Simple reason why we'll never get there.

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


So, it’s official: we’re never going get there. Each patch they fix or balance things which end up causing a large amount of issues that didn’t exist before the patch. How can we ever get a balanced or complete game when there is so much time devoted to fix bugs that were caused by their last fix. Also, sometimes you see “fixed this issue” only to find the exact same sentence in the next patch notes, which means it was never fixed at all.

Fix bug A – causes bug B – next time fix bug B – causes bug C ….. Ever watched a dog chase his own tail? Man, it’s funny. This isn’t. Stop laughing.

I guess it really boils down to this: there are a few people making these changes and the QA team is there to say “hey, this is causing this major issue.”

So, either the QA team is really not doing their job at all, or the DEVs just ignore them. That’s the only 2 possibilities. I mean, some of these bugs that are caused in every patch are so glaring that I notice them the first time I cast the spell after the patch. How does that make it in?

The only palpable different in each patch with their “slow and steady” approach is the bugs. Tiny little changes that don’t really change much at all, end up with giant bugs as a side-effect. Disappointing beyond belief. I don’t care about which classes got buffed or nerfed, since that stuff is pretty trivial. I am not complaining that feature X didn’t make it in. I am just complaining about something that really makes the entire post-launch team look incapable of dealing with the magnitude of this game.

I’m not going to cry “the sky is falling” because if they tried to fix that, I’m sure it would cause a bug to make the world explode. So, everything is fine. Nothing to see here.

In all seriousness, I believe the end of my rope is gone. I’m sure someone will say “take a break, come back when it’s ready.” The problem with that is, it’s not that it’s not ready yet, it’s that I don’t have faith anymore. No amount of content will fix that.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: SAtaarcoeny.8476


my naked mesmers might bring more attention to this game. so dont give up yet bro



Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


Too soon but if that’s how you feel then just don’t play anymore since you’re really taking this serious.


Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: tOss.9024


This is an issue that comes with developing a new engine and especially in an mmo. No one likes it, including the devs, and they are working to fix issues. Patience seems to be lost to the modern gamer.

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: longbawl.5072


Patience seems to be lost to the modern gamer.

I agree with you; but I think we’ve all been quite patient. To me this patch under-delivers big time.

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


Patience seems to be lost to the modern gamer.

Because this isn’t a niche community or hobby anymore. This is mainstream, it’s expensive and there are new contenders for our time every month which are also supposed to be AAA titles. A game gets 3-6 months to be a dazzling gem. That’s more than enough patience. Hell, most warranties are 30-90 days tops. It’s just a shame gamers can’t get their money back reliably for products failing to deliver like you can with say a stereo, TV, musical equipment or anything else.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: Suzu.4193


His point is valid if they cant fix bugs that have been persistent, documented, and ignored, then what does it say about the devs?

Loading screen bugged was “fixed” then new patch now it was broken again, now it took them a month to “fix” it again and it still bugs for some people.

This is not the only game on the market people, most have already left spvp due to stagnant builds, static maps, and one game mode. The patch fixing a few things yet breaking a whole host of new things is unheard of to me in a new well funded game.

Not to mention lack of any e-sport infrastructure, even though they advertised as “almost E-sport ready” is bait and switch. Us consumers have been patient enough, all their major content update has been towards PvE, and they dont even acknowledge all of the glaring problems that have been persistent in their system from beta day 1.

If you people who still staunchly back this game despite all the glaring problems that have not even been acknowledged by the dev’s then……I don’t know what to say to ya.

Have fun in your game bro’s, because you will be the only ones left.

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: Cosmic Teapot.9162

Cosmic Teapot.9162

I agree, my confidence in this game has been irrecoverably lost due to poor implementation of recent bug fixes.

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: tOss.9024


Mmos always come with bugs, exploits, imbalances, etc. Just because good games release, doesn’t mean you can’t have patience for a particular one if you like it. You don’t have to bandwagon hop from one game to another. 3 months is infancy for an mmo.

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: Suzu.4193


Mmos always come with bugs, exploits, imbalances, etc. Just because good games release, doesn’t mean you can’t have patience for a particular one if you like it. You don’t have to bandwagon hop from one game to another. 3 months is infancy for an mmo.

You sound like a Anet rep brah, you either have the patience of a saint or just love this game so much your blinded or anet is paying ya.

Your a consumer, if you think this game’s pvp is healthy and thriving, good ferrr youuu. The rest of us level headed people will be going to a new game, just don’t be surprised when your alone, and don’t start complaining to anet when you are, because that just makes you a hypocrite.

P.S Where u on the swtor forums, because your argument is like every one of those fanbois who defended in spite of all the epic failures. Anyways enjoy your new patch !

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


This is an issue that comes with developing a new engine and especially in an mmo. No one likes it, including the devs, and they are working to fix issues. Patience seems to be lost to the modern gamer.

I don’t understand what patience has to do with anything that I wrote. I understand that gamers today are impatient, but what does breaking things when trying to fix things have to do with patience? You could say “gamers expect too much of devs, devs are humans too” or something, then I could openly disagree with you, but your current statement doesn’t even apply.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: tOss.9024


Mmos always come with bugs, exploits, imbalances, etc. Just because good games release, doesn’t mean you can’t have patience for a particular one if you like it. You don’t have to bandwagon hop from one game to another. 3 months is infancy for an mmo.

You sound like a Anet rep brah, you either have the patience of a saint or just love this game so much your blinded or anet is paying ya.

Your a consumer, if you think this game’s pvp is healthy and thriving, good ferrr youuu. The rest of us level headed people will be going to a new game, just don’t be surprised when your alone, and don’t start complaining to anet when you are, because that just makes you a hypocrite.

