Being one shot (literally)

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: Djdomestic.7381


Is this supposed to happen? Got 20k dmg from a haste warrior 100 blades. 2100 armor, 19k hp.

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: Zin.6170


No, it isn’t supposed to happen. Most people avoid the 100 blades.

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: Djdomestic.7381


I had used my stun breaker to get out of his root, then he charged when next to me. I’m bad, yes. But isn’t that a little too much? 0.o What other classes are capable of outputting that much with 1 ability?

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: Zin.6170


By your own description it was 4 abilities. Just remember this rule of thumb, warrior roots or stuns you… after you break it.

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: Djdomestic.7381


I think you’re treating this more like a pve situation… You’re right, though, I should have dodged. Should the penalty for not dodging be dead in 1 ability? and I’m not saying he only used the 1 ability to kill me, his 1 ability did more damage than I had hp. I’m not saying he did 20k combined. It was in 1 ability, full 12 hits. So what other class is capable of this?

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: Chi Malady.2015

Chi Malady.2015

19k health and 2.1k armour is pretty glassy.

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: graybush.4361


I can understand where the OP is going with this. There is probably too much burst in the game, or base health pools aren’t large enough. On the other hand some builds are way too tanky, things seem a bit out of wack right now.

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: Oracle Fefe.5078

Oracle Fefe.5078

To be honest there are some smart warriors who can outtrick a paranoid player. If they use hammer then they have knockdowns which you will likely break a stunbreaker on it. They can Bulls Charge you while Frenzying and go HB to pretty much take a chunk out of your health. They can use GS Charge then Stomp to get you to waste a dodge.

GS/Hammer warriors are the stunlockers. Unless you have many stunbreaking utilities (Which means you are kittening yourself usually) Expect to be hurt. A lot.

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: Jadda.1753


19k health and 2.1k armour is pretty glassy.

Not really. As an elementalist. I need to go 30 in water and earth to get that amount of defense.

And yeah I agree with OP, 20k with one ability is way to much. But then again that warrior is probably very squishy, and after he has used that one combo he probably dont have many tricks up his sleeve and is an easy target for your team to avenge you.

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: Djdomestic.7381


19k health and 2.1k armour is pretty glassy.

Not really. As an elementalist. I need to go 30 in water and earth to get that amount of defense.

And yeah I agree with OP, 20k with one ability is way to much. But then again that warrior is probably very squishy, and after he has used that one combo he probably dont have many tricks up his sleeve and is an easy target for your team to avenge you.

Can’t the same be said for the thief? Once he blows his load, he won’t be a large threat for a few? I think the most pistol whip (which I think is the thief equivalent to 100 blades) has hit me for is like 12k. Which is normal for me from a 100 blade war. I have no idea where this 20k came out of, but I dropped instantly. I understand that he might be a 1 trick pony, but that trick is a little… hard hitting, ya?

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: LordsOfSkulls.9648


their is couple problems… with Warriors…. their only two viable, axes or great sword.

Now the problem with Hundred Blades is that… it has such a Short Cooldown, so u can almost spawn it… it like 6 cooldown with traits.

But if u think that op… try runing Warrior + Mesmer in group… that mesmer ults… u better be no were near that warrior….

With certain traits… + quicknesss sigil + quicknesss skill + Mesmer….. 1 out 4 of those quickness will be the death of you.

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: CeCaKonVeu.5734


It seems that if u go full dps with any class u can oneshoot opponents but then in that kind of spec you’re very very squishy …

Now some players combine extreme damage output AND insane survability (tanking/hp pool/self healing and anti cc), which is still boggling me :/

Note: I said players not classes.

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: LordsOfSkulls.9648


well the problem is… certain classes are not very well balanced….

Guardian/Warrior Team with 1 mesmer = Beats All

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


It usually only happens when one just comes out of nowhere from behind when you’re already busy.

IMO haste should just be removed, I hate everything about it. There is enough burst/dmg in the game as it is, and having an ability to just double it out of nowhere is just insane. And if an ability needs haste to be good it should be redesigned. (100B/Pistol Whip, etc)

It feels so cheap to use tbh.

