Bad reactions after duels

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: TyPin.9860


I am not very experienced in sPvP. I am more of a WvW roamer. But when I make new builds or try out new professions, I do some sPvP to see, if the build idea has potential, before I spend the few I have on gear and such.

However, I noticed that when I defeat another player in a 1v1 scenario (mostly on point) I am being called a noob. That is mostly done by higher ranked players (30+).

I am rank 15 only but my question is: Did the meaning of the word noob change at some point in the game? Because I can’t find the connection between defeating someone and being a noob…

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Teutos.8620


Depends how you won. If you used a build your opponent would call “cheesy” (f.e. mm-necro), then you might still be a noob even tho you won the duel.

EU – Multiple times #1 SoloQ pre Dec 2014 (pure MMR based ladder)
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Leeto.1570


Well in GW2 defeating someone = beeing good.
You are good if you play good not because you created build that can kill players.
I can play minionmancer and kill people with press of 1 button, will that make me good? No.
Then again i can manage my minions do CC chains, ress, defend, interrupt at right time and not even kill anyone but that would actually take more skill.

Judging by your classes my question would be, did you play condi mesmer/mm necro, condi necro/ pw thief or spirit ranger when you killed this guy?

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Soinetwa.5193


well if du defeated him after a 2min fight (during this time the point ticked for the enemy) then u did won against him but it was a noobish move to attack a point that is captured from the enemy in the first place

if u defended it or kep far neutral however…

i cant see why its bad

wvw roamer u say…

something with invisibility ? because inspvp u dont see that much invisibility its in 1v1 fights verrry usefull but u wont capture points.. you loose them

if you kill your target in a fw hits its oka cause then you can recap the point quickly enough…

did u make yourself invisible to stomp and let the enmy with that capture the point??

there are a lot of possibilities xDD

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Everyone thinks that a build which beats them is cheesy. The fact is that if you were to listen to everyone’s opinion of what is “cheese”, then there will be maybe six players in all of PvP who pass muster.

There’s a story about a father and a son taking a donkey into town and they start listening to everyone’s opinion about what they should be doing, who should be sitting on the donkey etc etc. and they finally end up carrying the donkey instead.

PvP is like that. Just a few posts above, a guy rattled of the builds he thinks are “cheese”. It’s all nonsense. A good build is one that gets the job done. End of story. There is no “cheese”.

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

You must be new to PvP in general. If insulting your attacker was a little simpler in WvW you hear it all the time.

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


Not enough information to tell if the term “noob” applies. Winning a 1v1 doesn’t mean a whole lot without the circumstances being explained.

When on my guardian and holding a node, if a PU Mes constantly pushes where I’m at in a 1v1 situation and eventually kills me , it doesn’t mean he was effective. If the Mesmer took 1-2 minutes to get the kill while I held the point and I’m able to run back and de-cap the node in less than 20 seconds (by virtue of the mesmer or thief utilizing invis/stealth), that could be considered noobish.

If you are trying out wvw “roaming type builds” which rely heavily on invis mechanics and mobility (to run away and reset a fight) it could be viewed as you not knowing what you’re doing in a sPvP environment.

However if you go into a match to see if your build does what you need it to and it does fulfills your needs, why would you care? Knowing you may be exhibiting “noob like” behavior as related to a sPvP match really shouldn’t bother you.

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Nova Stiker.8396

Nova Stiker.8396

Any class with condi spam or if you are playing an Engineer or Necromancer. You’ll be called a noob a lot.

Spamgineers perfect build with ranged, melee attacks, snares, stun, pull, block, invisibility, invincibility all wrapped up nicely in a giant 15 weapon lot skill bar. Engineers require skill when kits have a swap cooldown.

Or Necromancers rushing Death Shroud and abuse Deathly Perception to hit super high damage while remaining fairly tanky thanks to Death Shroud amount of bonus health.

Condi-spam is obvious, high ranked players see that kitten all the time (despite always running safety glass builds, which I am tired of myself). Condi-meta is still around and we all want it to go away.