P.S Where u on the swtor forums, because your argument is like every one of those fanbois who defended in spite of all the epic failures. Anyways enjoy your new patch !

I’m just a patient person, who understands the troubles of game develop as a whole. I also understand that Anet is doing their best to address issues, and is obviously having some problems. Supporting your dev rather than constantly calling them inept and whining, is more helpful in the long run. This isn’t a bad game by any stretch, and if you believe it is I can’t understand why you sit on the forums. Bugs are tough things sometimes in such a massive game.
I’m not a fan boy, I know this game has issues, but I understand the issues that come with fixing them.

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


You still here? get going Felivear…I’m trying not to be rude but stick to your words. You said you was leaving so leave. All you’re just doing is getting attention treating this like a facebook issue.


Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: Suzu.4193


Mmos always come with bugs, exploits, imbalances, etc. Just because good games release, doesn’t mean you can’t have patience for a particular one if you like it. You don’t have to bandwagon hop from one game to another. 3 months is infancy for an mmo.

You sound like a Anet rep brah, you either have the patience of a saint or just love this game so much your blinded or anet is paying ya.

Your a consumer, if you think this game’s pvp is healthy and thriving, good ferrr youuu. The rest of us level headed people will be going to a new game, just don’t be surprised when your alone, and don’t start complaining to anet when you are, because that just makes you a hypocrite.

P.S Where u on the swtor forums, because your argument is like every one of those fanbois who defended in spite of all the epic failures. Anyways enjoy your new patch !

I’m just a patient person, who understands the troubles of game develop as a whole. I also understand that Anet is doing their best to address issues, and is obviously having some problems. Supporting your dev rather than constantly calling them inept and whining, is more helpful in the long run. This isn’t a bad game by any stretch, and if you believe it is I can’t understand why you sit on the forums. Bugs are tough things sometimes in such a massive game.
I’m not a fan boy, I know this game has issues, but I understand the issues that come with fixing them.

I understand that they are trying, but it seems to me they are truly inept. Every single patch they “fix” fix things yet break 8 more different COMPLETELY unrelated issues. Unheard of for a multi-million $ selling game let alone a mmo w/ millions playing. [i should say for the hundreds playing for the spvp].

And your second statement about supporting devs, this is supporting devs because we are telling them we are upset and things need to change, if all the consumers were like you the dev’s would think the games fine or they don’t care and NOTHING would change. So no i don’t agree with you and we should all be mad and complaining.

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: tOss.9024


This is an issue that comes with developing a new engine and especially in an mmo. No one likes it, including the devs, and they are working to fix issues. Patience seems to be lost to the modern gamer.

I don’t understand what patience has to do with anything that I wrote. I understand that gamers today are impatient, but what does breaking things when trying to fix things have to do with patience? You could say “gamers expect too much of devs, devs are humans too” or something, then I could openly disagree with you, but your current statement doesn’t even apply.

Write an entire game engine from scratch, by yourself or with a team, and fix the bugs. Then you’ll understand why I say we should be patient. It takes time to find out why x causes y. Then, sometimes y causes z because of reasons you didn’t think would effect x. After that, x, y, and z finally work, until the thousandth time it’s been run under certain circumstances and break. After you chase your tail for a bit, you can finally fix this problem. Then you can apply that fix to similar issues.
Again, patience from us to let them fix issues is better. Once they know the issue, pointing at it again doesn’t do anything.

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


Supporting your dev

People and businesses should be punished and scolded for failing to provide adequate service. If this were a restaurant for example and the meal sucked we’d get our money back at the very least. Since it’s the gaming industry though only thing we can do is voice our disapproval and eventually get fed up enough to move on. This isn’t the 90’s and this isn’t the old niche gamer industry where supporting devs is the right response. Gaming went mainstream, our niche community exploded and now it’s like any consumer industry. 3 months is far more patience than most businesses get.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: Suzu.4193


This is an issue that comes with developing a new engine and especially in an mmo. No one likes it, including the devs, and they are working to fix issues. Patience seems to be lost to the modern gamer.

I don’t understand what patience has to do with anything that I wrote. I understand that gamers today are impatient, but what does breaking things when trying to fix things have to do with patience? You could say “gamers expect too much of devs, devs are humans too” or something, then I could openly disagree with you, but your current statement doesn’t even apply.

Write an entire game engine from scratch, by yourself or with a team, and fix the bugs. Then you’ll understand why I say we should be patient. It takes time to find out why x causes y. Then, sometimes y causes z because of reasons you didn’t think would effect x. After that, x, y, and z finally work, until the thousandth time it’s been run under certain circumstances and break. After you chase your tail for a bit, you can finally fix this problem. Then you can apply that fix to similar issues.
Again, patience from us to let them fix issues is better. Once they know the issue, pointing at it again doesn’t do anything.

That’s what testing is for broski, even blizzard test’s their patches before launch, it seems anet does NO testing to their patches before launch. I mean how do you explain the naked mes bug, if they had play tested their own patch for 5 min they would have seen that problem.

And it seems that GW2 was released prematurely [Spvp wise] due to all the lack of content, most indie games come with more content imo, and this is a well known and long standing studio. I would have gladly waited a year or two to get a polished bug free game WITH content and e-sport infrastructure than this nightmare.

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: tOss.9024


Mmos always come with bugs, exploits, imbalances, etc. Just because good games release, doesn’t mean you can’t have patience for a particular one if you like it. You don’t have to bandwagon hop from one game to another. 3 months is infancy for an mmo.

