10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Aramiel.8196


Man that Dragonbrand night crew… what a bunch of bad kitten


10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: flyro.6083


Why must once a problem occurs everyone yell “Nerf”? If the mesmir’s portals are a problem just add a item in the game that you buy that closes them! Ive lost way to many games from the proverbial nerf bat! Lets add to the game and not nerf everything!!

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Shroomzilla.5816


They wont get nerfed. People just have to hunt better for mesmers. We do that now we try to search every crack, corner, and cliffs for mesmers. We do miss them every once in a while but we learn from our mistakes. I seen some thing strange at garrison like a mesmer trying to jump up a wall / cliff at the far west inner gate. I was waiting to see him succed so i could report but i got impatiant and started to aoe there group ( was a single guild ) then help came and we wiped them but they did use mesmer good to teleport thru the outer wall. Now we know there hiding spot i hope we wont let that happen again. So far this has been a great battle. Been up all night trying to keep from losing the lead.

LVL 80 Elementalist— Ankylosaurus
Guild — Merciless
Server-- Crystal Desert

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Tklees.9052


the thing with the messmer portal is that it is so easy to counter. Drop an aoe immobilize on the portal and aoe them all. When coming through the enemy is so stacked that you can literally hit every single on of them. Just have to be aware of your surroundings and counter them. Its hilarious to kill 20 ppl that just came through a portal all at the same time.

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: BigPopov.9743


it’s similar to the way guardians were nerfed.

Retaliation was working as intended. That doesn’t mean it was balanced.

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Shroomzilla.5816


Yeah people always complain about every thing. I do curse the mesmers and thives under my breath a lot cause i hate them but its not there fault. I know people cuss us elementalist for our aoes when on walls. If every thing was even it would be a tickle fest rather then a war.

LVL 80 Elementalist— Ankylosaurus
Guild — Merciless
Server-- Crystal Desert

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


The issue with Mesmers and Thieves is more to do with player culling than anything else, really.

As for this match, I admit that I think they way CD’s locked things down is pretty impressive. And for DB and TC, I’m certainly glad that there’s still competitiveness. ~8000 points seems like a big difference but over the course of a few days, that’s still something that can be pressured and approached as well as something that can be defended and held.

Week longs have sort of really stressed the fact, at least for me, that a lot of things can happen in a day. Hell, we saw it with the big CD push after Dragonbrand’s initial grasp of the lead. We even saw it that first day with all the flipping back and forth.

I suppose that’s my way of noting that I enjoy the point spread here than I have from a few previous matches where people got completely locked out and were holding, like, one camp. For DB and TC, it doesn’t quite feel that way.

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: MrPeanut.1543


The goal of the mesmer ports is not to create an invisible army. As someone who frequently uses mesmer ports, I wish there was no rendering issues so that A) I can see where people are when I come through, and B ) people will stop complaining that it is an exploit.
The goal is to get position your enemy, use the element of surprise, outflank and confuse. Exactly the intention of the portal skill.
The solution is not to nerf them into oblivious so that only 5 people can go through, the solution is to fix the rendering so that the skill can work as intended.

As for people glitching through walls and flying and what not. That stuff has no place in the game and its a shame that 1 or 2 people will do it and make an entire server look bad.

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: sceptus.9415


We don’t like CD. Therefor, we will help DB wipe them out and engage DB as little as possible.

Hern | Sceptus | Vulkus | Colbane
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Goregash.4952


We don’t like CD. Therefor, we will help DB wipe them out and engage DB as little as possible.

Thats cute :-) just know the feeling isnt mutal from DBs side of things

Easy point are easy

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: sceptus.9415


We don’t like CD. Therefor, we will help DB wipe them out and engage DB as little as possible.

Thats cute :-) just know the feeling isnt mutal from DBs side of things

Easy point are easy

Shrug you folks aren’t even a threat. Our groups have no trouble wiping you out even outnumbered the way we are. So for now, we are going after the real threat. Don’t take it as a compliment.

Hern | Sceptus | Vulkus | Colbane
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Barro.6827


(Speaking of Eternal Battlegrounds only)
As a commander in TC that leads in EB I must say it has a been a good fight. This is from my point of view and may not reflect on all TC.

CD – First I like to congratulate CD for some good fights. You been a good opponent. I can tell you have good communication going on with tower attacks. You’r not invincible but you hold your ground pretty well. I did like sneaking into SM and taking it under your nose, although I knew I wouldn’t keep it long. Just wanted to reset it. I almost did it again however I got bad intel on the wall which canceled my plans.

