Solo Que and Leaderboards

Solo Que and Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: Whipem.1705


You guys need to stop complaining about solo que vs premades…

If you don’t want to play tournament style then don’t. If you solo queue then you do so at your own risk.

Smart thing to do would be to create a group and play that way if you can’t stand pug’s in tournaments.

Remember it is TOURNAMENT PVP. there is another sPVP you can go play.

Quit complaining about this. There are more important aspects we should be addressing. Like Class balancing, Rating system, etc….


Solo Que and Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: sirflamesword.3896


Wow…just wow. This is the elitism that will make PVP even more of a wasteland than it already is.

Pinnacle of Responsibility[Mom]-Yaks Bend
Unstable Shield, Unstable Light

Solo Que and Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: chrisk.4320


You guys need to stop complaining about solo que vs premades…

If you don’t want to play tournament style then don’t. If you solo queue then you do so at your own risk.

Smart thing to do would be to create a group and play that way if you can’t stand pug’s in tournaments.

Remember it is TOURNAMENT PVP. there is another sPVP you can go play.

Quit complaining about this. There are more important aspects we should be addressing. Like Class balancing, Rating system, etc….


You’re a tool. ThIs is by far the most important issue for tPvP aside from spectating.

Let me make it simple, kid. There are far more PuGers than there are premades. YOU are a minority. It makes zero sense for ArenaNet to cater to you. I have no doubt if ArenaNet could do it all over again from the beginning ArenaNet would wise up on the failed E-Sport dream and instead give us a solo queue and leave you very few premades players asking the question “Why can’t we have a premades queue?”

We all know the only reason kids like you want a single queue is so you can farm PUGs to make yourself look pro.

Solo Que and Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: Authority.4386


You guys need to stop complaining about solo que vs premades…

If you don’t want to play tournament style then don’t. If you solo queue then you do so at your own risk.

Smart thing to do would be to create a group and play that way if you can’t stand pug’s in tournaments.

Remember it is TOURNAMENT PVP. there is another sPVP you can go play.

Quit complaining about this. There are more important aspects we should be addressing. Like Class balancing, Rating system, etc….


You are completely wrong. Its the majority of PvP population you are talking about. Imagine them having stopped playing tPvP and you together with the rest 24 teams playing there alone.

Solo Que and Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: Ostricheggs.3742


You guys need to stop complaining about solo que vs premades…

If you don’t want to play tournament style then don’t. If you solo queue then you do so at your own risk.

Smart thing to do would be to create a group and play that way if you can’t stand pug’s in tournaments.

Remember it is TOURNAMENT PVP. there is another sPVP you can go play.

Quit complaining about this. There are more important aspects we should be addressing. Like Class balancing, Rating system, etc….


This is from a guy who has some of the most played games in the entire world:


O MOTM/TOL 2/TOG NA/WTS Beijing winner. Message me for PvP Coaching
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!

Solo Que and Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: EoNxBoNx.9213


You guys need to stop complaining about solo que vs premades…

If you don’t want to play tournament style then don’t. If you solo queue then you do so at your own risk.

Smart thing to do would be to create a group and play that way if you can’t stand pug’s in tournaments.

Remember it is TOURNAMENT PVP. there is another sPVP you can go play.

Quit complaining about this. There are more important aspects we should be addressing. Like Class balancing, Rating system, etc….


Lol jk?

“You’re either a Noob or a Pro your entire life, that’s life”
IGN – Kinjax // World – Anvil Rock
IGN – InTheseDays // World – Anvil Rock

Solo Que and Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


I’d add that the sheer amount of try-hard premades sharing the OP’s opinion on this matter is rather appalling (read: pretty much every premade I’d complain about in map chat before a match starts eventually chunked out a comment resembling the OP).

At OP, do you even know what defines a ‘tournament’? Refer to ‘Automated Tournaments’ on GW1 wiki for more information.
And no, single matches without any kind of continuation are not tournaments, you kitten bonk bonk.

Hence why this pvp is currently as competitive as Random Arenas on GW1. Maybe we get lucky and Anet will also implement a special rating for RA based off how many randoms a sync managed to wipe on its run to 25 wins.

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)

Solo Que and Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

I’d say this issue is the most important thing A-Net has to fix.

Still I don’t get why ppl jumping on this topic and flame the OP for his opinion.
What he probably tried to tell us is this: Make the best out of this “terrible” situation we have now. Instead of complaining and QQ the whole day about getting farmed from premades while soloqueing, just form a team or accept it, as it is.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Solo Que and Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


And do what one criticizes and hates most?
A sound solution indeed.

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

Solo Que and Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: Hugs.1856


Provided the algorithm for matchmaking and the rating you gain or lost is solid enough, there is no need to separate the queues.

Ideally this is what happens: huge pool of players who can all face each other in balanced matches, with a rating evolution that reflects their success (or failure:p)

Not separating the queues is healthy because it allows for a massive population and you can also meet anyone which is great for getting to know new players.

Having a solid algorithm for matchmaking ensures that matches are always fair and balanced, regardless of team composition. It is definitely possible for 5 solo’ers to beat a full premade, it’s all down to the rating and the matchmaking algorithm.

