Mesmer Clones

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Chris.7653


Anet at least give us a CLUE as to which one is the real one!

This is total crap when they don’t move and blend right in or in the heat of battle you can’t see which is the real player…

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Chris.7653


Also not to mention when they detonate their clones they can hit you for 16k…

How is this even close to being balanced?

Honestly….how can they say this is intended to be shaped up to be an e sport with this trash?

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Legicon.7952


Before engaging a Mesmer, mark him

Yes he can stealth out of it, but

Look for shields over one of them
Look for dodge rolls and other evasive movement
The real one attacks faster than his/ her clones.


Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Chris.7653


Before engaging a Mesmer, mark him

Yes he can stealth out of it, but

Look for shields over one of them
Look for dodge rolls and other evasive movement
The real one attacks faster than his/ her clones.


Every 2 seconds your target and mark drops off of them, it’s such bull crap man…

I see one dodge target it poof gone with a clone in it’s place with decoy…

By the way thank you for replying and trying to help man I really do appreciate it, even though I am so annoyed with sPvP in this game right now.

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


Deselect target. The real mesmer is the one with his name above his head, the others are decoys.

Edit: Also when the mesmer does his invisible thing and a clone appears, the real mesmer will reappear shortly after with the stealth animation (weird smoke looking stuff around them)

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Chris.7653


Deselect target. The real mesmer is the one with his name above his head, the others are decoys.

I don’t know why but on my screen they all have the same name above their head.

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


Ive noticed that 2 will have names if you have one selected and the other is the real one, or if you are close to them sometimes this happens. It does get easier to notice the real one, every now and then it confuses the cat out of me and I will likely lose that battle.

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Infiniafication.2394


Use a Mesmer for yourselves and you will know how the real Mesmer would act like.

Just a simple note, notice the one that attacks while moving at the same time. That’s the real Mesmer.
The Illusions are programmed in such a way that they can only either [move] or [stop and attack].

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Yelisha.7413


OK I was just checking posts to see how its goin since i wasnt able to play for 3-4 days. And I’m really sorry if I rage under ur post instead of other long drama series. Now, I see ppl whinin about guardians, thieves, mesmers etc… and there were times we saw lotsa warriors whirling their blades 100 times around, guardians playing with god mod on, thieves spamming heartseekers etc etc.. I just can’t see the point.

#Every class out there can avoid bursts one way or the other.
#If you spend some time and try just a lil bit more harder, I’m sure you can find a counter for anything. In this case to mesmers.
#Don’t take 8v8 serious, make some friends, forget hot joins. It will never be an assessment.
#(not playing thief)Yes, thief hits hard in such short time. What’s that again? A THIEF. There should be a reason why we call them THIEF right? And believe me you can avoid the burst. But they may be right, maybe there should be only 1 class, we all would be happy then. Since all classes bein accused with something…
#Stop saying tournaments are not casual friendly. LOGIC… It’s TOURNAMENT. Ofc it will be competitive. Ofc it will be totally different from hot join/WvWvW. Team up , learn more, practice…Why would you join a tournament at the first place anyway??
#Like it or not, you should use a strategy focused on holding points not chasing/killing ppl or doing 1v1s around without any goal. You tried everything from builds to changing your gear etc etc and you still fail ? Use your TEAM. Sounds it may work

I really have no idea why I did this. My apologies to OP.

(edited by Yelisha.7413)

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Fellknight.4820


This class is mad annoying personally I think they should have had the elementalist’s dmg and the elementalist had mesmer burst but whatever.

The few tricks I’ve learned that have helped me.

Clones don’t roll or back up and you need to use any block retalitate or every dodge you can while your going for a target lock. You cannot afford to take dps while you don’t have a target.

When you see the all the phantasm’s or clones running at you it’s shatter time, agian use any roll block or ret abilities now.

It’s really hard to fight these guys if you have no ranged attacks and even with all that you could still lose but it’s all I’ve found that has let me beat them.

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Peechez.4195


you just pulled 16k out of your kitten. Also the only way for the mark to fall off is stealth and the only stealth ability that the common shatter mesmer has is a 30s cd stun break utility

Canada / Sneaky / Undead Meese
Mesmer / Thief / Necromancer

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Chris.7653


you just pulled 16k out of your kitten. Also the only way for the mark to fall off is stealth and the only stealth ability that the common shatter mesmer has is a 30s cd stun break utility

I pulled 16k from my combat log, the mark falls off from more than just stealth.

Before posting know the facts or you just wind up looking dumb.

