Leavers/ no shows
Were your opponents a premade? If PuGs only faced PuGs in tPvP there would be a lot less AFKers. People AFK because they see there’s no way in hell they’re going to win, so they do nothing so the game finishes sooner. As you mentioned, they can’t leave the game because tPvP throws you back in.
Well let me put it bluntly.
If you sign up for tournament play, you should play, regardless of being scared of a premade or in any other way wondering if the match is feasible.
If you are not inclined to do so go play the non tournament games where you can act like a moron all you like as no one really cares.
In other words:
(edited by Jeskelech.4152)
Try saying that with straight face when you get thrown into a match with one of NA’s best teams as a pug, twice.
I will say that with a straight face, I have never left a match no matter how dire the situation looks, just try to get the best of it, but then again if you don’t want to improve your play, sure keep playing with people who are infinitely worse at playing than you are.
You learn nothing from playing against people with little understanding or who have no idea about their class.
Sure it gives you easy wins, but it does not make you a good player.
All the OP is asking here is that you respect the people who ended up on your team and do your best no matter the odds.
Those who leave show nothing but disrespect to their fellow team mates..
Try saying that with straight face when you get thrown into a match with one of NA’s best teams as a pug, twice.
I would be honored by that and tried to learn as much as possible. Sure, you die probably very fast against a good team, so? Try to stay alive a little bit longer and don’t give up.
A moose. It was a moose.
I’ve played with some very good teams that didn’t even let us score 100 points but i still kept playing. If you sign up- you play.
And no, it was a pug. And one didn’t show, the other one left 2 twice and then jumped around in the spawning point doing nothing.
Not to mention the no shows all of the time, 1 match out of 4 i have to fight with 3 people , not 4, because someone didn’t bother to show. Or because we start slowly or have problems with fighting the other team-let’s quit!
You hurt your team like that and it’s not ok.
Again I would like to point out to everyone that there seems to be a misconception as for your rights as a gamer:
It is not your right to sign up and waste other peoples time because you could not be bothered playing after all.
It is your right not to sign up at all.
And this goes well with my real life philosophy:
No one has the right to waste MY time but me!
Which again leads to:
If I sign up, I play, no matter the odds.
(edited by Jeskelech.4152)
To many people do not want to play against premade groups, hence you can not blame them for leaving once they face 1. ( not saying i like it that they leave )
they need more join modes for Tpvp. so people can chose against what they want to play.
solo Q/ group Q/ premade Q
- solo Q : players should be able to playing against other solo Q players ( no premade / groups)
- group Q : join as small groups or solo players ( 1/2/3/4 ). But teams get scrambled once match starts ( you can end up against some of your friends )
if you do not want to play against your friends then make a full Premade group and sign up for premade Q ( hopefully producing more full premades )
- premade Q: Full groups going up against other full groups ( competitive Guild vs Guild Tpvp’s)
if it takes long to Q , then its cause to less people want to play that join mode.
and another thing i’ve been dying to see INGAME = VOICE CHAT , so solo Q"ers can communicate to without having to type /die
( woud produce more full premade in the long run to)
so dont blame leavers for leaving , its not 100% there fault ( it sure su cks tho )
cheerz Jim
so dont blame leavers for leaving , its not 100% there fault ( it sure su cks tho
Well excuse me, but who is at fault then, if not the leaver?
YES it is 100% their fault, they have the option not to que at all.
Go play the “non tournament” matches if you think different.
(edited by Jeskelech.4152)
I will say that with a straight face, I have never left a match no matter how dire the situation looks, just try to get the best of it, but then again if you don’t want to improve your play, sure keep playing with people who are infinitely worse at playing than you are.
You learn nothing from playing against people with little understanding or who have no idea about their class.
Sure it gives you easy wins, but it does not make you a good player.
All the OP is asking here is that you respect the people who ended up on your team and do your best no matter the odds.
Those who leave show nothing but disrespect to their fellow team mates..
You also learn nothing when your team is full of idiots who try an 4cap something while the enemy is split capping the un-contested other 2 points.
I’m not wasting time with that, sorry. That isn’t an issue with me, it’s an issue with players joining tourny games(or pvp in general) who have NO clue what to do.
