1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


So tempting to desecrate… But I’ll worship from the shadows instead. Probably better for my health.

Desecration of the sacred ram? You better believe that’s a paddlin’.


1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Vi Au.8341

Vi Au.8341

I would think we(mag) are pretty good at not killing ppl in the JP but thats just from what i have seen. better safe than sorry.

All Hail the Great Lord Flame Ram

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Ordibble.3092


Not in T5. Ebay, Yaks, and Maguuma will end up rotating in and out of the tier.

It all depends on how strong Kaineng is. Maguuma has possibly been in a fortunate position of being able to get a couple of strong wins to propel them up to tier 4 before Kaineng gets to tier 5. Whoever drops out of tier 4 this week might find themselves fighting to a stand still or even being beaten by Kaineng. If a stand still, then the rank difference between tiers 4 and 5 might widen; if Kaineng win, then they might well take the place of another tier 4 server, even if it takes a couple of weeks.

For the immediate future, it does seem like tier 5 is going to be the most mismatched NA tier and I wouldn’t want to be caught in there if the rankings start to stagnate.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: DarthBenedict.3410


Is it possible to build flame rams in PvE?

I want to go on a crusade in orr to reconsecrate all the temples to the glory of Great Lord Flame Ram.


1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: jaegerx.1693


Is it possible to build flame rams in PvE?

I want to go on a crusade in orr to reconsecrate all the temples to the glory of Great Lord Flame Ram.

You don’t have supply in PvE but I bet Bunzy could do it.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Not in T5. Ebay, Yaks, and Maguuma will end up rotating in and out of the tier.

It all depends on how strong Kaineng is. Maguuma has possibly been in a fortunate position of being able to get a couple of strong wins to propel them up to tier 4 before Kaineng gets to tier 5. Whoever drops out of tier 4 this week might find themselves fighting to a stand still or even being beaten by Kaineng. If a stand still, then the rank difference between tiers 4 and 5 might widen; if Kaineng win, then they might well take the place of another tier 4 server, even if it takes a couple of weeks.

For the immediate future, it does seem like tier 5 is going to be the most mismatched NA tier and I wouldn’t want to be caught in there if the rankings start to stagnate.

Might not be all that mismatched. If Kain is as strong as Ebay, Yaks, DB and Mag, then T5 will be more competitive. Though I don’t think anyone of the servers I listed are sweating Kain until we see them. We aren’t slouches


1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: wads.5730


Not in T5. Ebay, Yaks, and Maguuma will end up rotating in and out of the tier.

It all depends on how strong Kaineng is. Maguuma has possibly been in a fortunate position of being able to get a couple of strong wins to propel them up to tier 4 before Kaineng gets to tier 5. Whoever drops out of tier 4 this week might find themselves fighting to a stand still or even being beaten by Kaineng. If a stand still, then the rank difference between tiers 4 and 5 might widen; if Kaineng win, then they might well take the place of another tier 4 server, even if it takes a couple of weeks.

For the immediate future, it does seem like tier 5 is going to be the most mismatched NA tier and I wouldn’t want to be caught in there if the rankings start to stagnate.

is kaineng on par with SoS 2.0 or are they more like borlis and DR in terms of transfer strength?

i don’t think they are as strong as they seem, crushing in T8-6 isn’t very telling of their true strengths

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Ordibble.3092


is kaineng on par with SoS 2.0 or are they more like borlis and DR in terms of transfer strength?

It’s anyone’s guess at the moment It will be up to either Yaks or EB to find out next week I guess.

But my point was more that tier 5 unfortunately looks set to be the most mismatched tier for the immediate future, which, from my own experience, leads to the least interesting WvW. Even matches that had two teams relatively much ‘stronger’ than the third weren’t that great (just remembering the matches that had ET and HoD in them as they were moving down the tiers).

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Jaaded.1870


Not in T5. Ebay, Yaks, and Maguuma will end up rotating in and out of the tier.

It all depends on how strong Kaineng is. Maguuma has possibly been in a fortunate position of being able to get a couple of strong wins to propel them up to tier 4 before Kaineng gets to tier 5. Whoever drops out of tier 4 this week might find themselves fighting to a stand still or even being beaten by Kaineng. If a stand still, then the rank difference between tiers 4 and 5 might widen; if Kaineng win, then they might well take the place of another tier 4 server, even if it takes a couple of weeks.

