Ele being looked at?

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Daishi.6027


Not long ago it was stated they were taking a look at bunker ele.

Unfortunately along with that they are also taking a look at AoE’s and attempting to balance them… So ele will be hit hard but I have to ask What exactly is really wrong with ele? A friend of mine doing more tPvP than me (haven’t done TPvP since November) claims its how fast they can regen in water.

If this is the case rangers regen is almost on par if not better, countered really only by thief and maybe 100b (which isn’t hard to get out of)

So why is ele potentially getting the nerf bat and rangers not?

(This is all assuming I was not mislead by my friends words.)

“I control time and space; you can’t break free.~”
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Because eles can one-shot people from 1500 range and use the legendary 30/30/30/30/30 build…oh also an eles can win against 30+ opponents at the same time by using the Behamut summon and Omnislash final move

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Forzani.2584


Not long ago it was stated they were taking a look at bunker ele.

Unfortunately along with that they are also taking a look at AoE’s and attempting to balance them… So ele will be hit hard but I have to ask What exactly is really wrong with ele? A friend of mine doing more tPvP than me (haven’t done TPvP since November) claims its how fast they can regen in water.

If this is the case rangers regen is almost on par if not better, countered really only by thief and maybe 100b (which isn’t hard to get out of)

So why is ele potentially getting the nerf bat and rangers not?

(This is all assuming I was not mislead by my friends words.)


Hearsay is information gathered by one person from another person concerning some event, condition, or thing of which the first person had no direct experience

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: daydream.2938


Well lets put it like this, many paid teams run double ele because of how strong they are.
A good ele is nearly impossible to beat in 1on1, does good aoe damage , has great cc and manuverability for getting around the map. IS good in team fights also.

overall , a top tier class and might be the strongest class in game.

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

You can “compare” the bunker ele with the bunker guardian. Besides that the ele has insane movement and some dmg.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Poxxia.1547


Mobility, cleansing, AoE, fields+blast finisher, knockdowns, healing and a lot of buffs to the group. Rangers provide healing and cleansing (and possibly a field), but I believe that is it (as bunker). As trapper it is entirely different, naturally.

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: RaynStargaze.6510


Ele with valkyrie amulet is ridicolous.. they get the skill that makes their next 5 attacks a crit (this is sth ONLY ele can do) and they retain an INSANE burst when switching to fire while also havin insane toughness and all those healing skills + aoe fields + mobility.

Ele can literally do anything!

Also btw. engineer AoE (grenades) (and to a minor degree mesmer with might stacking 4 mind wrack as well) has already been nerfed through the ground. I can see no reason why other classes shouldnt be treated the same way concerning aoe

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

The problem with valkyrie is your healthpool. as it’s easy to get farmed by a thief when concentratiing on another player. On the otherside the dmg is heavy as you said.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Ele with valkyrie amulet is ridicolous.. they get the skill that makes their next 5 attacks a crit (this is sth ONLY ele can do) and they retain an INSANE burst when switching to fire while also havin insane toughness and all those healing skills + aoe fields + mobility.

Ele can literally do anything!

Also btw. engineer AoE (grenades) (and to a minor degree mesmer with might stacking 4 mind wrack as well) has already been nerfed through the ground. I can see no reason why other classes shouldnt be treated the same way concerning aoe

Hmmm….valkyrie ele
-the next 5 attacks are crit = it’s an utility, it’s bugged as it counts 3 attacks only, nobody use it
-insane burst= 2k burning speed(crit) and 4k churning earth ( if crit and with 4.5s casting time)..yeah right
-insane toughness= 1.5k toughness with valkyrie amulet..yeah right
-aoe field= 2 fire fields…and the rest of these fields?
-mobility= swiftness ( ranger/engineer far superior), rtl ( warrior rush)…and nothing more

WoW…pls try harder

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: RaynStargaze.6510


Ele with valkyrie amulet is ridicolous.. they get the skill that makes their next 5 attacks a crit (this is sth ONLY ele can do) and they retain an INSANE burst when switching to fire while also havin insane toughness and all those healing skills + aoe fields + mobility.

Ele can literally do anything!

