Punishment for leavers

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Rubajz.3290


I think this game really need some serious punishment for people who leave during match or dont enter the match at all. When playing solo queue too often somebody leave match and that ruin everything for the other four people. Some glory penalty and if that person leave more than 5 times disable spvp queue for some time (ideally for ever). Recent patch about disconnects didnt change anything and 4 of 10 matches I dont finish in five players. I really think one person should not be able to ruin everything for other four.

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: mbh.8301


I don’t think that 4 players should be able to ruin everything for the other one.
If he doesn’t want to pvp then he has no obligation to you or the community to stay in the match.

[quote=1567239;Lexie.5894:] My PVP experience is very consistent. I run around,
I fight people, sometimes they kill me, sometimes I kill them. Fun is had by all. [/quote]

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: SweetPotato.7456


There’s a problem thou, sometime you enter a game where players say they are dueling. which means you have to leave, because there’s no point staying. It only make them hate you.

before you assume anything, no i do not leave a game (unless someone specifically said they are dueling) not even when i am the only player left. because the game will adjust itself to balance the teams. because i have limited play time, i don’t need to be wasting them on finding the “perfect” game.

Guild Wars 2 Forever

(edited by SweetPotato.7456)

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Authority.6145


It don’t matter. Most of you don’t even communicate or don’t want to communicate. Soloque is majorly ruined not by premade vs pugs but having absolutely no communication.

So what I am trying to say punishing leavers/afkers/w.e is insignificant and holds no value and should be lower priority than the everything else.

So for example if let us say I get 100 soloque and no one talks and we are always 4v5 I wouldn’t mind at all. If it was the opposite then yes I would care since I would share with the rest something called group effort.

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: mbh.8301


Soloque is majorly ruined not by having absolutely no communication.

This game isn’t exactly demanding of someone’s critical thinking.

You shouldn’t have to tell someone who’s running a defensive staff ele build not to try to solo svanir while home point is being backcapped. Most tactics are equally obvious, but people don’t really bother to turn their brains on during matches.

[quote=1567239;Lexie.5894:] My PVP experience is very consistent. I run around,
I fight people, sometimes they kill me, sometimes I kill them. Fun is had by all. [/quote]

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Authority.6145


Soloque is majorly ruined not by having absolutely no communication.

This game isn’t exactly demanding of someone’s critical thinking.

You shouldn’t have to tell someone who’s running a defensive staff ele build not to try to solo svanir while home point is being backcapped. Most tactics are equally obvious, but people don’t really bother to turn their brains on during matches.

Shouldn’t and how it is differ. I agree with your points but that is the most fundamental issue for me in Soloqueing. Also talking about who is doing what, where is the enemy and so many things to list within 2m before the match starts, gives you a sense of community and a group purpose.

Allot of things could be fixed with the SPvP scene first before the rest in order to have better sense of belonging to a group sharing common goals.

I would like to think, most (including me) are apathetic towards the result in soloqueing since there is this apathy in team work.

Hope you get what I mean.

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Justbob.5897


I think this game really need some serious punishment for people who leave during match or dont enter the match at all. When playing solo queue too often somebody leave match and that ruin everything for the other four people. Some glory penalty and if that person leave more than 5 times disable spvp queue for some time (ideally for ever). Recent patch about disconnects didnt change anything and 4 of 10 matches I dont finish in five players. I really think one person should not be able to ruin everything for other four.

Instead of punishing the players that decide to leave (Note: people do have other reasons to leave early, other than game issues) they should fix it so nobody would want to leave. “Like being matched up with ranks 1-10 when you’re 30 or higher against pre-mades” -popular complaint.

Honestly I find it more annoying playing with a couple friends yet we get 1-2 solo que people that don’t want to communicate or simply read chat.. So they end up ignoring us, being essentially an empty spot on the team and ruining it for the rest of us. Should there be a similar system in place to punish those players? No.

Just Bob – Ele – Revel – BlackGate

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


I don’t think that 4 players should be able to ruin everything for the other one.
If he doesn’t want to pvp then he has no obligation to you or the community to stay in the match.