DB – I honestly don’t think you are up for this match (in EB only). You constantly face-palm at Ogrewatch and it seems that you get beat up by CD. SoS and CD were far better opponents than you were. Yes, I know they can treb from SM vs Durios and QL but honestly, your play has been lousy.

TC – We knew we were going up into a stronger tier. Been happy with the performance so far. I won’t speak of BL as I don’t go into other Boarder Lands. EB has been good in holding off attacks while some commanders can’t be on.

All in all, its been good stuff. I enjoy the fights and movements. Look forward to the battlefield. Some cheating have been going on on both side (possibly even TC but I haven’t seen it myself). Already met one hacker that did 35k and patrols around TC Spawn. I believe it was from a guild Xtreme (something) from DB. Yes, it was reported.

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Gofr.5794


I, for one, welcome the challenge. CD has been needing a big morale boost due to the poor performance these past 2 weeks, so a hard earned victory is just what we need. Plus anything to make this whole week a challenge until the end is just fun for everyone. It’s a win-win really.

I still think our server has more potential than has been shown the past couple of weeks. Hopefully we learned and improved enough then to be able to better apply ourselves not only this week, but in all the coming weeks.

Gofr, Asura Elementalist;
Garn the Rageblade, Charr Warrior;
Crystal Desert; Member of Crack Clan

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: sceptus.9415


@barro – Pretty much the same thoughts from borderlands. DB shows up now and then, but nothing real impressive (which is why I find it funny the guy above, Goregash, is talking crap about easy points considering they are barely holding on to an 8k lead on us). Maybe we need to focus DB more for easy points…

Hern | Sceptus | Vulkus | Colbane
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: sceptus.9415


I, for one, welcome the challenge. CD has been needing a big morale boost due to the poor performance these past 2 weeks, so a hard earned victory is just what we need. Plus anything to make this whole week a challenge until the end is just fun for everyone. It’s a win-win really.

I still think our server has more potential than has been shown the past couple of weeks. Hopefully we learned and improved enough then to be able to better apply ourselves not only this week, but in all the coming weeks.

Your team has some talented players – not just zergs. I’ve had some great small battles with groups that I usually win more often than not. This time, however, has been a lot harder on our small group. You live and learn I guess.

Hern | Sceptus | Vulkus | Colbane
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Goregash.4952


@barro – Pretty much the same thoughts from borderlands. DB shows up now and then, but nothing real impressive (which is why I find it funny the guy above, Goregash, is talking crap about easy points considering they are barely holding on to an 8k lead on us). Maybe we need to focus DB more for easy points…

Not crap talk. You said you were laying down arms against db and focusing on cd. That would mean easy points for db that can really use them.

Nice to see youve changed your mind and actually want to defend yourself

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Gofr.5794


I, for one, welcome the challenge. CD has been needing a big morale boost due to the poor performance these past 2 weeks, so a hard earned victory is just what we need. Plus anything to make this whole week a challenge until the end is just fun for everyone. It’s a win-win really.

I still think our server has more potential than has been shown the past couple of weeks. Hopefully we learned and improved enough then to be able to better apply ourselves not only this week, but in all the coming weeks.

Your team has some talented players – not just zergs. I’ve had some great small battles with groups that I usually win more often than not. This time, however, has been a lot harder on our small group. You live and learn I guess.

Yeah, I’ve noticed an increase in (good) commanders so far this week actually leading our zergs around to objectives and and people (for the most part) listening. This is in EB, I havn’t entered the BL so far so I’m not sure there.

As for the smaller groups, I can’t judge much. CC only has the Friday night as our WvW night (we’re not a 100% WvW guild), but on that one night, our small 15 man group alone did manage to keep Klovan safe from DB and even pushed into Quentin and Danelon a few times. I can’t recall now if we managed even to get as far as Langor, but Quentin and Danelon for sure. Our main focus ofc was to not let Klovan and Golanta and hence everything past it, fall. Most fun I’ve ever had in some time.

Gofr, Asura Elementalist;
Garn the Rageblade, Charr Warrior;
Crystal Desert; Member of Crack Clan

(edited by Gofr.5794)

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: SoPP.7034


Why must once a problem occurs everyone yell “Nerf”? If the mesmir’s portals are a problem just add a item in the game that you buy that closes them! Ive lost way to many games from the proverbial nerf bat! Lets add to the game and not nerf everything!!

This ^^^

Is actually an interesting idea. While the rendering/portal combo is ridiculous in that a fairly large organised guild can wipe 1/2 the zerg before they even know what happened.
I agree that nerfing is always a horrible way to go. Buffing things to counter it makes much more sense, people generally complain less via this approach too.

