What ANet does Right.

What ANet does Right.

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


They’re human, and like to see good feedback every once in a while. The overwhelming negativity provided by all “gaming” cultures eats at you after a few years, regardless of how thick your skin is.

The easiest solution would be to have the developers ignore feedback from the community, and have a cycle of QA testers forward what they believe to be the most important issues, but they’re not doing so. You get to flame the head developers directly instead of a low-level QA guy. Good on them. It’s difficult to see everyone saying your game is kitten without having it loom over your head.

To reiterate, in case you didn’t understand, it’s extremely topsy turvey that a development team would jump on the chance to respond to a thread giving nothing but praise… after, over the past dozen months, ignoring (I think all) the gem-threads that level headedly and very thoughtfully discussed where the GW2 gameplay (not balance!!!) goes wrong…

Saying “it’s tough being criticized, its fine if they don’t talk about the game and its major issues”
You do see the issue with that, right?

Anyways, I know the devs and whatnot are trying their best, and working on an MMO is a very arduous and complicated process that has harsh repercutions for error… I’m surprised and proud of anyone that is able to find passion in that task, BUT that doesn’t mean, as a player, because I see they love what they do, I will toss aside all my expectations for the game… especially from a group that made a game of GW1’s quality…
(I have never played GW1, only talked to people about it)

Whoever had the concepts behind pretty much everything, is brilliant at it. Whatever I read about the game, how they wanted it to play and whatnot, was gold. A great example would be… before launch one QA talked about how GW2 was going to fix the healer-tank issues without ruining the team dynamic, how GW2 wasn’t going to be a twitch based game and how thieves were pointedly not called assassins because there wasn’t going to be that annoying insta-gib role of other MMOs… I mentally cheered.

Whoever had the job of turning those ideas into reality…. all I have to say… they shouldn’t have a job doing that…

I mean, balance between classes (not specs) is done well, better than most games. There are (seemingly unintentionally) a few very entertaining specs to play…. and that is almost enough to get me hooked on an MMO… almost…

BO based conquest is a terrible map style to forge the entire game around. Seriously, something as simple as ‘20+k health NPC flag carrier(s) spawning every min or 2 and making run through the map, giving points if it reaches the enemy spawn’ would be a billion times better.
Weapons are very lacking, the GW2 weapons needed allot of the depth of MOBA style weapons because of how small-scale-fight/skirmishy conquest is.
Conditions/cleansing and boons were very badly made.

I mean short of that, they seemingly have a golden game… dodge rolling was brilliance on their part.

(edited by garethh.3518)

What ANet does Right.

in PvP

Posted by: Jae.5138


Not to be a hater…

Combat is smooth and fluid….

Play any melee class…especially guardian hammer…

Enjoy the smooth and fluid ride.

Melee on both warrior and guardian could greatly benefit from addressing over running and rubberbanding on many of their skills. The guardian could especially benefit from increased attack speed animation that don’t entirely broadcast, “I’m attacking you..now would be a good time to evade.” The animations are too overt and slow moving for skills that rarely cause damage over 2.2k when the entire channeled skill hits 100%. By comparison a mesmer with great sowrd can deal out 3-5k+ damage on multiple targets from range in half the time with a smooth animation that fires near instantly.

Just my personal thoughts. This is why you rarely see guardian or warrior trusted to a roamer role. They need close quarter, constant swiftness and many of their skills over shoot the mark and their animations are easily noticed and responded to.

I don’t mean to specifically pick on you or say that you’re wrong, but I have to disagree with a couple of things.

The reason why Guardians are not roamers is because they are just not as mobile as thieves or elementalists. This has to do with both move skills as well as swiftness accessibility.

In regards to the hammer, it’s quite mobile, it’s just that you have to be very familiar with which skills are channeled, and which aren’t. If it’s channeled, is stand still channel or moving channel? For moving channel, you can literally face any direction, use it, and just make sure you’re facing your target at the end of the channel.