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Bulblax.3809


you just pulled 16k out of your kitten. Also the only way for the mark to fall off is stealth and the only stealth ability that the common shatter mesmer has is a 30s cd stun break utility

I pulled 16k from my combat log, the mark falls off from more than just stealth.

Before posting know the facts or you just wind up looking dumb.

You were probably hit with multiple mind wracks over the course of the fight. To be hit with one 16k mind wrack would mean each clone runs in and crits for 5k. I’ve tried nearly every build (including full glass cannon shatter spec) on my Mesmer and I never came anywhere near that in one shatter. Without some kind of combat log or death recap pic this just seems over exaggerated.

On the topic title, I don’t think it could be easier to determine (beyond a very quick scan of clones) which is the real Mesmer. They don’t do anything other than auto attack, they don’t have offhand weapons, and they auto attack slower than a real Mesmer.

IMO you are the ill-informed one.

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Dual.8953


Try some AoEs and bouncing skills. Illusions are for the most part pretty fragile so with AoEs you can wipe the field of the Illusions, defend against being shattered (if you destoy the illusion before they can shatter) and possibly hit the real mesmer while doing it.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


By the time you found the real one, i’ve already teleported away, made another clone, or am drilling your face while immune and shattering 3 illusions. Again.
Arent you glad you found me?

You can trait for swords, and get a 2 sec immunity on a 8 second cooldown! 25% immunity uptime (which also doubles as damage if you find me and get close) on a class thats supposed to hurt if you cant confuse your opponent.

Finding the real mesmer is overrated, i am abusing it daily, people quickly catch on not to mention get super bored from all those drawn out mesmer fights, that they rather all grind up against a poor necro with insane tank stats to hump his brains out instead. Who cares about wearing a berserkers if i can go clone/immune/port/stealth/clone/knockback/double clone/immune/distortion/daze etc before you even get to hit me.

Yes i am one that thought mesmers were faceroll so i made one to fight them better. I can probably fight them a little better, but my eyes have opened even more. How Mesmers can stand around saying their class is fine and balanced compared to most others is one of life’s greatest mysteries to me. Actually trying the class out only made it more obvious to me. I am actually trying out different classes and those that are discussed a lot on the forums have every right to be.

16k mind wrack is bullkitten.

(edited by GankSinatra.2653)

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Decomi.9518


16k mind wrack ? Are you sure there was only 1 mesmer …? next time make screen of combat log please.
And about clones… what do you think they are good for? They does really low dmg(almost none), so only reasons why to use them is to get some time while enemy attacks them and shatter of course.

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963


Chris don’t get upset by the agro people on the forum, I know you are just asking how to handle mesmer. Just ignore people when they say things to bait you or insult you (more easily said than done, I know!).

There is no doubt they are tough. Apart from being able to pick out the actual mesmer you often need a specific build to beat them, realistically speaking. Stablity and aoe and aoe cc work wonders, but you need spammable aoe; or if you can burst them down that is good but for that u usually need to catch them by surprise.

Even a noob mesmer is a tough fight, but they can be beaten (at least the noob mesmers can)!

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Thobek.1730


I don’t mind fighting when there is one mesmer in say a group of 4. But when its 4v4 and they have 3+ mesmers all of a sudden you are fighting 12 players and it gets kittenin confusing.

Maybe when they fix the camera so I can zoom out more and change my FoV things will be better but atm its very hard to find the real one.

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Chris.7653


Posting so I can quote….

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Chris.7653


Chris don’t get upset by the agro people on the forum, I know you are just asking how to handle mesmer. Just ignore people when they say things to bait you or insult you (more easily said than done, I know!).

There is no doubt they are tough. Apart from being able to pick out the actual mesmer you often need a specific build to beat them, realistically speaking. Stablity and aoe and aoe cc work wonders, but you need spammable aoe; or if you can burst them down that is good but for that u usually need to catch them by surprise.

Even a noob mesmer is a tough fight, but they can be beaten (at least the noob mesmers can)!

Hahaha yeah you are right in this I will ignore the stupid trolls , it’s just so darn frustrating that a class with this much power even exists in the game, I mean between Mesmer, Warrior and Thief it’s just ridiculous, but for now I will just talk about mesmer.

Every time last night that I would identify the real one, mark them and begin attacking they would either use mirror image or decoy and drop my target plus spawn a clone.

By the time I could kittenget them a third time they had already DPS’d me down and shattered on me to the point I really had no chance to win.