Also btw. engineer AoE (grenades) (and to a minor degree mesmer with might stacking 4 mind wrack as well) has already been nerfed through the ground. I can see no reason why other classes shouldnt be treated the same way concerning aoe

Hmmm….valkyrie ele
-the next 5 attacks are crit = it’s an utility, it’s bugged as it counts 3 attacks only, nobody use it
-insane burst= 2k burning speed(crit) and 4k churning earth ( if crit and with 4.5s casting time)..yeah right
-insane toughness= 1.5k toughness with valkyrie amulet..yeah right
-aoe field= 2 fire fields…and the rest of these fields?
-mobility= swiftness ( ranger/engineer far superior), rtl ( warrior rush)…and nothing more

^either u`re doin it wrong or youre just bad bro…

especially if you cant reach more than 4K on churning earth and mention burning speed as burst hit

not acknowledging ride the lighting as as mobility also makes me pretty sure youre just a troll

what empathetic said is true – but it applies to ALL classes – no class can just ignore a max burst thief who tries to kill you – thats like standing still in 100Blades

(edited by RaynStargaze.6510)

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: daydream.2938


Dude i know eles who can burst like mad and survive and move like mad.
EAdine, though hes not well known. or zoose.

Not talking about ur debate specifically but eles can do serious dmg.

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

RTL is in every case faster as a warriors rush + whriling. Just test it and you will see. And to compare a warrior to an ele? warrior is lost in tpvp so wha’ts left is the ele. Ranger and engineer have perma swifness. To get from one point to the other you’re still faster as an ele.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Dude i know eles who can burst like mad and survive and move like mad.
EAdine, though hes not well known. or zoose.

Not talking about ur debate specifically but eles can do serious dmg.

That’s called a glass cannon ele with hit and run tactic, unless you want to show me a build with burst/bunker capabilities.
For burst I mean 7k+ hits, because for me 3-4k hit are not burst at all, those for me are the number of axe warrior auto-atatcks

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Well “survive” is objective. in a 1v1 sure he will survive. But when you get a 2v1 you definetly need to get out or get support. Build known as dagger/dagger, tanky but not bunker.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


RTL is in every case faster as a warriors rush + whriling. Just test it and you will see. And to compare a warrior to an ele? warrior is lost in tpvp so wha’ts left is the ele. Ranger and engineer have perma swifness. To get from one point to the other you’re still faster as an ele.

The animation is faster but the range is the same, if we talk about mobility we talk about moving from one point to the other faster than walking speed, but if then you start saying :" but yeah still ele can move faster than warrior", that’s different than saying warrior got no mobility compared to ele

Furthermore an ele using rtl covering more ground than a warrior using rush+whirlwind is the biggest lie ever, many times I wasn’t able to catch up with fleeing warriors who were using the above combination

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: HPLT.7132


Sorry bro but than you are a bad elementalist. No class can compete with elementalist when it comes to mobility. Saw it several times that warriors and thiefs were chases by elementalist after respawn in tpvp (especially bunkers) so that there are not able to support their group.
Ah and Rangers dont have Permaswiftness. They have a warhorn buff (15s on a 35s CD) which they can use outfight. (Infight they have 2 additional 5 sec swiftness buffs). They are pretty bad when it comes to mobility (at least trapper spec).
Its the combination of offensive skills and support capabilities which makes ele too strong in current meta.

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Poxxia.1547


@arheundel: Aren’t you a bit defensive? Seriously .. you just fired the “you are all noobs”-button in blind … it isn’t constructive. If you can’t see what a build like aurashare provide for the group then I don’t know … maybe get a perspective by trying other classes .. like play that warrior, you can’t seem to catch and see exactly how squishy they are or how much utility they bring.
Ele bring buffs .. and in case you haven’t noticed it, buffs are a major deal. They bring healing, fields+blast finisher (also a big deal) , cleansing, AoE (another great deal), mobility (yet another big deal). What is your problem in acknowledging that they do this? What other class can do this and still provide reasonable amount of AoE-pressure?
And then what, you may ask … all classes bring something? True … but it comes down to how much. And in the case of ele’s it is quite frankly a bit much. It is not like they are bad at roaming either and only provide buffs. Sure I can get instagibbed like anyone it is not like ele are immortal … but they bounce back very fast. Maybe the solution is, that all classes could do so

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


So basically from the same starting point an ele using rtl would surpass a warrior using rush+whirlwind, whatever you say… from a matter of number crunching we end up considering a profession more mobile simply because of specific situations, you’re telling me that an ele is more mobile because under unknown circumstances was able to catch a thief/warrior with rtl, ok.

Anyway you’re saying ele got access to offensive and defenisve skills , well how’s that different from other professions with weapon swap as we can’t swap weapons in combat? Would it be any different if ele had 10 skills like others professions?