Don’t q if u don’t want to pvp. By quitting your making a bad match even worse for 4 other people. Nobody is saying you cant quit, we are saying some sort of in game penalty should exist. Like it does in pretty much every other successful pvp game. League etc.

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Turial.1293


For regular sPvP I think there is no problem with coming and going, that is how the format runs but for tPvP yes it gets frustrating when you enter a tournie and get a team of 3v5 and a glory penalty is a great idea, in fact I have been saying it myself for months. I once spent over 2 hours doing tournies before i got a full 5-man team and that is ridiculous. As “daydream” says above, which was gonna be my response also to “mbh”, if you dont want to play then don’t queue up. There also needs to be a way to officially leave a tournie match, I would rather take 1-200 points loss than sit in a doomed match for 15 minutes.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


I don’t think that 4 players should be able to ruin everything for the other one.
If he doesn’t want to pvp then he has no obligation to you or the community to stay in the match.

how are 4 players ruining anything for the one? he is the one who queued up for something he didn’t have time for and should be punished. If you DC all the time you shouldnt be doing rated, if you have to ninja afk all the time you shouldnt be doing rated. If someone does either of those all the time they should be punished for it.

sounds like you are someone who regularly does this and doesnt want to be punished for constantly ruining the game for many people.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Valkyriez.6578


Once leader boards go visible it might be different. Quitting, leaving or afking will drop your ranking if its done right. Some people won’t care either way, but most will.

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Duncanmix.5238


Some things that annoy me:
- 5v5 but one of players is just standing afk all match
- 5v4 (this seems to be fixed because now if someone dc before match u get new player)
-5v5 but one guy leave in middle of match rage quit

- implement replay system, so that after match we can somehow store that match (similar to dota 1).
- we can submit replay to anet and report afkers
- if someone do like 2 times afk or rage quit – ban 2 or 3 days

Gunnar’s Hold

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Turial.1293


Fact is when I end up in a 3v5 or 4v5 match I just sit there at spawn, because 97% of the time you will get face-rolled by the full team of 5. I find the faster the match ends, the faster I can queue up for a full team, thankfully I have not had as many 3-4 teams since the update but it still does happen. I would not mind taking a point drop if it meant I could get a full team faster.

I would actually LOVE the system from LoL to be used here, it might increase the reports on players and the already prevalent childish behaviour will increase but at least players will feel they are making a difference when reporting rage quitters, afk’ers and downright unpleasant people to play with, that sense of control is important.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Skugga.5298


I was about to make a similar thread, this is just frustrating ; (

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: matjazmuhic.1649


I agree. In gw1 there was such punishment that if you left in the middle of the game you got a special debuff which prevented you to play pvp for 5min. Sounds good to me. Or glory/rank points punishment. Or both. Something. Please.

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


I don’t think that 4 players should be able to ruin everything for the other one.
If he doesn’t want to pvp then he has no obligation to you or the community to stay in the match.

Don’t q if u don’t want to pvp. By quitting your making a bad match even worse for 4 other people. Nobody is saying you cant quit, we are saying some sort of in game penalty should exist. Like it does in pretty much every other successful pvp game. League etc.

I agree with you. The issue is in tournament games, nobody cares about hotjoins, you can just swap teams if your one of those have to have 100% wins kind of person. They do this because of that as well because the match isn’t official until the game is won and if your not present at the time it wont consider it a match at all.

They just need to start recording the people who are in the que of the match at start, record it as a game for all of those people, and then record the win if they win or not. That way if someone leaves its guaranteed that they lost, if they lost.

And the 4v5 thing, I’ve seen some 4 people teams barely win, like 15% of the time. It may make you rage but take this time to hone your skills or just backcap.

Oh btw I’ve made 2 threads on this, I seem to make them when I keep getting terrible luck like you with 2 hours of 4v5.

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: shaolin.9716


No point punishing anyone in such a small pool of players.