For the immediate future, it does seem like tier 5 is going to be the most mismatched NA tier and I wouldn’t want to be caught in there if the rankings start to stagnate.

is kaineng on par with SoS 2.0 or are they more like borlis and DR in terms of transfer strength?

i don’t think they are as strong as they seem, crushing in T8-6 isn’t very telling of their true strengths

This is what I am betting on too. They moved up just like us in DR did, crushing the servers along the way because of numbers against those servers and the other servers not wanting to WvW. It will be interesting to see how they fare in this tier that is for sure.

Yak’s Bend

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Darwinism.8619


To the Maguuma 7-8 that “roflstomped” & killed me in DR BorderLand near Hills… I think I would have won that fight… if I had been able to resist “Licking the Spoon” during Chemistry Class…



Darwin Ism(HumanThief) Thin The Herd(HumanMezmer) Abuzz Kill(AsuranD/D Ele)
[PRO] World Defender

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Pinko.2076


Kaineng’s daytime is kittening terrible. It’s numbers running to the neareset red object they see, the community has no idea what’s going on and doesn’t care to know. When they get dominated they post paragraphs about Honour and some haikus about not giving up.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


is kaineng on par with SoS 2.0 or are they more like borlis and DR in terms of transfer strength?

i don’t think they are as strong as they seem, crushing in T8-6 isn’t very telling of their true strengths[/quote]

Kaineng is a watered down version of Dragonbrand. Strong oceanic, weak NA. They just havent’ been tested yet so who knows if they are willing to be carried by the oceanic guilds.



1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Walabone.6713


Really, DR? Why on earth are you attacking BP in EB? Why can you not hit Mag? And I don’t mean SM.

Walabone – Borlis Pass
Ascension [WAR] Officer | [ÆÆÆÆ] | Driver of BP’s GvG guild [BB]

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


Really, DR? Why on earth are you attacking BP in EB? Why can you not hit Mag? And I don’t mean SM.

Why would anyone attack Maguuma, we are an indestructible force.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Dinas Dragonbane.2978

Dinas Dragonbane.2978

It was a good three way in Eternal Battlegrounds during this late evening Bunzy. For most of the last three hours Borlis and Devona’s were attacking Maguuma, Borlis came in and had outmanned for about the first 40 minutes till we picked up some steam just being raiders and taking a tower or two, once we got rolling we actually were able to retake our corner by the 1.5 hour mark. I think Devona’s was focusing hard on Stonemist but not really getting anywhere and Maguuma couldn’t push into their lands cause we kept trying to backdoor Mag’s stuff. Overall it ended up being a pretty good balance with Borlis and Devona’s being able to hold onto our basic territory, while Maguuma actually had plenty to do(which I don’t think you guys have had much of this week). Fun battles while it lasted at least!

Dinas Dragonbane, the Danger Ranger
Tri-Lead of Ascension [WAR] of Borlis Pass

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Raion.5280


DR player here. It’s nice to have a challenge. I don’t WvW often but for a while while we were climbing tiers, I didn’t even bother because we won often. I don’t like to lose but I like opportunities to win.

On a related note, it seems that Mag has a particular player who seems to kill me every time. She’s a red headed norn warrior that looks like she has dusk. Who are you and how do you move across map so fast in our BL?! lol

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: DarthBenedict.3410


Is it possible to build flame rams in PvE?

I want to go on a crusade in orr to reconsecrate all the temples to the glory of Great Lord Flame Ram.

You don’t have supply in PvE but I bet Bunzy could do it.

Could you get supply from a camp, leave WvW, repeat?


1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


You don’t hold supply in PvE.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


Finally back. Out of practice and tired as hell, but maybe I can have some fun tonight.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Thank you to the PRO person shooting fireworks with me at Maguuma SE supply :P

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


This action does not give me hope. BP seems entirely nonexistant, and DR is running a decent zerg, but doesn’t seem to have anyone interested in doing anything but. Hopefully this isn’t indicative of the matchup as a whole.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: ParaldaWind.4523


So tempting to desecrate… But I’ll worship from the shadows instead. Probably better for my health.