No it would be the exact same thing, people would still complain about something

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: RaynStargaze.6510


Anyway you’re saying ele got access to offensive and defenisve skills , well how’s that different from other professions with weapon swap as we can’t swap weapons in combat? Would it be any different if ele had 10 skills like others professions?

No it would be the exact same thing, people would still complain about something

Nice you completely dodged it.

Im saying ELE can do EVERYTHING – no class can do EVERYTHING this is not a matter of weapon swapping but as i can see you either dont want to understand and just troll or youre really just plain dumb

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Cirax.9231


On a side note, the double ele fiasco people describe is dominant in tpvp because of the conquest mode. Focusing fights on a node is extremely frustrating with builds like that, but if there was more incentive to have more opem fights (deathmatch style, or capture the flag) we would see very different combinations of classes dominating those game modes.

Have you ever fought a thief duo (chingchingstab, you dodge blindly, doesn’t matter you’re already dead and you never saw who killed you) or duo hammer warriors (perma stunned pinata)? Any combination of classes working together can fruatrate to no end, but double ele is prominent because we only have one game mode currently.

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


@arheundel: Aren’t you a bit defensive? Seriously .. you just fired the “you are all noobs”-button in blind … it isn’t constructive. If you can’t see what a build like aurashare provide for the group then I don’t know … maybe get a perspective by trying other classes .. like play that warrior, you can’t seem to catch and see exactly how squishy they are or how much utility they bring.
Ele bring buffs .. and in case you haven’t noticed it, buffs are a major deal. They bring healing, fields+blast finisher (also a big deal) , cleansing, AoE (another great deal), mobility (yet another big deal). What is your problem in acknowledging that they do this? What other class can do this and still provide reasonable amount of AoE-pressure?
And then what, you may ask … all classes bring something? True … but it comes down to how much. And in the case of ele’s it is quite frankly a bit much. It is not like they are bad at roaming either and only provide buffs. Sure I can get instagibbed like anyone it is not like ele are immortal … but they bounce back very fast. Maybe the solution is, that all classes could do so

So basically you’re saying that an ele is “too good” because of specific build:
-you need to trait to share and have buffs on attunements swap
-you need to invest in water healing to have good heal
-all professions got fields and blast finisher, a d/d aura share got only 2 fire fields and a 2 blast finisher ( +1 more if using EA trait)
-all professions got AOE dmg anyway
-The profession was designed around aoe/support/versality by having 20 skills and no weapon swap

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Slan.5496


That’s called a glass cannon ele with hit and run tactic, unless you want to show me a build with burst/bunker capabilities.
For burst I mean 7k+ hits, because for me 3-4k hit are not burst at all, those for me are the number of axe warrior auto-atatcks

This indicates a skewed perspective if you think it’s fine for a class to have the surviveability of the ele while reliably doing 3-4k hits. My power necro can do that kind of damage in lichform for about 20 seconds. That’s it. My glass cannon engi would maybe hit around 7k on a well executed jumpshot. Factoring in static discharge—maybe a few 3k hits as part of the burst. I kill a lot of people on both toons, but I have nowhere near the surviveability or mobility of the eles I commonly see in spvp.

Comparing the swiftness engis can get through speedy kits to an ele’s speed is a joke. I’ve been on a point, standing right next to an ele and fired my auto attack, which is traited for range. Then watched the ele haul kitten away—so fast that the next auto attack misses because it can’t reach.

I don’t particularly wish to see elementalists nerfed in any way. I would much rather see the classes that are struggling get buffed. But let’s keep it real—they are that strong.

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


That’s called a glass cannon ele with hit and run tactic, unless you want to show me a build with burst/bunker capabilities.
For burst I mean 7k+ hits, because for me 3-4k hit are not burst at all, those for me are the number of axe warrior auto-atatcks

This indicates a skewed perspective if you think it’s fine for a class to have the surviveability of the ele while reliably doing 3-4k hits. My power necro can do that kind of damage in lichform for about 20 seconds. That’s it. My glass cannon engi would maybe hit around 7k on a well executed jumpshot. Factoring in static discharge—maybe a few 3k hits as part of the burst. I kill a lot of people on both toons, but I have nowhere near the surviveability or mobility of the eles I commonly see in spvp.

Comparing the swiftness engis can get through speedy kits to an ele’s speed is a joke. I’ve been on a point, standing right next to an ele and fired my auto attack, which is traited for range. Then watched the ele haul kitten away—so fast that the next auto attack misses because it can’t reach.