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Turial.1293


No point punishing anyone in such a small pool of players.

so you find it acceptable if 1,2,3,4? players of your team decide to quit in a tourney or just decide not to play and afk…. that is fair to you? they should not be punished? why? because of the lack of players? there is several reasons why there is a lack players, one of them being that any kitten will enter a tournie and not show up and another reason being this happens for 2+ hours some days.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


Spirit watch is one of the maps where people will leave the game, because it goes straight into a team fight and when the other team dominates you, people lose all hope and leave.

like 50% of time I play this people zerg in middle, if they all go down super fast, they lose hope and leave. This is the only map I know that plays like this, the other maps people are smart enough to not zerg the middle, at least in tournaments that is.

So expect more threads like this while spirit watch is current.

(edited by uberkingkong.8041)

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: RoRo.8270


Some things that annoy me:
- 5v5 but one of players is just standing afk all match
- 5v4 (this seems to be fixed because now if someone dc before match u get new player)
-5v5 but one guy leave in middle of match rage quit

- implement replay system, so that after match we can somehow store that match (similar to dota 1).
- we can submit replay to anet and report afkers
- if someone do like 2 times afk or rage quit – ban 2 or 3 days

I highly doubt anet has the man power to watch tonnes of replays

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Authority.6145


No point punishing anyone in such a small pool of players.

so you find it acceptable if 1,2,3,4? players of your team decide to quit in a tourney or just decide not to play and afk…. that is fair to you? they should not be punished? why? because of the lack of players? there is several reasons why there is a lack players, one of them being that any kitten will enter a tournie and not show up and another reason being this happens for 2+ hours some days.

The main problem is not the people that leave. That is something insignificant and really trivial if you consider other issues which is the bigger picture in here;

MMR and Com so in other words SoloQue.

People wouldn’t leave if soloque was enjoyable. That is the fact and that is the problem.

People won’t randomly leave things because they do not care; it is because they do not see enough reasons to care enough to stay.

So for example Spirit Map is the map I expect people to leave more often than other maps because it is pretty clear how easily the gap widens there.

So in other words, before you start blaming the people that leave next time think why they are leaving.

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

I’d be fine with some sort of penalty being added, but honestly 99% of the time when someone leaves it’s against a good premade when our pug is down 150 points and clearly not going to have any success.

I’d rather just wrap it up and move on at that point anyway.

Occasions where people drop really early (i.e they’re afk or just didn’t feel like playing) have been very rare to me.

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Ldrouka.4281


It just happened to me twice in a row. Leaving after 1 minute. These people should get some sort of PvP cool down. You leave, you can’t play sPvP for 1 hour. After five times, make it a day, or a week for example.

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: mongolianmisfit.8350


No point punishing anyone in such a small pool of players.

so you find it acceptable if 1,2,3,4? players of your team decide to quit in a tourney or just decide not to play and afk…. that is fair to you? they should not be punished? why? because of the lack of players? there is several reasons why there is a lack players, one of them being that any kitten will enter a tournie and not show up and another reason being this happens for 2+ hours some days.

The main problem is not the people that leave. That is something insignificant and really trivial if you consider other issues which is the bigger picture in here;

MMR and Com so in other words SoloQue.

People wouldn’t leave if soloque was enjoyable. That is the fact and that is the problem.

People won’t randomly leave things because they do not care; it is because they do not see enough reasons to care enough to stay.

So for example Spirit Map is the map I expect people to leave more often than other maps because it is pretty clear how easily the gap widens there.

So in other words, before you start blaming the people that leave next time think why they are leaving.

Yep. I used to have plenty of charisma and love for the game but since last patch I am extremely frustrated at the solo queue. So, if my team isn’t doing enough catch up, if the enemy team hits 450, I leave. Why should I stay? We will lose any way. We get nothing out of it. I get nothing out of it. I rather cool off and wait than be irritated.

(edited by mongolianmisfit.8350)

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


I don’t think that 4 players should be able to ruin everything for the other one.
If he doesn’t want to pvp then he has no obligation to you or the community to stay in the match.

Yes he does. He signed up for it and based on that, others are present. He very much has an obligation to fulfill. A ban is extremely reasonable.

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Ldrouka.4281


No point punishing anyone in such a small pool of players.

so you find it acceptable if 1,2,3,4? players of your team decide to quit in a tourney or just decide not to play and afk…. that is fair to you? they should not be punished? why? because of the lack of players? there is several reasons why there is a lack players, one of them being that any kitten will enter a tournie and not show up and another reason being this happens for 2+ hours some days.

