"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


So, there will be apologists out there that rip this thread apart saying that I’m attacking the devs, and I am not doing that at all. There is a certain theme that is being thrown around on the forums and I want to have some clarification, because I think it’s misleading.

The statement that, “we knew where warriors were headed this whole time and it took you guys a while to catch up” is being echoed in many threads currently; however, the current fix to bring them back in line is to fix sigil of paralyzation, which was a bug.

So, if you made changes to warrior, and they turned out to be the way that you thought, then either:

a- you knew paralyzation was a bug and just waited for us to “catch” it
b- the bug was never known and you never knew that warriors would turn out the way they did.

Another topic of discussion:

If you are waiting to balance the game, because a bug that has been in the game, since probably the beginning, was finally fixed and you are waiting to see how it all panned out….then, why wasn’t that bug fixed IMMEDIATELY since it wasn’t intended and then the meta would naturally shift. If you had done the latter, then this patch could have been used to address some of the actual BALANCE concerns, and not bug fixes. Instead were addressing a bug to then evaluate what balance updates are required.

I am not currently someone that is blasting this patch on the forums, because I think it was a step in the right direction, but this whole ,“we knew warriors were headed where they were, we just sat back and waited for you to catch up” i believe is a bit misleading. Once again, because that would mean you knew the bug was in play and did nothing about it.

I guess, to keep this constructive: why can’t we fix bugs immediately? Why do you we have to wait for large updates for major bugs THAT ARE ADMITTEDLY SHIFTING THE META, to be fixed?

I know the approach is slow and steady, and maybe this patch will bring the change we need, but I doubt it. Even during the live stream Roy stated a few times, “we know it’s probably not enough but we want to wait and see”. Which is understandable if the game was updated at even a remotely reasonable pace. But it’s not and so I leave you with this:

If the patch doesn’t fix the meta, doesn’t make the game more enjoyable, how long do we wait for the next patch to address it’s shortcomings?

Good day.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: JonathanSharp.7094


Game Design Lead

Hey Felivear, thanks for the post!

We knew for a while that Warriors were stronger than the meta seemed to indicate at one point, and we knew a fix for the sigil was coming.

Sometimes it just takes a while ( IN ANY GAME ) for people to try all builds, all combinations of strategies, all options, etc.

That’s why we want to see what today’s improvements do to the game, especially to support meta. I ran into a VERY strong staff Elementalist earlier on live, and was excited to see it when I did.

It normally takes a few days/weeks for builds to assimilate new changes into their kitten nals.

Due to that, we’ll be watching the meta to see where it goes and then make more changes in future updates.

The Sigil of Paralyzation was making Warriors (who used it to great effect) very strong, so went ahead and fixed it with this update. We have plans to rework all sigils/runes, but that Sigil, we felt, was so important that we had to fix it now, before we did a large balance pass on the sigils/runes.

We have to make sure we aren’t making you guys download new clients all the time for fixes. We knew the sigil of paralyzation was strong, but we also knew our fix was coming in today’s update.

Hope this makes sense and thanks for the post!

IGN: Chaplan
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Kata.6795


The Sigil of Paralyzation was making Warriors (who used it to great effect) very strong, so went ahead and fixed it with this update. We have plans to rework all sigils/runes, but that Sigil, we felt, was so important that we had to fix it now, before we did a large balance pass on the sigils/runes.


We have to make sure we aren’t making you guys download new clients all the time for fixes. We knew the sigil of paralyzation was strong, but we also knew our fix was coming in today’s update.


(edited by Kata.6795)

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


Hey Felivear, thanks for the post!

We knew for a while that Warriors were stronger than the meta seemed to indicate at one point, and we knew a fix for the sigil was coming.

Sometimes it just takes a while ( IN ANY GAME ) for people to try all builds, all combinations of strategies, all options, etc.

That’s why we want to see what today’s improvements do to the game, especially to support meta. I ran into a VERY strong staff Elementalist earlier on live, and was excited to see it when I did.

It normally takes a few days/weeks for builds to assimilate new changes into their kitten nals.

Due to that, we’ll be watching the meta to see where it goes and then make more changes in future updates.

The Sigil of Paralyzation was making Warriors (who used it to great effect) very strong, so went ahead and fixed it with this update. We have plans to rework all sigils/runes, but that Sigil, we felt, was so important that we had to fix it now, before we did a large balance pass on the sigils/runes.

We have to make sure we aren’t making you guys download new clients all the time for fixes. We knew the sigil of paralyzation was strong, but we also knew our fix was coming in today’s update.

Hope this makes sense and thanks for the post!

I know internally, the idea of many patches may be a topic that is taboo, but I, for one, could care less. I would assume that many players would feel the same. I know there are some issues with bandwidth and download caps, etc, but I would thing that the best option for the players is to update as needed.

The Svanir bug, the paralyzation bug, etc are all examples of things that should have been hotfixed.

I know this next point is beating a dead-horse, but if the bug had a huge negative impact on PvE, I have a hard time believing that a quick fix wouldn’t be imminent.