I don’t particularly wish to see elementalists nerfed in any way. I would much rather see the classes that are struggling get buffed. But let’s keep it real—they are that strong.

You’re talking about a specific build : 0/10/0/30/30, the air trait ( which is bugged) grants 10s fury on aura use, an ele using valkyrie amulet suddenly become bunker and burster…that something will surely be addressed.

My solution would be to simply move the air trait from adept to master or grandmaster, what I don’t want is for Anet to simply blindy nerf the profession across the entire board because of the real skewed perspective of you people.

So the real problem is a single trait, I don’t believe you’re trying to compare two professions to see which one survive the most when one of the two..is built for survival.

Again about swiftness, you people believe that eles can have 30s swiftness by default, when that it’s only achieved by boon duration runes users, an ele who doesn’t use those runes will have max 5s swiftness when taking elemental attunement trait.

As I have stated before, people talk about specific builds with particular benefits and it make it appears as the ele get those benefits by default without using any traits and equipment, a d/d ele with no traits and no runes can receive max….0 boons

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Slan.5496


I think it goes without saying that people are responding to the specific build they commonly see in pvp. Why else would they be complaining about it in this section of the forums?

I also think it’s safe to assume that said build uses certain traits and equipment. What build doesn’t? Your response to people’s complaints seems to boil down to: you have to build a certain way to achieve those results. Yeah? So?

I don’t think anyone can really anticipate how Anet will react to a specific, OP build in spvp if they do in fact make any changes at all. Denying that people may have a legitimate complaint doesn’t make your stance any stronger.

Also: on my necro, I’ve waited for an ele to have a nice big stack of boons and then used corrupt boons on them. Then watched as they cleared all the conditions and then built up a new stack of boons in the space of about 15 seconds lol.

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


I think it goes without saying that people are responding to the specific build they commonly see in pvp. Why else would they be complaining about it in this section of the forums?

I also think it’s safe to assume that said build uses certain traits and equipment. What build doesn’t? Your response to people’s complaints seems to boil down to: you have to build a certain way to achieve those results. Yeah? So?

I don’t think anyone can really anticipate how Anet will react to a specific, OP build in spvp if they do in fact make any changes at all. Denying that people may have a legitimate complaint doesn’t make your stance any stronger.

Also: on my necro, I’ve waited for an ele to have a nice big stack of boons and then used corrupt boons on them. Then watched as they cleared all the conditions and then built up a new stack of boons in the space of about 15 seconds lol.

Hmm..because people are complaining about the profession as whole and not simply complaining about the bugged trait?
People are asking to nerf the profession in its entirity, assuming every ele use that specific build and use those traits, outside elemental attunement then no, any ele can live happily without the other "common"traits.

Plus, again with this “new stack of boons in the space of about 15s”, go soldier amulet and 6 earth runes with a single cantrip and let’s see if you can pull off stacks of boons every 15s.

So now an entire profession should be nerfed because people build extreme survival? That’s incredibly selfish towards people who have never used a cleric amulet or the 0/10/0/30/30 build, again I repeat again unless you use the boon increase duration runes..you will not obtain any 30s swiftness, 30s regeneration and mroe, and seen as ele is fine even without that cheesy build I’d say people got no rights to ask for nerfs on the whole profession, just ask to fix the broken air trait or change it along with the boon duration runes stacks and the broken cleric amulet, that’s what a reasonable person would do, what’s now everybody guilty unless proven otherwise? …jeez

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liewec.2896


remove the spam boons and they’ll be fine,
running perma regen, fury and protection they are not fine.

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


remove the spam boons and they’ll be fine,
running perma regen, fury and protection they are not fine.

Ele got almost no inbuilt boon on the weapon sets, they’ve got traits that grant boons, most profession can get boons thx to weapon set themself on the contrary of an ele.

People keep complaining about eles who run with 2xwater/2xmonk/2xsanctuary + 30 arcane for a total of 80% boon duration increase, it’s not like ele got 80% boon duration by default.

If people would be reasonable they’d ask anet to avoid such exploit and don’t allow people to stack bonues from different rune sets, fix bugged trait, rather than asking to nerf the entire profession including people who don’t run with 2xwater/2xmonk/2xsanctuary and cleric amulet

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: daydream.2938


if its done bc of bugged abilities, then indeed fix em.

but however eles are doing what they are doing, what they are doing is OP.