The main problem is not the people that leave. That is something insignificant and really trivial if you consider other issues which is the bigger picture in here;

MMR and Com so in other words SoloQue.

People wouldn’t leave if soloque was enjoyable. That is the fact and that is the problem.

People won’t randomly leave things because they do not care; it is because they do not see enough reasons to care enough to stay.

So for example Spirit Map is the map I expect people to leave more often than other maps because it is pretty clear how easily the gap widens there.

So in other words, before you start blaming the people that leave next time think why they are leaving.

Yep. I used to have plenty of charisma and love for the game but since last patch I am extremely frustrated at the solo queue. So, if my team isn’t doing enough catch up, if the enemy team hits 450, I leave. Why should I stay? We will lose any way. We get nothing out of it. I get nothing out of it. I rather cool off and wait than be irritated.

Problem is people leaving long before that. And even leaving at 450 is a kid comportement.

Remember when I said I just had 4 vs 5 two times ? I just got 2 afk. Wonder if Anet will do anything about this…

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: joukuoj.2075


probably read it somewhere but if you take sPVP like in other games(check PVP locker for rewards) you will +- be fine(more or less imbalance is in every MMORPG, they working on it like in any other game)

not sure how leaderboards count loss when at start 1 leave and rest of tournament is 4vs5, ofc ppl can leave for many reasons, but it weak team and you cant get new 1 after start(at least never got some1) leaver got loss, but what about rest of team(actually won 4vs5 once) so not sure if you even can take leaderboards serious(well maybe after few months)

if some1 take sPVP here like “esport” yes you cant(pls before you tell me you can or something like “if they make PVP patch they can have esport here” check games which have it)

PS i think whole thing about esports in GW2 is about marketing like:
PR: checked market=esport=more money
PR:make sPVP like esport
devs:want make sPVP for fun thinking how to explain to them and then say we cant
PR:make it we told them they will have it

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Authority.6145


No point punishing anyone in such a small pool of players.

so you find it acceptable if 1,2,3,4? players of your team decide to quit in a tourney or just decide not to play and afk…. that is fair to you? they should not be punished? why? because of the lack of players? there is several reasons why there is a lack players, one of them being that any kitten will enter a tournie and not show up and another reason being this happens for 2+ hours some days.

The main problem is not the people that leave. That is something insignificant and really trivial if you consider other issues which is the bigger picture in here;

MMR and Com so in other words SoloQue.

People wouldn’t leave if soloque was enjoyable. That is the fact and that is the problem.

People won’t randomly leave things because they do not care; it is because they do not see enough reasons to care enough to stay.

So for example Spirit Map is the map I expect people to leave more often than other maps because it is pretty clear how easily the gap widens there.

So in other words, before you start blaming the people that leave next time think why they are leaving.

Yep. I used to have plenty of charisma and love for the game but since last patch I am extremely frustrated at the solo queue. So, if my team isn’t doing enough catch up, if the enemy team hits 450, I leave. Why should I stay? We will lose any way. We get nothing out of it. I get nothing out of it. I rather cool off and wait than be irritated.

Problem is people leaving long before that. And even leaving at 450 is a kid comportement.

Remember when I said I just had 4 vs 5 two times ? I just got 2 afk. Wonder if Anet will do anything about this…

No player/human leaves when he is winning unless he has to (real life). And SPvP is frustrating as it is so people wouldn’t just waste 10-14m of their time just to troll on others.

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Rezz.8019


They lose a lot of the invisible rating. That’s enough of a punishment

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Hugs.1856


They lose as much rating as if they had stayed and actually lost according to the FAQ.

It’s just not dissuading enough, plus the other players in the team are penalised because of one leaver.

Ideally there would be no early leaver because the matches are balanced (hi matchmaking!)

But there are, so Anet needs to identify genuine dc’s from leavers and punish these hard. Rating loss plus incapacity to rejoin soloQ.

And if they can make it so that the other players in the team don’t take the full loss that would be great.