In my opinion in PvP the only class that should be allowed to remain glassy yet have a lot of defensive options are thieves. Yet high tier PvP meta you see 5 players all running glass builds to spike a single opponent and use their get out of damage free cards when in trouble.

May the best invincibility skill win -_-

(edited by Nova Stiker.8396)

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Uhtameit.2413


Any class with condi spam or if you are playing an Engineer or Necromancer. You’ll be called a noob a lot.

Spamgineers perfect build with ranged, melee attacks, snares, stun, pull, block, invisibility, invincibility all wrapped up nicely in a giant 15 weapon lot skill bar. Engineers require skill when kits have a swap cooldown.

Or Necromancers rushing Death Shroud and abuse Deathly Perception to hit super high damage while remaining fairly tanky thanks to Death Shroud amount of bonus health.

Condi-spam is obvious, high ranked players see that kitten all the time (despite always running safety glass builds, which I am tired of myself). Condi-meta is still around and we all want it to go away.

Condi engineers that don’t require skill because no cool down on kits are being compared to Life Blast spamming direct damage necros.


Would read again.

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Lord Hammer Hand.4815

Lord Hammer Hand.4815

even if he used cheesy build like MM necro or other cheesy build, wouldnt be the guy who just die more noob? being killed by a noob?

Pacific Islander Legion [NoyP]
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: sendmark.4731


yeah even if op was using a ‘cheesy’ build, if someone is dumb enough to still 1v1 them and lose…

You must be new to PvP in general. If insulting your attacker was a little simpler in WvW you hear it all the time.

Still get it sometimes with party invites

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Leeto.1570


Its not about build, its about how you play it.
I see player has no cooldowns left and decide to kill him as power necro.
So i can jump in death shroud and just autoattack till he dies OR i could immobilize him autoattack with dagger then jump in death shroud to interrupt hes heal and then finish him off with more dagger autoattack.
In this 1v1 the result is same, enemy is dead, BUT if i actually 2nd method then it is faster, more reliable and instead of loosing life force i actually gain it.

It doesnt matter which spec or class you play there is always good way and bad way how to play it, killing people by playing bad doesnt make you good.

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Carbonize.1530


yeah even if op was using a ‘cheesy’ build, if someone is dumb enough to still 1v1 them and lose…

You must be new to PvP in general. If insulting your attacker was a little simpler in WvW you hear it all the time.

Still get it sometimes with party invites

If you are a bunker it doesn’t mean you’re dumb to stay. As the point holder you know while you just “die slowly” the points are ticking. You could also just be bunking and buying enough time for someone to rotate to you.

Party invites in wvw are always interesting though. However that just comes with the trolling aspect of being a “wvw roamer.” Roamers are typically people with 1v1 specs picking off up-levels or people with large group specs on their way to a tower or zerg etc… nothing really challenging in it so it is kind of troll.

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Some people like to randomly scream noob when being killed by another player,it’s not limited to this game.It happens in alot of multiplayers,Bf4 for e.g.They will Always find a way to say youre a noob after you killed them;

1] Your build
2] Your playstyle
3] Your class..
4] Or simply because he cannot accept the fact that someone else was better than him in a fair 1on1 duel,thus his ego shows up unable to accept this defeat,hence youre a noob because they just cannot for the life of them simply say..GG,well played.

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Lord Hammer Hand.4815

Lord Hammer Hand.4815

Some people like to randomly scream noob when being killed by another player,it’s not limited to this game.It happens in alot of multiplayers,Bf4 for e.g.They will Always find a way to say youre a noob after you killed them;

1] Your build
2] Your playstyle
3] Your class..
4] Or simply because he cannot accept the fact that someone else was better than him in a fair 1on1 duel,thus his ego shows up unable to accept this defeat,hence youre a noob because they just cannot for the life of them simply say..GG,well played.

this ^^^^^^^^^^ well said.

