Any hope of un-dyed gear?

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


In SPvP the red/blue washing… its excedingly annoying at least in my eyes and every other game has gotten away without it just fine, so am curious if its at all likely to change.

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: bird.9487


Would be nice to have the option, to turn the teamcolours off.
Or at least have the red/blue dyed like, you dyed your pvp gear in the mist and not a standardized dye.

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Warmage Timeraider.5861

Warmage Timeraider.5861

Even in gw1 pvp was fine without colours and since this game is all about cosmetics, dyeing, adjusting and looking good… I have NO clue why they are still forcing auto-dye… I can only hope they change that..

Timeraider- 80 Norn Elementalist – 80 Norn Engineer

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Varyag.3751


Bring capes back, it worked in GW1 well enough.

I play Warrior, Guardian, Elementalist and Thief.

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Yeup, when it comes to ranting about it I’m sure allot of people can for allong time… I was hoping for a possible response with information on ‘yay’ or ‘nay’ more than anything.

When it comes to complaining about it, yeah I have no idea why we even get dyes from PvP… it just makes me a bit more annoyed than anything, there are the tools, I was given the tools to make my toon look absolutely bad*ss (and I love that, I’ve spent days in other games hunting out a piece of gear or dyes just because it looks cool) yet the part where I can really show those things off is cut out…

(edited by garethh.3518)

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Zyrusticae.7245


It IS extremely annoying. There’s no need for it, especially with how incredibly obvious the red names are (seriously, it’s the first thing you see).

Please kill the forced dyes, thanks!

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Paranoid.9542


I believe I read somewhere that these dyes are put onto you because it makes it easier from a casting/commentary point of view. So later on when obs mode is put in it’s easier to make calls on blue/red than anything else.

How people can find it annoying in the first place baffles me.

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: bird.9487


I believe I read somewhere that these dyes are put onto you because it makes it easier from a casting/commentary point of view. So later on when obs mode is put in it’s easier to make calls on blue/red than anything else.

How people can find it annoying in the first place baffles me.

I understand your point with casting/commentary. But this no reason why there should be no option to see the originals/undyed colours for me personal.

It is annoying, because the only thing with structured PvP getting better looking gear.
(Yeah the main reason is fun) But the red/blue dye makes a lot of gear ugly and that is really annoying for me.

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Helping observer mode and letting newer players see what is going on easily is without a doubt important, especially since I’ve heard they want it to be a great E-sport, but the thing is if it is just something to help that observer mode or commentary… then why isn’t it just a ‘toggle-able mode’ for people who want it when they commentary and/or ‘feature specific to observer mode’?

The people watching threw observer mode don’t have to see exactly what the players do, it is possible to code it so that they see armor dyed red/blue while the actual players don’t. That and people looking to make commentaried gameplay can toggle a feature. Of course it is great to have a friendly to watch intense game, but the vast, vast majority of gameplay isn’t going to be that E-sport observer-moded or commentaried gameplay… yet the vast, vast majority of gameplay is having their gear auto-dyed because of it?
Even then they still want the game to look good, the characters the observers are fallowing to look epic and devastating and whatnot, the dye’ing destroys that…
It just seems like an excessive answer to a simple problem (unless there are other motives?).

(edited by garethh.3518)

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Warmage Timeraider.5861

Warmage Timeraider.5861

I believe I read somewhere that these dyes are put onto you because it makes it easier from a casting/commentary point of view. So later on when obs mode is put in it’s easier to make calls on blue/red than anything else.
How people can find it annoying in the first place baffles me.

look at other esport observer mode games… seriously.. NONE of them has team colours!
and why we think its annoying.. this is why:
We join pvp to have fun, as extra we get this promise.

“By ranking up in PvP you can unlock more gear with cosmetical upgrades”.

the way it is now.

“thanks to the dye everyone looks the same, cosmetics unless being a weird helmet are no upgrade and totally useless even in a cosmetic look”

Timeraider- 80 Norn Elementalist – 80 Norn Engineer

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Thrym.9436


I have no idea how my enemies are dressed. Not in sPvP, not in WvW. As in, seriously, I just don’t look at their clothes and don’t care to. It has never crossed my mind that I ever might have trouble distinguishing friend from foe because the nameplates are far more obvious than any clothing.