Of course you need to prevent exploits: full loss taken if leaving happens after the enemy team reaches say 400, full loss taken automatically anyway for the other players in the roster…

Anet needs no to disclose the specifics so people can’t abuse it too much but a but of dissuading warning would have an impact I’d think.

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Empiren.6401


I don’t think that 4 players should be able to ruin everything for the other one.
If he doesn’t want to pvp then he has no obligation to you or the community to stay in the match.

Except he queued for it, therefore he accepted an obligation to play with the other 4.

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Stof.9584


Soon. It’s obvious, there should be punishment for leaving/afking/griefing.

Removal from queuing for a period of time would be the simplest fix. League of Legends’ tribunal is a good example of a community driven punishment system.

Desolation EU – Necromancer / Thief
Top 100 Solo Q for a full minute

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Seryi.7936


Except he queued for it, therefore he accepted an obligation to play with the other 4.

Uhh, no. When I solo queue, I’m not signing a contract saying I’m obligated to play with anybody. I’m queuing up to a play a frigging game and have some fun.

If that means leaving because the other team has 450 points to our 120 and ticking upwards, or because the matchmaking put me in a stupidly imbalanced match-up (Hi rank 30-40 premades!), you’re kitten right I’ll do it.

I didn’t sign anything legally binding me to sit there and get facerolled, farmed, or remain there when it’s already over. I paid for this game to be entertained, not hold hands with everybody.

All these punishments would do is make PvP more of a ghost town then it already is, anyway.

If you want people to stay in tournament matches, give them incentives to do so beyond a meaningless rank.

Tarnished Coast, Thief main, Asura.

(edited by Seryi.7936)

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Except he queued for it, therefore he accepted an obligation to play with the other 4.

Uhh, no. When I solo queue, I’m not signing a contract saying I’m obligated to play with anybody. I’m queuing up to a play a frigging game and have some fun.

If that means leaving because the other team has 450 points to our 120 and ticking upwards, or because the matchmaking put me in a stupidly imbalanced match-up (Hi rank 30-40 premades!), you’re kitten right I’ll do it.

I didn’t sign anything legally binding me to sit there and get facerolled, farmed, or remain there when it’s already over. I paid for this game to be entertained, not hold hands with everybody.

All these punishments would do is make PvP more of a ghost town then it already is, anyway.

If you want people to stay in tournament matches, give them incentives to do so beyond a meaningless rank.

No one’s taking you to court and filing a case against you for leaving. This is a private community. And if you make an agreement to play, then you better kitten well play. Or don’t queue.

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Seryi.7936


No one’s taking you to court and filing a case against you for leaving. This is a private community. And if you make an agreement to play, then you better kitten well play. Or don’t queue.

Give people a reason to care beyond a rank that, in the current state of balance and absolutely bonkers matchmaking, doesn’t even matter.

Until then, people will continue to leave when they feel there’s no reason to stay.

PvP in this game is a complete joke at the moment. Pay me to care – or don’t get upset when I leave rather then face another premade full of players thirty ranks above me.

Tarnished Coast, Thief main, Asura.

(edited by Seryi.7936)

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


No one’s taking you to court and filing a case against you for leaving. This is a private community. And if you make an agreement to play, then you better kitten well play. Or don’t queue.

Give people a reason to care beyond a rank that, in the current state of balance and absolutely bonkers matchmaking, doesn’t even matter.

Until then, people will continue to leave when they feel there’s no reason to stay.

PvP in this game is a complete joke at the moment. Pay me to care – or don’t get upset when I leave rather then face another premade full of players thirty ranks above me.

People will always leave regardless. Even in GW1 people used to leave. And they were punished. There’s no need to offer a carrot to stay when a nice fat stick will do just fine. It’s not as if it’s not deserved.

And how do you know the ranks of either your team members or the other party before the match starts anyway? In any case it doesn’t matter. Stay or get penalized.

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Seryi.7936


People will always leave regardless. Even in GW1 people used to leave. And they were punished. There’s no need to offer a carrot to stay when a nice fat stick will do just fine. It’s not as if it’s not deserved.