Pacific Islander Legion [NoyP]
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Uhtameit.2413


If you do something that is easy and counters them, you are running a cheese build. When you do what a cheese build can do but in a way that requires more skill, if you die you’re a noob, but if you win it’s still a cheese build. If your build or play style enables you to counter a crucial part of their rotation or routine, you are running a cheese build. If they are running a cheese build, and you do it better or counter it, you are running a cheese build. If you burst and kite, you’re running a cheese build. If you tank all their hits, you’re running a cheese build. If you build to have the best of both, you are running a cheese build. If you use a cheese build, you are a noob. If you fail at using a cheese build, you are a noob. If you don’t use a cheese build and fail, you’re a noob. If no one identifies anything cheesy and you win, you’re a noob out of spite.

So, we all run cheese builds. We’re all noobs. We should instead be calling each other “bigger noob” or stating that the other “uses more cheese”.

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Nova Stiker.8396

Nova Stiker.8396

Any class with condi spam or if you are playing an Engineer or Necromancer. You’ll be called a noob a lot.

Spamgineers perfect build with ranged, melee attacks, snares, stun, pull, block, invisibility, invincibility all wrapped up nicely in a giant 15 weapon lot skill bar. Engineers require skill when kits have a swap cooldown.

Or Necromancers rushing Death Shroud and abuse Deathly Perception to hit super high damage while remaining fairly tanky thanks to Death Shroud amount of bonus health.

Condi-spam is obvious, high ranked players see that kitten all the time (despite always running safety glass builds, which I am tired of myself). Condi-meta is still around and we all want it to go away.

Condi engineers that don’t require skill because no cool down on kits are being compared to Life Blast spamming direct damage necros.


Would read again.

Spamgineers basically have 23 skills available at any time and have nearly every mechanic in a single utility setup. I highlighted why Engineers have no skill for you.

As for Shroud Necros, the amount of damage and defense they have is stupid. It’s not entirely a no thought build but it’s low risk, high reward. They can run into a middle of a team fight, spam wells, shroud up, Life Transfer the enemy team dealing insane AoE damage then kite back and poke with Life Blast, jobs done, GG, easy.

Basically a super version of D/D Ele. I couldn’t care less about Dhuumfire, ArenaNet made it very clear you always have to carry heavy condition removal for now on.

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Uhtameit.2413


Spamgineers basically have 23 skills available at any time and have nearly every mechanic in a single utility setup. I highlighted why Engineers have no skill for you.

As for Shroud Necros, the amount of damage and defense they have is stupid. It’s not entirely a no thought build but it’s low risk, high reward. They can run into a middle of a team fight, spam wells, shroud up, Life Transfer the enemy team dealing insane AoE damage then kite back and poke with Life Blast, jobs done, GG, easy.

Basically a super version of D/D Ele. I couldn’t care less about Dhuumfire, ArenaNet made it very clear you always have to carry heavy condition removal for now on.

23 skills available at any time? You’re assuming that kit skills have no cool down and that tool belt skills and auto attacks are all useful then.
Tbh I don’t even know how you reach 23 (5 skills from weapon set, 5*2 from 2 kits, 4 from tool belt, 1 utility, 1 heal, 1 elite = 22).
Btw, complaining about “spamming” when spamming actually is using your skills when you have to do is kinda…clueless? if one class is capable of spamming, it is thief.

I like your reasoning : engineers have many skills (most of which are situational and can’t be used at all times) therefore playing the class doesn’t take skill. It’s just..woah !

As for direct damage necros, yes, they can go in the middle of the team fight, spam wells, do AoE damage. Then they can survive some if they are using soldier’s, or die if they are using berserker’s. The funny part is when you say they can kite which indeed they can with spectral walk and wurm, they can kite to a very little extent but then they can’t use wells, can they now?
Necros actually have very bad mobility and as long as you don’t walk on the wells like a newb, they can’t deal good direct AoE damage (and a good glass necro will take ground targeted wells and won’t walk into the team fight, btw).

You are comparing direct damage necros which have many ranged options to D/D ele? are we playing the same game? that comparison doesn’t make any bit of sense but then given how clueless the rest of your post is, I shouldn’t be surprised.