It does annoy me to no end, though, that I look like a heavy gunner from Team Fortress 2. All the PvP skin rewards suddenly become worthless when you step into a match because the dye just ruins them. Yes, I realize they already don’t have any performance value, but the sole award taken away from matches is the ability to tweak your aesthetics……..for future matches, where it doesn’t make any difference.

If observers/commentators need something, toss flags or colored cloaks or colored auras/globes, etc on players in observer/commentator view—but seriously, they aren’t going to be commenting on random sPvP games anyway, if this is an actual reason it could easily be limited to paid tournaments.

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Asmodean.7123


I also dislike this. it shjould be an option. For spectator/commentary purposes, choose to see the standardized colors. For the players, let them see what they want. The reward system is based purely on looks (you even get DYES as a reward) so I’d rather see my teammates and opponents the way they meant themselves to look. It would also give the game a slightly less fps/arcade look/feel.

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Paranoid.9542


look at other esport observer mode games… seriously.. NONE of them has team colours!

Starcraft 2

If you guys are so annoyed by the colour of your armour during sPvP, then I think you need to re-proritise where your attention is during matches.

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Oh… so people just can’t dislike cosmetics in games with combat…
That’s your take on it…
We should just be there for the fights alone…

It’s cool that you don’t mind it, different people have different takes on things, but yeah, to put it simply since you don’t seem to (possibly want to) understand, people tend to like to like their character. Customizing the toon’s appearance is the easiest way to it. It gives you a better attachment to the game, want to play it, feel good while doing so, exc.
For me actually having a toon I’m proud of, like “that’s my bad*ss looking ranger thats pulling off those combo’s, remember it”, it makes gameplay allot more enjoyable. If you need a referance, buying a car or first house, half of it is finding something you’d be proud or happy to be seen with/in (at least in your price range).

This is the only game I’ve played with customizable gear and whatnot, yet just washes it at the last moment before you get to show it off.
To put it in perspective, its not a complete make or break deal, I don’t play the game only to look gravy, its just a really nice addition to a game, one that Anet setup in full, yet cuts out at the last moment (which is just annoying)

(edited by garethh.3518)

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Zyrusticae.7245


look at other esport observer mode games… seriously.. NONE of them has team colours!

Starcraft 2

Starcraft 2 is 1v1, and even in 1v1 you still have the choice of 8 different team colors (instead of the same two every time).

Seriously who cares?

Are you there to run a fashion show or to play and win?
Waiting for your opponents to give you compliments on your color compositions?

Considering the ONLY rewards for sPvP are cosmetic items, your point isn’t going to get you very far.

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Sanis.1096


look at other esport observer mode games… seriously.. NONE of them has team colours!

SC 2, halo, BLC and i think shootmania has

-rank 41 guardian-
-Desolation EU-

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Master Charles.7093

Master Charles.7093

Seems Anet doesn’t care what most players want on this e-sports issue.

They could have done something different, or told us they would, a long time ago.

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Sanis.1096


Seems Anet doesn’t care what most players want on this e-sports issue.

They could have done something different, or told us they would, a long time ago.

They have said like 1000x times they talk about stuff when they are ready to be talked about

-rank 41 guardian-
-Desolation EU-

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: yangshindo.1527


I really hate these auto colors they force us to use. It just makes gw2 pvp ugly and with no kind of visual customization while other older games bring us better options. I hope ANET change this ASAP for the sake of this game srly.

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Master Charles.7093

Master Charles.7093

Seems Anet doesn’t care what most players want on this e-sports issue.

They could have done something different, or told us they would, a long time ago.

They have said like 1000x times they talk about stuff when they are ready to be talked about

They’d be just as shrewd never to talk about a feature many hope they’ll implement, but simply won’t. The other possibility is that they don’t have faith in themselves to pull off such a feat as dyes in battle, and that’s ridiculous, so my guess is it’s not coming. I’d really appreciate some assurance on basic issues, but this one seems transparent enough to me.