Having a solid algorithm to calculate how much rating you get after a win or loss ensures that you always strive to climb up the ladder, you are never demoralized for a big loss, you are never hammered down for losing, but rather it entices you to get back in the game.

Also, team ladder needs to happen:p

Solo Que and Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: Valkyriez.6578


Well, after trying it out for a good while, I’m done. The leaderboards are a great step in the right direction, but not implementing a team and a solo que that’s seperated has me pulling my hair out. I’m all for making a team, but waiting for your team to log on and not a ring to solo que due to hitting teams all night is t much chop.

I’ll be back when the devs get it on track. They are getting there, but not near enough for me.

Best of luck, high five and all that.

Hope [Law] from Sea Of Sorrows dominates.

Solo Que and Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

This was a silly thing to say.

You could make an argument that there are higher priorities than separating solos from pre-mades, but you instead chose to attack the portion of the sPvP player base that makes up the vast majority of the population. FAIL.

I don’t believe that the population in sPvP is currently high enough to support separate ques. Hopefully getting the leader boards right and fixing up some other stuff will draw people back, but separating the ques would definitely improve the quality of the matches that both solos and pre-mades play. The only question is whether the trade-off of longer que times would be bareable, and I suppose A-net are the only people that really have the data to say decisively.

Solo Que and Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: Kitcat.1739


It’s worth bearing in mind that:

Premade = 5 man group that plays together 5 nights a week with teamspeak
Premade = 2 friends who know each other in real life and like to play tournies together, +3 random pugs
Premade = 5 man team whose only relation to each other is that they happen to be in the same guild, never played together before
Premade = 3 friends who often play together showing the ropes to a guildie who’s never tournied before, +1 random pug

I could go on, but you get the idea. There’s a reason “premades” don’t like to be lumped together, and for most people, it has nothing to do with “elitism.” This is also why I am more in favor of an individual rating system (like the one we supposedly have now), rather than a straight split.

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Solo Que and Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


Ye, I’m done solo queuing too atm. Can’t resist it tought. Like valk said, when waiting for your team to come, you want to do some solo queue.

It feels even more frustrating in Spirit watch, dunno why though.

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

Solo Que and Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: Edo Tensei.8254

Edo Tensei.8254

You guys need to stop complaining about solo que vs premades…

If you don’t want to play tournament style then don’t. If you solo queue then you do so at your own risk.

Smart thing to do would be to create a group and play that way if you can’t stand pug’s in tournaments.

Remember it is TOURNAMENT PVP. there is another sPVP you can go play.

Quit complaining about this. There are more important aspects we should be addressing. Like Class balancing, Rating system, etc….


so you like to play against random groups in tpvp with your premade group? dont say yes . because then you are not a pvp player. real pvp players want competition…..its no fun to play against random groups when you are playing with a premade group.

arenanet need to make a random vs random tpvp signup and a premade vs premade tpvp signup.

Solo Que and Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: Void.4239


You guys need to stop complaining about solo que vs premades…

If you don’t want to play tournament style then don’t. If you solo queue then you do so at your own risk.

Smart thing to do would be to create a group and play that way if you can’t stand pug’s in tournaments.

Remember it is TOURNAMENT PVP. there is another sPVP you can go play.

Quit complaining about this. There are more important aspects we should be addressing. Like Class balancing, Rating system, etc….


You do know they removed paids cause premades had to fight better premades , and they cry’ed about it ….

imagen no solo Q , it would turn out the same as how paids did.

anet has to chose :
- make the solo players happy , and split it from premades
- make the premades happy ( for a little while ), and see them cry again when no solo players anymore to play against .

if they chose premades , i would know what to say then …
but it probably would result in the end of the future GW2pvp scene .

Solo Que and Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: Ashanor.5319


You guys need to stop complaining about solo que vs premades…

If you don’t want to play tournament style then don’t. If you solo queue then you do so at your own risk.

Smart thing to do would be to create a group and play that way if you can’t stand pug’s in tournaments.

Remember it is TOURNAMENT PVP. there is another sPVP you can go play.

Quit complaining about this. There are more important aspects we should be addressing. Like Class balancing, Rating system, etc….


You can have tournament pvp without premades streamrolling pugs. Look at the win rates of the top teams. In a good tournament system, they wouldn’t have an 80% win rate. If matchmaking was working correctly, they would be closer to 50-60%.

Solo Que and Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


If you don’t want to play tournament style then don’t. If you solo queue then you do so at your own risk.

This is the snake in the grass that will bite at your ankles.
Because people will stop doing this at their own risk… and than what you have?
Even less people doing active tpvp in this game.

A game that doesn’t cater for the solo players as well as the teams, is bound to lose interest of the masses.

There is only so much the pvp community of a game can take, and this game is stretching it… slowly reaching the snapping point.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Solo Que and Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: Rezz.8019


Solo queue means you enter alone. It has the same function as going on create a roster and then clicking submit without inviting anyone. It is completely useless.

Maybe they’ll create a real solo queue one day, who knows.

