Leaderboards and leavers

Leaderboards and leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Lilianzzz.7924


In order to protect their precious ranking people tend to alt f4 games more frequently now-at least i had a couple of matches where if the game doesn’t start like they want it to- (we have a problem capping a point) – they leave and people loose because we are left 4 v 5 on zerger friendly maps. Please do something about it.
this is my second topic about leavers and afkers ruining the experience of other people
I don’t give a kitten about your rating anyway. Just let me have a decent game with a full team and not a bunch of people trying to improve their rating and quitting every game that doesn’t go their way.

Leaderboards and leavers

in PvP

Posted by: xehn.3420



Q: Does leaving a match early affect my rating?
A: If you leave a tourney/ranked match early, yes, your rating is impacted as if you sustained a loss. Once you finish another match, this “loss” is then factored back into your rating.

They are not leaving to preserve their rating, they are just rage quitting.
The only thing anet can do is put some kind of leaver debuff on people leaving too often.

(edited by xehn.3420)

Leaderboards and leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Luthan.5236


Q: How is rank determined? Is it by wins? Win %?
A: Rating is used. This rating takes into account your rating, your opponent’s rating, and then adjusts your post-game rating accordingly. If you win against a very low ranked opponent, and you are a highly ranked opponent, you will gain fewer points than if you defeated someone above you in rating. It is possible for a player to have a higher rating even if they haven’t played as many games as another player – # of games does not guarantee a high rating.

If the system is working then if you are leaving because you getting pwned big it should be because you are fighting against people with a much higher rating. Then loss would not hurt that much.

Leaderboards and leavers

in PvP

Posted by: BossFi.6917


TBH I dont care about the leavers stats. I am more concerned how this ‘leaver’ has now affected everyone elses fun and giving everyone a nearly guaranteed loss.

Only solution is lock out the leaver from joining another match for 30 mins.
If the leaver does it 5 times in 1 day then he should be locked out for 24hours.
The players left with only 4 on their team shouldnt count as a loss if they lose.

Leaderboards and leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


TBH I dont care about the leavers stats. I am more concerned how this ‘leaver’ has now affected everyone elses fun and giving everyone a nearly guaranteed loss.

Only solution is lock out the leaver from joining another match for 30 mins.
If the leaver does it 5 times in 1 day then he should be locked out for 24hours.
The players left with only 4 on their team shouldnt count as a loss if they lose.

Ok let’s look at several scenarios with your theory:

1) The ‘leaver’ has left before the match even started, so he left during the 2 minute pre-window. In this instance he left for reasons other than “we’re losing (bad) so I’m out”. Not only did he leave, but he closed the game. Barring him from pvping for 30 mins accomplishes nothing.

2) Someone leaves mid-match because their team is losing. They literally have to close the game to ‘exit’ or leave the match. The chances you’ll see them back in a tourney after the match or before this 30 min timer is lifted is unlikely so it realistically accomplishes nothing.

~ Now I have to make assumptions about your rules: if someone’s net goes out temporarily and they come back to help finish does this count as a 30-min bar from pvp? No? Then what if someone rage-leaves and opens the game back up before the match finishes? Does that mean they’ll be exempt from the 30-min bar?

As for leaving 5 times for the 24 hour bar I don’t think anyone who takes the time to tpvp that often would leave 5 matches in a day and still care to both pvping.

I don’t see this as a logical solution to the problem. You’re addressing the symptoms and not the illness.


Leaderboards and leavers

in PvP

Posted by: BossFi.6917


Ok let’s look at several scenarios with your theory:

1) The ‘leaver’ has left before the match even started, so he left during the 2 minute pre-window. In this instance he left for reasons other than “we’re losing (bad) so I’m out”. Not only did he leave, but he closed the game. Barring him from pvping for 30 mins accomplishes nothing.

Players leaving before the match has started is not an issue so why mention it?? From my experience, a player has always filled the last spot in the 10 second countdown before the gate opens.

2) Someone leaves mid-match because their team is losing. They literally have to close the game to ‘exit’ or leave the match. The chances you’ll see them back in a tourney after the match or before this 30 min timer is lifted is unlikely so it realistically accomplishes nothing.