In all fairness, I believe they said they’re gonna balance the game around conquest mode, and red/blue dyes are necessary for e-sports. At this point, there is no reason to expect anything different, so we may as well move on.

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Noctred.6732


Tbh the e-sports issue is kinda irrelevant.

It’s programmatically possible to make it so that observers see solid colors for both teams, while the players themselves have a toggle to either see solid colors or custom dyes.

Everybody wins.

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Warmage Timeraider.5861

Warmage Timeraider.5861

SC 2, halo, BLC and i think shootmania has

SC2 is kinda an topdown view game where you have to select multiple characters, you are not fully in control of 1 character and due to the fact that enemies can be the same race or at least have units that look quite similar to yours.. this game needs colours
GW2 does not share these problems

BLC. again a topdown game where again, people can take the same class as you. And due to the free attack system its not possible to select anything, not even the enemy. colours are needed here
GW2 again does not share these problems

Shootmania. well, its a freaking FPS.. ofcourse this needs differences in teams
GW2 does not share these problems

sure, there are games with colours, but with the mmorpg game mechanics of GW2.. GW2 totally does not resemble any need for that.

Why care about dyes in PvP, focus more on playing
The ONE and ONLY progression in spvp atm is being cosmeticly cooler then other people. Having the same dyes ruins your gear and still makes everyone look the same.

It’s programmatically possible to make it so that observers see solid colors for both teams, while the players themselves have a toggle to either see solid colors or custom dyes.
Everybody wins.

This, i would 100% support anything that will lead to this.

Timeraider- 80 Norn Elementalist – 80 Norn Engineer

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Tilki.8520


i totally agree i dont ever check their “color” when selecting them “red name” is more than enough for me to distinguish them and while only reward of spvp is cosmetics that is just a huge contradiction

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Asmodean.7123


It’s programmatically possible to make it so that observers see solid colors for both teams, while the players themselves have a toggle to either see solid colors or custom dyes.

Everybody wins.

Just quoting this again because there is no reason this should not be a feature in this game. If the devs really listen to the players, let them see this 100 times a day.

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Smackjack.5071


Do you shower every day?
Do you comb your hair?
Oh snap you care how other people perceive you…

If you had the choice between looking like the grim reaper himself or a lump of plastic in a game, what would you pick?
Oh snap if a game had cool looking gear it would be more appealing.
Oh wait this game does, it just dyes it all horribly at the last moment so it might as well not matter…

eeeeerhm… i …think …you might want to unplug from the matrix for a while every now and then.

oh snap

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Paranoid.9542


Zyrusticae: “Starcraft 2 is 1v1, and even in 1v1 you still have the choice of 8 different team colors (instead of the same two every time).”

When being observered however they are always red and blue (or at least that’s an option that almost every caster I’ve seen uses), for ease of casting. The guy said that no other games have red/blue colouring, he is wrong.

IMO WvW and PvE are personalised areas because you actually level your character.

sPvP is the most impersonalised area in the game, as you’re auto-given level 80/top gear/utilities, make yourself distinct with your play not with pretty coloured dyes.

This thread further cements in my mind that players will kitten about anything and everything.

(edited by Paranoid.9542)

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Rottaran Owain.6789

Rottaran Owain.6789

Dyes are already sorted into different hues. Why not let players dye their gear, but must use dyes of the same hue as their team? (Blue can use dyes that are considered “blue”, and red can use “red”

Minimal coding difficulty, as the sorting is already done for them, keep it easy for spectators, and lets people make themselves have a little bit of control over how they look.

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Nedrapter.9752


Remove the team coloring. If there are problems with distinguishing who is who, put a soft but visible aura on each team blue-red. Or a red-blue soft stroke line (but that would be kinda ugly).

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

It’s just one of the 1001 annoying things about GW2 that is completely free of any logic. As nothing has changed for the other 1000, I don’t expect this one to be fixed either.