And I hope you take my posts as constructive and coming from a place of pure love for the potential of this game (faithfully playing for 14 months should show that alone). Sometimes my passion can overshadow the meat of my posts, but I think the intention is pure.

Thanks for your response. I just hope you all take certain items that have such a huge impact on gameplay into consideration and place much more urgency on them. For the good of the game.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Zenta.5167


I don’t really know anything about making games, but couldn’t you throw in these tweaks/fixes with the biweekly living story patches?

I’m not going to lie, it does hurt us a little when balance tweaks take so long to roll out but you can hotfix living story problems within 24 hours of release.

To use an example, s/d thieves boon strip reducing to 1 boon. This thrown in with a few other minor changes, how long would something like that take to put together as opposed to waiting for such a long time? I think the community would welcome regular minor tweaks to classes throughout the month as opposed to it being a quarterly thing.

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


Does this mean we will see bi-weekly balance patches now that you’re doing the slow n steady route?

People can’t wait another month or longer for another “tiny” balance patch. =/

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Hammerheart.1426


We have to make sure we aren’t making you guys download new clients all the time for fixes.

Or else…what? Schedule small fixes on a weekly basis (like some longstanding mmo’s do) and we all can expect it. Hey weekly small fixes! Yay!

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Kwll.1468


So, there will be apologists out there that rip this thread apart saying that I’m attacking the devs, and I am not doing that at all. There is a certain theme that is being thrown around on the forums and I want to have some clarification, because I think it’s misleading.

The statement that, “we knew where warriors were headed this whole time and it took you guys a while to catch up” is being echoed in many threads currently; however, the current fix to bring them back in line is to fix sigil of paralyzation, which was a bug.

So, if you made changes to warrior, and they turned out to be the way that you thought, then either:

a- you knew paralyzation was a bug and just waited for us to “catch” it
b- the bug was never known and you never knew that warriors would turn out the way they did.

Another topic of discussion:

If you are waiting to balance the game, because a bug that has been in the game, since probably the beginning, was finally fixed and you are waiting to see how it all panned out….then, why wasn’t that bug fixed IMMEDIATELY since it wasn’t intended and then the meta would naturally shift. If you had done the latter, then this patch could have been used to address some of the actual BALANCE concerns, and not bug fixes. Instead were addressing a bug to then evaluate what balance updates are required.

I am not currently someone that is blasting this patch on the forums, because I think it was a step in the right direction, but this whole ,“we knew warriors were headed where they were, we just sat back and waited for you to catch up” i believe is a bit misleading. Once again, because that would mean you knew the bug was in play and did nothing about it.

I guess, to keep this constructive: why can’t we fix bugs immediately? Why do you we have to wait for large updates for major bugs THAT ARE ADMITTEDLY SHIFTING THE META, to be fixed?

I know the approach is slow and steady, and maybe this patch will bring the change we need, but I doubt it. Even during the live stream Roy stated a few times, “we know it’s probably not enough but we want to wait and see”. Which is understandable if the game was updated at even a remotely reasonable pace. But it’s not and so I leave you with this:

If the patch doesn’t fix the meta, doesn’t make the game more enjoyable, how long do we wait for the next patch to address it’s shortcomings?

Good day.

Dont go out of your way to be so polite. You paid for this game and have the right to complain. They take things slow because they have like 2 people working on pvp on a commodore 64. They don’t play there own game much at all either. They over-buffed warriors and they know it. They have the data that shows them how many fotm bads there are rolling around on Warriors at the moment and its legion. It should be embarrassing to them the fotm that constantly rolls in this game its always something from eles and mesmers early in the game’s life to necro and spirit rangers and now we have warriors. It should be a mark of shame for them that the class distribution in spvp is so out of whack. Notice how they are posting all this stuff now to try to quash the furor over this awful patch. In a couple of days you won’t here from them more then very rarely for a couple months.

(edited by Kwll.1468)

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


It’s possible for them to be aware that warriors were significantly stronger than the community realised, without realising exactly how insane they could be in the hands of a very skilled dedicated warrior player. Similar to how most people would know off the top of their head that 3.019376942 ^ 2 > 9 without knowing exactly how much greater.

It’s also possible for them to be aware of it without realising that the skill floor is too high. If game devs had perfect knowledge, no balancing would ever need to be done on any game. Whether either of those was the case in this situation, I don’t know, because there are countless other answers to your question as well.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

(edited by Mammoth.1975)

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Divinity.8041


So, there will be apologists out there that rip this thread apart saying that I’m attacking the devs, and I am not doing that at all. There is a certain theme that is being thrown around on the forums and I want to have some clarification, because I think it’s misleading.

The statement that, “we knew where warriors were headed this whole time and it took you guys a while to catch up” is being echoed in many threads currently; however, the current fix to bring them back in line is to fix sigil of paralyzation, which was a bug.

So, if you made changes to warrior, and they turned out to be the way that you thought, then either:

a- you knew paralyzation was a bug and just waited for us to “catch” it
b- the bug was never known and you never knew that warriors would turn out the way they did.