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Humposaurus.5764


Use immobillize and stabillity and destroy the ele. I’m a genious I know… OMG but he can just remove the immobillize, well then just chill him. Or apply bleed/cripple and then immobillize/chill. Please people try to learn something about the other classes weaknesses before spamming the forums with CLASS Z IS OP PLX FIX ELSE I CRYBABY

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: daydream.2938


listening to teldoos steam on twitch tv from team paradigm.

teldoo: ‘bunker eles are the strongest class in game’
caed: ‘if ur nerf burst on thief they woudl be a 2nd rate class, if u nerf eles they will still be very viable’.

Eles are OP because a good ele basically will never lose a 1on1, and if ur the strongest 1on1 class int he game w that kinda mobility you put ur team up. If you go fight at a point you will always force either 2 people to it, or force the defender off. unless its a bunker guardian in which case you tie.

Ele’s are so powerful its crazy.

xeph: ele is the top class in the game.

These are all high Qp players. not to mention paid teams running double or triple ele groups.

People who dont think eles arent too strong atm arent playing at the high level.

(edited by daydream.2938)

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Humposaurus.5764


Right some random scrubs oppinion matters now? How about you do some research on your own and not just quote some “top” players. In a month people will kitten about other classes, when they figure out how to effectivly counter ele’s, which is pretty easy.

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Weapon X.5163

Weapon X.5163

Ele is not the strongest class in the game. It just so happens that the only game mode in this game is good for bunker builds+mobility.

Thet dont need to nerf or buff anything, they need to add more god kitten game modes. Let these kitten bunkers play domination and lets get some TDM going and lets see how many people use a lolEle…..

And yes, Ele is my main and the only lvl 80 i have.

Stop passing the blame onto class balance and pass it back to ANET to deliver a good PVP experience for all of us.

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Advent.6193


As someone who has an Ele, I’d have to weigh in on Arheundel’s last idea: namely, fix either 1.) duration stacking on cross-set runes, or 2.) take a look at the trait in question and adjust it. Hell, I’ve run my Ele as 0/25/0/20/25 since hitting 80. Currently in a Talhkora set/6 Mercy. Ergo, it is wrong-minded to wish nerf on an entire class. Merely look at the build/rune-spec that causes the issue, and handle that.

Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior

(edited by Advent.6193)

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Visionary.5681


The problem with valkyrie is your healthpool. as it’s easy to get farmed by a thief when concentratiing on another player. On the otherside the dmg is heavy as you said.

You should be losing 2v1 though. If things were balanced and skill was equal.

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: NewTrain.7549


I’m sorry, but anyone claiming the ele does not currently offer the strongest build in the game is delusional.

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: daydream.2938


Ele is not the strongest class in the game. It just so happens that the only game mode in this game is good for bunker builds+mobility.

Thet dont need to nerf or buff anything, they need to add more god kitten game modes. Let these kitten bunkers play domination and lets get some TDM going and lets see how many people use a lolEle…..

And yes, Ele is my main and the only lvl 80 i have.

Stop passing the blame onto class balance and pass it back to ANET to deliver a good PVP experience for all of us.

All balance has to be considered against conquest, as that sthe only format of the game. maybe if there was death match or CTf it would be different, but given that its conquest, eles are the strongest class.

Class balance, is part of delivring a good pvp experience.

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Q: Do you agreee with the statement the current metagame is boring•Current metagame is boring, could use some expansion

•Bunker – a class is a class that hold down a position, has a lot of healing and self-survability (i.e. a tank). We don’t want the bunker to go away completely. Bunkers give you an anchor in the map.

•We don’t want to be case that every team needs a bunker.

•Bring builds to all classes to what the bunkers are currently.

•Eles are tough, guardians are tough, mesmers are hard to take care of, so are thieves.

•We want every single class to deal situations in an unique manner – we keep “purity” in certain skills/traits i.e. only mesmers and thieves have stealth to deal with some situations. Not everyone have stealth but every class have a defensive mechanism they can use if they don’t stealth.

Basically if I build for survival I will survive somehow, got no stealth, no clones and no skills with evasive secondary effect , I’ve go the lowest HP and armor in game..still I don’t want be killed in 2s flat by an invisible player, you’ve got your stealth and we’ve got our heals…deal with it.

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Daishi.6027


Q: Do you agreee with the statement the current metagame is boring•Current metagame is boring, could use some expansion

•Bunker – a class is a class that hold down a position, has a lot of healing and self-survability (i.e. a tank). We don’t want the bunker to go away completely. Bunkers give you an anchor in the map.

•We don’t want to be case that every team needs a bunker.

