The slow and steady balance approach

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


This game needs more build diversity which can only be done by buffing loads of traits and skills in one single patch, or quick successive patches. In 10 months there have been no decisive changes to builds and it leads to dullness.

There will always be a “best” build for a particular class. But it would be nice if EVERY class had 3/4 other builds which are close to the same level as that “best” build. At the moment that isn’t the case.

They claim that you can’t balance a game so quickly because it is complex. As if all us idiots don’t realise how complicated things are. Well they can stick by that philosophy which gets the most popular pvp streams with often around 60 viewers for a game which sold probably 4m copies by now. Or they can change and take some risks. I would estimate 75% of traits and skills across all classes are useless. Changes to the meta keep things fresh and keep people coming back. No changes is stagnant.

I am not saying their slow and steady approach doesn’t have benefits. But it is a system which can be used AFTER they have got some build diversity. Slow and steady has no place in a game with so many bad skills and traits.

End of June is make or break for me. If it is another patch which fails to deliver anything fresh in terms of builds then I really will lose what little faith I have left in this game.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: Legacy.7360


I totally agree with revisiting Class Traits. Keep things fresh, keeps the game feeling “new” and interesting. Coming back to the same Cookie cutter builds for all Classes cause the other traits are really useless in comparison shows lack of ingenuity and creativity Anet.

I hope for the sake of this game, when the big patch you supposedly will announce with Class balance and trait allocation/renewal. It isn’t bland and just focused on 2 classes.

Every Class and some weapon sets needs help/adjustments. Lets Keep this Game Fresh.

/Sign The Community

Guardian <3
Platinnum – Zerker Guardian

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


I dont usually agree with lordsoricky threads, but this time he is so right.


Up Rerroll

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


In the meantime, play a warrior.

The best build has not been found yet.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


In the meantime, play a warrior.

The best build has not been found yet.

This game isn’t so complex that great builds are lurking out there. There are very few traits and skills and they often paint you into a certain direction build wise.

Making a build on gw2 takes about 2 minutes. Really would be cool if that wasn’t the case and there were hard decisions to make.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: sorrow.2364


I totally agree with revisiting Class Traits. Keep things fresh, keeps the game feeling “new” and interesting. Coming back to the same Cookie cutter builds for all Classes cause the other traits are really useless in comparison shows lack of ingenuity and creativity Anet.

I hope for the sake of this game, when the big patch you supposedly will announce with Class balance and trait allocation/renewal. It isn’t bland and just focused on 2 classes.

Every Class and some weapon sets needs help/adjustments. Lets Keep this Game Fresh.

/Sign The Community

This is true.
Back in GW1, when the balancing approach was different (huge balance patches and whole profession reworks in some), I found it extremely more entertaining.
Each balance patch made it looks like to play an entirely new game, built a whole new meta and kept the game fresh, as you said. You can experience entirely new builds and gamestyles each month after the balance patch.

I don’t know why they left this way to balance things. Now the game feels old, the builds are always the same, the traits worth using too… ANet done a lot wrong in this game, despite its huge potential, imho.
Let’s see and wait, maybe they change their mind.

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: Datsuni.4678


From a player point of view it feels like there really is only 2 devs working on balance changes. Iam not stating it is how it is, but that is how it feels. And the reason could very well be up higher in their management system and resource placement, perhaps they choose to spend the time in a different manner, or perhaps there is a hidden test server for few and selected where ppl spend their time.

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


Ya play a warrior build diversity is through the roof with the warrior class everything is so crap, anyway you play it is optimal

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: Juan Ignacio.8903

Juan Ignacio.8903

lol after 10months u still have some faith left

good post tought

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


lol after 10months u still have some faith left

good post tought

One day i’ll manage to understand the reason you come to these forums every day to bash the game and say how dead it is.

Up Rerroll

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: Juan Ignacio.8903

Juan Ignacio.8903

lol after 10months u still have some faith left

good post tought

One day i’ll manage to understand the reason you come to these forums every day to bash the game and say how dead it is.

becouse these forums are awsome, everyday i log in to post some dumb response, i see people that were praising this game now they just attack it and it really funny.
or anet small changes that change nothing! its hillarious.
i think i never said that the game is dead, i think i said many times that is just bad.

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: Legacy.7360


lol after 10months u still have some faith left

good post tought

One day i’ll manage to understand the reason you come to these forums every day to bash the game and say how dead it is.

becouse these forums are awsome, everyday i log in to post some dumb response, i see people that were praising this game now they just attack it and it really funny.
or anet small changes that change nothing! its hillarious.
i think i never said that the game is dead, i think i said many times that is just bad.

(Was) hit by a wall of grammar and spelling errors… really… hard… to… read. One or 2 mistakes happens… but kitten boi…

Guardian <3
Platinnum – Zerker Guardian

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: Enmity.3428


I don’t know why ArenaNet are so afraid of shaking things up a bit?

I’d like to see faster and more decisive changes made as the PvP in this game badly needs revitalised.

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


I agree as well, would like more then 1 build on my ele, mind you I do play a S/F second build with it though not as good as the D/D.

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: Deified.7520


I agree. I feel like this game having the same builds since release with no real changes is pretty poor. They talked about necromancers and warriors being like gods in beta and they nerfed them into the ground, but making an underdog classes good may actually be good for the game. Gives players something new to adapt to.


The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

The most balanced class in my opinion is the guard. He can either specc into support/bunker (several different builds) and has also viable hybrid and damage builds. Why? Because this class has a lot of “viable” traits.