The hammer skills are slow, yet hard hitting. It really gives you that heavy feel that many games fail to do for two handed weapons. Despite that, the hammer for warriors (I didn’t play it enough on guardian) feels extremely fluid and probably one of the more mobile weapons after sword and gs.

What ANet does Right.

in PvP

Posted by: Jae.5138


lol what they did rigth is that they released it when there was no good mmo going arround and they super hyped it with the esports wich make em sell like crazy.

all your points OP i think they are wrong.

They hyped it because the game engine and the fluidity is so well done, probably the best out there. They neglected some aspects of PVP as a result of that.

That said, simply dismissing someone’s points as ‘i think they are wrong’ doesn’t tell anyone anything.

What ANet does Right.

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

hmmm i believe that guild wars 2 sPvP will get better!

i’m here to see it through!

and thanks for the awesome game!

What ANet does Right.

in PvP

Posted by: Juan Ignacio.8903

Juan Ignacio.8903

lol what they did rigth is that they released it when there was no good mmo going arround and they super hyped it with the esports wich make em sell like crazy.

all your points OP i think they are wrong.

They hyped it because the game engine and the fluidity is so well done, probably the best out there. They neglected some aspects of PVP as a result of that.

That said, simply dismissing someone’s points as ‘i think they are wrong’ doesn’t tell anyone anything.

game engine is so “well done” ? i just dont even…

you know ….. i actually wrote an explanation for each of your points but i realiced that u were going to tell me that i m wrong so i just wrote that u were wrong and im going to leave it that way.

What ANet does Right.

in PvP

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


How peculiar it is mostly non-GW1 players who are able to appreciate what GW2 has to offer.
High standards really are a bi?ch, I guess.

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

What ANet does Right.

in PvP

Posted by: Zodian.6597


I think what Anet does best is their interaction with the community, especially the PvP community. Allie is REALLY good at what she does, you never see this kind of community support in any other game.


What ANet does Right.

in PvP

Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


They are good at taking your 60 pvp bucks and using it to make living stories for PvE players. You’re welcome ANET, good to see PokeMMO has better pvp than you do.

What ANet does Right.

in PvP

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

Since GW2 I have been unable to play any traditional tabtarget+hotkeyspam MMOs. Which is kind of sad, but tells me ANet definitely nailed it with GW2 combat.

One – Piken Square

What ANet does Right.

in PvP

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

How peculiar it is mostly non-GW1 players who are able to appreciate what GW2 has to offer.
High standards really are a bi?ch, I guess.

Or maybe we just didn’t like GW1, but like GW2 because it’s quite a different game.

Different tastes really are a b… I guess?

One – Piken Square

What ANet does Right.

in PvP

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

lol what they did rigth is that they released it when there was no good mmo going arround and they super hyped it with the esports wich make em sell like crazy.

all your points OP i think they are wrong.

If you think most people bought GW2 because of the esport aspect you couldn’t be further from the truth.

One – Piken Square

What ANet does Right.

in PvP

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


If you think GW2 wouldve sold as many copies as it did without riding on the glory of GW1 pvp, you couldn’t be more wrong.

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

What ANet does Right.

in PvP

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


If you think GW2 wouldve sold as many copies as it did without riding on the glory of GW1 pvp, you couldn’t be more wrong.

Every single post you make is negative about this game.

Find a different one to troll.

Phaatonn, London UK

What ANet does Right.

in PvP

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


You failed your research, for I am certain to have stated somewhere that dodging is a cool mechanic, and that the warrior is rather well balanced although bottom-tier class (that counts as positive, no?).

As for the rest, do point out these brilliant things about the game I am clearly missing.
Besides, since when is criticism=troll? tsktsk
Some of us look at things at face value…while others continue seeing them through esportz-tinted glasses.

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)

What ANet does Right.

in PvP

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


You failed your research, for I am certain to have stated somewhere that dodging is a cool mechanic, and that the warrior is rather well balanced although bottom-tier class (that counts as positive, no?).