Another topic of discussion:

If you are waiting to balance the game, because a bug that has been in the game, since probably the beginning, was finally fixed and you are waiting to see how it all panned out….then, why wasn’t that bug fixed IMMEDIATELY since it wasn’t intended and then the meta would naturally shift. If you had done the latter, then this patch could have been used to address some of the actual BALANCE concerns, and not bug fixes. Instead were addressing a bug to then evaluate what balance updates are required.

I am not currently someone that is blasting this patch on the forums, because I think it was a step in the right direction, but this whole ,“we knew warriors were headed where they were, we just sat back and waited for you to catch up” i believe is a bit misleading. Once again, because that would mean you knew the bug was in play and did nothing about it.

I guess, to keep this constructive: why can’t we fix bugs immediately? Why do you we have to wait for large updates for major bugs THAT ARE ADMITTEDLY SHIFTING THE META, to be fixed?

I know the approach is slow and steady, and maybe this patch will bring the change we need, but I doubt it. Even during the live stream Roy stated a few times, “we know it’s probably not enough but we want to wait and see”. Which is understandable if the game was updated at even a remotely reasonable pace. But it’s not and so I leave you with this:

If the patch doesn’t fix the meta, doesn’t make the game more enjoyable, how long do we wait for the next patch to address it’s shortcomings?

Good day.

Dont go out of your way to be so polite. You paid for this game and have the right to complain. They take things slow because they have like 2 people working on pvp on a commodore 64. They don’t play there own game much at all either. They over-buffed warriors and they know it. They have the data that shows them how many fotm bads there are rolling around on Warriors at the moment and its legion. It should be embarrassing to them the fotm that constantly rolls in this game its always something from eles and mesmers early in the game’s life to necro and spirit rangers and now we have warriors. It should be a mark of shame for them that the class distribution in spvp is so out of whack. Notice how they are posting all this stuff now to try to quash the furor over this awful patch. In a couple of days you won’t here from them more then very rarely for a couple months.

last time I made a post about having the right to complain after buying the game, it was infracted…be careful

R40 Mesmer

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


At least do something about the passive 400+ healing a second healing signet

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


I love how he calls things ‘improvements’ cause I am not seeing any.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: salt and pepper.4738

salt and pepper.4738

I guess, to keep this constructive: why can’t we fix bugs immediately? Why do you we have to wait for large updates for major bugs THAT ARE ADMITTEDLY SHIFTING THE META, to be fixed?

We have plans to rework all sigils/runes, but that Sigil, we felt, was so important that we had to fix it now, before we did a large balance pass on the sigils/runes.

We have to make sure we aren’t making you guys download new clients all the time for fixes. We knew the sigil of paralyzation was strong, but we also knew our fix was coming in today’s update.

Worst and most jackleg answer i´ve ever heard.
- So every time u grant us thousands of new bugs we have to wait 4 months to get them fixxed, that sounds great, you are so fast!

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


At least do something about the passive 400+ healing a second healing signet

That’s one of the things I thought for sure would be toned down. I ran on my warrior most of the night last night and had no problem stunning people to death still (although it was noticeable more difficult), but the healing is still insane.

So many passive things in this game, with this probably being the most blatant. At least with the thief sigil, you have to attack to get it’s benefit, this, however, is 100% passive.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Med.6150


Jon, the only problem I have with bug fixes is the discrepancy in how fast one bug is fixed compared to another.

I have submitted more bug reports than I can count and some were fixed immediately, some were fixed way late (like paralyzation sigil bug, which I submitted on the first day this game went live) and some have yet to be fixed.

I understand that some fixes are more complicated than others, but in reality, it comes down to submitting a bug at the right time to the right person through the right channels in order to get it fixed quickly (and I know that this is true for any game, as I have first hand experience and knowledge on the process, so don’t take this the wrong way).

I once had Karl fix a bug right on the spot (or at least acknowledge and forward it to the designer in charge), because I brought it to his attention while he was typing in the gw2pvptv chat and I was impressed.

If you are fully intent on improving the speed at which you guys can squash these bugs, your best bet is to set up a schedule for it on your stream channel for the sole purpose of having people flood you with bug reports on chat for 30 minutes or whatever and write them down.

This is just a suggestion, because I honestly have no idea, if you guys have the time, will or possibility to set that up.

(edited by Med.6150)

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Brutus.8023


Hey Felivear, thanks for the post!

We knew for a while that Warriors were stronger than the meta seemed to indicate at one point, and we knew a fix for the sigil was coming.

Sometimes it just takes a while ( IN ANY GAME ) for people to try all builds, all combinations of strategies, all options, etc.

That’s why we want to see what today’s improvements do to the game, especially to support meta. I ran into a VERY strong staff Elementalist earlier on live, and was excited to see it when I did.

It normally takes a few days/weeks for builds to assimilate new changes into their kitten nals.

Due to that, we’ll be watching the meta to see where it goes and then make more changes in future updates.

The Sigil of Paralyzation was making Warriors (who used it to great effect) very strong, so went ahead and fixed it with this update. We have plans to rework all sigils/runes, but that Sigil, we felt, was so important that we had to fix it now, before we did a large balance pass on the sigils/runes.