Lol, good thing, too. That’s when I was doing a double portal. 5 seconds later the entire Maguuma zerg came up to get free badges.

No tears, only dreams
Maguuma – youtube.com/pyrogw2

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Fraeg.9837


5 seconds later the entire Maguuma zerg came up to get free badges.

I have it on good faith from your fellow server forum posters that Mag never Zergs, only BP and DR do. You sir must be mistaken.


Wyverz – Asura – Mesmer
Xynobia – Asura – Necro
|Gnaw| |BB| |dO| |SOUL| – NSP

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Zerging the jump puzzle. Evidence of the terrible ways of Maguuma.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: testpig.5018


Just shutdown the Ascension[WAR] commander in EB.

Was an amazing night of fighting while out-manned in EB against some pretty pathetic WäR fair-weather players. While out manned, pulling a sparta 300 against 6 waves of some weak zergy non-tactical attacks. And some questionable attacks from DR hitting us when Mag is hitting them? DR we did not go into your area(when we easily could have) for a reason. You are not the high population server.. so no reason to focus on you. You don’t control SM, so no reason to focus on you….sigh

I’m glad WäR has exited Borlis Pass server, their weak zerg minded tactics were actually a hindrance to the tactical growth of this amazing server.

6 Waves of badges of honor rewarded for BP after dancing on your very dead corpses! <3

anywho, sleep wins, good luck server jumping next week!

(Ascension as a guild does not approve this message & SS provided by Greyhawk Pendragon)


(edited by testpig.5018)

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Pinko.2076


That’s a moderately rude post.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Can you use your tactical growth to get a decent PPT please?

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


Well, managed to finally find some DR away from the zerg. I appreciate that, but god I hope those guys don’t pass for a top guild in this tier.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


What guild was it?

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: ParasiTTe.7643


I’m glad WäR has exited Borlis Pass server, their weak zerg minded tactics were actually a hindrance to the tactical growth of this amazing server.

Yeah, we can see by the score. Hell of a good job you guys are doing, right?

Phoenix Mask — [VR]

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


GOAT you need more meat on your bones, you’re a little to easy. http://youtu.be/-VizYSSRk_o

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Deadlysage.5873


Just shutdown the Ascension[WAR] commander in EB.

Was an amazing night of fighting while out-manned in EB against some pretty pathetic WäR fair-weather players. While out manned, pulling a sparta 300 against 6 waves of some weak zergy non-tactical attacks. And some questionable attacks from DR hitting us when Mag is hitting them? DR we did not go into your area(when we easily could have) for a reason. You are not the high population server.. so no reason to focus on you. You don’t control SM, so no reason to focus on you….sigh

I’m glad WäR has exited Borlis Pass server, their weak zerg minded tactics were actually a hindrance to the tactical growth of this amazing server.

6 Waves of badges of honor rewarded for BP after dancing on your very dead corpses! <3

anywho, sleep wins, good luck server jumping next week!

(Ascension as a guild does not approve this message & SS provided by Greyhawk Pendragon)

Videos speak the truth about both [WäR] and [WAR].
Check this out

Beautykills – Legendary Thief – Guild Leader
[SWäG] Still Winning and Grinning

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


What guild was it?

Just some of the guilds I saw mentioned in last weeks thread. But it’s late, I should probably wait until I see their primetime players to judge.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Warlord Lu Bu.7905

Warlord Lu Bu.7905

I’m glad WäR has exited Borlis Pass server, their weak ZERG minded tactics were actually a hindrance to the tactical growth of this amazing server.


War Legend Lu Bu – Commander
[WäR] Warband of Absolute Retribution
Borlis Pass

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


What guild was it?

Just some of the guilds I saw mentioned in last weeks thread. But it’s late, I should probably wait until I see their primetime players to judge.

Well, I think this week I’ve started to notice that some of the guilds run best in a guild group. So maybe it’s not quite what you want. I am sure some forum warriors wouldn’t mind dueling you though if you ask :P

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Vigrith.8136


GOAT you need more meat on your bones, you’re a little to easy. http://youtu.be/-VizYSSRk_o

Congrats you killed our leveling group. I know this is a big deal for you, beating GOAT. Someday you may graduate to fighting our leveled and geared toons. Keep it up you’ll get there!