You sound like a Anet rep brah, you either have the patience of a saint or just love this game so much your blinded or anet is paying ya.

Your a consumer, if you think this game’s pvp is healthy and thriving, good ferrr youuu. The rest of us level headed people will be going to a new game, just don’t be surprised when your alone, and don’t start complaining to anet when you are, because that just makes you a hypocrite.

P.S Where u on the swtor forums, because your argument is like every one of those fanbois who defended in spite of all the epic failures. Anyways enjoy your new patch !

I’m just a patient person, who understands the troubles of game develop as a whole. I also understand that Anet is doing their best to address issues, and is obviously having some problems. Supporting your dev rather than constantly calling them inept and whining, is more helpful in the long run. This isn’t a bad game by any stretch, and if you believe it is I can’t understand why you sit on the forums. Bugs are tough things sometimes in such a massive game.
I’m not a fan boy, I know this game has issues, but I understand the issues that come with fixing them.

I understand that they are trying, but it seems to me they are truly inept. Every single patch they “fix” fix things yet break 8 more different COMPLETELY unrelated issues. Unheard of for a multi-million $ selling game let alone a mmo w/ millions playing. [i should say for the hundreds playing for the spvp].

And your second statement about supporting devs, this is supporting devs because we are telling them we are upset and things need to change, if all the consumers were like you the dev’s would think the games fine or they don’t care and NOTHING would change. So no i don’t agree with you and we should all be mad and complaining.

The issues aren’t related on the surface, but they are underneath. If they were completely unrelated they wouldn’t break each other. I acknowledge the fact that it is obvious that they are having issues with their engine. But saying they are completely inept is pretty short sighted. They are very capable devs.

No, they wouldn’t think the game is fine. Because I agree that issues need to be pointed out when they arise, but saying that we should be throwing tantrums is pretty ignorant. Point out the issue, let them know it’s there, then let them fix it. Nothing is improved by calling them inept, nothing is fixed by throwing fits. If you truly think this, then play another game and check back later. I believe that they can get more stablility down the road, and I am willing to wait for that. I am also willing to support them, and see both the positive and negatives of the game as a whole. In my opinion, the former outweighs the latter.

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


Lol Suzu go play the next game that comes out, if you think that that game won’t have issues with bugs and fixes too, then you truly are delusional. I like this game I have fun playing it, yeah the bugs suck, but damn it’s a Huge complex game with code that is intertwined with each other. If you seriously think hat the devs aren’t pulling their hair out over these issues then you are wrong. You seriously think a company that wants to make money is just going to be ok with these issues??

I have a blast playing the game, and I enjoy it, so of course I’m going to stick with it even though there are problems, ever heard of a fair weather fan? They move on to something else every time things don’t go their. Way.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: tOss.9024


This is an issue that comes with developing a new engine and especially in an mmo. No one likes it, including the devs, and they are working to fix issues. Patience seems to be lost to the modern gamer.

I don’t understand what patience has to do with anything that I wrote. I understand that gamers today are impatient, but what does breaking things when trying to fix things have to do with patience? You could say “gamers expect too much of devs, devs are humans too” or something, then I could openly disagree with you, but your current statement doesn’t even apply.

Write an entire game engine from scratch, by yourself or with a team, and fix the bugs. Then you’ll understand why I say we should be patient. It takes time to find out why x causes y. Then, sometimes y causes z because of reasons you didn’t think would effect x. After that, x, y, and z finally work, until the thousandth time it’s been run under certain circumstances and break. After you chase your tail for a bit, you can finally fix this problem. Then you can apply that fix to similar issues.
Again, patience from us to let them fix issues is better. Once they know the issue, pointing at it again doesn’t do anything.

That’s what testing is for broski, even blizzard test’s their patches before launch, it seems anet does NO testing to their patches before launch. I mean how do you explain the naked mes bug, if they had play tested their own patch for 5 min they would have seen that problem.

And it seems that GW2 was released prematurely [Spvp wise] due to all the lack of content, most indie games come with more content imo, and this is a well known and long standing studio. I would have gladly waited a year or two to get a polished bug free game WITH content and e-sport infrastructure than this nightmare.

They could have tested it, and something went wrong during implementation. If they would have rolled back whatever caused it(if they, unrealistically, suddenly knew what the issue was) they community would have freaked that they rolled something back.
You will never get a bug free mmo at release. Ever.

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


Mmos always come with bugs, exploits, imbalances, etc. Just because good games release, doesn’t mean you can’t have patience for a particular one if you like it. You don’t have to bandwagon hop from one game to another. 3 months is infancy for an mmo.

You sound like a Anet rep brah, you either have the patience of a saint or just love this game so much your blinded or anet is paying ya.

Your a consumer, if you think this game’s pvp is healthy and thriving, good ferrr youuu. The rest of us level headed people will be going to a new game, just don’t be surprised when your alone, and don’t start complaining to anet when you are, because that just makes you a hypocrite.

P.S Where u on the swtor forums, because your argument is like every one of those fanbois who defended in spite of all the epic failures. Anyways enjoy your new patch !

I’m just a patient person, who understands the troubles of game develop as a whole. I also understand that Anet is doing their best to address issues, and is obviously having some problems. Supporting your dev rather than constantly calling them inept and whining, is more helpful in the long run. This isn’t a bad game by any stretch, and if you believe it is I can’t understand why you sit on the forums. Bugs are tough things sometimes in such a massive game.
I’m not a fan boy, I know this game has issues, but I understand the issues that come with fixing them.