And when I say I got hit for 16k yes it was their clones shattering on me and on top of that the mesmer itself was DPSing me.

I just get very frustrated when it comes to cheese classes like this, but thanks guys for giving me advice.

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963


Chris don’t get upset by the agro people on the forum, I know you are just asking how to handle mesmer. Just ignore people when they say things to bait you or insult you (more easily said than done, I know!).

There is no doubt they are tough. Apart from being able to pick out the actual mesmer you often need a specific build to beat them, realistically speaking. Stablity and aoe and aoe cc work wonders, but you need spammable aoe; or if you can burst them down that is good but for that u usually need to catch them by surprise.

Even a noob mesmer is a tough fight, but they can be beaten (at least the noob mesmers can)!

Hahaha yeah you are right in this I will ignore the stupid trolls , it’s just so darn frustrating that a class with this much power even exists in the game, I mean between Mesmer, Warrior and Thief it’s just ridiculous, but for now I will just talk about mesmer.

Every time last night that I would identify the real one, mark them and begin attacking they would either use mirror image or decoy and drop my target plus spawn a clone.

By the time I could kittenget them a third time they had already DPS’d me down and shattered on me to the point I really had no chance to win.

And when I say I got hit for 16k yes it was their clones shattering on me and on top of that the mesmer itself was DPSing me.

I just get very frustrated when it comes to cheese classes like this, but thanks guys for giving me advice.

I feel for you man, same thing happens to me many times every day, well every day I play spvp which is most days, haha. I get cheesed off when there are about three mesmers on a team, it just gets so confusing!

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Chris.7653


Chris don’t get upset by the agro people on the forum, I know you are just asking how to handle mesmer. Just ignore people when they say things to bait you or insult you (more easily said than done, I know!).

There is no doubt they are tough. Apart from being able to pick out the actual mesmer you often need a specific build to beat them, realistically speaking. Stablity and aoe and aoe cc work wonders, but you need spammable aoe; or if you can burst them down that is good but for that u usually need to catch them by surprise.

Even a noob mesmer is a tough fight, but they can be beaten (at least the noob mesmers can)!

Hahaha yeah you are right in this I will ignore the stupid trolls , it’s just so darn frustrating that a class with this much power even exists in the game, I mean between Mesmer, Warrior and Thief it’s just ridiculous, but for now I will just talk about mesmer.

Every time last night that I would identify the real one, mark them and begin attacking they would either use mirror image or decoy and drop my target plus spawn a clone.

By the time I could kittenget them a third time they had already DPS’d me down and shattered on me to the point I really had no chance to win.

And when I say I got hit for 16k yes it was their clones shattering on me and on top of that the mesmer itself was DPSing me.

I just get very frustrated when it comes to cheese classes like this, but thanks guys for giving me advice.

I feel for you man, same thing happens to me many times every day, well every day I play spvp which is most days, haha. I get cheesed off when there are about three mesmers on a team, it just gets so confusing!

Oh man you are right….I remember seeing an entire point FILLED with people and thinking “Oh my gosh how do they have so many?!” then I looked at the other team…5 Mesmers….I just shook my head and left with the rest of my team.

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Plague.5329


When I Warrior in sPvP (which is rarely), it can easily get out of hand if I ever have to fight a mesmer 1v1. Even with the aforementioned tricks and my standard healing shouts build getting rid of the billions of CCs, the constant teleporting and the damage done by the phantasms (and subsequent need to kill them) make the mesmer way more tanky than I can ever hope to be, and far more powerful to boot. I mainly just wish they’d tone down the recharge on a couple of the skills for just a second or two. Even knowing which one is which (which is easy just watching how they move or how often they attack), it’s a huge pain in the kitten to get to them. But then, I’m a warrior in this case, which has notoriously huge problems staying in range of targets without immensely specialized builds. Well… BUILD. Singular. We have one.

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Chris.7653


When I Warrior in sPvP (which is rarely), it can easily get out of hand if I ever have to fight a mesmer 1v1. Even with the aforementioned tricks and my standard healing shouts build getting rid of the billions of CCs, the constant teleporting and the damage done by the phantasms (and subsequent need to kill them) make the mesmer way more tanky than I can ever hope to be, and far more powerful to boot. I mainly just wish they’d tone down the recharge on a couple of the skills for just a second or two. Even knowing which one is which (which is easy just watching how they move or how often they attack), it’s a huge pain in the kitten to get to them. But then, I’m a warrior in this case, which has notoriously huge problems staying in range of targets without immensely specialized builds. Well… BUILD. Singular. We have one.