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Poxxia.1547


I have an even worse problem: I am very colourblind, and for me red and blue are at times the same ………….. . I have made some “interesting” mistakes at times … :-S

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Poxxia.1547


@Smackjack: I think you are WAY out of line with that comment. You do realize, that 10% of the male population is colourblind, right? Do you even have the faintest clue, what you are talking about? Comparing no arms with colourblind is in every possible way inappropriate; you are both condescending and ignorant. Now we at least got you in the right box.

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Poxxia.1547


Selfish? It gets better, even.
Ok: 10% of ALL male … even the disabled ones. I don’t have the numbers for disabled people all over in the world, but if it is higher than 5%, then ok … what has that got to do with anything?

How can a relatively simple mode for changing colours be something selfish … I am doing just fine even with the problem, but of course it would help me and a LOT of other people. How the heck can that be a selfish thing? Do you even know what you are talking about? Why don’t you yell at the OP for being selfish? You make no sense whatsoever.

I have all the sympathy for disabled people and all the poor people all over in the world. Why should that be relevant?

PS: I just read your first comment … if you play to win, of course you would care about something not being cosmetics but having an actual impact on the game, or are you the one being selfish now?

(edited by Poxxia.1547)

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Noctred.6732


I think people are making this a lot more complicated than it has to be.

The only rewards in this game are cosmetic. Therefore, anything that removes or otherwise hinders the player’s ability to customize his or her appearance is counterintuitive to the game’s design.

IMO it really is that simple.

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Poxxia.1547


Well: As I said, I am colourblind, and if people freely chose their colours, it would really make it worse. It would most likely REALLY screw me over (and several others as well).
It could be more optimal, since red and blue does get mixed up at times, but it is not that bad.

I completely understand where people are coming from, but from a competitive pov I find the coloursplit to be ok. I for one would hate to rely entirely on tabbing to find enemy-players.

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Aether McLoud.1975

Aether McLoud.1975

There actually was a post some time ago where Anet said that they have something in the work about this issue. Nothing specific was said though.

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Ashanor.5319


Hopefully they get rid of it. I hate the forced colors. This isn’t Team Fortress 2.

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


It’s programmatically possible to make it so that observers see solid colors for both teams, while the players themselves have a toggle to either see solid colors or custom dyes.

Everybody wins.

Just quoting this again because there is no reason this should not be a feature in this game. If the devs really listen to the players, let them see this 100 times a day.

That would be beautiful.

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Suzu.4193


its just showing how much a-net is up its own anus and thinks this will become an e-sport……other than the fact conquest is boring to watch and play over an extended period of time….they think we are so kittening stupid we need color based armor…..HELLO theres a huuge kittening bracket over the characters name showing RED or BLUE lol….

oh well pvp is dying any ways. hotjoins r down alot and tpvp is just the same people farming it…

well done well done

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Paranoid.9542


they think we are so kittening stupid we need color based armor…..HELLO theres a huuge kittening bracket over the characters name showing RED or BLUE lol….

It wasn’t meant for the players, it is meant for the spectators and casters.

And hopefully Anet will put more time into things that actually matter in regards to sPvP like balancing, ranking, obs mode, private servers etc. over useless crap like this.

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Warmage Timeraider.5861

Warmage Timeraider.5861

It’s programmatically possible to make it so that observers see solid colors for both teams, while the players themselves have a toggle to either see solid colors or custom dyes.
Everybody wins.
Just quoting this again because there is no reason this should not be a feature in this game. If the devs really listen to the players, let them see this 100 times a day.

Timeraider- 80 Norn Elementalist – 80 Norn Engineer

Any hope of un-dyed gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Sanis.1096


It’s programmatically possible to make it so that observers see solid colors for both teams, while the players themselves have a toggle to either see solid colors or custom dyes.
Everybody wins.
Just quoting this again because there is no reason this should not be a feature in this game. If the devs really listen to the players, let them see this 100 times a day.

“let them see this 100 times a day” will not help you at all… they have probably alredy read this and if you keep spamming it they will just lock it

-rank 41 guardian-
-Desolation EU-