A mesmer that can cast an anti-portal skill? (FB like that)

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: sceptus.9415


@barro – Pretty much the same thoughts from borderlands. DB shows up now and then, but nothing real impressive (which is why I find it funny the guy above, Goregash, is talking crap about easy points considering they are barely holding on to an 8k lead on us). Maybe we need to focus DB more for easy points…

Not crap talk. You said you were laying down arms against db and focusing on cd. That would mean easy points for db that can really use them.

Nice to see youve changed your mind and actually want to defend yourself

Laying down arms is completely different than “not focusing.” If you get in the way of our objectives we have no problem taking care of business. Perhaps it makes more sense for us to take action against your team on the other side of where CD is focusing?

Hern | Sceptus | Vulkus | Colbane
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


That would mean easy points for db that can really use them.

But you’re not really grabbing onto much of that supposed opportunity, are you? You poach. I mean, sometimes it works. Just did on your boarderlands with Ascension Bay. But face to face against another enemy? That’s another question entirely. Without a significantly entrenched position or numerical advantage (and even sometimes with that) forces push ‘Brand back. CD or TC, from what I can observe. In fact, the number of times I’ve seen Dragonbrand invaders seems to be directly proportional to the times the Coast has been attacking a CD target.

So, I mean, what does that say? You could argue that letting other people doing the heavy lifting for you is smart. If you really only care about the end result, which is certainly one way to look at things. But it also tell us that you’re wary of Crystal Desert. Almost even afraid. And, potentially, not particularly great on the offensive if the major tactic is merely to wait until one force has put on a good show and then to swoop in like vultures.

If the latter were the case and you were overly strong on the attack, the point differential and potential points wouldn’t remain as consistently close as they are. It’s really just the realm enjoying the benefits of that singular night push, which they haven’t managed again.

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: celeron.3469


The reason you haven’t seen much out of DB since Saturday morning is because we’ve been running outmanned buff since then. No clue why but we barely even have people in lion’s arch. Whenever we get enough people to feel comfortable attacking, in EB at least, we tend to pressure CD. I don’t think we’ve ever considered attacking TC in EB (during the day anyway, I don’t play there at night), so you guys are unnecessarily worried there.

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


I wouldn’t call it worried. I mostly was noting a general absence. At least for me. I tend to wander around Borderlands though, so that could explain it, I suppose. I mean, TC had outmanned earlier today (and might still have it, I’m not sure). I guess my overall point was that Goregash was talking about taking the easy points and I, myself, haven’t seen it.

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Arkard.3970


Excellent match so far. Quite impressed with CD’s play, definitely learning a thing or too.

The thing about about TC is, yeah we could focus on “easy points,” but what would that achieve for us in the long run? If the choice is between forging our forces by getting them experience against the toughest forces we can fight or fluffing around for second place, it’s a no brainer. We haven’t improved so drastically from the last time we fought DB for no reason after all.

Definitely pleased with TC morale though. Remember TC, given the number of ranks we’ve jumped and the improvements from the first set of weekly matches, we’re still fielding a threat and not getting shut out. Improvement while having fun will pay off sooner or later =)

Miyako [Kupo] – 80 Thief
Tarnished Coast Server

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Felidire.2861


We don’t like CD. Therefor, we will help DB wipe them out and engage DB as little as possible.

What? … Define “we,” Lmao!

I like CD for a few simple reasons:
1. They’ve shown good coordination skills,
2. They’ve responded bloody fast in most situations (really keeps us on our toes),
3. Fairly skilled in combat – i’ve had a few good 1v1/1v2/2v2 skirms when I fell behind the zerg, or stopped to help a team mate.
4. I’ve yet to encounter any CD camping the puzzle (I’m sure you have, but i’ve yet to see it happen – I can’t help but respect that.)

Based on what i’ve seen, I think CD deserves first place – and in the off-chance that TC doesn’t place 3rd – I look forward to hopefully facing you guys again sometime in the near-future.

…Same can’t be said for DB, at least not from my end – we’ve faced off against you guys previously, and there’s a fair amount of animosity between DB, and the majority of TC who remember that match. Personally, I’d love to put DB in 3rd place this week, but I seriously doubt that we’ll be able to conjure up the numbers required in our borderlands to pull it off… Hell, for all I know, CD’s performance could diminish severely during the next 5 weekdays; if that happens, then DB has a fair shot at first place; while TC is almost guaranteed to come in a close (within 40k difference) 3rd.

Anyhow, this has got to be the most balanced round of WvW that i’ve played, and i’ve really enjoyed our match-up thus far.


The thing about about TC is, yeah we could focus on “easy points,” but what would that achieve for us in the long run? If the choice is between forging our forces by getting them experience against the toughest forces we can fight or fluffing around for second place, it’s a no brainer. We haven’t improved so drastically from the last time we fought DB for no reason after all.