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: Apathy.6430


how can dodge???

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: Seether.7285


2.1k armor is pretty kitten glass cannon. Maybe consider using something that isn’t a berzerker amulet…

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: MrCjEvans.1207


Basically, if you’re a warrior you play tactically and try to time your Bulls charge to kind of catch the enemy off guard right?

Being anything else you have to be prepared for this… for example..

If I’m on my Necro if I get stunned and I don’t get a fear proc from traits, I’ll automatically DS + 3 and fear them away, if they have stability I’ll corrupt it(fear them) it’s an automatic reaction after lots of practice.

If I’m on my thief and I get stunned I’ll automatically shadowstep away..

practice practice practice

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


It’s like this. The warrior’s problem is you could cc them and keep them away, so when they manage to get to you, they need to make sure it counts big. The other problem is if they don’t lock you down, you would just move out of hundred blades. So, you need to make what the warrior is scared of, happen. Have field awareness. Watch enemies and where they are headed. Predict their moves and outsmart them.

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Seems like you didn’t dodge

I can burst that warrior down faster then he can press his endure pain

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

HB does 2x more damage then PW.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: Size.2765


warriors using greatsword in tournaments is just fail…

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: Hildebrandyr.5820


19k health and 2.1k armour is pretty glassy.

This. The warrior is sacrificing all of his survivability for the sake of that damage. He would be dead in a heartbeat to a burst from another player. The only reason he has more than the 16-18k some other players will have is that warriors have the highest base health. (tied with necromancer) It’s called a glass cannon, and the best thing to do is, if you see a warrior with a 2h sword, prepare to either be very defensive, or dodge/stun-break his burst and unload on him if you, too, are a glass cannon. You see, one he uses that 100blades, all he has left is probably the burst skill from an axe, which does around 6-8k. Then he has to wait for cool-downs before he can do meaningful damage again.

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


HB does 2x more damage then PW.

Pistolwhip also stuns and can be used back to back. Where a warrior has to blow 2 utility skills and takes 50% more dmg just to land that 100b.

And if that thief happens to use venoms or thieves guild…

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: CeCaKonVeu.5734


“Wait for cooldown” ? :p what cooldown 6 seconds ? minus the 2 seconds of HB = 4s ? 1 dodge roll then charge again and hb again.

But im just being sarcastic, every class rely on same mechanic, burn ur burst, roll around for 2-4 seconds, then burst again, rinse/repeat.

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: Jadda.1753


19k health and 2.1k armour is pretty glassy.

Not really. As an elementalist. I need to go 30 in water and earth to get that amount of defense.

And yeah I agree with OP, 20k with one ability is way to much. But then again that warrior is probably very squishy, and after he has used that one combo he probably dont have many tricks up his sleeve and is an easy target for your team to avenge you.

Can’t the same be said for the thief? Once he blows his load, he won’t be a large threat for a few? I think the most pistol whip (which I think is the thief equivalent to 100 blades) has hit me for is like 12k. Which is normal for me from a 100 blade war. I have no idea where this 20k came out of, but I dropped instantly. I understand that he might be a 1 trick pony, but that trick is a little… hard hitting, ya?

Yeah I said that I agree that 20k is way to much. Just trying to lift you spirit abit by saying the negatives that come with building like that. But the thief I think is abit better to build like that cause after he uses his pistolwhip he can stealth away, use shortbow or whatever and repeat again. But then again if he gets caught in a cc he is practically a goner. Im not sure what you were trying to say with that post thou as I said I agreed. Oh and lol at your second sentence,

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: Zin.6170


“Wait for cooldown” ? :p what cooldown 6 seconds ? minus the 2 seconds of HB = 4s ? 1 dodge roll then charge again and hb again.

But im just being sarcastic, every class rely on same mechanic, burn ur burst, roll around for 2-4 seconds, then burst again, rinse/repeat.

Cooldowns don’t work this way for any ability. The cooldown starts at the end, not when you activate.

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: CeCaKonVeu.5734


yea my bad, realised after posting it was more of sarcasm, but argument stays valid, same for all classes too, burst all down, mess around a few seconds then rinse/repeat