I understand that they are trying, but it seems to me they are truly inept. Every single patch they “fix” fix things yet break 8 more different COMPLETELY unrelated issues. Unheard of for a multi-million $ selling game let alone a mmo w/ millions playing. [i should say for the hundreds playing for the spvp].

And your second statement about supporting devs, this is supporting devs because we are telling them we are upset and things need to change, if all the consumers were like you the dev’s would think the games fine or they don’t care and NOTHING would change. So no i don’t agree with you and we should all be mad and complaining.

The issues aren’t related on the surface, but they are underneath. If they were completely unrelated they wouldn’t break each other. I acknowledge the fact that it is obvious that they are having issues with their engine. But saying they are completely inept is pretty short sighted. They are very capable devs.

No, they wouldn’t think the game is fine. Because I agree that issues need to be pointed out when they arise, but saying that we should be throwing tantrums is pretty ignorant. Point out the issue, let them know it’s there, then let them fix it. Nothing is improved by calling them inept, nothing is fixed by throwing fits. If you truly think this, then play another game and check back later. I believe that they can get more stablility down the road, and I am willing to wait for that. I am also willing to support them, and see both the positive and negatives of the game as a whole. In my opinion, the former outweighs the latter.

So, when they make a change and then get ready to send it out, it goes to QA (dear god at least I hope). Then, QA plays it and SHOULD say "Hey, just so you know, this fix just caused RTL to completely reset all the attunement CD’s. " So, what happens next,? The devs say “gosh, I honestly have no idea which fix we did that caused this…so…um….just put it in?”

Here is my major issue: we have been pacified by the statement that “slow and steady is our policy because we don’t want to make a bunch of large changes at once and then cause a bunch of unintended side-effects” that’s a quote from Sharp on a live stream.

So, just to make this clear, we get the snail’s pace updates WITH the crazy side-effects? Fun…

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


Lol Suzu go play the next game that comes out, if you think that that game won’t have issues with bugs and fixes too, then you truly are delusional. I like this game I have fun playing it, yeah the bugs suck, but damn it’s a Huge complex game with code that is intertwined with each other. If you seriously think hat the devs aren’t pulling their hair out over these issues then you are wrong. You seriously think a company that wants to make money is just going to be ok with these issues??

I have a blast playing the game, and I enjoy it, so of course I’m going to stick with it even though there are problems, ever heard of a fair weather fan? They move on to something else every time things don’t go their. Way.

Exhibit A: The block bug. If you don’t think that’s a game breaker, then you’re crazy. It took them what, 2 months to fix? So, either they didn’t care, or they didn’t know how, or they didn’t have time. Which of the 3 is it? Guess what, I don’t care which of the 3, all of them are unacceptable reasons to not hot fix.

Exhibit B: The SPVP color change. Somehow a feature that wasn’t supposed to be added for 3 weeks ended up in a patch (how that happens, I may never know). They decided not to fix it. Guess what? Who cares. It’s a trivial issue that didn’t matter really if it was fixed. The problem is, trivial and non-trivial are all treated as equal.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

(edited by felivear.1536)

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: Dual.8953


Mmos always come with bugs, exploits, imbalances, etc. Just because good games release, doesn’t mean you can’t have patience for a particular one if you like it. You don’t have to bandwagon hop from one game to another. 3 months is infancy for an mmo.

You sound like a Anet rep brah, you either have the patience of a saint or just love this game so much your blinded or anet is paying ya.

Your a consumer, if you think this game’s pvp is healthy and thriving, good ferrr youuu. The rest of us level headed people will be going to a new game, just don’t be surprised when your alone, and don’t start complaining to anet when you are, because that just makes you a hypocrite.

P.S Where u on the swtor forums, because your argument is like every one of those fanbois who defended in spite of all the epic failures. Anyways enjoy your new patch !

I’m just a patient person, who understands the troubles of game develop as a whole. I also understand that Anet is doing their best to address issues, and is obviously having some problems. Supporting your dev rather than constantly calling them inept and whining, is more helpful in the long run. This isn’t a bad game by any stretch, and if you believe it is I can’t understand why you sit on the forums. Bugs are tough things sometimes in such a massive game.
I’m not a fan boy, I know this game has issues, but I understand the issues that come with fixing them.

I understand that they are trying, but it seems to me they are truly inept. Every single patch they “fix” fix things yet break 8 more different COMPLETELY unrelated issues. Unheard of for a multi-million $ selling game let alone a mmo w/ millions playing. [i should say for the hundreds playing for the spvp].

And your second statement about supporting devs, this is supporting devs because we are telling them we are upset and things need to change, if all the consumers were like you the dev’s would think the games fine or they don’t care and NOTHING would change. So no i don’t agree with you and we should all be mad and complaining.

The issues aren’t related on the surface, but they are underneath. If they were completely unrelated they wouldn’t break each other. I acknowledge the fact that it is obvious that they are having issues with their engine. But saying they are completely inept is pretty short sighted. They are very capable devs.

No, they wouldn’t think the game is fine. Because I agree that issues need to be pointed out when they arise, but saying that we should be throwing tantrums is pretty ignorant. Point out the issue, let them know it’s there, then let them fix it. Nothing is improved by calling them inept, nothing is fixed by throwing fits. If you truly think this, then play another game and check back later. I believe that they can get more stablility down the road, and I am willing to wait for that. I am also willing to support them, and see both the positive and negatives of the game as a whole. In my opinion, the former outweighs the latter.