Again I would like to point out to everyone that there seems to be a misconception as for your rights as a gamer:
It is not your right to sign up and waste other peoples time because you could not be bothered playing after all.YES!
It is your right not to sign up at all.And this goes well with my real life philosophy:
No one has the right to waste MY time but me!Which again leads to:
If I sign up, I play, no matter the odds.
lol “rights as gamers”? Yea, lemme go get out my pocket version of the Constitution and double check that. Lets see, that would be under G for Gamers, hmm not seeing anything, probably because you just pulled that kitten out of your kitten
Once again, your “argument” goes both ways: you might think the leaver is wasting your time, but I would say that poor players are wasting MINE. I’m all for helping players learn, but when I consistently join games and people do the SAME THING EVERY GAME? lolno
(edited by somsom.5201)
In response to somsom.
Maybe the real problem there is with you; as it seems to me you would leave a game, still counting you a loss, rather than actually try to communicate with your team.
It is outright frustrating to be in 4vs5 or 3vs5 games one time after another because of people like you, please just do us all a favor and don’t sign up for tournament matches.
(edited by Jeskelech.4152)
It is not your right to sign up and waste other peoples time because you could not be bothered playing after all.
It is not only our right, it’s a pretty neat way to put pressure on the system and get the most people possible complaining about the issue. The fact that you’re mad is a good sign. Now go ask for separate queues.
Try saying that with straight face when you get thrown into a match with one of NA’s best teams as a pug, twice.
I would be honored by that and tried to learn as much as possible. Sure, you die probably very fast against a good team, so? Try to stay alive a little bit longer and don’t give up.
I will say that with a straight face, I have never left a match no matter how dire the situation looks, just try to get the best of it, but then again if you don’t want to improve your play, sure keep playing with people who are infinitely worse at playing than you are.
You learn nothing from playing against people with little understanding or who have no idea about their class.
Sure it gives you easy wins, but it does not make you a good player.
All the OP is asking here is that you respect the people who ended up on your team and do your best no matter the odds.
Those who leave show nothing but disrespect to their fellow team mates..
In a solo environment, you learn exactly kitten all going against those guys.
You are either dead, dying, on respawn timer, downed, or running away.
Its a massive flaw with the current system, a PUG should never face a pre-made team, ever.
I would wager a random group of the top 25 players(assuming they don’t all play with/against each other, which they do), without any team comp, would stuggle against an above average pre made.
I have faced them as a group, and it is eye opening when you can get the feedback from your team and see what they did and how they did it.
Always feel bad (For the ones who stay) when ppl from other team leave just because they’re losing badly, if you go in you know you may face a good premade (Until they split solo and premades, and i totally agree on this), if you chose to fight you must fight to the last….sometimes i join solo for fun too and i’ll never leave my team even if we have 4 r10 and we’re -300….you just stay and lose, your rooster will be still up until match ends so you can do nothing else, running only shows you’re a kid who can’t accept being defeated by a better team, and btw i will never invite in my team\guild someone i know he runs away form pugs if losing…noone of us does, usually we just laugh at it on ts, kitten happens….if you can’t face it just don’t go pvp.
Already met guildmates in pugs vs our guild team…they usually just come to our ts channel with things like….
Yeah, come on kitteners…i’ll kill you all!!
Go! Lets get him!!
Oh…kitten……i was joking!!
laughing together….it’s a game…try to get it…
(edited by Archaon.6245)
If you leave you are wasting MY time and your time too. You have to wait until the match finishes anyway, why not try and play? I don’t get the logic behind it, yes you do get moronic teams sometimes.
And about tournaments- yes there are zergs here too, but not as much as the hot joins. The hotjoins suck for learning to play. In tournies you can even get advice from more experienced players. You try tactics and it’s fun , so i get why less experienced players choose to go there directly.
So please stop acting like small children and finish your fights. This is a team game, no wonder the situation sucks in pvp now-everyone whines and leaves because “the noob is wasting my time” . Not to mention people signing up and not showing ( sing up when you are sure that you have time to even play one game and yes i do get that there are urgent things that can’t wait a silly game)
Im also waiting for spliting up solo ques and premades one.
(edited by Lilianzzz.7924)