we’re supposedly eSports, make the game less fun to watch isn’t going to bring in the viewers.

Finally, how about we have some transparency about what we think is broken in PvP rather than playing “Whac-A-Mole” ( as you like to put it ) with what you think is a good idea. What bemuses me is the lack of touch that the Developers have with the game, simple things such as being able to name skills and traits correctly, to knowing what current Meta is. This is blindingly obvious when you watch pretty much any stream involving a Developer. Now I’m not trying to offend you, but chances are I have and chances are I’ll be infracted for this post for being “rude” or something to that effect. What I do understand is that Developers don’t have all the time in the world and that it can be difficult to get the opinions of people who play the game. This isn’t an excuse for bad judgement, there are plenty of opportunities for Developers to chat with the casual and the more serious PvPers, it only takes 5 minutes to hop into somewhere like Desolation Heart of the Mists and do a quick poll. Or you could speak transparently about it on State of the Game, or even use the forums and do a poll.

My point is that this outcry from top level PvPers and casual PvPers wouldn’t have even happened if there was some form of transparency. Next time there is a game mechanic that everyone is using, which shapes the way people play on certain maps that you think is broken; how about you discuss it with the people who play your game.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post and I do hope you open your eyes and revert this horrific change.

Captain of Team Pugging – destroyed ESL with scrubs

(edited by Adam.6047)

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Zenith.7301


Soo… I suppose we’re headed to a more RNG-focused and less skill-based game seeing as how alot of shadowsteps and shadow returns now have a random chance at failing and flipping matches around by getting you killed.

Ex: Teamfight mid starts, I use my utility Shadowstep to attempt to get to the enemy ledge to pressure the Necro since Infiltrator Signet and Infiltrator Strike won’t work anymore. Guess what? Random fail proc. Now I have to waste 5 precious seconds walking around the stairs, time ticking away on my shadow return. Three of his allies assist him and CC me on the stairs. I Shadow Return. OOPS! 404-Error Were you trying to shadow return 1200 distance away from this situation? TOO BAD. You get 200 distance. Oh btw you’re dead.

Now, I have no problem with dying or getting outplayed. But when I’m relying on a utility and expect it to work as intended and there’s just a random chance of failure like that, I don’t even know what to say. Especially since everything was working as intended for the past 10 months up until yesterday.

I hope this happens to you many more times and to all those who play this cheap class just to train necros for a free kill.

God forbid classes actually have to traverse the terrain normally like everybody else that isn’t thief/ele/mesmer.

(edited by Zenith.7301)

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Pyriall.5027


The biggest offender was inf st/sh ret. They should have adjusted that ability and left the rest as they were.

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Avead.5760


That was so sudden..Tbh honest thieves were seriously abusing that and mesm to an extent.Its fine when its on long cds but spammable? How do you expect warriors for example ever be viable in this environment.. But it was cool to watch!
Though its ironic that jumper feels bad he has to waste 5 precious sec moving to his opponent and that his shadow return jail free card might not work!Not to mention that this outrageous change caused his death in a 4 (3 allies +1 necro) vs 1.
Id say bring it back to its former state for utilities like shadowstep.It was too fun to watch it on tourneys

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Iceflame.5024


Here’s a video demonstrating the flesh wurm teleport problem:

This was only an example of the forest map, other maps also have a ton of spots like this.

If you want proof of it being bugged pre patch, you can check the necro forums or search my pre patch streams(highly doubt anyone would do that but if you want proof, it’s there). It’s been like this for a very long time.

To the people who were declining the existence of this problem, please try to refrain yourselves from spreading false information when bugs are discussed since it’s very important to make it clear that something is broken in the game.

I still do not understand how people can use the lack of dev response as an excuse to promote bug exploiting as build diversity, more interesting play for spectators and skill gameplay. Promoting bugs is like defending something OP and displays the sad state of the design that this game has. Pretty much promoting a low quality product.

(edited by Iceflame.5024)

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: papaganoosh.7908


Like a lot of people have said here. If this is intended then they have shot themselves in the foot.

The length of time it has taken has meant people had got used to it and even adopted it as part of the game play on places like Khylo.

To me this is just another example of Anet trying to “dumb down” the game and make every single class even. There is a huge difference between even and fair. Some classes should be able to teleport, some shouldn’t, the ones that shouldn’t should be able to do something else etc etc

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Avead.5760


Like a lot of people have said here. If this is intended then they have shot themselves in the foot.