Our main problem is lack of numbers during off-peak hours, and how overly-reliant we are on “zerg leaders” to remain functional. I say “zerg leader” because realistically we should have 2-3, possibly even 4 commanders running around with their own little attack/defense/supply/flank groups. (We make do with what we have, and i’m generally pleased with how we’ve performed thus far.)

Our commanders are extremely pressured this match-up as well, btw. They need to think and react much faster, they’re far more prone to making mistakes. All things considered, they’re holding up extremely well~

(edited by Felidire.2861)

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Shepperd.2178


speaking from DB, the most fair matchup I’ve seen so far was the previous one, until Blackgate got 500 European players to move over and in the last 2 days crushed us….

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Scorpio Shirica.1286

Scorpio Shirica.1286

The problem I’m having with remaining a constant commander is expensive. The rune was expensive and being on the out-manned losing side, knowing we need siege to take a place…. every failed bid can cost my a gold in repair costs and lost siege equipment, while I make maybe a couple silver for each successful siege… seems like copper for defending. It’s not economically viable to play when losing so heavily.

While I love playing the underdog, I may have to resort to strike- hit and run tactics, instead of effective sieging… simply due to cost.

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


Point update for those interested. I do regret hearing about the orb business earlier this evening though. Botherkittenreatly. No one here condones that. Crystal Desert’s well ahead but Dragonbrand and Tarnished Coast are pretty much right by each other. I can’t speak for other borderlands or EB but action in the ’Brand borderlands tonight has been good. Lots of offensive pushes by all and a fair share of repelled sieges.

Took out two trebs posted at the Dragonbrand garrison with some surgical balista action and, if we want to start swapping war stories, I’ll give ya one more. It involves some smacktalk but I hope the person took it in good faith because I’ve chatted with folks from both realms and ya’ll seem nice and hope you understand it is in the spirit of competition (although I admit to an irrational hatred of Dragonbrand, mostly due to the last time the realms clashed).

Three Dragonbrand Invaders walk towards a bayside keep (stop me if you know this one alright)…and see a single Charr with a cannon. Okay. Simple enough. I forget the next part of the joke but two of them go down and the only one left is a Guardian dodging cannonballs, trying to revive his allies.

“I can do this all night.” the Charr tells him.
“Same.” replies the Guardian.

A few more cannons fly, the guardian is dodging. The Charr gets off the cannon and the Guardian moves towards one of his fallen allies, who is laying near the wall of the keep. The Charr jumps off, blindsides him and kills him. Right before she kills him, she tells him again.

“All. Night.”

Nothing amazing, I know. But still, we all have moments we enjoy. Share, if you want! Heck, for all I know it could have been when one of you killed me!


10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: DrFunk.7680


Im from TC,
and i must say its a great match up this time round
It was very even for a while!
The beginning was spoiled by a few flyhack/underground crystals,
which has tarnished my view of their server forever (sorry legit CD’s!),
but other than that, im loving the wvw match up.
Cheaters aside i think both CD and DB are great WvW’ers,
and hopefully our newer players can learn from fighting you guys

When TC have full players, we seem to do very well against you guys,
but as most of us know WvW is also a morale game..
After we stopped being 1st/2nd i hav’nt even had waiting times :`(

Just logging in now, see you on teh field!

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: LoneWolfie.1852


That’s some Role Play there by TC. _

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


Well, it actually happened so..not really. You can whisper opponents, you know.

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Clairvoyance.1504


Really great match up this time round! Except for that orb hacker:(

Crystal Desert
IGN: Exaelor, Guardian.
Guild: Einsof [EsF]

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Stanley.3295


Exploits, exploits and more exploits, now dragonband players are glitching to water gate of dreaming gate again. Nice guild of exploiters – Little Lovable Butchers. Reported and shamed

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Swag.4923


Man that Dragonbrand night crew… what a bunch of bad kitten

What night crew?

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: rook.4625


Glad CD is keeping classy and still winning.

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: ShadowX.4639


Beyond the rumor’s of DB and CD working hand and hand our server has been having a great time. CD has been working their tails off to capture most of the map. Their demoralize tactic may be working as I think a fair number of TC has decided to just take a nap this week. I can’t speak for the night crew on TC, but I’ve only seen 1 guild during the day with commanders in the field trying to make an attempt at keeping our piece of the pie. Really not sure where everyone got off to. Pretty hard to do much vs invisible army, more especially when the invisible army can divide in half and still out number you.