And how do you know the ranks of either your team members or the other party before the match starts anyway? In any case it doesn’t matter. Stay or get penalized.

Yeah, I’m sure your change would help the PvP that’s already on its last legs. People on this forum make me laugh sometimes. Then again, you’re a guy who actually thinks thieves are overpowered…LOL.

Maybe if you start by separating solo and team queuers, you’ll get a lot more people inclined to stay and play a match out rather then quit or AFK. Until then, no, people aren’t going to stay to get farmed…so enjoy it.

People would take PvP way more seriously if it was balanced in the first place.

Tarnished Coast, Thief main, Asura.

(edited by Seryi.7936)

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


People will always leave regardless. Even in GW1 people used to leave. And they were punished. There’s no need to offer a carrot to stay when a nice fat stick will do just fine. It’s not as if it’s not deserved.

And how do you know the ranks of either your team members or the other party before the match starts anyway? In any case it doesn’t matter. Stay or get penalized.

Yeah, I’m sure your change would help the PvP that’s already on its last legs. People on this forum make me laugh sometimes. Then again, you’re a guy who actually thinks thieves are overpowered…LOL.

Maybe if you start by separating solo and team queuers, you’ll get a lot more people inclined to stay and play a match out rather then quit or AFK. Until then, no, people aren’t going to stay to get farmed…so enjoy it.

People would take PvP way more seriously if it was balanced in the first place.

Thieves are unnecessarily annoying not OP. And way to go off topic.

I don’t understand who’s forcing you to play PvP or who’s forcing you to sign up for a tPvP tournament in the first place. If you don’t like it, don’t. But if you do, you signal that you’re willing to give your very best with your team.

If you leave, you deserve to be punished. No one will take you to court – don’t worry. It’s not a legally binding contract. But you will be punished regardless. They had it in GW1 and it’s only a matter of time before they bring it here too.

Too bad for you.

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Seryi.7936


Thieves are unnecessarily annoying not OP. And way to go off topic.

I don’t understand who’s forcing you to play PvP or who’s forcing you to sign up for a tPvP tournament in the first place. If you don’t like it, don’t. But if you do, you signal that you’re willing to give your very best with your team.

If you leave, you deserve to be punished. No one will take you to court – don’t worry. It’s not a legally binding contract. But you will be punished regardless. They had it in GW1 and it’s only a matter of time before they bring it here too.

Too bad for you.

It has nothing to do with anybody forcing you to play so much as it is you wanting to punish players who never had a chance in the first place, because they solo queued and got put up against a premade of guys all from the same guild on VOIP.

If you can’t understand the point why this is causing issues, I bid you to brush up on your reading comprehension skills. Or maybe you’re one of those premade guys who feels some sense of superiority by farming pugs?

It doesn’t matter anyway, because clearly if the developers agreed with you, they would’ve put in the dishonorable hex to begin with rather then wait to fix these issues. Nobody is going to stay in a game so they can get farmed by a premade when they SOLO QUEUED. They’re not obligated to stay there and get crushed for you and your guildies’ amusement.

Too bad for you.

Tarnished Coast, Thief main, Asura.

(edited by Seryi.7936)

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Thieves are unnecessarily annoying not OP. And way to go off topic.

I don’t understand who’s forcing you to play PvP or who’s forcing you to sign up for a tPvP tournament in the first place. If you don’t like it, don’t. But if you do, you signal that you’re willing to give your very best with your team.

If you leave, you deserve to be punished. No one will take you to court – don’t worry. It’s not a legally binding contract. But you will be punished regardless. They had it in GW1 and it’s only a matter of time before they bring it here too.

Too bad for you.

It has nothing to do with anybody forcing you to play so much as it is you wanting to punish players who never had a chance in the first place, because they solo queued and got put up against a premade of guys all from the same guild on VOIP.

If you can’t understand the point why this is causing issues, I bid you to brush up on your reading comprehension skills. Or maybe you’re one of those premade guys who feels some sense of superiority by farming pugs?