•Bring builds to all classes to what the bunkers are currently.

•Eles are tough, guardians are tough, mesmers are hard to take care of, so are thieves.

•We want every single class to deal situations in an unique manner – we keep “purity” in certain skills/traits i.e. only mesmers and thieves have stealth to deal with some situations. Not everyone have stealth but every class have a defensive mechanism they can use if they don’t stealth.

Basically if I build for survival I will survive somehow, got no stealth, no clones and no skills with evasive secondary effect , I’ve go the lowest HP and armor in game..still I don’t want be killed in 2s flat by an invisible player, you’ve got your stealth and we’ve got our heals…deal with it.

It is being dealt with, thus why it’s under a-nets microscope.

“I control time and space; you can’t break free.~”
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Avead.5760


hmm just because its in anets microscope doenst mean it will get destroyed and thrown at the bin..Ele will always has superior healing.Its their idea of the class and every way you built you cant get rid of water attunement..So if you lose to agood ele now dont expect to magically win after the patch.
The next patch is not gonna fix your badness..

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: daydream.2938


I think ele will be fine post nerf. And ya they likely will have some decent healing. Just right now they can do everything well, and other than a trap ranger can beat anything 1on1 most of the time, while maintaing good survavibility and mobility and team fight power.

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


hmm just because its in anets microscope doenst mean it will get destroyed and thrown at the bin..Ele will always has superior healing.Its their idea of the class and every way you built you cant get rid of water attunement..So if you lose to agood ele now dont expect to magically win after the patch.
The next patch is not gonna fix your badness..


Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


I think ele will be fine post nerf. And ya they likely will have some decent healing. Just right now they can do everything well, and other than a trap ranger can beat anything 1on1 most of the time, while maintaing good survavibility and mobility and team fight power.

A good ele may and I repeat may beat anything in 1vs1, the same can be said for every other profession when used by good players.
Furthermore the profession was advertised as being very strong in 1vs1 ( on the original website) therefore is Anet design to have the ele the way it is now, tough nut to crack on your own.
About the rest, the december 14th update clearly explained that ele is supposed to be a strong and versatile aoe class, and definetely your average joe playing an ele won’t do nearly as good as an experienced ele

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: daydream.2938


most classes can spec in a way that is good in 1on1. It just so happens eles spec in a way that is good in 1on1, good in team fights, and good in the meta and tourny play, all in one. that is unique to them.

Anything piloted by a good player is deadly, but not all things are equally deadly

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Poxxia.1547


@arheundel: Aren’t you a bit defensive? Seriously .. you just fired the “you are all noobs”-button in blind … it isn’t constructive. If you can’t see what a build like aurashare provide for the group then I don’t know … maybe get a perspective by trying other classes .. like play that warrior, you can’t seem to catch and see exactly how squishy they are or how much utility they bring.
Ele bring buffs .. and in case you haven’t noticed it, buffs are a major deal. They bring healing, fields+blast finisher (also a big deal) , cleansing, AoE (another great deal), mobility (yet another big deal). What is your problem in acknowledging that they do this? What other class can do this and still provide reasonable amount of AoE-pressure?
And then what, you may ask … all classes bring something? True … but it comes down to how much. And in the case of ele’s it is quite frankly a bit much. It is not like they are bad at roaming either and only provide buffs. Sure I can get instagibbed like anyone it is not like ele are immortal … but they bounce back very fast. Maybe the solution is, that all classes could do so

So basically you’re saying that an ele is “too good” because of specific build:
-you need to trait to share and have buffs on attunements swap
-you need to invest in water healing to have good heal
-all professions got fields and blast finisher, a d/d aura share got only 2 fire fields and a 2 blast finisher ( +1 more if using EA trait)
-all professions got AOE dmg anyway
-The profession was designed around aoe/support/versality by having 20 skills and no weapon swap

It is the common build, that more or less everything is centered around. Fx: What thief that has points in the according traitline doesn’t take Mug nor Executioner? You take them, because they are worth it .. what else would you do?

And yes: Variety would be nice.

Ok .. seriously: What are you on about everyone have blast-finishers, buffs and fields? No .. they don’t .. not in the amount an ele has. Check for yourself. EA is pretty useful. No weaponswap still gives MORE skills than every other profession by their weapons alone.