The length of time it has taken has meant people had got used to it and even adopted it as part of the game play on places like Khylo.

To me this is just another example of Anet trying to “dumb down” the game and make every single class even. There is a huge difference between even and fair. Some classes should be able to teleport, some shouldn’t, the ones that shouldn’t should be able to do something else etc etc

But then you get to a situation that some classes become unviable to certain maps.They had to either give all classes a port ability or nerf their effectiveness.
What is an offencive warrior supposed to do in a fight in khylo when he cant punish the overextending of other squishies like mesmers or thieves?Fight in middle and get destroyed by an engie or all the other aoe mess?
I literally ask this to top players!You say you want all classes viability and then are in favor of a mechanic that was creating clear imbalances against the already underdogs of pvp in a lot of map areas. Jumper just said he was training a necro and this change punished him by denying his escape after he overextended to hunt down that guy in the middle of enemy team,right?
Why is that unfair?Anet should have given their stance on this matter a long long time ago..imo

Shadow Returns Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pyriall.5027


Here’s a video demonstrating the flesh wurm teleport problem:

This was only an example of the forest map, other maps also have a ton of spots like this.

If you want proof of it being bugged pre patch, you can check the necro forums or search my pre patch streams(highly doubt anyone would do that but if you want proof, it’s there). It’s been like this for a very long time.

To the people who were declining the existence of this problem, please try to refrain yourselves from spreading false information when bugs are discussed since it’s very important to make it clear that something is broken in the game.

I still do not understand how people can use the lack of dev response as an excuse to promote bug exploiting as build diversity, more interesting play for spectators and skill gameplay. Promoting bugs is like defending something OP and displays the sad state of the design that this game has. Pretty much promoting a low quality product.

I watched only the first two. Just as with Inf arrow, you can’t just place and teleport. There are certain angles where you place the wurm and where you need to be to teleport. Those first two are not correct. I don’t know what else you placed in the video, but when I get home I’ll make a video to show it doesn’t fail when you do it properly.

Shadow Returns Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Stof.9584


I’m really baffled by this change. I can’t believe this is an intended “fix” for a “problem” that added so much dynamic and interesting gameplay that both players and viewers loved!

It has kept me playing Thief after so many nerfs and made it possible to outplay the stronger classes by pure knowledge of the game and mechanical skill!

This has nothing to do with increasing viability of the Warrior or Necromancer. In fact, it only accomplishes the opposite.
How can you possibly consider this a bug? It has been a vital part of SPvP since Beta and it is common knowledge. I’d go so far as to say maps like Khylo had these mechanics in mind when they were designed.

If anything, this makes me seriously reconsider if the Developers really aim for transparency with the SOTG. They couldn’t think to mention this?

Desolation EU – Necromancer / Thief
Top 100 Solo Q for a full minute

(edited by Stof.9584)

Shadow Returns Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Iceflame.5024


I watched only the first two. Just as with Inf arrow, you can’t just place and teleport. There are certain angles where you place the wurm and where you need to be to teleport. Those first two are not correct. I don’t know what else you placed in the video, but when I get home I’ll make a video to show it doesn’t fail when you do it properly.

Do you really see that as a proper working spell then? Flesh wurm necrotic traversal is supposed to be a teleport that ignores LOS since you can teleport up certain terrain and behind walls but has a range limit(judging from the tooltip). If you see no problem in it working on certain terrain and not working on other similar terrain unless you use it form a specific spot or any specific condition then I find that truly baffling. We shall most likely not reach an agreement that way since I sincerely believe this to be a mechanic that doesn’t work properly in a lot of situations and hence it’s bugged, I do not see it being any other way.

Also please be so kind as to watch the whole video, you can see me succeeding in teleporting there and I know of that situation and it only works on one side. Other similar situations show different results some of which don’t even move you an inch.

Shadow Returns Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Stof.9584


Also please be so kind as to watch the whole video, you can see me succeeding in teleporting there and I know of that situation and it only works on one side. Other similar situations show different results some of which don’t even move you an inch.

You’re simply doing it wrong, the teleports you failed would have always failed.