We have to make sure we aren’t making you guys download new clients all the time for fixes. We knew the sigil of paralyzation was strong, but we also knew our fix was coming in today’s update.

Hope this makes sense and thanks for the post!

May i ask a question, do you play this game? You just write a joke right?You seriously think the warrior meta was from a sigil?i mean not the 900 sec heal or mace/shield- hammer cc lock.You dont need to do anything to play them.And thank God there is a dev team that knows how to fix the game.The biggest nerf in the game is sigil fix and s/d thief nerfing to stealing 1 boon.i mean who is gonna play s/d thief anymore.Thanks for the biggest balance patch in all games history in just 4 months.

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Jae.9682


I think the sigil of paralization issue was an engine problem. The engine had to round up to the nearest second, now it rounds up to the nearest quarter second. Seems simple, but for coding and optimization I can imagine it being very difficult.

Jae Sun, Jae of Arc, Jae Kal, Jae Khan, Jae Barka, Jae Hemingway
Original Member of Blackgate.
Member of HB.

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Django.5923


Such a complex code can sometimes take 4 months to create

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Sifu.6527


I think the sigil of paralization issue was an engine problem. The engine had to round up to the nearest second, now it rounds up to the nearest quarter second. Seems simple, but for coding and optimization I can imagine it being very difficult.

That is why you disable the Sigil until a fix can be finalized…which takes about a day or two to do. They knew about this problem 1 year ago but it was never a “hot issue” until recently.

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: emon.1863


I like how game is out over an year now and there are still bug in Trait/Skills/Runes/Signl from game release.

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Phi Is Sly.1857

Phi Is Sly.1857

Hey Felivear, thanks for the post!

I ran into a VERY strong staff Elementalist earlier on live, and was excited to see it when I did.

You where excited? You make out like it is of rare abundance. Don’t want to sound like i am digging at your, but anet kitten detached from the game atm. One anet staff was telling us to defend bay, we did not even own it, i had to explain the colours system and that we did not own that point.

he even agreed at his mistake.

Ele is not in a good place atm, we are locked into the same kitten and cant use all wepon setes and armor types fully.

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: hooma.9642


I love how he calls things ‘improvements’ cause I am not seeing any.

u dont see the traitupdates? changing correct, sometimes misleading tooltips, against wrong who updates depending on others choices?

its funny. it took 4 months for that and then there are so many mistakes.

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Kentrey.3251


Hey Felivear, thanks for the post!

We knew for a while that Warriors were stronger than the meta seemed to indicate at one point, and we knew a fix for the sigil was coming.

Sometimes it just takes a while ( IN ANY GAME ) for people to try all builds, all combinations of strategies, all options, etc.

That’s why we want to see what today’s improvements do to the game, especially to support meta. I ran into a VERY strong staff Elementalist earlier on live, and was excited to see it when I did.

It normally takes a few days/weeks for builds to assimilate new changes into their kitten nals.

Due to that, we’ll be watching the meta to see where it goes and then make more changes in future updates.

The Sigil of Paralyzation was making Warriors (who used it to great effect) very strong, so went ahead and fixed it with this update. We have plans to rework all sigils/runes, but that Sigil, we felt, was so important that we had to fix it now, before we did a large balance pass on the sigils/runes.

We have to make sure we aren’t making you guys download new clients all the time for fixes. We knew the sigil of paralyzation was strong, but we also knew our fix was coming in today’s update.

Hope this makes sense and thanks for the post!

May i ask a question, do you play this game? You just write a joke right?You seriously think the warrior meta was from a sigil?i mean not the 900 sec heal or mace/shield- hammer cc lock.You dont need to do anything to play them.And thank God there is a dev team that knows how to fix the game.The biggest nerf in the game is sigil fix and s/d thief nerfing to stealing 1 boon.i mean who is gonna play s/d thief anymore.Thanks for the biggest balance patch in all games history in just 4 months.

My god! i mean i’ve been on a lot of forums before. And i used to think Vanilla wow rouges were bad but my god you are like the icing and the cake.

First off dude keep your panties on. Yea the PvP balancing patch was lackluster at best. But it was a step in the right direction. If you think changes like these take long to get out you’ve never played any other MMO. The rate of change in GW2 is breath taking to say the least.

Sencond that sigil was a huge problem. The difference between that entire rounded up second and Unsuspecting foe was not only making warriors stun lock people but the mace do the damage of a greatsword. Yes it should’ve been hot fixed earlier but its way better later (and even later for more fixes) than never

Third you pretend S/D thieves are in any sort of danger. Yes S/D got its deserved nerf. LS being 2 int still is slightly worrying but the fact that not only does that move evade but also hit like heartseeker means S/D thieves are still fine. They didn’t shave a inch off the damage which honestly was the real reason it was OP. That boon rip wasn’t enough for people who Spammed massive amount of boon and was just too much for classes that only like like 2 -3 at a time.