Engi can get a lot, but look at how many of them are functional … and compare. Then comes cleansing etc etc etc … I made the list before. And yes: I play ele. So yeah, I think we have too much. You can disagree, but I would advise you to play some of the classes that have it worse before saying ele are UP or on par when it comes to support. But you are quite free to have your opinion, as I am to have mine

A final note: You say, ele was build with this in mind … but we both know, tat thieves were build to be sneaky kittens with insane burst, and mesmers were build around having clones. Does that mean, that thieves should insta-gib anything or mesmers should be able to have 20 clones out, that looks exactly like him? My point is naturally, that even if they are build this way, AoE should be less mindless, and perhaps some regulation of he buffing and AoE is in order. Feel free to disagree.

(edited by Poxxia.1547)

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Daishi.6027


A-net stated since beta that a survivablity/bunker build should not indefinetly outlast a full damage build… Which is what we have here.

Yes if you are dumb and don’t switch at the right time will die. And if your not good enough to live for 9 seconds you will die…

I don’t think it takes much skill or much brain power to realize when to switch and heal.

And yes bad eles will not switch and die, but if we’re balancing for people to make moves they are supposed to, then this is clearly going to outlast most builds, while doing pretty good damage, having great mobility, and nice team utility.

Sorry but something is a little wrong here. I do however think D/D will be fine post update. Their metric system may even say “ele’s are Ok. Once all weapon skills aren’t crapping out”. But as it is now bugs included, this build stands out among most.

“I control time and space; you can’t break free.~”
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: cero.1209


So I have played my ele for over 300+hr to get to a level of skill that I am comfortable with. The elementalist is a class that you just dont walk into and are magically good. The thief was like that for me. I have taken so many beatings and had to do lots of reading to understand this class through and through. I also have used and memorized almost every skill in the weapon set along with the utilities. I dont tend to loose 1v1 fights because I know how to stack boons, know when to be in their face or keep them at a distance. A d/d ele gets his face melted very easily. Saying that they are god mode and OP is insulting because I know a D/D ele has to be extremely careful. You cant bull rush into a fight and pop off all this insane damage. You have to boon stack for it which takes time. The high damage you are talking about with burst is coming from the minor 25 trait in water which gives 2% more damage per unique boon. So when you use a aura (if traited right) will give you 4% more damage.

You know how to counter a D/D ele. conditions and boon corrupt. Necros are one of the worst classes to fight against for me. Also when someone is stealths I loose target. That means RTL is no longer effective to close a gap unless manually aimed. Magnetic grasp has to have the target selected to actually work or does jack kitten. Most skilled players dodge churning earth and fire grab has a tiny hit box.

Saying the elementalist is op is like going to school and getting a masters degree then not being able to apply to anything you learned in the real world.

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


@arheundel: Aren’t you a bit defensive? Seriously .. you just fired the “you are all noobs”-button in blind … it isn’t constructive. If you can’t see what a build like aurashare provide for the group then I don’t know … maybe get a perspective by trying other classes .. like play that warrior, you can’t seem to catch and see exactly how squishy they are or how much utility they bring.
Ele bring buffs .. and in case you haven’t noticed it, buffs are a major deal. They bring healing, fields+blast finisher (also a big deal) , cleansing, AoE (another great deal), mobility (yet another big deal). What is your problem in acknowledging that they do this? What other class can do this and still provide reasonable amount of AoE-pressure?
And then what, you may ask … all classes bring something? True … but it comes down to how much. And in the case of ele’s it is quite frankly a bit much. It is not like they are bad at roaming either and only provide buffs. Sure I can get instagibbed like anyone it is not like ele are immortal … but they bounce back very fast. Maybe the solution is, that all classes could do so

So basically you’re saying that an ele is “too good” because of specific build:
-you need to trait to share and have buffs on attunements swap
-you need to invest in water healing to have good heal
-all professions got fields and blast finisher, a d/d aura share got only 2 fire fields and a 2 blast finisher ( +1 more if using EA trait)
-all professions got AOE dmg anyway
-The profession was designed around aoe/support/versality by having 20 skills and no weapon swap

It is the common build, that more or less everything is centered around. Fx: What thief that has points in the according traitline doesn’t take Mug nor Executioner? You take them, because they are worth it .. what else would you do?

And yes: Variety would be nice.

Ok .. seriously: What are you on about everyone have blast-finishers, buffs and fields? No .. they don’t .. not in the amount an ele has. Check for yourself. EA is pretty useful. No weaponswap still gives MORE skills than every other profession by their weapons alone.