I’d like to see other classes in the same spot. It’s ridiculouse that after 10 months nearly all classes have more than 75% garbage-traits, not even PvE-Players use. A-Net should better focus on actually buffing unused traits and utilities rather than nerf the better ones.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: pullnointer.1476


they say this, but in reality, they just don’t have enough manpower/have no idea what to do.

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

they say this, but in reality, they just don’t have enough manpower/have no idea what to do.

I understand it’s very difficult to please everyones wishes and stuff, but it is not like they do this the first time. They have many things they could do similar to GW1. Not talking about modes, more about the infrastructure and the features. Additionally they can read a lot of suggestions in this forum, where many of them are really good.
But in the end I’m not working there and just can judge the results.
Also the cooperation between the top-players and the devs could be better than just a SOTG every month. It seems like the critical persons are never participating, while the agreeing ones do regulary.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: pullnointer.1476


they say this, but in reality, they just don’t have enough manpower/have no idea what to do.

I understand it’s very difficult to please everyones wishes and stuff, but it is not like they do this the first time. They have many things they could do similar to GW1. Not talking about modes, more about the infrastructure and the features. Additionally they can read a lot of suggestions in this forum, where many of them are really good.
But in the end I’m not working there and just can judge the results.
Also the cooperation between the top-players and the devs could be better than just a SOTG every month. It seems like the critical persons are never participating, while the agreeing ones do regulary.

hard to get anything useful done if you are working on temporary content 24/7

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

they say this, but in reality, they just don’t have enough manpower/have no idea what to do.

I understand it’s very difficult to please everyones wishes and stuff, but it is not like they do this the first time. They have many things they could do similar to GW1. Not talking about modes, more about the infrastructure and the features. Additionally they can read a lot of suggestions in this forum, where many of them are really good.
But in the end I’m not working there and just can judge the results.
Also the cooperation between the top-players and the devs could be better than just a SOTG every month. It seems like the critical persons are never participating, while the agreeing ones do regulary.

hard to get anything useful done if you are working on temporary content 24/7

Yep, the business-model of A-Net /RNG-Soft is definitely not efficient.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

hard to get anything useful done if you are working on temporary content 24/7

And there it is. Keep your Dragon Balls in your pants and fix the core content. Simple really.

Hopefully the incoming balance patch will shake things up and make it interesting rather than stale. Who knows maybe Warriors and Necros will return from MIA status.

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: Punkins.2087


lol after 10months u still have some faith left

good post tought

One day i’ll manage to understand the reason you come to these forums every day to bash the game and say how dead it is.

Gotta do SOMETHING interesting while being bored to tears playing whatever awesome OMGSOOOOMUCHBETTERTHANGW2 game he’s into…

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: Kouryuu.4213


Sure, I can get on board. I originally liked the idea of slow and steady but I think that only really works when the game already has many options.

I think its time to make things interesting, can always re-adjust a couple weeks after changes go wrong. Once there are more options available then we can slow down again.

Forever unranked.

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


I’ve said this several times on these forums in comments and everyone always yelled at me. >_> /signed

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: Calae.1738


Making a build on gw2 takes about 2 minutes. Really would be cool if that wasn’t the case and there were hard decisions to make.

Exactly; there aren’t any hard choices to make. The traits are so poorly balanced that the best ones stand out far more than the rest. Their solution to balancing is nerfing the strong ones so that all the traits are terrible.

Which inevitably makes the whole class terrible.

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: Aza.2105


The snail’s pace class balancing has done nothing but kill pvp. I’d rather have large drastic changes that could shake up and possible unbalance things for a entire month than the baby step approach which takes 1+ year to see any significant differences.

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Making a build on gw2 takes about 2 minutes. Really would be cool if that wasn’t the case and there were hard decisions to make.

Exactly; there aren’t any hard choices to make. The traits are so poorly balanced that the best ones stand out far more than the rest. Their solution to balancing is nerfing the strong ones so that all the traits are terrible.

Which inevitably makes the whole class terrible.

Yep, better wasting time with nerfing traits that are actually fine and have some sort of synergy, instead of reworking the 90% useless ones.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: Oni Link.4621

Oni Link.4621

or perhaps there is a hidden test server for few and selected where ppl spend their time.

There is a beta server, since 2011 if I’m not wrong. The problem is that developers ignore/underestimate the major part of feedback from players playing the beta server.

And about SOTG, meh, all players there just say “hmm hmm” when developers say (for the 1000th time) “we prefer small tweaks rather than big changes followed by nerfs”. It seems like no one from player side is capable to criticize developers at all. I don’t know if they are shy or what, but they have the opportunity to say a direct and unavoidable critique and they just waste it…
Mah, maybe I’m just too serious about it, but this game is absurdly stale.

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


The most balanced class in my opinion is the guard. He can either specc into support/bunker (several different builds) and has also viable hybrid and damage builds. Why? Because this class has a lot of “viable” traits.

I’d like to see other classes in the same spot. It’s ridiculouse that after 10 months nearly all classes have more than 75% garbage-traits, not even PvE-Players use. A-Net should better focus on actually buffing unused traits and utilities rather than nerf the better ones.

I agree on guardian.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

The slow and steady balance approach

in PvP

Posted by: Odaman.8359


If they go criticizing devs in a live stream you won’t see them show up for another one. It’s a sad state, but w/e… they’re not fixing this thing anytime soon.

Odaman 80 Mesmer