Also, Dhuumfire is getting nerfed so you know…

Edit: after some research, I found out some funny stuff

1) you think glass necros can roam despite their lack of mobility

2)you think Chaith is bad

So yeah, you’re kinda clueless.

(edited by Uhtameit.2413)

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Aenaos.8160


I am not very experienced in sPvP. I am more of a WvW roamer. But when I make new builds or try out new professions, I do some sPvP to see, if the build idea has potential, before I spend the few I have on gear and such.

However, I noticed that when I defeat another player in a 1v1 scenario (mostly on point) I am being called a noob. That is mostly done by higher ranked players (30+).

I am rank 15 only but my question is: Did the meaning of the word noob change at some point in the game? Because I can’t find the connection between defeating someone and being a noob…

If they defeated you,they’d still call you a ‘noob’ so
don’t take it too seriously.
Do not respond,and don’t try to reason with them,but in case
you want to start a conversation the only valid response
when you’re being called a ‘noob’, is ‘Bob with two Os’.

-Win a pip,lose a pip,win a pip,lose a pip,lose a pip,
lose a pip,win 2 pips,lose a pip,lose a pip…………..-
-Go go Espartz.-

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


If you’re good and you win, or smart and play a build that gets kitten done, you’re a noob.

You’re only good if you’re good at taking a beating and play builds that purposefully suck just so you can be “PvP ethical”.

Hope this helps!

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: TyPin.9860


Some people asked for more information. Well the last situation I even recorded. Because I was trying out guardian for the first time in sPvP with this build: click me! I wanted to record it, for me to review it and to improve on mistakes. I main a Mesmer, so playing guardian is completely new to me in a PvP environment.

And the video is here:

I guess I will – for the sake of my precious fragile ego – redefine the word “noob” as an acronym for night-shrouded overlord of beasts

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

(edited by TyPin.9860)

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: glaphen.5230


You are playing in hotjoin and fighting a bearbowbad, it was the natural result.

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: TyPin.9860


I am a night-shrouded overlord of beasts?

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


I don’t know how you could even hear him talk with his face in the dirt like that.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Ugruk.4069


He was just jealous of you clear superior pvp fighting skills!

Top quality back peddaling right there keep it up!

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


i find most rank 1-20s are almost always hambows,
so if you are one of those clones and your build killed someone while you watched,
then yes you’re a noob.
but if you’re not using a meta clone build then the person was just sore about losing.

sometimes you can kill people as ele and they’ll still call you a noob, even if they’re playing PWthief or hambow.

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Play a thief people will send you hate mails.

I call it “fanmail”.

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


Play a thief people will send you hate mails.

I call it “fanmail”.

Funny, that’s what I call all the mail I get on my MM.
It’s good because at first it was hard playing MM, requiring tears to summon the dead, but now that I’m flooded with tiers, the undead are practically growing like weeds!

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: DanzelOPP.5068


If you are rank 15…your are a noob. So they used the word correctly.


Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


So, you won right? Regardless of the build you used. You won. So what if it’s a cheese build or a sperimental build or a high skill cap build. You won. Kudos to you and ignore the hate

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Conncept.7638


Depends how you won. If you used a build your opponent would call “cheesy” (f.e. mm-necro), then you might still be a noob even tho you won the duel.

I was using (and doing quite well with) MM necro in PvP a year ago, now I can’t without people getting kittened. Why does Anet have to screw with perfectly fine builds just because they aren’t popular?

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Syde.5961


You were probably called a noob because….

1. You didn’t let the enemy bleed off point.
2. You took too long winning a 1 v 1 and ended up losing the lead. (Never fight a bunker 1 v 1 unless you can dispatch them quickly)
3. Your team ended up losing a point and getting wiped b/c you didn’t rotate for them.

There’s a lot more reasons you could have been called a noob. Remember tpvp is about being a team, no one cares if you can win a 1 v 1.