I’d like to add, debugging is friggan hard, In the past I’ve learned many browser based codes and now I’m learning C. In my experience, bugs are hard enough to find in small programs, especially considering it’s not always missing a comma or semi-colon. Those are actually the easier ones. Bugs can also emerge from completely normal looking logic statements. It can take a many hours of probing and trial and error to isolate a bug.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


This is an issue that comes with developing a new engine and especially in an mmo. No one likes it, including the devs, and they are working to fix issues. Patience seems to be lost to the modern gamer.

I don’t understand what patience has to do with anything that I wrote. I understand that gamers today are impatient, but what does breaking things when trying to fix things have to do with patience? You could say “gamers expect too much of devs, devs are humans too” or something, then I could openly disagree with you, but your current statement doesn’t even apply.

Write an entire game engine from scratch, by yourself or with a team, and fix the bugs. Then you’ll understand why I say we should be patient. It takes time to find out why x causes y. Then, sometimes y causes z because of reasons you didn’t think would effect x. After that, x, y, and z finally work, until the thousandth time it’s been run under certain circumstances and break. After you chase your tail for a bit, you can finally fix this problem. Then you can apply that fix to similar issues.
Again, patience from us to let them fix issues is better. Once they know the issue, pointing at it again doesn’t do anything.

That’s what testing is for broski, even blizzard test’s their patches before launch, it seems anet does NO testing to their patches before launch. I mean how do you explain the naked mes bug, if they had play tested their own patch for 5 min they would have seen that problem.

And it seems that GW2 was released prematurely [Spvp wise] due to all the lack of content, most indie games come with more content imo, and this is a well known and long standing studio. I would have gladly waited a year or two to get a polished bug free game WITH content and e-sport infrastructure than this nightmare.

They could have tested it, and something went wrong during implementation. If they would have rolled back whatever caused it(if they, unrealistically, suddenly knew what the issue was) they community would have freaked that they rolled something back.
You will never get a bug free mmo at release. Ever.

Just to put my last thoughts on this: I played many other games for many years. Many of them indeed had bugs that came in patches. Guess what? The games that survived the longest and did the best were the ones that when these bugs came, they were hotfixed, and I’m talking quick.

There was a bug in one game where they changed the way skill A functioned, it somehow caused skill A to stack intensity with each hit (hmmm…sounds just like the bladetrail, ricochet, and other moves that did the same thing in this game for months). It was causing this class to do a large sum of unintended damage. It was hotfixed 24 hours later and the people who used this bug to complete content got 72 hour bans.

It’s not the bugs that are the problem here, it’s the way they are fixed (or should I say the way they aren’t fixed or swept under the rug). I really wish I could live in your dream world where companies get an infinite amount of time to fix an infinite amount of issues. I really do.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

(edited by felivear.1536)

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


This is an issue that comes with developing a new engine and especially in an mmo. No one likes it, including the devs, and they are working to fix issues. Patience seems to be lost to the modern gamer.

I don’t understand what patience has to do with anything that I wrote. I understand that gamers today are impatient, but what does breaking things when trying to fix things have to do with patience? You could say “gamers expect too much of devs, devs are humans too” or something, then I could openly disagree with you, but your current statement doesn’t even apply.

Write an entire game engine from scratch, by yourself or with a team, and fix the bugs. Then you’ll understand why I say we should be patient. It takes time to find out why x causes y. Then, sometimes y causes z because of reasons you didn’t think would effect x. After that, x, y, and z finally work, until the thousandth time it’s been run under certain circumstances and break. After you chase your tail for a bit, you can finally fix this problem. Then you can apply that fix to similar issues.
Again, patience from us to let them fix issues is better. Once they know the issue, pointing at it again doesn’t do anything.

That’s what testing is for broski, even blizzard test’s their patches before launch, it seems anet does NO testing to their patches before launch. I mean how do you explain the naked mes bug, if they had play tested their own patch for 5 min they would have seen that problem.

And it seems that GW2 was released prematurely [Spvp wise] due to all the lack of content, most indie games come with more content imo, and this is a well known and long standing studio. I would have gladly waited a year or two to get a polished bug free game WITH content and e-sport infrastructure than this nightmare.

They could have tested it, and something went wrong during implementation. If they would have rolled back whatever caused it(if they, unrealistically, suddenly knew what the issue was) they community would have freaked that they rolled something back.
You will never get a bug free mmo at release. Ever.

Just to put my last thoughts on this: I played many other games for many years. Many of them indeed had bugs that came in patches. Guess what? The games that survived the longest and did the best were the ones that when these bugs came, they were hotfixed, and I’m talking quick.

There was a bug in one game where they changed the way skill A functioned, it somehow caused skill A to stack intensity with each hit (hmmm…sounds just like the bladetrail, ricochet, and other moves that did the same thing in this game for months). It was causing this class to do a large sum of unintended damage. It was hotfixed 24 hours later and the people who used this bug to complete content got 72 hour bans.

It’s not the bugs that are the problem here, it’s the way they are fixed (or should I say the way they aren’t fixed or swept under the rug). I really wish I could live in your dream world where companies get an infinite amount of time to fix an infinite amount of issues. I really do.

See here’s the thing mate,

This is something I do in my free time. I play this game to have fun. This isn’t my life, so bugs come and go for me, but ill keep playing and having fun, and guess what? If there comes a point where I am that frustrated, and I am not having fun anymore, ill take a break and come back, or I’ll leave, it’s that simple to me. Am I having fun? Yes? —> keep playing, No? --> stop playing. Therefore when problems arise I am not going to be calling for the chopping block on some Dev, this is entertainment to me, kitten happens and nothing anyone besides ANET does is going to change the issues.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

(edited by BlueprintLFE.2358)

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: tOss.9024


This is an issue that comes with developing a new engine and especially in an mmo. No one likes it, including the devs, and they are working to fix issues. Patience seems to be lost to the modern gamer.