Fourth This is the reason we can’t have nice things! This anet rep (who talks more than any other dev i’ve seen on any of the forums not to mention more than anyone in any other forums for any other game) is here sharing his opinion actually conversing with us about his ideas and what the reasons behind Anets decisions and all you and a lot of other people do is pick apart his comment and try to tear him a new one for sharing.
Personally i wouldn’t speak to a bunch off kittens (kitten seemed like the best insult i could think of) who can’t have a normal conversation back.
Personally i would love it if Jon just came on the board and we all started kicking ideas back and forth about experiences and what we’d all like to see and possibly have in store but that’ll never happen when everyone is such a freaking kitten!

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Kentrey.3251


My god! i mean i’ve been on a lot of forums before. And i used to think Vanilla wow rouges were bad but my god you are like the icing and the cake.

First off dude keep your panties on. Yea the PvP balancing patch was lackluster at best. But it was a step in the right direction. If you think changes like these take long to get out you’ve never played any other MMO. The rate of change in GW2 is breath taking to say the least.

Sencond that sigil was a huge problem. The difference between that entire rounded up second and Unsuspecting foe was not only making warriors stun lock people but the mace do the damage of a greatsword. Yes it should’ve been hot fixed earlier but its way better later (and even later for more fixes) than never

Third you pretend S/D thieves are in any sort of danger. Yes S/D got its deserved nerf. LS being 2 int still is slightly worrying but the fact that not only does that move evade but also hit like heartseeker means S/D thieves are still fine. They didn’t shave a inch off the damage which honestly was the real reason it was OP. That boon rip wasn’t enough for people who Spammed massive amount of boon and was just too much for classes that only like like 2 -3 at a time.

Fourth This is the reason we can’t have nice things! This anet rep (who talks more than any other dev i’ve seen on any of the forums not to mention more than anyone in any other forums for any other game) is here sharing his opinion actually conversing with us about his ideas and what the reasons behind Anets decisions and all you and a lot of other people do is pick apart his comment and try to tear him a new one for sharing.
Personally i wouldn’t speak to a bunch off kittens (kitten seemed like the best insult i could think of) who can’t have a normal conversation back.
Personally i would love it if Jon just came on the board and we all started kicking ideas back and forth about experiences and what we’d all like to see and possibly have in store but that’ll never happen when everyone is such a freaking kitten!

And you know what it isn’t just you. It so many people on this forum, every class forum ever made, hell even the living world forum.

I know forums are made for people to complain (which they aren’t really), and we are on the internet but my god why not try to show some decency and maybe even a bit of respect not just because Anet is full of people. But because youre ASKING THEM FOR STUFF, i swear if i was in charge i would go bankrupt and just turn the entire game off and asked you how you like it now since it was so bad.

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

I love how he calls things ‘improvements’ cause I am not seeing any.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: hooma.9642


I love how he calls things ‘improvements’ cause I am not seeing any.

giving op regen warriors better shoutheal to troll more and call it “support others”

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


I love how he calls things ‘improvements’ cause I am not seeing any.

giving op regen warriors better shoutheal to troll more and call it “support others”

That’s where the problem of “support” turning into “bunker power” comes in.

In the end, all it did was buff the personal survivability of a shout warrior even more and that’s all it will be used for, to bunker harder.

These sort of things need to start seperating personal power and selfless power.

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

I love how he calls things ‘improvements’ cause I am not seeing any.

giving op regen warriors better shoutheal to troll more and call it “support others”

If I would do such a work in my company, I’d have lost my job. But ye, they’re designers and we can’t see the brilliancy behind this creative work.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: mistsim.2748


Hey Felivear, thanks for the post!

We knew for a while that Warriors were stronger than the meta seemed to indicate at one point, and we knew a fix for the sigil was coming.

Sometimes it just takes a while ( IN ANY GAME ) for people to try all builds, all combinations of strategies, all options, etc.

That’s why we want to see what today’s improvements do to the game, especially to support meta. I ran into a VERY strong staff Elementalist earlier on live, and was excited to see it when I did.

It normally takes a few days/weeks for builds to assimilate new changes into their kitten nals.

Due to that, we’ll be watching the meta to see where it goes and then make more changes in future updates.

The Sigil of Paralyzation was making Warriors (who used it to great effect) very strong, so went ahead and fixed it with this update. We have plans to rework all sigils/runes, but that Sigil, we felt, was so important that we had to fix it now, before we did a large balance pass on the sigils/runes.

We have to make sure we aren’t making you guys download new clients all the time for fixes. We knew the sigil of paralyzation was strong, but we also knew our fix was coming in today’s update.

Hope this makes sense and thanks for the post!

stop buffing hammer/shout warriors and buff other things.

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Hey Felivear, thanks for the post!

We knew for a while that Warriors were stronger than the meta seemed to indicate at one point, and we knew a fix for the sigil was coming.

Sometimes it just takes a while ( IN ANY GAME ) for people to try all builds, all combinations of strategies, all options, etc.

That’s why we want to see what today’s improvements do to the game, especially to support meta. I ran into a VERY strong staff Elementalist earlier on live, and was excited to see it when I did.

It normally takes a few days/weeks for builds to assimilate new changes into their kitten nals.

