Autobalance moving winning to losing team!
Deadnight; if you get switched automatically to the opposing team, no matter what happens - if you simply stay in the game, you get an auto-win. They already thought of the lameness of a win/loss in those scenarios. That being said, if you get switched to the losing team and are simply frustrated because the losing team is getting stomped on, that is a different issue. Nonetheless, it’s just hot-join, you shouldn’t be too upset in those scenarios, just view it as a challenge to claw back in.
Wait what!? So even if i stayed in the game, i get an auto win!?
I joined a hotjoin this morning where Red were triple capped so I joined them and helped them cap all three points until it was 300 Red – 150 Blue, I then got auto switched to Blue and proceeded to carry blue to a 500 – 450 win. Because I team switched though, I didn’t get the Blue team win but a red team loss, despite the fact I carried the blue to victory XD. But still the auto balance works fine.
You can find me in PvP | I normally answer PMs
D: What the?
So if i was on the wining team at first, eg. Red then got moved to Blue and helped blue to win instead. I get a lost instead? Now i’m totally mind f.
I can’t say I’ve come across a scenario where I’ve been swapped and then we in-turn win, but I ended up with a loss. I don’t hot-join much any more, but I know the auto-balance system was originally intended to not impact the individuals subject to it. May be a good question for the devs to clarify on those rarer scenarios.
Yeah I only hotjoin inbetween team queues so it was a minor inconvenience, but that can happen hahah.
You can find me in PvP | I normally answer PMs
Oh, so now i see. This kinda makes sense now.
If you guys don’t normally hotjoin, then what do you guys normally do to play pvp?
Oh, so now i see. This kinda makes sense now.
If you guys don’t normally hotjoin, then what do you guys normally do to play pvp?
solo/team Q?
this’s from my experience but it can be wrong.
You get auto win when you get swapped but if your points are too low you won’t get full 500.
moreover it’s just hot join though no need to take it srly
As stated on the screen when auto balance happens, it clearly states that if you are auto-balanced you get full rewards as if you won the match.
This includes gold amount, reward track progress and the pie chart that tells you how many times you have won a game.
There is also no issue with auto balance and winning after you are balanced, I had a game last night where we were winning by 200 points and I got auto balanced and then we ended up winning by 50 points and I got the full credit of 500 for winning.
Furthermore, some games may credit less than 500 and this is because of the fact rewards are based off time. If a game ends too quickly (less than 8 minutes) the rewards are reduced depending on how quickly it ended. You being autobalanced does not change this fact, nor does the score on the leaderboard change anything. The only thing required to get rewarded is 5 points. Everyone gets the same amount of rank points, regardless of what they scored on the leaderboard.
Because of this, if you’re one of those people that simply aim to get a high score by standing on an empty base with someone else capping you are generally hurting your team.
If you have an issue with auto balance, try solo arenas or team queue. These matches are based off a hidden rating so if you think you’re not good enough for tournaments then that is a misconception because eventually your hidden rating will match with other players to where you will get 50/50 win rate.
(edited by Chase.8415)
this’s from my experience but it can be wrong.
You get auto win when you get swapped but if your points are too low you won’t get full 500.
moreover it’s just hot join though no need to take it srly
Okay, what currently happens in hotjoin:
At the end of the game, you get a base score depending on whether you won or lost (with more rank/progress/coin for a win than a loss). If you were autobalanced, you are automatically given ’win’ rewards.
However, if you have 0 personal score at the end of the match, you always get 0 reward. You have to have done *something* in the game, be it decap a point or kill a player or hit with treb/skyhammer.
A few months ago (can’t remember which patch exactly), time-based reward scaling was introduced to hotjoin (but not soloq or teamq). If you participate in the match for more than 8 minutes (it might just be 7, iunno - explanation from devs said ’average length’), everyone gets full win or loss rewards. If you’re not playing for this long, you get a proportionally reduced amount. This does two things that I can think of:
- It prevents people from farming rank/rewards by setting up custom servers then finishing games super-fast.
- It prevents people from joining games that are just about to finish, doing a minor contribution (a decap, for example), then getting full rewards. It’s quick, and even by only joining losing teams it would give better rewards/hour than winning through playing full matches.
An important note: it’s the time *you* were playing that affects your score, not how long the match went on for.
Oh, so now i see. This kinda makes sense now.
If you guys don’t normally hotjoin, then what do you guys normally do to play pvp?
Yeah this is why people leave hotjoins. I hotjoin while I queue and so do many others.
You can find me in PvP | I normally answer PMs
If you win = win
If you get autobalanced = win
If you volunteer = win + extra bonus
The only time you “lose” is if you are on a losing team from entering the match, without being balanced, and lose still.
Oh, so now i see. This kinda makes sense now.
If you guys don’t normally hotjoin, then what do you guys normally do to play pvp?Yeah this is why people leave hotjoins. I hotjoin while I queue and so do many others.
I hotjoin between matches…but the game always (and I mean nearly always) starts my tourny matches (countdown end) within 400 points of the match ending…i am always trying to rush while that timer is going to try and end the game outright
Thanks for the clarification, guys. I was always under the impression that you only get the win bonus from autobalancing if you volunteered.
Also, Chase is right. The win bonus you get is determined by the length of time you’ve spent in the match. If you only joined in during the last minute of the match, even if you were on the winning team, your glory reward would be minimal.
also, players who spend too many time in the spectator mode will not get full rewards for both winning / losing.
they will get +1 win for their monthly though, not the full amount of silvers and rank points.
by the way, sometimes, even though we the get the full win bonus and extras, getting auto balanced to the “losing team” may not be very pleasant as the “winning team” may be already steam rolling the “losing team” since kissing the floor often is not very nice …
if you get autobalanced you automatically get a win regardless of which team wins in the end.
SOlo que its below the hotjoin symbol in the pvp panel.
you que and get put into a 5v5 game, much better to learn then hot join
edit: People will rage if your new and solo que tho , so maybe hotjoin till your better
also, players who spend too many time in the spectator mode will not get full rewards for both winning / losing.
they will get +1 win for their monthly though, not the full amount of silvers and rank points.
Aye, only time spent as a player counts – but if you play for a few minutes, then swap out and spectate, you’ll still get your (scaled) rewards as long as you don’t leave the server.