It doesn’t matter anyway, because clearly if the developers agreed with you, they would’ve put in the dishonorable hex to begin with rather then wait to fix these issues. Nobody is going to stay in a game so they can get farmed by a premade when they SOLO QUEUED. They’re not obligated to stay there and get crushed for you and your guildies’ amusement.

Too bad for you.

Right. By that logic every single aspect of the game is something developers intended and nothing should ever be fixed!

Remember when you tPvP you make a commitment to your team. You live and die with them. When you abandon your team you break that commitment and will get a debuff like you deserve. If you want to just look out for yourself, go to hotjoin.

If you solo join, you may be alone initially but you’re put into an arena with people who are your TEAM. You work together and you stick it out no matter how bad it is.

Like I said before, it was there in GW1 and it’s coming to GW2 whether you like it or not.

FYI I have never left a tPvP tournament even if two guys leave. I stay and fight till the game is over. Even if the score is 470 – 80. Or whatever.

Because to leave would be a betrayal of the team I voluntarily joined up with.

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Seryi.7936


Right. By that logic every single aspect of the game is something developers intended and nothing should ever be fixed!

Remember when you tPvP you make a commitment to your team. You live and die with them. When you abandon your team you break that commitment and will get a debuff like you deserve. If you want to just look out for yourself, go to hotjoin.

If you solo join, you may be alone initially but you’re put into an arena with people who are your TEAM. You work together and you stick it out no matter how bad it is.

Like I said before, it was there in GW1 and it’s coming to GW2 whether you like it or not.

FYI I have never left a tPvP tournament even if two guys leave. I stay and fight till the game is over. Even if the score is 470 – 80. Or whatever.

Because to leave would be a betrayal of the team I voluntarily joined up with.

“When you solo queue, you make a commitment to your team and you should stay there whether you like it or not!”

So where’s the dishonorable hex then if it was so successful, hm?

It’s a game. If you think it’s completely balanced and fair to pair solo queuers up against premades because it’s ‘the right thing to do’ and your ‘commitment’…wow. Just wow.

As long as solo queuers are going to be put up against premades, you’re going to see leavers and AFKers, whether you like it or not. If you actually bothered to make the playing field SOMEWHAT balanced, then sure, add a dishonorable hex.

But until then, it’s a band-aid solution at best, and not even a good one – and it won’t stop people from ditching, whether you like it or not. You should try reading before you post.

Tarnished Coast, Thief main, Asura.

(edited by Seryi.7936)

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Hugs.1856


Solo’ers vs premades isn’t the issue, the matchmaking algorithm is.

Anyone has probably beaten a full team when solo’ing and teams have probably lost to pugs more than once.

Separating soloQ and team queues doesn’t tackle the root of the problem : the matchmaking and rating algorithm. There’s a balance to be found to get fair matches 95% of the time without separating the queues.

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


Right. By that logic every single aspect of the game is something developers intended and nothing should ever be fixed!

Remember when you tPvP you make a commitment to your team. You live and die with them. When you abandon your team you break that commitment and will get a debuff like you deserve. If you want to just look out for yourself, go to hotjoin.

If you solo join, you may be alone initially but you’re put into an arena with people who are your TEAM. You work together and you stick it out no matter how bad it is.

Like I said before, it was there in GW1 and it’s coming to GW2 whether you like it or not.

FYI I have never left a tPvP tournament even if two guys leave. I stay and fight till the game is over. Even if the score is 470 – 80. Or whatever.

Because to leave would be a betrayal of the team I voluntarily joined up with.

“When you solo queue, you make a commitment to your team and you should stay there whether you like it or not!”

So where’s the dishonorable hex then if it was so successful, hm?

It’s a game. If you think it’s completely balanced and fair to pair solo queuers up against premades because it’s ‘the right thing to do’ and your ‘commitment’…wow. Just wow.

As long as solo queuers are going to be put up against premades, you’re going to see leavers and AFKers, whether you like it or not. If you actually bothered to make the playing field SOMEWHAT balanced, then sure, add a dishonorable hex.

But until then, it’s a band-aid solution at best, and not even a good one – and it won’t stop people from ditching, whether you like it or not. You should try reading before you post.

that’s all great but there are people not showing up for matches period or quitting in pug v pug as soon as they start losing. pug vs premade is a separate fix from the losers who leave or don’t show up.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Right. By that logic every single aspect of the game is something developers intended and nothing should ever be fixed!