As for the rest, do point out these brilliant things about the game I am clearly missing.
Besides, since when is criticism=troll? tsktsk
Some of us look at things at face value…while others continue seeing them through esportz-tinted glasses.

You like the dodge roll mechanic..? And your implications being the other classes are not balanced ><

I just assumed anyone who spent this much time on the forums, yet evidently disliked the game was a troll. Especially when bringing throw away slights to a thread like this.

Phaatonn, London UK

What ANet does Right.

in PvP

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


Well, you can tell from failboards I’ve got quite a few games under my belt, albeit mostly from soloque, so it’s not like waging forum wars is ALL I’ve been doing (I haven’t really touched the game since the patch though, and I am uncertain when/if I will bother with it again, because I moved to a game my guild actually plays).

And dodge rolling is an ok mechanic (just imagine facetanking everything in this game), the problem however is vigor and the ease of access/lack of access some classes have to it.

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

What ANet does Right.

in PvP

Posted by: Katz.5143


I like the active combat and that you can cast skills while on the move. I like that you can fight together without being grouped. I like that we (mostly) don’t compete for kill credit, harvesting nodes, and loot. I also like WvWvW. Those or the things I miss when I play my other games.

It’s a kitten conspiracy. Kittens gonna be kittens. All is vain!

What ANet does Right.

in PvP

Posted by: Hugs.1856


What they’ve done right:
Gw1’s Combat system and GvG.
They proved the mmo industry that innovation was still possible in AAA titles.

(Now whether these innovations are actually a boon or a mascarade is another story:p)

What they have done wrong:
Dumb down the teamplay from gw1
Provided no competitive infrastructure for almost a year.
Aimed for e-sport

What ANet does Right.

in PvP

Posted by: JETWING.2759


They deserve credits.

GW2 are awersome game.

What ANet does Right.

in PvP

Posted by: FirstBlood.7359


If you think GW2 wouldve sold as many copies as it did without riding on the glory of GW1 pvp, you couldn’t be more wrong.

Glory isn’t the right word, nostalgia fits better.

How many years did it to take implement the reconnect feature, so matches don’t get lost to a single dc? How long had the implementation of automated tournament been delayed? How did it take to fix the dominance of the [rawr] build?

GuildWars2 is far from perfect, but so was GuildWars.

Tz tz

What ANet does Right.

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Glory isn’t the right word, nostalgia fits better…

…GuildWars2 is far from perfect, but so was GuildWars.

The one thing you are forgetting…

GW1 had some stellar gameplay underneath all those balance/UI issues, so gave reason to allot of players to stick out the kinks.
GW2’s gameplay is half its issue…

(edited by garethh.3518)

What ANet does Right.

in PvP

Posted by: Ruggan.4102


We can’t prevent players from leaving, but we do look at their feedback. We do the best we can to make as many people happy as we can as often as we can. What we won’t do is get in every “I’m quitting this game” thread and beg players to stay. I will say that in my experience, constructive feedback doesn’t usually start with “!@#$ this game, I’m quitting.”

Yes, we are human. We also have processes here and can’t just knee-jerk implement if one player decides to take a break or leave completely.

That said, I will reiterate that we do look at that feedback, and we don’t (strangely enough) want players to leave.

You have a process and cant knee-jerk implement something? Really? Sorry but 95% of the nerfs done to the thief class have been knee jerk reactions to the spammers and QQ of people crying thief is OP thief is OP… so I cant believe that statement.

What ANet does Right.

in PvP

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


Positive feedback for Anet:
Push bug fixes over nerfs / buffs (unless fixing something very broken). Some of these bugs have plagued us since release.

And on the topic of fixing things, any changes en-route for the Elementalist focus. You know, since the off dagger already does damage, bunker and movement and the focus does projectile protection. Suggestion … move cleansing wave to the focus, reset RTL to 1200 range and 20 sec cd, make the focus the bunker weapon and the off dagger be the roaming and damage.