Due to that, we’ll be watching the meta to see where it goes and then make more changes in future updates.

The Sigil of Paralyzation was making Warriors (who used it to great effect) very strong, so went ahead and fixed it with this update. We have plans to rework all sigils/runes, but that Sigil, we felt, was so important that we had to fix it now, before we did a large balance pass on the sigils/runes.

We have to make sure we aren’t making you guys download new clients all the time for fixes. We knew the sigil of paralyzation was strong, but we also knew our fix was coming in today’s update.

Hope this makes sense and thanks for the post!

stop buffing hammer/shout warriors and buff other things.

False. How about start tonning down stuff, instead of buffing all the time? I don’t know why ppl don’t get that buffing at this point will destroy the game even more.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: hooma.9642


I love how he calls things ‘improvements’ cause I am not seeing any.

giving op regen warriors better shoutheal to troll more and call it “support others”

If I would do such a work in my company, I’d have lost my job. But ye, they’re designers and we can’t see the brilliancy behind this creative work.

there is not deeper thinking behind. all they do is seeing some parts of the game and adjust it ignoring it impact on the rest of the game. its like the changes to stunduration.

all in all the complete problems coming from missing balls to do the full step. so why not remove as example +daze/stun durations and adjust the needed time for every skill if u can do half the work and throw it at the customers. at least u has shown that u are willing to do something

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

I love how he calls things ‘improvements’ cause I am not seeing any.

giving op regen warriors better shoutheal to troll more and call it “support others”

If I would do such a work in my company, I’d have lost my job. But ye, they’re designers and we can’t see the brilliancy behind this creative work.

there is not deeper thinking behind. all they do is seeing some parts of the game and adjust it ignoring it impact on the rest of the game. its like the changes to stunduration.

all in all the complete problems coming from missing balls to do the full step. so why not remove as example +daze/stun durations and adjust the needed time for every skill if u can do half the work and throw it at the customers. at least u has shown that u are willing to do something

“sarcasm” you know it? :P

Read It Backwards [BooN]

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: hooma.9642


I love how he calls things ‘improvements’ cause I am not seeing any.

giving op regen warriors better shoutheal to troll more and call it “support others”

If I would do such a work in my company, I’d have lost my job. But ye, they’re designers and we can’t see the brilliancy behind this creative work.

there is not deeper thinking behind. all they do is seeing some parts of the game and adjust it ignoring it impact on the rest of the game. its like the changes to stunduration.

all in all the complete problems coming from missing balls to do the full step. so why not remove as example +daze/stun durations and adjust the needed time for every skill if u can do half the work and throw it at the customers. at least u has shown that u are willing to do something

“sarcasm” you know it? :P


sometimes its hard to regonize.. i heard fanboys are still out there who believe in anet

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

I love how he calls things ‘improvements’ cause I am not seeing any.

giving op regen warriors better shoutheal to troll more and call it “support others”

If I would do such a work in my company, I’d have lost my job. But ye, they’re designers and we can’t see the brilliancy behind this creative work.

there is not deeper thinking behind. all they do is seeing some parts of the game and adjust it ignoring it impact on the rest of the game. its like the changes to stunduration.

all in all the complete problems coming from missing balls to do the full step. so why not remove as example +daze/stun durations and adjust the needed time for every skill if u can do half the work and throw it at the customers. at least u has shown that u are willing to do something

“sarcasm” you know it? :P


sometimes its hard to regonize.. i heard fanboys are still out there who believe in anet

I’m definitely one of the core-bootlickers here.
Was it easier to recognize this time?

Read It Backwards [BooN]

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

It’s ok to wait and see how things evolve after a balance patch. Players adapt and try new builds and that’s fine.

But it should not take 2-3 months.

Conditions are overpowered and have been for a while. Playing without pulsing condition cleanse is nigh impossible for some classes let alone being bombed by 5+ Conditions in a second by a Necro.

If things haven’t changed within 4 weeks then it’s time to adjust balance again. A balance-patch very 4-6 weeks seems reasonable and helps keep sPvP interesting.

I don’t want to have to play another 3 months with overpowered conditions until the devs finally acknowledge that they are too strong.

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Kentrey.3251


I love how he calls things ‘improvements’ cause I am not seeing any.

giving op regen warriors better shoutheal to troll more and call it “support others”

That’s where the problem of “support” turning into “bunker power” comes in.

In the end, all it did was buff the personal survivability of a shout warrior even more and that’s all it will be used for, to bunker harder.

These sort of things need to start seperating personal power and selfless power.

Which makes perfect sense honestly. But as a guardian having skills that buff people around you and and not you isn’t fun. If i remember right it was shield 4 that would give everyone else protection and not you. And both tome of courage and tome of wrath’s 3 skill never gave the benefits to you so if you were ever using any of those moves solo (Which happens a lot in sPvP) they were literally useless. They had 0 uses. So it does make sense sadly enough that shout warriors also help themselves.

Though i do think they shouldn’t outheal guards. Their cushion should be their higher hp pool, mitigation though both higher damage and cc.
Which is why their shouts give fury and might while ours gives protection and regen

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Hey Felivear, thanks for the post!