Remember when you tPvP you make a commitment to your team. You live and die with them. When you abandon your team you break that commitment and will get a debuff like you deserve. If you want to just look out for yourself, go to hotjoin.

If you solo join, you may be alone initially but you’re put into an arena with people who are your TEAM. You work together and you stick it out no matter how bad it is.

Like I said before, it was there in GW1 and it’s coming to GW2 whether you like it or not.

FYI I have never left a tPvP tournament even if two guys leave. I stay and fight till the game is over. Even if the score is 470 – 80. Or whatever.

Because to leave would be a betrayal of the team I voluntarily joined up with.

“When you solo queue, you make a commitment to your team and you should stay there whether you like it or not!”

So where’s the dishonorable hex then if it was so successful, hm?

It’s a game. If you think it’s completely balanced and fair to pair solo queuers up against premades because it’s ‘the right thing to do’ and your ‘commitment’…wow. Just wow.

As long as solo queuers are going to be put up against premades, you’re going to see leavers and AFKers, whether you like it or not. If you actually bothered to make the playing field SOMEWHAT balanced, then sure, add a dishonorable hex.

But until then, it’s a band-aid solution at best, and not even a good one – and it won’t stop people from ditching, whether you like it or not. You should try reading before you post.

So your entire argument is “It’s not there now therefore it’s not meant to be there”. Same flaw as last time since that would imply the game is perfect as it is.

And yes – if you solo queue up against a premade you should stay even if you lose. Because your teammates will have it even worse and you left them in the lurch and broke your commitment.

If you’re going to leave for any reason other than a disconnect or the door ringing or whatever, don’t tPvP. Go to hot join instead. And soon when leavers are punished you’ll be forced to do this whether you like it or not.

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Seryi.7936


blah blah blah

So your entire argument is that people should be forced to sit through completely a completely unbalanced match for the amusement and rank points of a premade.

When solo/team queues are separated and the matchmaking is fixed, the leaver hex will make sense. Until then, you’re completely kittened if you think people are going to sit through TPvP, whether you like it or not. Sorry to burst your bubble, since you’re obviously so pro (Evident given your posts on the thief forum…)

Also, way to put words in my mouth. You infer an awful lot by me saying the absence of a leaver hex is there because the developers have other priorities and KNOW PvP needs fixes/changes before they implement it. But once again, you don’t really seem to be getting the problems with TPvP at the moment.

And nah, I’ll be just fine playing tournaments with buddies. At least then we’ll have somewhat of a chance when we run into another premade rather then kittening ourselves via solo queue at prime time. Maybe you should stick to WvW if you need to faceroll pugs to feel superior?

Tarnished Coast, Thief main, Asura.

(edited by Seryi.7936)

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Axis.1085


Just had now 4 games in a row that a player left from my team just after 2-3 minutes, not even giving a team a chance to fight. Then what shoud the rest of us 4 do, just leave too?

Solo play in turnaments is pointles if you want to play seriously. Its just a random fight.

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Seryi.7936


Just had now 4 games in a row that a player left from my team just after 2-3 minutes, not even giving a team a chance to fight. Then what shoud the rest of us 4 do, just leave too?

Solo play in turnaments is pointles if you want to play seriously. Its just a random fight.

That’s also partly what I’m trying to get at here. Solo queuing is a joke at the moment, so a change like this would do nothing meaningful until we see significant overhauls and fixes.

Tarnished Coast, Thief main, Asura.

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


it certainly would do something it would keep the rage quitters out of my games for at least 30 minutes with a deserter debuff.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Gummi.4310


Leaving a rated match quickly and requeueing should be discouraged. It ruins the chances and rating of the other 3-4 people in the team. Would love a system that gives an hour downtime after the 2nd leave of the day.

Punishment for leavers

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


I just had an awesome idea for this. if a player leaves a match prior to its completion DOUBLE the mmr reduction for the loss.

If a player leaves a match that’s a win, NO mmr gain.