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows

What ANet does Right.

in PvP

Posted by: Laiboch.4380


1. Each class is unique
-despite skill mechanics not being all that complicated, each class manages to be vastly unique in their own way, and the play style changes drastically. ANet has done a great job making them so special.

I can agree with that on a basic level. Although many abilities are simply copy/paste with a slightly different animation. Several classes have their traits very well placed and have far more options on viable builds than other classes. It almost seems that what ever the FOTM class is for the Dev’s that quarter gets OP while others are clearly neglected and in desperate need of assistance. Condition Spam has become the meta because it is simply to easy to build stacks and access to cleansing abilities are no where near as prevalent.

2. Combat is fluid and responsive
- Combat is fluid as heck, both PVE and PVP. I love how mobile all my characters are, despite many skills having mini channels.

For some classes more so than others. Several classes have excellent combat flow while others are fairly chunky and feel choppy.

3. ANet doesn’t crank up the numbers
- You think it’s really hard to beef up a class? It’s actually quite simple: you crank up the numbers. Rather than taking the short cut, the temporary way, I love how ANet takes a very in-depth approach towards balance

Here I have to politely disagree. Take the current condition spam meta. Because of Anet adding more conditions and or access to those conditions to some classes more than others they have effectively done exactly that. They have “Pumped up numbers”. Of all the aspects of this game the single most broken mechanic is Condition Damage. It has turned Team PVP into a who can spam the most conditions instead of strategy. Team PVP rewards Zerging. A Zerging team Can and Will get more points for a match even when they lose. So Anet rewards brainless zerging, and the team that plays objectives gets shafted on points. Vitality is supposed to be the “counter” to conditions, but several classes can pile up thousands of points worth of conditions in seconds.

4. PVP maps are varied
- You may argue that since they’re all conquest modes, they’re essentially the same. Many people don’t give ANet enough credit for their very careful placement of each box, cliff, each bump that they had meticulously thought out. You don’t see a single aspect of each map that doesn’t have a purpose.

Here I must politely disagree again. We have different maps, but the exact same base concept. Capture point A, B and C. Are there differences in the maps? Yes some small cosmetics and minor tweak in theme, but honestly after you have run one you have run them all.

The one map where some new idea’s were brought in received so much QQ they removed it from Tournament rotation because OMG someone might have to change a trait! Nooooooooo!!!!!! Not that! Anything but not being able to run your “I’m a Google rock star” build.

I mean Could you just see people not being able to run their Lolcondispam4tw build and actually having to play a build that requires more than one active neuron firing in that a A.D.D YouTube infested void many call their mind? What makes me truly sad is watching someone roll the DumbBurn Necro 30/30/10 build and trying to say it takes skill. Really? What takes skill is running a class that is weaker in every way and rolling said DumbBurn Necro FOTM fail.

5. ANet listens to the 95% rather than the 5%
- This can be seen as a good or a bad. I personally didn’t really like how most of the PVP gear is so easily accessible for most players. But most people – especially casual players – can really appreciate how you don’t have to be running from area to area, or having to hit certain rating in PVP to be able to buy high end looking armors (tPVP chests, anyone?). Same can be said about many other aspects of the game that are given almost as ‘freebies’ to players, while not in other games (lack of transportation, dyeing options, skin giveaways, etc.)

I agree with you on most of that. They do listen to people wanting more activities in PVE, but over all in PVP its run map A, B, and C where you capture point A, B and C and then look at the score after winning and see the zergers got double your score.

Honestly I have been getting bored to tears with PVP which is the only thing I am really interested in any game for. So much so that I have actually been playing a few other games that I have not played in a very long time. What I have found is that those games realizing how badly they were failing have been doing something that is almost mind blowing in the MMO world.

Zoe Pain [GASM]
DB Night Crew