Not to mention when you do FINALLY get to them, they weapon swap (Yeah no idea why they have one and Ele doesn’t) to the sword main hand and hit number 2 and are invulnerable fore a few seconds WHILE doing 3k damage if you are within range and their clones hit you.

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Hastur.6231



- Clones do not spawn with the same amount of health
- Only spam the first attack
- Attack with a reduced rate of fire
- Do not display titles
- Do not display explorer star next to name
- Do not carry an off hand weapon
- Receive a lot more damage
- Are static if not out of range or Issued a shatter command
- Do not dodge
- Downed clones DO NOT HAVE A BIG RED TRIANGLE on their head

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Sky.9347



- Clones do not spawn with the same amount of health
- Only spam the first attack
- Attack with a reduced rate of fire
- Do not display titles
- Do not display explorer star next to name
- Do not carry an off hand weapon
- Receive a lot more damage
- Are static if not out of range or Issued a shatter command
- Do not dodge
- Downed clones DO NOT HAVE A BIG RED TRIANGLE on their head

Also, they do not strafe or frequently change directions. They never switch targets. They don’t use but 1 or 2 abilities, and thus their casting animations are very limited. They also don’t fade to visible from stealth.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: barti.7685


msmers are just annoying. the thing that annoys me the most are the mage strikes for 8.1k crit damage with 2700 armor.. i wish my necropets could do that.

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Chris.7653


barti don’t forget their #3 downed state that I have seen crit for 6k before.

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Garadon.3189


Also not to mention when they detonate their clones they can hit you for 16k…

No Mesmer is hitting you for over 16k in one Mind Wrack.

Garadon Dral <<Engineer>>
Talarion Dral <<Mesmer>>

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Stiv.1820


As soon as they stealth + clone it’s a matter of zooming out and watching for the black swirl a couple seconds later. The real Mesmer appears near that a second after. You can also drop target and then nearest target @ the swirl to target them before they show up on your client.

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Rhydian.5412


I made a mesmer and know nothing about them really, I can rack up 200 points at least just speccing some condition illusion heavy build with decent power, take invis utility some clones and decoy and some random staff scepter set up, when in doubt go invis hide behind some rock and make more clones, illusions. Hard to kill the real me when im hiding and shattering you every few seconds. I played a thief and it hands down is harder to play than a Mesmer, at least they have to think about what they are doing, the one thing I do that actually works against this “Class” is weapon bounce abilities and AOE, luckly my spec has both so I can default kill the illusions, but not everyone can.

(edited by Rhydian.5412)

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


The whole point of the mesmer is irl confusion, so you don’t know which is real.. why would you want to remove that when the entire profession is based on that confusion aspect.

Playing against mesmers is a matter of skill, in itself a mesmer isn’t overpowered when moa is on cooldown (moa makes mesmer win any fight, but it has such a long cooldown that I don’t mind), it just takes experience to beat them, new players will never defeat a skilled mesmer, and they shouldn’t.

(edited by Zsymon.8457)

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: purpleskies.3274



- Clones do not spawn with the same amount of health
- Only spam the first attack
- Attack with a reduced rate of fire
- Do not display titles
- Do not display explorer star next to name
- Do not carry an off hand weapon
- Receive a lot more damage
- Are static if not out of range or Issued a shatter command
- Do not dodge
- Downed clones DO NOT HAVE A BIG RED TRIANGLE on their head

-Clones do not copy buffs the Mesmer had, usually showing no buffs at all.

So there are actually quite a few clues to spot the fakes. I know this suggestion has been said before, but honestly after playing a mesmer for a bit it gets really easy to spot clones, so if you are having a hard time with this aspect, it might be something to try.

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Kenny.7203


i’d also add that you can easy spot a mesmer who runs&dodges ..
when it’s come to a 3vs3 or higher, a light armor user cannot affort to stand on a spot and predent to be a clone (which is pretty easy on 1on1)

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Embolism.8106


As people have said, it is very easy to differentiate Mesmers from Clones once you know what to look for. I rarely am unable to identify the real Mesmer if they aren’t cloaked (although targeting the real Mesmer can be a hassle).

As for Mind Wrack’s damage, the most I’ve been able to get out of it with a Glass Cannon build is 4x 2k = 8k damage. This is with 4x Empowered Mantras (locking down your healing and utility slots), Illusionary Persona (requiring you to be in melee range), and having all four Wracks crit.