You must have a mega slow computer! It take me 60 seconds to load back into HOTM from the desktop. So 30 mins of not being able to queue for a new tourny WILL have an effect. Make it 60 mins then, I dont care, i dont quit!

~ Now I have to make assumptions about your rules: if someone’s net goes out temporarily and they come back to help finish does this count as a 30-min bar from pvp? No? Then what if someone rage-leaves and opens the game back up before the match finishes? Does that mean they’ll be exempt from the 30-min bar?

Yes! If someone disconnects because of there net then thats just unlucky. 30 mins aint gonna make any difference to him unless hes disconnecting every hour, in that case I wouldn’t even bother playing online games till my internet was fixed.

Leaderboards and leavers

in PvP

Posted by: EPYON.2731


I think must remove Hot Join.
When i saw low rank teamates, i want to be a leaver really.
The thief told me, he saw i leaved 2 times.
Because I revived he 5 times in 3 mins.
How can i do? I didn’t want to play anymore.
Plz remove Hot Join!!

Leaderboards and leavers

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


from the leaderboard faqs

Q: Does leaving a match early affect my rating?
A: If you leave a tourney/ranked match early, yes, your rating is impacted as if you sustained a loss. Once you finish another match, this “loss” is then factored back into your rating.

However it doesn’t show the game in your in game history, so if you are like some people and you know u lost and leave, it will say you lost the tournament game but the game will not count to your personal in game record.

So to sum it up, your team loses, everyone loses that game according to there rating, but the leaver is the only one who doesn’t get penalized for losing that game according to there in game wins and games. Everyone gets penalized but the leaver.

(edited by uberkingkong.8041)

Leaderboards and leavers

in PvP

Posted by: bomber.1540


I solo queued alot of matches over the weekend and as such, completely ruined my rating, 50% chance of someone leaving meaning a loss.. Playing with incompetent pve’ers who jus want a couple of achievement points.. Meaning a loss.. A mean heck, some ppl were saying they’ve never even played the map before! Some saying lol I have no idea wat I’m doing.. kitten of and get some practice in hotjoin.. So frustrating

Leaderboards and leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Ok let’s look at several scenarios with your theory:

1) The ‘leaver’ has left before the match even started, so he left during the 2 minute pre-window. In this instance he left for reasons other than “we’re losing (bad) so I’m out”. Not only did he leave, but he closed the game. Barring him from pvping for 30 mins accomplishes nothing.

Players leaving before the match has started is not an issue so why mention it?? From my experience, a player has always filled the last spot in the 10 second countdown before the gate opens.

2) Someone leaves mid-match because their team is losing. They literally have to close the game to ‘exit’ or leave the match. The chances you’ll see them back in a tourney after the match or before this 30 min timer is lifted is unlikely so it realistically accomplishes nothing.

You must have a mega slow computer! It take me 60 seconds to load back into HOTM from the desktop. So 30 mins of not being able to queue for a new tourny WILL have an effect. Make it 60 mins then, I dont care, i dont quit!

~ Now I have to make assumptions about your rules: if someone’s net goes out temporarily and they come back to help finish does this count as a 30-min bar from pvp? No? Then what if someone rage-leaves and opens the game back up before the match finishes? Does that mean they’ll be exempt from the 30-min bar?

Yes! If someone disconnects because of there net then thats just unlucky. 30 mins aint gonna make any difference to him unless hes disconnecting every hour, in that case I wouldn’t even bother playing online games till my internet was fixed.

You must not pvp much, or even seriously considering you’re not on the leaderboards and my gf got on there from 5 matches. I say this because no, you dont’ get a replacement once the 2-min pre-window goes up and anyone who tourneys would know this. What you are seeing is someone who has not clicked ‘enter match’ during the 2 minute pre-window and this new replacement you’re seeing is just the game forcing someone into a match that they’re in queue for. It never randomly sticks another player into the team if someone drops before the 2 min-prewindow is up.

Your solution sounds awful especially with the fact that you’re fine with punishing innocent players who genuinely dc’d and want to come back and help finish the fight. Coupled with your lack of pvp experience and activity I hope no one in these forums takes that suggestion seriously.
