

in PvP

Posted by: Vuh.1328


Why is it so unresponsive and non fluid with most melee weapons for most classes?
Why do we have self rooting melee skills?

I’d rather see perhaps some damage nerf to some skills like 100b for example, but make them mobile and more fluid to use. Self rooting or long cast time on melee abilities really break the flow of combat.
Self rooting and slow cast times belong to ranged weapon sets IMO and not melee, melee should be all about fluid and smooth combat without breaking movement.

Just like to add something more: Hate to draw comparision to WoW/SWTOR, but melee in those games felt ALOT more fluid, you pretty much had control of your character whatever you did(not counting cc from other players).
With the amount of CC and AOE spam would it really hurt to make melee weapons/classes more “agile/mobile/fluid”?

Take your time to learn proper keybinding, it’s worth the struggle

(edited by Vuh.1328)


in PvP

Posted by: Warrown.4153


you kidden me right melee in swtor was horrible compared to gw2 with the camera to the ability delays


in PvP

Posted by: Hicci.8761


Only class with sticky melee is warrior and they try to compensate this with damage. Rest of the classes are doing quite fluently.


in PvP

Posted by: RusShiro.9241


I understad what your sayin,but 100b is a stand still move as it shoud be I f it was a spin it would move


in PvP

Posted by: Legit Prep In.5893

Legit Prep In.5893

Lool, go try NW, then you know what “static combat” is xD


in PvP

Posted by: pot.6805


you kidden me right melee in swtor was horrible compared to gw2 with the camera to the ability delays

Melee was actually powerful in that game and had proper gap closers like leaps.

Beast mode


in PvP

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Only class with sticky melee is warrior and they try to compensate this with damage. Rest of the classes are doing quite fluently.


Ranger’s greatsword has a single leap. It doesn’t have leg specialist, it doesn’t have a cripple outside wasting the block skill and throwing that sword roots you so the cripple is useless as it opens a gap when you’re using the skill to close it.

Hilt Bash and Maul both have delayed delivery systems so people with swiftness can walk out of their range if you don’t have swiftness yourself.

Oh, and unlike warrior greatsword, ranger greatsword does garbage for damage.

Then you’ve got guardians, who can also be kited to hell on their greatsword weapon as they too have no baseline cripple.

And even worse of all is the necromancer mainhand dagger, whose only gap closer is a 600 range 1 second cast root with a whopping 25 sec cd, and the dagger doesn’t even cleave.


in PvP

Posted by: Hicci.8761


Guardian greatsword is easy to kite but it’s not sticky. It’s pretty fluent and effective but only if the space is limited like in battle of khylo clocktower.


in PvP

Posted by: Errant Venture.9371

Errant Venture.9371

ITT: everyone forgets the difference between “fluid” & “fluent”

The Battle Bakery [vPie]


in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Only class with sticky melee is warrior and they try to compensate this with damage. Rest of the classes are doing quite fluently.


Ranger’s greatsword has a single leap. It doesn’t have leg specialist, it doesn’t have a cripple outside wasting the block skill and throwing that sword roots you so the cripple is useless as it opens a gap when you’re using the skill to close it.

Hilt Bash and Maul both have delayed delivery systems so people with swiftness can walk out of their range if you don’t have swiftness yourself.

Oh, and unlike warrior greatsword, ranger greatsword does garbage for damage.

Then you’ve got guardians, who can also be kited to hell on their greatsword weapon as they too have no baseline cripple.

And even worse of all is the necromancer mainhand dagger, whose only gap closer is a 600 range 1 second cast root with a whopping 25 sec cd, and the dagger doesn’t even cleave.

Garbage for damage? Have you tried speccing into damage with the Ranger Greatsword lately? 6k Mauls with SotH and 4k mauls without it and that’s on Svanir!

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;


in PvP

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Only class with sticky melee is warrior and they try to compensate this with damage. Rest of the classes are doing quite fluently.


Ranger’s greatsword has a single leap. It doesn’t have leg specialist, it doesn’t have a cripple outside wasting the block skill and throwing that sword roots you so the cripple is useless as it opens a gap when you’re using the skill to close it.

Hilt Bash and Maul both have delayed delivery systems so people with swiftness can walk out of their range if you don’t have swiftness yourself.

Oh, and unlike warrior greatsword, ranger greatsword does garbage for damage.

Then you’ve got guardians, who can also be kited to hell on their greatsword weapon as they too have no baseline cripple.

And even worse of all is the necromancer mainhand dagger, whose only gap closer is a 600 range 1 second cast root with a whopping 25 sec cd, and the dagger doesn’t even cleave.

Garbage for damage? Have you tried speccing into damage with the Ranger Greatsword lately? 6k Mauls with SotH and 4k mauls without it and that’s on Svanir!

4k maul full glass is total crap. And 6k mauls needing to run signet builds is soooo bad, just roll a mesmer/thief you do more damage than that more often.

Hell, if you’re going to run a glass cannon spec without stealth/teleports, just play a warrior he’ll do 4x your damage.


in PvP

Posted by: deathTouch.9706


Why is it so unresponsive and non fluid with most melee weapons for most classes?
Why do we have self rooting melee skills?

I’d rather see perhaps some damage nerf to some skills like 100b for example, but make them mobile and more fluid to use. Self rooting or long cast time on melee abilities really break the flow of combat.
Self rooting and slow cast times belong to ranged weapon sets IMO and not melee, melee should be all about fluid and smooth combat without breaking movement.

Just like to add something more: Hate to draw comparision to WoW/SWTOR, but melee in those games felt ALOT more fluid, you pretty much had control of your character whatever you did(not counting cc from other players).
With the amount of CC and AOE spam would it really hurt to make melee weapons/classes more “agile/mobile/fluid”?

Yes, SWTOR melee felt much more smooth than GW2 melee. Even though I had to constantly juggle 20+ more skills as an anni marauder in swtor, it felt much smoother than these huge-windup skills and buggy pathing issues that I have to deal with in GW2 (sword 2, GS 5, shield 4).

Mara had tons of abilities to let you stick to targets in GW2 and had extremely effective gap-closers. When you factor in the huge wind-up times with many key warrior abilities, SWTOR actually felt smoother even with slight skill delay.

V deathTouch V – Warrior
STD [Scarlet Gave Me Harpies]