Engi can get a lot, but look at how many of them are functional … and compare. Then comes cleansing etc etc etc … I made the list before. And yes: I play ele. So yeah, I think we have too much. You can disagree, but I would advise you to play some of the classes that have it worse before saying ele are UP or on par when it comes to support. But you are quite free to have your opinion, as I am to have mine

A final note: You say, ele was build with this in mind … but we both know, tat thieves were build to be sneaky kittens with insane burst, and mesmers were build around having clones. Does that mean, that thieves should insta-gib anything or mesmers should be able to have 20 clones out, that looks exactly like him? My point is naturally, that even if they are build this way, AoE should be less mindless, and perhaps some regulation of he buffing and AoE is in order. Feel free to disagree.

I don’t think you should play a MMO with different professions then, with 8 professions you’re bound to have differencies between them, if profession A can access X resources 60 times then profession B will access the same resource 80 times.
But you’re not happy with that even if they’d lower the access of profession to say 70, you’d still complain that profession B “seems” stronger than profession A.

So all professions should have the same amount of blast finisher or whatever? What would be the point of having 8 professions then? Different skins?

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


A-net stated since beta that a survivablity/bunker build should not indefinetly outlast a full damage build... Which is what we have here.

Yes if you are dumb and don’t switch at the right time will die. And if your not good enough to live for 9 seconds you will die…

I don’t think it takes much skill or much brain power to realize when to switch and heal.

And yes bad eles will not switch and die, but if we’re balancing for people to make moves they are supposed to, then this is clearly going to outlast most builds, while doing pretty good damage, having great mobility, and nice team utility.

Sorry but something is a little wrong here. I do however think D/D will be fine post update. Their metric system may even say “ele’s are Ok. Once all weapon skills aren’t crapping out”. But as it is now bugs included, this build stands out among most.

What about this?:


or this?

Go on and tell me the reason behind these videos is because " lol they’re playing against baddies"

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


So I have played my ele for over 300+hr to get to a level of skill that I am comfortable with. The elementalist is a class that you just dont walk into and are magically good. The thief was like that for me. I have taken so many beatings and had to do lots of reading to understand this class through and through. I also have used and memorized almost every skill in the weapon set along with the utilities. I dont tend to loose 1v1 fights because I know how to stack boons, know when to be in their face or keep them at a distance. A d/d ele gets his face melted very easily. Saying that they are god mode and OP is insulting because I know a D/D ele has to be extremely careful. You cant bull rush into a fight and pop off all this insane damage. You have to boon stack for it which takes time. The high damage you are talking about with burst is coming from the minor 25 trait in water which gives 2% more damage per unique boon. So when you use a aura (if traited right) will give you 4% more damage.

You know how to counter a D/D ele. conditions and boon corrupt. Necros are one of the worst classes to fight against for me. Also when someone is stealths I loose target. That means RTL is no longer effective to close a gap unless manually aimed. Magnetic grasp has to have the target selected to actually work or does jack kitten. Most skilled players dodge churning earth and fire grab has a tiny hit box.

Saying the elementalist is op is like going to school and getting a masters degree then not being able to apply to anything you learned in the real world.

I doubt people here will care much about your opinion…I played this profession since BWE1 and by BWE3 and countless number of death ( over 1000), I was already set with 30 arcana and elemental surge build, in September I was one of few eles playing PvP actively and during that time tPvP was thief/warrior all the way and eles were considered a free kill.

With no huge buffs( added dmg to dragon’s breath and ring of fire) since that time and only major nerfs ( arcane skill nerf, EA nerf, healing ripple nerf, phoenix nerf, gale nerf ect etc) this profession has become suddenly OP, because a “clever” dude, one day wake up and think :" oh kitten with this profession I die in 2 hits if I don’t build more defensive, so let me try and go full defensive"

Yeah that’s right as this profession lack any sort of inbuilt defense mechanism all you’re left to do is to go full defensive and kill people slowly with sustained dmg and because all “pro” play full burst build thx to stealth and other inbuilt defense mechanism( higher HP, higher armor), this sustained dmg has resulted to be very effective

Ele being looked at?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Somoe.3621


In my experience
- Bunker Ele’s are roughly as tanky as Bunker Guards
- Bunker Ele’s have MUCH more mobility, AoE, and burst than Bunker Guards
- Bunker Ele’s have MUCH more condition damage (which ignores Toughness, so it’s good against other bunkers) than Bunker Guards
- Bunker Ele’s have arguably more CC and condition removal than Bunker Guards

The only thing Bunker Guards seem to have over Bunker Ele’s currently is superior area control (knock-backs and Wards).