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Dual.8953


The whole point of the mesmer is irl confusion, so you don’t know which is real.. why would you want to remove that when the entire profession is based on that confusion aspect.

Playing against mesmers is a matter of skill, in itself a mesmer isn’t overpowered when moa is on cooldown (moa makes mesmer win any fight, but it has such a long cooldown that I don’t mind), it just takes experience to beat them, new players will never defeat a skilled mesmer, and they shouldn’t.

I think that’s why Thief and Mesmer gets a lot of guff (aside from Theives BS spike, that most people seem to think every Thief uses and a few other stand out skills both classes have). They both employ tactics to fool their opponents irl. It must be pretty jarring for some players who are used to hits or misses being by statistical equations instead of hit boxes.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: eye floater.7140

eye floater.7140

Spotting a clone is not hard. As everyone said above, they’re pretty easy to see unless the real one acts like a clone. The thing that annoys the kitten out of me, is their ability to cloak constantly, and ATTACK WHILE INVISIBLE. As a guard in spvp and WvW, I win 1v1’s upwards of 90% of the time. Even fricken 2v1s are easier than fighting some mesmers. Why so much fricken cloak?! It’s complete bullkitten, and I lose almost every 1v1 mesmer fight. Just make the target STAY after they reappear from cloak, and tah-dah! Otherwise, it just isn’t a fair fight.

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: VictorTroska.3725


As much as I hate to say this but you have to play Mesmer for a bit. Just to level 20-30 is enough and some sPvP. You will notice effects and skills/weapons that spawn those clones and stuff and when you end up fighting vs mesmer you will get this “Aha! I know what you did there.” feeling. I hated mesmers because they are so annoying to fight against so I had to spend time to play one which was annoying as hell but I do not regret it.

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Most Mesmers only pack one stealth skill: Decoy, a 3s stealth on a 32s CD. The other stealth skills require you to sacrifice something: The Prestige sacrifices a Phantasm slot (iMage is pure Shatter fodder), Veil is just plain bad (no one ever uses this), and Mass Invisibility… well. If they’re using that they’re not using Moa Morph or Time Warp, so you should be happy.

There’s also the trait Desperate Decoy, but that only activates at low health and is frequently cancelled immediately from a skill activation. Which brings me to another point, Mesmers cannot attack through stealth; doing so breaks stealth: unless you’re talking about culling issues, which is not a Mesmer problem.

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


Sometimes i like to act as an NPC by using the 2 clone utility thing then spamming Greatsword auto attack. So fun when people just ran past you or turn around going ‘kitten that’.

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Kasama.8941


Play a Mesmer and get to know all the ins and outs of it, then you will know all the tricks of your opponents. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer =)

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Chris.7653


Hey Kasama, thanks for posting

I did roll a mesmer and played it….I was shocked that within the first round I was top on kills/score without knowing the class at all and it only got better from there to the point is was just super boring and to be honest, I felt dirty playing a class so unbalanced.

My main problem is that their clones look exactly like them, when you finally do target the real one and mark them, they pop decoy, or mirror image etc and the mark is dropped and you have to look for the original again.

That might not sound so bad, but when the clones are hitting you for most of your life it quickly becomes a problem. If the Mesmer is shatter spec as I mentioned ealier I was hit for 16k (Totaled between their clones, all of the damage happened at the same exact time).

These clones simply hit to hard, and provide to much coverage/support for the mesmer.

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Hastur.6231


Hey Kasama, thanks for posting

I did roll a mesmer and played it….I was shocked that within the first round I was top on kills/score without knowing the class at all and it only got better from there to the point is was just super boring and to be honest, I felt dirty playing a class so unbalanced.

My main problem is that their clones look exactly like them, when you finally do target the real one and mark them, they pop decoy, or mirror image etc and the mark is dropped and you have to look for the original again.

That might not sound so bad, but when the clones are hitting you for most of your life it quickly becomes a problem. If the Mesmer is shatter spec as I mentioned ealier I was hit for 16k (Totaled between their clones, all of the damage happened at the same exact time).

These clones simply hit to hard, and provide to much coverage/support for the mesmer.

I’m just going to call BS on that, and request you upload a video with you calling your on name and a time stamp.

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

It’s possible to get top score your first time being clueless with a class I know because I’ve pretty much done it with all classes just mashing buttons.

The scoreboard however doesn’t really say how effective you were in conquest like holding a point. It just says you were killing people which is more than possible mashing buttons that you have no idea what they do on every class.