This thread is about RNG when using Shadowsteps and teleports that no longer work, because of unknown reasons.
Standing in the same exact spot should give the same result every time: failure or success to be reliable in PvP.

Desolation EU – Necromancer / Thief
Top 100 Solo Q for a full minute

Shadow Returns Bugged

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Posted by: Amaterasu.6280


It’s been frustrating as hell, shadowstepping is a big part of being able to outplay someone as a thief, and now it’s completely kittened up. Shadowstep away, kite a bit, shadowstep back thinking that you will teleport right back to where you started, and BAM. You’re literally ported right behind the enemy. What’s the point of this fix?

I’ve died so many times since the fix because of this – why break the best utility that a thief has in his arsenal?

I can understanding fixing sword #2 since it’s spammable and you can literally walk across the map and tele back…but shadowstep, the utility did not need any sort of fixing. It was perfect – our best tool, and now it’s kittened.

Kuro – Thief – NA
Undercoverism [UC]

Shadow Returns Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tenderly.7019


Here’s a video demonstrating the flesh wurm teleport problem:

This was only an example of the forest map, other maps also have a ton of spots like this.

If you want proof of it being bugged pre patch, you can check the necro forums or search my pre patch streams(highly doubt anyone would do that but if you want proof, it’s there). It’s been like this for a very long time.

To the people who were declining the existence of this problem, please try to refrain yourselves from spreading false information when bugs are discussed since it’s very important to make it clear that something is broken in the game.

I still do not understand how people can use the lack of dev response as an excuse to promote bug exploiting as build diversity, more interesting play for spectators and skill gameplay. Promoting bugs is like defending something OP and displays the sad state of the design that this game has. Pretty much promoting a low quality product.

I’m actually surprised it worked on the 3rd attempt. But every single one of those attempts was not the proper way every teleport works to get on the ledge.

You’re actually supposed to be on the (left or right) edge of the bottom of the stairs. The edge closer to the bridge. Then aim the teleport on the closest edge of the ledge.

Shadow Returns Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Romek.4201


to make it short

the pros in this thread here say knowing more bugs than your enemy is skill and they call this ESPORT


Shadow Returns Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Iceflame.5024


It’s like talking and providing proof to a wall……….

I am using flesh wurm behavior as a >>>>reference<<<< to your new added problem. It is a pathing problem and it messes with a LOT of stuff….. You say other teleports don’t work on that cliff? Well spectral walk does…. You don’t mind spells acting different on similar terrain(flesh wurm teleport works on henge fine and a lot of other cliff like places too while bugging out on other ones) and don’t see it as a bug? What is there to be discussed then?

Again, the problem has always existed but it just wasn’t affecting your precious classes, welcome to the club…..

(edited by Iceflame.5024)

Shadow Returns Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tenderly.7019


It’s like talking and providing proof to a wall……….

I am using flesh wurm behavior as a >>>>reference<<<< to your new added problem. It is a pathing problem and it messes with a LOT of stuff….. You say other teleports don’t work on that cliff? Well spectral walk does…. You don’t mind spells acting different on similar terrain(flesh wurm teleport works on henge fine and a lot of other places too) and don’t see it as a bug? What is there to be discussed then?

Again, the problem has always existed but it just wasn’t affecting your precious classes, welcome to the club…..

Providing proof would be to use the teleport-on-ledge properly from the correct spot over and over and having it fail randomly for no reason without any outside variables messing up the equation.

And Spectral Walk works differently than all other teleports. No matter what is between you and your original starting location, you will be teleported back 100% of the time.

Shadow Returns Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Iceflame.5024


Please continue enjoying this game full of “intended” bugs the way it is and continue promoting bug exploiting as high skilled gameplay while talking about esports……….

(edited by Iceflame.5024)

Shadow Returns Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pyriall.5027


Please continue enjoying this game full of “intended” bugs the way it is and continue promoting bug exploiting as high skilled gameplay while talking about esports……….

So you’re now mad that people say you’re doing it wrong?

Shadow Returns Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Iceflame.5024


I’m mad cause people don’t see it as a problem and also seem to misunderstand me heh.
I am aware that you need specific angles at keep. I do not understand how people treat these areas with kittened up pathing as if it’s intended when there are clearly proper areas with no such issues. I’d like them do fix the pathing issues while removing weird acting and unintuitive teleports through walls(the Khylo one for example).

(edited by Iceflame.5024)