We knew for a while that Warriors were stronger than the meta seemed to indicate at one point, and we knew a fix for the sigil was coming.

Sometimes it just takes a while ( IN ANY GAME ) for people to try all builds, all combinations of strategies, all options, etc.

That’s why we want to see what today’s improvements do to the game, especially to support meta. I ran into a VERY strong staff Elementalist earlier on live, and was excited to see it when I did.

It normally takes a few days/weeks for builds to assimilate new changes into their kitten nals.

Due to that, we’ll be watching the meta to see where it goes and then make more changes in future updates.

The Sigil of Paralyzation was making Warriors (who used it to great effect) very strong, so went ahead and fixed it with this update. We have plans to rework all sigils/runes, but that Sigil, we felt, was so important that we had to fix it now, before we did a large balance pass on the sigils/runes.

We have to make sure we aren’t making you guys download new clients all the time for fixes. We knew the sigil of paralyzation was strong, but we also knew our fix was coming in today’s update.

Hope this makes sense and thanks for the post!

Its hilarious to me that you think that Sigil of Para was why Warriors are Overpowered..

Almost as funny as you thinking the reason Rangers didn’t use Black Bear was their F2 ability was 5 seconds to long

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


I love how he calls things ‘improvements’ cause I am not seeing any.

giving op regen warriors better shoutheal to troll more and call it “support others”

If I would do such a work in my company, I’d have lost my job. But ye, they’re designers and we can’t see the brilliancy behind this creative work.

yeah…just look at all those who already left… dam ingrateful players not looking at how hard and good they’re working for us…too bad i already started being ingrateful too with this last kitten patch with still nothing for pvp…

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


I love how he calls things ‘improvements’ cause I am not seeing any.

giving op regen warriors better shoutheal to troll more and call it “support others”

That’s where the problem of “support” turning into “bunker power” comes in.

In the end, all it did was buff the personal survivability of a shout warrior even more and that’s all it will be used for, to bunker harder.

These sort of things need to start seperating personal power and selfless power.

Which makes perfect sense honestly. But as a guardian having skills that buff people around you and and not you isn’t fun. If i remember right it was shield 4 that would give everyone else protection and not you. And both tome of courage and tome of wrath’s 3 skill never gave the benefits to you so if you were ever using any of those moves solo (Which happens a lot in sPvP) they were literally useless. They had 0 uses. So it does make sense sadly enough that shout warriors also help themselves.

Though i do think they shouldn’t outheal guards. Their cushion should be their higher hp pool, mitigation though both higher damage and cc.
Which is why their shouts give fury and might while ours gives protection and regen

I didn’t say to make it not affect you. I also don’t think it’s as enjoyable to use Elixir Gun Spray or Guardian Torch to cleanse conditions on others but nothing for yourself.

Just make stuff decent on yourself, and strong on others.

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


I didn’t say to make it not affect you. I also don’t think it’s as enjoyable to use Elixir Gun Spray or Guardian Torch to cleanse conditions on others but nothing for yourself.

Just make stuff decent on yourself, and strong on others.

Elixir gun spray is awesome! Every time you get a chance to actually use it effectively it’s like a cheerful feeling. It could have a 120 second cooldown without anyone caring, because it’s only usable once every other match or so…but on those rare occasions that you can find a use for it, it’s quite fun.

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


I didn’t say to make it not affect you. I also don’t think it’s as enjoyable to use Elixir Gun Spray or Guardian Torch to cleanse conditions on others but nothing for yourself.

Just make stuff decent on yourself, and strong on others.

Elixir gun spray is awesome! Every time you get a chance to actually use it effectively it’s like a cheerful feeling. It could have a 120 second cooldown without anyone caring, because it’s only usable once every other match or so…but on those rare occasions that you can find a use for it, it’s quite fun.

Yes, that’s the super rare “support” moment that happens. Just like clutch saving a teammate in a MOBA.

Hell, I get more of those same satisfying moments in Lunatic Inquisition than I do spvp…

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Ryld.1340


I didn’t say to make it not affect you. I also don’t think it’s as enjoyable to use Elixir Gun Spray or Guardian Torch to cleanse conditions on others but nothing for yourself.

Just make stuff decent on yourself, and strong on others.

Elixir gun spray is awesome! Every time you get a chance to actually use it effectively it’s like a cheerful feeling. It could have a 120 second cooldown without anyone caring, because it’s only usable once every other match or so…but on those rare occasions that you can find a use for it, it’s quite fun.

Yes, that’s the super rare “support” moment that happens. Just like clutch saving a teammate in a MOBA.

Hell, I get more of those same satisfying moments in Lunatic Inquisition than I do spvp…

Clutch Savings happen all the time in Dota2. If you actually play support. I’ve saved countless people with Shallow Grave and Living Armor for example. Support builds in this game just don’t have those game-changing support skills for them.