I don’t understand what patience has to do with anything that I wrote. I understand that gamers today are impatient, but what does breaking things when trying to fix things have to do with patience? You could say “gamers expect too much of devs, devs are humans too” or something, then I could openly disagree with you, but your current statement doesn’t even apply.

Write an entire game engine from scratch, by yourself or with a team, and fix the bugs. Then you’ll understand why I say we should be patient. It takes time to find out why x causes y. Then, sometimes y causes z because of reasons you didn’t think would effect x. After that, x, y, and z finally work, until the thousandth time it’s been run under certain circumstances and break. After you chase your tail for a bit, you can finally fix this problem. Then you can apply that fix to similar issues.
Again, patience from us to let them fix issues is better. Once they know the issue, pointing at it again doesn’t do anything.

That’s what testing is for broski, even blizzard test’s their patches before launch, it seems anet does NO testing to their patches before launch. I mean how do you explain the naked mes bug, if they had play tested their own patch for 5 min they would have seen that problem.

And it seems that GW2 was released prematurely [Spvp wise] due to all the lack of content, most indie games come with more content imo, and this is a well known and long standing studio. I would have gladly waited a year or two to get a polished bug free game WITH content and e-sport infrastructure than this nightmare.

They could have tested it, and something went wrong during implementation. If they would have rolled back whatever caused it(if they, unrealistically, suddenly knew what the issue was) they community would have freaked that they rolled something back.
You will never get a bug free mmo at release. Ever.

Just to put my last thoughts on this: I played many other games for many years. Many of them indeed had bugs that came in patches. Guess what? The games that survived the longest and did the best were the ones that when these bugs came, they were hotfixed, and I’m talking quick.

There was a bug in one game where they changed the way skill A functioned, it somehow caused skill A to stack intensity with each hit (hmmm…sounds just like the bladetrail, ricochet, and other moves that did the same thing in this game for months). It was causing this class to do a large sum of unintended damage. It was hotfixed 24 hours later and the people who used this bug to complete content got 72 hour bans.

It’s not the bugs that are the problem here, it’s the way they are fixed (or should I say the way they aren’t fixed or swept under the rug). I really wish I could live in your dream world where companies get an infinite amount of time to fix and infinite amount of issues. I really do.

The “dream world” isn’t one were companies get infinite amounts of time to fix issues. My “dream world” is one in which customers are patient, logical, and understanding human beings who don’t make assumptions based on limited knowledge and constantly criticise from the outside without even trying to look in.

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


See here’s the thing mate,

This is something I do in my free time. I play this game to have fun. This isn’t my life, so bugs come and go for me, but ill keep playing and having fun, and guess what? If there comes a point where I am that frustrated, and I am not having fun anymore, ill take a break and come back, or I’ll leave, it’s that simple to me. Am I having fun? Yes? —> keep playing, No? --> stop playing. Therefore when problems arise I am not going to be calling for the chopping block on some Dev, this is entertainment to me, kitten happens and nothing anyone besides ANET does is going to change the issues.

Not asking for the heads of any devs. I clearly love this game too. I have now played 400+ hours and have one of each character that I play in TPVP and TPVP only. This is a hobby for me as well, albeit one of my only hobbies. Like someone said earlier, this isn’t any normal business (like it or not we are a client they are the provider, simple as that) in that, we bought a product and if it doesn’t work, if it isn’t what we expected , or if we are generally displeased, we can’t just take it back. What is our course of action then? Well, it’s what I’m doing. I come on the forums and echo the same sentiments that many people feel. I say things that I feel are holding the product, that I clearly enjoy, back. You sound like someone who is really a company’s dream customer. You take your pill, you swallow it, and if you don’t like it you move on. Boy, if every business in the western world had customers like you, nothing would ever get fixed. Thank goodness for those of us who are willing to put ourselves out there and even be bashed by the likes of you…just for the sake that the DEVs may hear. That is all.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


See here’s the thing mate,

This is something I do in my free time. I play this game to have fun. This isn’t my life, so bugs come and go for me, but ill keep playing and having fun, and guess what? If there comes a point where I am that frustrated, and I am not having fun anymore, ill take a break and come back, or I’ll leave, it’s that simple to me. Am I having fun? Yes? —> keep playing, No? --> stop playing. Therefore when problems arise I am not going to be calling for the chopping block on some Dev, this is entertainment to me, kitten happens and nothing anyone besides ANET does is going to change the issues.

Not asking for the heads of any devs. I clearly love this game too. I have now played 400+ hours and have one of each character that I play in TPVP and TPVP only. This is a hobby for me as well, albeit one of my only hobbies. Like someone said earlier, this isn’t any normal business (like it or not we are a client they are the provider, simple as that) in that, we bought a product and if it doesn’t work, if it isn’t what we expected , or if we are generally displeased, we can’t just take it back. What is our course of action then? Well, it’s what I’m doing. I come on the forums and echo the same sentiments that many people feel. I say things that I feel are holding the product, that I clearly enjoy, back. You sound like someone who is really a company’s dream customer. You take your pill, you swallow it, and if you don’t like it you move on. Boy, if every business in the western world had customers like you, nothing would ever get fixed. Thank goodness for those of us who are willing to put ourselves out there and even be bashed by the likes of you…just for the sake that the DEVs may hear. That is all.