Og Salmonder [oT] – Warrior
Stormbluff Isle

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Seifer Thalaen.7869

Seifer Thalaen.7869

Winning 1v1 fights in gw2 is 80% build related…that’s why 1v1 isn’t an indicator of skills at all..playing good as a team is, you can win all 1v1 fights and still getting owned cause you just afk on points or can’t rotate-cc-rez-backup properly leaving your mates outnumbered so at the end of the day you’re still gonna be a noob..those ppl are usually called hj heroes…cause only hj rambos actually care about “I’ll kill ya 1v1 come duel!!1!1!”
Also keep in mind that tpvp builds are usually NOT supposed to be dueling specs cause there’s no point on wasting time on worthless dueling while you can roam and fast outnumber your opponent if you want to get the point…

(edited by Seifer Thalaen.7869)

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Gwalchgwn.1659


You were probably called a noob because….

1. You didn’t let the enemy bleed off point.
2. You took too long winning a 1 v 1 and ended up losing the lead. (Never fight a bunker 1 v 1 unless you can dispatch them quickly)
3. Your team ended up losing a point and getting wiped b/c you didn’t rotate for them.

There’s a lot more reasons you could have been called a noob. Remember tpvp is about being a team, no one cares if you can win a 1 v 1.

Except he was doing sPvP. I’m wondering if he means solo queue or hot join though. If it’s solo queue, your criteria still fit. In hot join, he just got hated for killing someone.

Ring of Fire
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: RaZaC.1963


Well done OP:


Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: TyPin.9860


You were probably called a noob because….

1. You didn’t let the enemy bleed off point.
2. You took too long winning a 1 v 1 and ended up losing the lead. (Never fight a bunker 1 v 1 unless you can dispatch them quickly)
3. Your team ended up losing a point and getting wiped b/c you didn’t rotate for them.

There’s a lot more reasons you could have been called a noob. Remember tpvp is about being a team, no one cares if you can win a 1 v 1.

Except he was doing sPvP. I’m wondering if he means solo queue or hot join though. If it’s solo queue, your criteria still fit. In hot join, he just got hated for killing someone.

It was a normal hot joined.

I also want to point out, that – as far as my understanding goes – noob was used as term, for people, who simply refused to learn and were more pron to trolling people. However, it was a simple hot joined. In my not long carrier in sPvP I have rarely seen a fair hot joined and to win a hot joined match is certainly not my goal.

I was there, as previously described, to test builds, that I finally want to use in WvW roaming. I was capping a point from the enemy, who just had capped it and have defended that point from him. This mere event does not qualify to call someone a noob, not me, nor that ranger. I know he was just a kiddo, that thinks winning in GW2 is an actual achievement. Or he was in some bad mood or smth. But the attitude in “competitive” gaming is horrible and terms are used wrongly all the time, to insult others to make yourself feel better.

Didn’t expect, that some1 takes this thread serious enough to really answer here and try to analyze it and to bring forward justifications, that would allow the correct usage of the word noob. While the mere events do not provide evidence of any noobish behaviour. Only a duel with an angry kid and an amused me.

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: TyPin.9860


Well done OP:

Nice, I didn’t see that before, but this thread has surely developed like that :P

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Syde.5961


yeah, if it was a hotjoin, the guy was definitely raging over dying xP

Og Salmonder [oT] – Warrior
Stormbluff Isle

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Clear.8512


If you are called a noob they are just trying to protect their online ego and don’t count it as a loss due to some imaginary technicality in their head.

Kind of when sport teams lose and all you see * the refs handed them the game, that was a BS call* anything to keep them perfect in their own little world.

Bad reactions after duels

in PvP

Posted by: Jaxom.7310


If you are called a noob they are just trying to protect their online ego and don’t count it as a loss due to some imaginary technicality in their head.

Kind of when sport teams lose and all you see * the refs handed them the game, that was a BS call* anything to keep them perfect in their own little world.

Right but the ref IS from their city so, its like it was rigged from the beginning. We can all agree it was a bs call tho right?