Not a good way to grief and say that’s why it is op. That’s almost what you are going to be doing anyways when you are learning the class and you will land kills then and you might even end up on the top of the scoreboard. “Forgot what this skill does but it looks cool for right now.” then you remember what it does from using it.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

(edited by R E F L H E X.8413)

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Rhydian.5412


Hey Kasama, thanks for posting

I did roll a mesmer and played it….I was shocked that within the first round I was top on kills/score without knowing the class at all and it only got better from there to the point is was just super boring and to be honest, I felt dirty playing a class so unbalanced.

My main problem is that their clones look exactly like them, when you finally do target the real one and mark them, they pop decoy, or mirror image etc and the mark is dropped and you have to look for the original again.

That might not sound so bad, but when the clones are hitting you for most of your life it quickly becomes a problem. If the Mesmer is shatter spec as I mentioned ealier I was hit for 16k (Totaled between their clones, all of the damage happened at the same exact time).

These clones simply hit to hard, and provide to much coverage/support for the mesmer.

I’m just going to call BS on that, and request you upload a video with you calling your on name and a time stamp.

Mesmers are not hard to play, but they are hard to master, but yeh I don’t know all the class combos myself but can BS a 200 point game just spamming a few clones and illusions.

But as for calling BS, here anyone just copy and paste this build.

Follow the instructions to EZ mode victories.
I have played every class in the game and think Mesmer is hands down the lowest skill cap of the bunch.

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

Mantra spiking is the funnest.

Only mesmer build that is enjoyable really is the mantra spiker I’ve been using it for at least a month and a half now mostly in wvw but sometimes in spvp. People always know who I am on the field and it doesn’t have room for decoy like the guy says he don’t see why people would not run decoy but there is plenty of reasons not too that revolves around a build not having room for it. Decoy is good for being sneaky or trying to run a build that you hide behind illusions with but thats about it really it also makes for decent getaways but isn’t a requirement on a mes bar like he seems to think.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: purpleskies.3274


Hey Kasama, thanks for posting

I did roll a mesmer and played it….I was shocked that within the first round I was top on kills/score without knowing the class at all and it only got better from there to the point is was just super boring and to be honest, I felt dirty playing a class so unbalanced.

My main problem is that their clones look exactly like them, when you finally do target the real one and mark them, they pop decoy, or mirror image etc and the mark is dropped and you have to look for the original again.

That might not sound so bad, but when the clones are hitting you for most of your life it quickly becomes a problem. If the Mesmer is shatter spec as I mentioned ealier I was hit for 16k (Totaled between their clones, all of the damage happened at the same exact time).

These clones simply hit to hard, and provide to much coverage/support for the mesmer.

No offense but you saying things like this is exactly why people are suggesting you to learn about the class. First of all the clones do not look exactly like the mesmer. A nice list of ways they differ was provided above and expanded on.

Second of all clones do almost no damage contrary to what you are saying. Phantasm, the glowing see-through purple ones do damage, but they are purple with different weapons and names, which should be easy to spot. Clones running towards you can do damage because of shatter, but if they are running at you, dodge so they don’t hit you.

Also there is no way to hit someone for 16k with shatter. If you are talking about over the course of a fight then of course, but there is no way to do that much damage, even to a glass cannon with one mind wrack. If you had a screen shot of what they did I am sure people would be willing to give you feedback.

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Hastur.6231


I’m not even going to bother, the thread name is CLONES and you supplied a video of a phantasm build…

Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Rhydian.5412


Here I even made that thing myself, not knowing anything about it, just open with GS, get some illusions out, switch out get some more out, I soloed a warrior just standing behind a rock .. sorry about that whoever it was. I feel dirty for even playing it.

You can see my username on the SS on the bottom left along with my feelings about the class. If I had to stomach to play it more and tweak the weapon runes a bit.. dunno about his choice of Doom I am sure I can double that. That was a first time out faceroll.


Mesmer Clones

in PvP

Posted by: Hastur.6231


You keep talking about how you spammed illusions from behind a rock and “totally pawned noobs and stuff”. But Phantasms are not CLONES!…clones look like the player and deal no damage… good luck standing behind a rock and sending CLONES at your opponent in the hopes of winning a fight.

This thread is not about how the severely nerfed phantasms are OP, or mesmers are OP this thread is about how hard it is to tell CLONES from the mesmer. I already made a list for how to tell clones from the player and other useful and polite people added to that list.

If you feel a need to bash on the mesmer class for any other reasons then people not being able to tell robotic clones from the player please open your own thread or find the existing one if any related to your topic.