I would suggest that it says more about you that you took the time to make this and post it. Than it does about all the level 20’s you killed.

Vig of [dO]

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: DarthBenedict.3410


I’m glad WäR has exited Borlis Pass server, their weak ZERG minded tactics were actually a hindrance to the tactical growth of this amazing server.

I can see his point, hopefully the rest of BP will step up now that we aren’t carrying them.


1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


GOAT you need more meat on your bones, you’re a little to easy. http://youtu.be/-VizYSSRk_o

Congrats you killed our leveling group. I know this is a big deal for you, beating GOAT. Someday you may graduate to fighting our leveled and geared toons. Keep it up you’ll get there!

I would suggest that it says more about you that you took the time to make this and post it. Than it does about all the level 20’s you killed.

Pick the place, time, and numbers we’ll be there. The video to follow will look identical.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Chalky.8540


Really, DR? Why on earth are you attacking BP in EB? Why can you not hit Mag? And I don’t mean SM.

Welcome to the battle for second place, in which you fight the guy you’re competing against rather than pointlessly throwing yourselves at a wall. This is why you are last.

Credit to DR for their strategic play, they’ve secured a comfortable second place which is nice to see since it was a little bit unfair that they ended up losing last time just because we picked their BL to focus on first.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Deadlysage.5873


I’m glad WäR has exited Borlis Pass server, their weak ZERG minded tactics were actually a hindrance to the tactical growth of this amazing server.

I can see his point, hopefully the rest of BP will step up now that we aren’t carrying them.

This is what has happened this week after [WäR] left Borlis Pass, since some players think we don’t have tactics and were carried. Please get your facts straight before you attempt to insult us. We do wish you all the best of luck with out us, and hopefully you get better in the future.


Beautykills – Legendary Thief – Guild Leader
[SWäG] Still Winning and Grinning

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Vigrith.8136


GOAT you need more meat on your bones, you’re a little to easy. http://youtu.be/-VizYSSRk_o

Congrats you killed our leveling group. I know this is a big deal for you, beating GOAT. Someday you may graduate to fighting our leveled and geared toons. Keep it up you’ll get there!

I would suggest that it says more about you that you took the time to make this and post it. Than it does about all the level 20’s you killed.

Pick the place, time, and numbers we’ll be there. The video to follow will look identical.

Identical? Don’t be silly. You beat a bunch toons grinding levels, you are the one that was so proud of it you just had to post it. You have demonstrated that a hollow victory gets you pretty excited. Could you really be dumb enough to think a fight against a geared group would be identical? I doubt it. I mean aside from the fact that it already would not be identical by virtue of the meaning of the word.

Vig of [dO]

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: PAGamer.4072


This is what has happened this week after [WäR] left Borlis Pass, since some players think we don’t have tactics and were carried. Please get your facts straight before you attempt to insult us. We do wish you all the best of luck with out us, and hopefully you get better in the future.

Beautykills, in appreciation for all that you’ve done for us, I sent you a cookie!

I was sad when I heard that WäR left us, but I’m starting to become not sad. In fact, I’m really having fun exploding you guys and your toys!

And I don’t care if we’re losing. Tonight was hilarious!

Elwyn Eileurer
The Not Amazing Broken Toaster – Tarnished Coast
[Fun] with Naked Mole Rats/No One Really Likes Us [Sad]

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


GOAT you need more meat on your bones, you’re a little to easy. http://youtu.be/-VizYSSRk_o

Congrats you killed our leveling group. I know this is a big deal for you, beating GOAT. Someday you may graduate to fighting our leveled and geared toons. Keep it up you’ll get there!

I would suggest that it says more about you that you took the time to make this and post it. Than it does about all the level 20’s you killed.

Pick the place, time, and numbers we’ll be there. The video to follow will look identical.

Identical? Don’t be silly. You beat a bunch toons grinding levels, you are the one that was so proud of it you just had to post it. You have demonstrated that a hollow victory gets you pretty excited. Could you really be dumb enough to think a fight against a geared group would be identical? I doubt it. I mean aside from the fact that it already would not be identical by virtue of the meaning of the word.

So…. when is the fight taking place?