There ya go let it out, make assumptions about me without knowing me, of course because I don’t rage about a video game, that I just “take my pill, swallow and and if I don’t like it move on.” Good one mate that got me, anyways I’m done here, if you enjoy being unhappy than nothing I say will change it. I can play this game too, I know your type you are one of those people that have a bad day and rage and go take it out on the nearest little cashier girl working at a store that you know can’t say anything back. There now I know nothing about you and I can make assumptions too. Anyways I’m out, not going to run my head into a brick wall trying to argue with you, when you obviously just want to be unhappy. Happy holidays mate.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


See here’s the thing mate,

This is something I do in my free time. I play this game to have fun. This isn’t my life, so bugs come and go for me, but ill keep playing and having fun, and guess what? If there comes a point where I am that frustrated, and I am not having fun anymore, ill take a break and come back, or I’ll leave, it’s that simple to me. Am I having fun? Yes? —> keep playing, No? --> stop playing. Therefore when problems arise I am not going to be calling for the chopping block on some Dev, this is entertainment to me, kitten happens and nothing anyone besides ANET does is going to change the issues.

Not asking for the heads of any devs. I clearly love this game too. I have now played 400+ hours and have one of each character that I play in TPVP and TPVP only. This is a hobby for me as well, albeit one of my only hobbies. Like someone said earlier, this isn’t any normal business (like it or not we are a client they are the provider, simple as that) in that, we bought a product and if it doesn’t work, if it isn’t what we expected , or if we are generally displeased, we can’t just take it back. What is our course of action then? Well, it’s what I’m doing. I come on the forums and echo the same sentiments that many people feel. I say things that I feel are holding the product, that I clearly enjoy, back. You sound like someone who is really a company’s dream customer. You take your pill, you swallow it, and if you don’t like it you move on. Boy, if every business in the western world had customers like you, nothing would ever get fixed. Thank goodness for those of us who are willing to put ourselves out there and even be bashed by the likes of you…just for the sake that the DEVs may hear. That is all.

There ya go let it out, make assumptions about me without knowing me, of course because I don’t rage about a video game, that I just “take my pill, swallow and and if I don’t like it move on.” Good one mate that got me, anyways I’m done here, if you enjoy being unhappy than nothing I say will change it. I can play this game too, I know your type you are one of those people that have a bad day and rage and go take it out on the nearest little cashier girl working at a store that you know can’t say anything back. There now I know nothing about you and I can make assumptions too. Anyways I’m out, not going to run my head into a brick wall trying to argue with you, when you obviously just want to be unhappy. Happy holidays mate.

This is a direct quote from you not even 5 posts ago…so please correct me if I incorrectly made the assumption:

“This isn’t my life, so bugs come and go for me, but ill keep playing and having fun, and guess what? If there comes a point where I am that frustrated, and I am not having fun anymore, ill take a break and come back, or I’ll leave, it’s that simple to me.”

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: longbawl.5072


This is an issue that comes with developing a new engine and especially in an mmo. No one likes it, including the devs, and they are working to fix issues. Patience seems to be lost to the modern gamer.

I don’t understand what patience has to do with anything that I wrote. I understand that gamers today are impatient, but what does breaking things when trying to fix things have to do with patience? You could say “gamers expect too much of devs, devs are humans too” or something, then I could openly disagree with you, but your current statement doesn’t even apply.

Write an entire game engine from scratch, by yourself or with a team, and fix the bugs. Then you’ll understand why I say we should be patient. It takes time to find out why x causes y. Then, sometimes y causes z because of reasons you didn’t think would effect x. After that, x, y, and z finally work, until the thousandth time it’s been run under certain circumstances and break. After you chase your tail for a bit, you can finally fix this problem. Then you can apply that fix to similar issues.
Again, patience from us to let them fix issues is better. Once they know the issue, pointing at it again doesn’t do anything.

That’s what testing is for broski, even blizzard test’s their patches before launch, it seems anet does NO testing to their patches before launch. I mean how do you explain the naked mes bug, if they had play tested their own patch for 5 min they would have seen that problem.

And it seems that GW2 was released prematurely [Spvp wise] due to all the lack of content, most indie games come with more content imo, and this is a well known and long standing studio. I would have gladly waited a year or two to get a polished bug free game WITH content and e-sport infrastructure than this nightmare.

They could have tested it, and something went wrong during implementation. If they would have rolled back whatever caused it(if they, unrealistically, suddenly knew what the issue was) they community would have freaked that they rolled something back.
You will never get a bug free mmo at release. Ever.

Just to put my last thoughts on this: I played many other games for many years. Many of them indeed had bugs that came in patches. Guess what? The games that survived the longest and did the best were the ones that when these bugs came, they were hotfixed, and I’m talking quick.

There was a bug in one game where they changed the way skill A functioned, it somehow caused skill A to stack intensity with each hit (hmmm…sounds just like the bladetrail, ricochet, and other moves that did the same thing in this game for months). It was causing this class to do a large sum of unintended damage. It was hotfixed 24 hours later and the people who used this bug to complete content got 72 hour bans.

It’s not the bugs that are the problem here, it’s the way they are fixed (or should I say the way they aren’t fixed or swept under the rug). I really wish I could live in your dream world where companies get an infinite amount of time to fix and infinite amount of issues. I really do.

The “dream world” isn’t one were companies get infinite amounts of time to fix issues. My “dream world” is one in which customers are patient, logical, and understanding human beings who don’t make assumptions based on limited knowledge and constantly criticise from the outside without even trying to look in.

What is a reasonable time frame then? Almost 4 months in and it has been all downhill thus far. Soon enough there won’t even be people complaining because even the reasonable of us will have moved on. The fact is, unless you have a team, and a decent one at that, this game is not fun for you right now if you take it remotely serious. Even teams are fed up with the lack of mmr, ladder, and such.