Solo Que and Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: Jony.6815


Smart thing to do would be to create a group and play that way if you can’t stand pug’s in tournaments.

It is not a tournament, is a 1 freaking ranked match. Many other games have different ladders for solo-q and premades, and thats how it has to be for many reasons wich im too lazy to enlighten you.

Solo Que and Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: Pandabro.8743


They don’t need to split queues, in my opinion, just have a better algorithm for matching solo players up with other solo players and groups up with other groups. Heros of Newerth does this quite well, it took a while to get to the point they are today but I NEVER get match up against a full premade as a solo queuer despite it all being in one matchmaking system.

Solo Que and Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: Kitcat.1739


I solo queue all day when I play, and after each map I spam something along the lines of r25 engi lf tpvp with voice comms.

I have still not had a single invite to any organizd group, asides from maybe 1 or 2 people who weren’t using voice comms, so please stop making out like it’s so easy to find 4 others all the time. Maybe when you hit rank 35+ it’s easier, but when you are lower than r30 you may find yourself with no choice but solo queue if you want any kind of decent game.

And asides for learning new classes, Spvp is not an option, it plays like a different game compared to Tpvp.

I have never seen a team come together through the HoTM map chat, so I imagine if that is your primary method of lfg for tournies, it would be very frustrating indeed.

There is a happy medium between a hardcore team and a pug team, however, if you’re willing to try: When you’re in a match, take note of the players you’re impressed with (whether they be your team OR the other team), and invite them to party. Pick up more players along the way – eventually, you’ll have a fairly reliable group together. You may have to be patient, but I can vouch that this has worked really well for my group/groups.
If you have fun with these people, ask to add them to your friends list and hit ‘em up anytime you want to tourny. Be patient; be friendly -they don’t call it “building” a team for nothing! Who knows? Maybe this way you’ll be able to create that voice comm dream team you’ve always wanted.
See you in battle!

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Solo Que and Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


I solo queue all day when I play, and after each map I spam something along the lines of r25 engi lf tpvp with voice comms.

I have still not had a single invite to any organizd group, asides from maybe 1 or 2 people who weren’t using voice comms, so please stop making out like it’s so easy to find 4 others all the time. Maybe when you hit rank 35+ it’s easier, but when you are lower than r30 you may find yourself with no choice but solo queue if you want any kind of decent game.

And asides for learning new classes, Spvp is not an option, it plays like a different game compared to Tpvp.

I have never seen a team come together through the HoTM map chat, so I imagine if that is your primary method of lfg for tournies, it would be very frustrating indeed.

There is a happy medium between a hardcore team and a pug team, however, if you’re willing to try: When you’re in a match, take note of the players you’re impressed with (whether they be your team OR the other team), and invite them to party. Pick up more players along the way – eventually, you’ll have a fairly reliable group together. You may have to be patient, but I can vouch that this has worked really well for my group/groups.
If you have fun with these people, ask to add them to your friends list and hit ‘em up anytime you want to tourny. Be patient; be friendly -they don’t call it “building” a team for nothing! Who knows? Maybe this way you’ll be able to create that voice comm dream team you’ve always wanted.
See you in battle!

the problem is you have to do this every single night, it’s not worth the effort, you finally get 5, win a couple then someone has to log and after that all 5 are never on at the same time again. It got to the point where i just stopped bothering because it was more effort to constantly try to add/spam for people. Then there are guilds out there that house people but again it’s same thing you are playing with different random ppl every night, i’d rather just solo queue and not have the hassle. Soloers are the majority and should be catered too rather than trying to force everyone to find a team.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

Solo Que and Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: Kwll.1468


Provided the algorithm for matchmaking and the rating you gain or lost is solid enough, there is no need to separate the queues.

Ideally this is what happens: huge pool of players who can all face each other in balanced matches, with a rating evolution that reflects their success (or failure:p)

Not separating the queues is healthy because it allows for a massive population and you can also meet anyone which is great for getting to know new players.

Having a solid algorithm for matchmaking ensures that matches are always fair and balanced, regardless of team composition. It is definitely possible for 5 solo’ers to beat a full premade, it’s all down to the rating and the matchmaking algorithm.

Having a solid algorithm to calculate how much rating you get after a win or loss ensures that you always strive to climb up the ladder, you are never demoralized for a big loss, you are never hammered down for losing, but rather it entices you to get back in the game.

Also, team ladder needs to happen:p

Exactly there should be no reason for a solo que if there match making worked better although there is the possibility that the population at any time of a given day would be low enough to defeat even the most sopkittenicated match making system unless it was coded to wait quite a bit to match which would probably be unacceptable to a lot of people. My main problem with a solo queue and group queues is that it caters to only 2 scenarios. I often group with 1 or 2 other people and I like it that way quite frankly. So if I play with a couple extra people in my group I am now the equivalent of a full group? I really would perfer they try to perfect there current system and maybe give it more time before kicking off matches(nothing too drastic a couple more minutes) to ensure better matchups then going solo queue and group queue yet. Remember they came up with all this stuff fairly recently they didn’t perfect it day one. There algorithms can be improved.