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Rednik.3809


giving op regen warriors better shoutheal to troll more and call it “support others”

I will pay you 100g if you tell me address of dealer show me build with banner regen and shout heals

Kiijna, Xast, Satis Ironwail, Sekhaina, Shira Forgesparkle, Sfeno, Nasibi, Tegeira, Rhonwe…
25 charracters

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Mattmatt.4962


For the one with wonder how long it takes to switch the code to get stun from being rounded to the upper second to being rounded to the lower quater second:

(assuming the game is coded in C++)

turn “int” (wich stand for integer) into “float”
multiply this float by 4
call the function that drop all decimals (instead of calling the function that round to upper integer)
divide by 4

Take 2min. GG

Anyway, this debugging is far from enough to bring warrior in a balanced state, evenmore when on the other hand you buff them.

@ Jonhatan:
If you read this, i’d like to know which signification you give to “powerfull” because in my mind a staff ele can’t be “powerfull” but can be “helpfull” which is very different.
(i’ve never loot as many with staff than i loot with my double dagger in any game mode, as loot is directly dependant on dps, thats mean i deal defenetely less damage so that i’m weaker)

Tempest seems made careful not to make ele better in any way, since that would be bad

It does the job well :-)

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Myrkr.5803


Honestly this warrior buff feels like the Necromancer Dhuumfire buff.

*Over-Buff to build the hate

*People in the community cry out for a fix

*Nerf several different things. In the necromancer’s case, things that had not been an issue before the Buff. (Spectral LF gen normalization, Deathshroud Absorb, Terror damage reduction, etc.)

*"Balance" the original buff (Dhuumfire 2 sec vs 4 sec in sPvP, conditions are pretty broken in meaningful PvE and vs Tier 1 auto-cleanse Zergs)

My guess is Healing Signet and possibly “shaving” their KD/KB/Stuns.

Side-note: I main Necro and extremely rarely play warrior (mine is level 13), but I try and keep up on what is happening with all the classes. (From an odd sPvP break/Countering them stand-point.

Myrkr DraugrNecromancer of the Tarnished Coast

Suggestion for Necromancers Lack of Block/Vigor/Evade/Invulnerable

(edited by Myrkr.5803)

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Hey Felivear, thanks for the post!

We knew for a while that Warriors were stronger than the meta seemed to indicate at one point, and we knew a fix for the sigil was coming.

Sometimes it just takes a while ( IN ANY GAME ) for people to try all builds, all combinations of strategies, all options, etc.

That’s why we want to see what today’s improvements do to the game, especially to support meta. I ran into a VERY strong staff Elementalist earlier on live, and was excited to see it when I did.

It normally takes a few days/weeks for builds to assimilate new changes into their kitten nals.

Due to that, we’ll be watching the meta to see where it goes and then make more changes in future updates.

The Sigil of Paralyzation was making Warriors (who used it to great effect) very strong, so went ahead and fixed it with this update. We have plans to rework all sigils/runes, but that Sigil, we felt, was so important that we had to fix it now, before we did a large balance pass on the sigils/runes.

We have to make sure we aren’t making you guys download new clients all the time for fixes. We knew the sigil of paralyzation was strong, but we also knew our fix was coming in today’s update.

Hope this makes sense and thanks for the post!

Stop saying this. It didn’t take any time for people to realise warriors were OP. It took about 15 minutes. It took YOU GUYS a month to realise warrior was OP. But that is because YOU GUYS are out of touch and WELL BEHIND. So please stop saying this over and over. I beg you. Understand that what you think is incorrect

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


I saw Helseth say that warriors weren’t even using sigil of para, it’s not what made them strong.

Which is hilarious, because they mega buff a strong hammer skill that was already very good in order to compensate for an overpowered sigil being nerfed which didn’t affect them anyway.

On top of that, if you’re nerfing something that’s overpowered, there’s no need to “compensate” for that with other strong buffs, that doesn’t make sense.

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: hooma.9642


giving op regen warriors better shoutheal to troll more and call it “support others”

I will pay you 100g if you tell me address of dealer show me build with banner regen and shout heals

u can give me 100G if u show me where i talk about banner regen!

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: hooma.9642


(assuming the game is coded in C++)

turn “int” (wich stand for integer) into “float”
multiply this float by 4
call the function that drop all decimals??? (instead of calling ceil)
divide by 4

Take 2min. GG

so as example: 3.0 * 15% = 3.0 * 1.15 = 3.45
3.45 * 4 = 13.8 => 0.8 / 4 != 3.5

nice try!

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


We have to make sure we aren’t making you guys download new clients all the time for fixes. We knew the sigil of paralyzation was strong, but we also knew our fix was coming in today’s update.

I am calling BS… There have been plenty of patches since we all knew about this issue to squeeze a fix into, without having to burden people with extra patches. Why wasnt this done?
Especially when you knew it was screwing with the meta. You had no problem nerfing Dhuumfire out of the blue.

I am not happy when i have to wait 2 weeks – several months for a fix to something obviously broken, in such a way it hurts gameplay and balance. Necro downed state was left broken for a while aswell, a whole class basicly lost its Downed State and a fix was delayed for such a reason?

Perplexity runes still havent been fixed, to name another issue.

If anything you should patch these things asap. So not to have a gameplay and style settle around broken mechanics.