Yes, they have to fix the bugs. Yes that’s hard. Other games do this too. The problem for me is, with every new patch hope is raised then squashed with the lack of any real noticeable game dynamic changes. It is becoming especially hard to maintain faith when we KNOW that if issues we wanted addressed were overlooked, it will be weeks, if not months, until we see meaningful change.

I have hope still, its not fully extinguished, but soon even the most faithful will be too jaded to continue and especially so that they won’t want to return. I know thats where I’m at with SWTOR, even if they keep emailing me to come back. Sorry EA, you blew it. At some point you have to ask yourself, “am I the last rat on this sinking ship?”

Dota 2 looks promising at least. Now that’s a beta done right if you ask me. GGGaben

(edited by longbawl.5072)

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: Suzu.4193


Lol Suzu go play the next game that comes out, if you think that that game won’t have issues with bugs and fixes too, then you truly are delusional. I like this game I have fun playing it, yeah the bugs suck, but damn it’s a Huge complex game with code that is intertwined with each other. If you seriously think hat the devs aren’t pulling their hair out over these issues then you are wrong. You seriously think a company that wants to make money is just going to be ok with these issues??

I have a blast playing the game, and I enjoy it, so of course I’m going to stick with it even though there are problems, ever heard of a fair weather fan? They move on to something else every time things don’t go their. Way.

What does that have to do anything about the discussion? Ofc games are going to have their bugs, but you didn’t read any of my points did you? Your just a fan boi with them blinders on, read my points, they know of the bugs yes, and what happens when they try to fix them? 10 more things break. Bugs have been persistent since the inception of the game and nothing is being done about those, and all the things they do try to fix just break more things.

And what is this fair weather fan crap, this game is lacking period, no content spvp wise, and being an exclusive pvp’er thats not acceptable in a game where they advertised it as an “almost e-sport ready game”, almost esport ready would infer the necessary infrastructure to support such play in a few months. But, they them selves had stated such BASIC content would not be ready until NEXT year. Unacceptable.

Plain and simple they released an unfinished unpolished product with no basic pvp infrastructure, no game customization, no game ladder, no game modes, stagnant build variety, and with game breaking bugs that yet to be even addressed let alone fixed.

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: KnarleyMarley.6937


This is an issue that comes with developing a new engine and especially in an mmo. No one likes it, including the devs, and they are working to fix issues. Patience seems to be lost to the modern gamer.

While I do tend to, and when I’m feeling frustrated still try to share the very same point of view. It is getting a little bit difficult. Slow and steady is starting to seem like an over statement of speed changes and fixes are put into place.

Things like the new mesmer and elementalist bugs hopefully this time around wont take weeks and months to fix. Something as simple as quickhot fixes hopefully are all it’s going to take. But if it’s not addressed, or fixed in a timely fashion. Then thing really are a bit out of hand.

Lastly, as much as I hate to say it. The player base really doesn’t help a lot of the time. All the people in hot join that are only there to exploit bugs, or band together in cheese squads of frenzy, bull rush, hb warriors and ridiculous burst thieves. These things are pretty typical in any game tho, and most of us can deal with them to a point. What really puts things over the top are the team mates that refuse to communicate, work together intelligently, and make any sort of effort to play the game as if it where a domination type game mode. IT’S NOT kittenING TDM. Maybe we really should just get duels, CTF, TDM and arenas in here pronto….. Everyone plays like it’s those game modes anyways.

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: hharry.1967


Just remember WoW was bad for like the first year or so full of bugs and overpowered stuff, pvp was crap as well, look how good it did, until they ruined it with cata but thats another story. So patience my friends… Just 1 thing I really hope they dont pretend on releasing an expansion (which means wasting another 50 bucks or so) until the game is actually ‘good’.

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: Suzu.4193


Just remember WoW was bad for like the first year or so full of bugs and overpowered stuff, pvp was crap as well, look how good it did, until they ruined it with cata but thats another story. So patience my friends… Just 1 thing I really hope they dont pretend on releasing an expansion (which means wasting another 50 bucks or so) until the game is actually ‘good’.

One problem though, WoW was launched and advertised as a PvE game, PvP in WoW was open world not structured in the beginning and how can you compare WoW w/ gw2? WoW is an ancient game.

Gw2 on the other hand was advertised as a “E-sport” ready PvP game, what we got? A buggy game with no PvP content.

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


Just remember WoW was bad for like the first year or so full of bugs and overpowered stuff, pvp was crap as well, look how good it did, until they ruined it with cata but thats another story. So patience my friends… Just 1 thing I really hope they dont pretend on releasing an expansion (which means wasting another 50 bucks or so) until the game is actually ‘good’.

A new car releases with terrible safety features and gets 5 miles per gallon. Your response: “Don’t you remember how bad the Model T was when it released?”

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

Simple reason why we'll never get there.

in PvP

Posted by: Narcin Roc.3018

Narcin Roc.3018

This game is clearly not ready. It’s completely mind boggling that the A-Net dev team spent so much time telling us this game would be released when it was ready that they couldn’t tell that its clearly not. Not even close. There were tons of BASIC content updates announced before the game even officially launched. Things like… I don’t know… GUILD HALLS and GUILD vs GUILD, which you would expect to be there at launch in a game called GUILD WARS.

I am thoroughly disappointed in the dev team for this game. Such GLARING bugs and issues would never have lasted this long in GW1. It is absolutely ridiculous that ANY player, either pve or pvp should have to wait weeks for issues that should even have been issues if they had taken the time to actually perfect the game like they should have.