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: DarthBenedict.3410


This is what has happened this week after [WäR] left Borlis Pass, since some players think we don’t have tactics and were carried. Please get your facts straight before you attempt to insult us. We do wish you all the best of luck with out us, and hopefully you get better in the future.

Beautykills, in appreciation for all that you’ve done for us, I sent you a cookie!

I was sad when I heard that WäR left us, but I’m starting to become not sad. In fact, I’m really having fun exploding you guys and your toys!

And I don’t care if we’re losing. Tonight was hilarious!

Smack talk on the forums is what makes those battles more than just watching health bars get smaller.


1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


Just shutdown the Ascension[WAR] commander in EB.

Was an amazing night of fighting while out-manned in EB against some pretty pathetic WäR fair-weather players. While out manned, pulling a sparta 300 against 6 waves of some weak zergy non-tactical attacks. And some questionable attacks from DR hitting us when Mag is hitting them? DR we did not go into your area(when we easily could have) for a reason. You are not the high population server.. so no reason to focus on you. You don’t control SM, so no reason to focus on you….sigh

I’m glad WäR has exited Borlis Pass server, their weak zerg minded tactics were actually a hindrance to the tactical growth of this amazing server.

6 Waves of badges of honor rewarded for BP after dancing on your very dead corpses! <3

anywho, sleep wins, good luck server jumping next week!

(Ascension as a guild does not approve this message & SS provided by Greyhawk Pendragon)

Videos speak the truth about both [WäR] and [WAR].
Check this out

YAY video i like watching videos, perhaps next time from your perspective beauty

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Walabone.6713


Videos speak the truth about both [WäR] and [WAR].
Check this out

Was that an attempt to show how you guys bailed from a second place server to the first place server mid-matchup in our tier, and then out zerged everyone on Friday night? while BP was fighting off both the massive Mag zerg – bolstered by our traitors – as well as DR?

Meanwhile WAR isn’t a fair weather guild and we’re fighting back, despite having no where near your numbers and facing overwhelming odds?

Thanks for pointing those differences out! Lemme dig up those SSs of WäR exploiting too, cause I think that will further show our differences!

Walabone – Borlis Pass
Ascension [WAR] Officer | [ÆÆÆÆ] | Driver of BP’s GvG guild [BB]

(edited by Walabone.6713)

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Deadlysage.5873


Videos speak the truth about both [WäR] and [WAR].
Check this out

Was that an attempt to show how you guys bailed from a second place server to the first place server mid-matchup in our tier, and then out zerged everyone on Friday night? while BP was fighting off both the massive Mag zerg – bolstered by our traitors – as well as DR?

Meanwhile WAR isn’t a fair weather guild and we’re fighting back, despite having no where near your numbers and facing overwhelming odds?

Thanks for pointing those differences out! Lemme dig up those SSs of WäR exploiting too, cause I think that will further show our differences!

Wow WAR has the nerve to talk trash when they transfered to BP not too long ago from another server. You guys are just trying to make a name for yourself on the forums, and you have a great start. You must be one of the guys that died in the video lol. Sorry if we hurt your lil feelings, get over it, it’s just a game.

PS: btw your not a second place server no more, so instead of typing on the forums maybe you should be commanding or something. I really could use some more kills.

Beautykills – Legendary Thief – Guild Leader
[SWäG] Still Winning and Grinning

(edited by Deadlysage.5873)

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Kyskythyn.6471


Still waiting on pics from the Maguuma festivities at DR’s spawn in Maguuma BL last night. Very smart of you guys to make the alpha golem to carry your drinks.

Miss Kysie – S/F condi bunker ele
River of Tears – S/D glass ele
Solo and small group roamer

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Seeing as how this game is called Guild Wars, why are so many guilds afraid to organize a fight between other guilds? I’m not the leader of WäR but I’m pretty sure we are willing to find a meeting place and duke this out on the field.

Come on WAR we’ll make it an even numbers match, you too GOAT quit talking crap on a website and get in the game and show us how to fight, show us you’re better, I dare you.

PS: Please don’t reply to me unless it’s saying you’re in or it’s a time and place. Thank you!

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: testpig.5018


Videos speak the truth about both [WäR] and [WAR].
Check this out

lol nice, but what i see in that video is [WäR] moving to a server that is already winning ,and fighting a guild that has the outmannd buff.. in mags corner =).