Score update:


10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


Night runs extensive but people need to sleep eventually since it is, the last time I checked, an essential bodily function and people do have things to do other than crap, eat, and live in WvW for a day. Normal folks, anyway. If you think that we’ve really thrown in the towel or anything, I’d reassess that. What we lose we tend to make up and we’ve given DB a close point race for most of the match. DB got kitten low in potential points for stretch. Which is generally what we want; I don’t know what hours you’ve been doing things but last night, when I was playing, we gave them a fair run for their money. As for rumors of CD and DB teaming up, it’s the first I’ve heard of it and I generally doubt that’s the case. DB want’s easy points and CD want’s a lockout, facing attacks on two sides it going to happen. Besides which, there’ve been times where CD’s actually been amiable to pursue generally separate goals than TC in certain borderlands.

We’ve closed gaps bigger than this during the match and we still have about 4 days. Win or lose, we’ve acquitted ourselves considerable well against Dragonbrand in particular.

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Sisho.5431


You can’t say TC is completely out really. Sure they’re down a bit from second, but last night DB was bottom of the potential points by like 100-150 under TC, who was going toe to toe with us.

Level 80 Elementalist/Warrior/Ranger/Mesmer
Leader and founder of [BIO] on Sea of Sorrows

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Kelo.4370


There is absolutely no teaming up from Crystal Desert period, I been in WvW all day everyday this entire weekend across all the borderlands and everything we have done was at our sole discretion and for the goal of crushing both servers.

For the rest of the week, I am hoping to further the gap between us and the other two servers. Since next match we will be going up against Eredon Terrace again we are going to need to farm up as much siege, gold, and score as possible. Hope we can get better than 101k total score against them this time.

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


the orb was hacked again just now, altar was broken… you just can’t play if you don’t cheat , right TC ?

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: mcl.9240


the orb was hacked again just now, altar was broken… you just can’t play if you don’t cheat , right TC ?

That’s absurd. More than likely, it’s someone who transferred over from CD or DB to stir up trouble on TC.

(which is also absurd, but just as likely).

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


the orb was hacked again just now, altar was broken… you just can’t play if you don’t cheat , right TC ?

It’s the tiresome defense but leave “TC” out of it and consider the act of the individual. Respond as you want but you know what, leave your snide accusations alone. I very much doubt a commander on the field was like “Hey, hacker guy. Now’s the time.”

This is a thread for talking about the match without being jerks. Let’s try to keep it that way. If this happened, let’s identify the guild or the player and figure out how to make it end. No one wants this.

I resent the implication that this is a common thing. Before this match, I’d never heard of orb exploiting on this server.

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: mcl.9240


Exactly, for example, this guy from CD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzjJNYWtkNU

Identified and reported.

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


Exactly, for example, this guy from CD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzjJNYWtkNU

Identified and reported.

he hacked altar ? more like a person impersonating as CD player by server transfer and getting himself killed in the process of “flying”….

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: mcl.9240


Exactly, for example, this guy from CD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzjJNYWtkNU

Identified and reported.

he hacked altar ? more like a person impersonating as CD player by server transfer and getting himself killed in the process of “flying”….

Er…sure. Ok. I see you’re determined to be unreasonable.

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: rhyein.6172


Does the storm still destroy altars?

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


I sincerely doubt that it is a group of people transferring servers throughout the match. There’s been some issues all around but the easier solution is that all three server have a handful of people doing stupid and outright egregious things. Let’s all, regardless of server, do want we can to figure this out, report who we need to, and do what needs to be done.

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: XenoForm.2907


It’s not an “exploit”, it’s a sound strategy for turning the battle to your favor. Get over it.

I don’t care about the “Invisible Mesmer Portal” shenanigans, but I was miffed at this Norn or Human clown in Ad Idem [AI] from DB exploiting onto walls via Mesmer portals last night. Twice I watched this guy on the ground, outside, drop his portal, run up to a wall, then drop the portal ON TOP of the wall from outside and port his forces up and in. It’s bad enough you make 70% of your points when everyone else is asleep, but you’ve got to pull this exploit out the moment you face a force large enough to oppose you? Stay classy, Ad Idem Mesmer Guy.

Before you start pointing fingers and naming names make sure you have your facts straight. First of all, the portals werent dropped in the order from the ground to inside the wall. And also you have the portal locations wrong, it was not on top of the wall it was inside the inner gate. And why was it in the inner gate, because your server did a poor job of searching for hiding mesmers. Of which CD had no problem of finding. So in all no wall hopping exploits were used, it was just a game of hide and seek.

(edited by XenoForm.2907)

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: HenryAu.7523


As a TC player, so far I think the biggest problem TC has lies in the Borderlands. We do not have enough dedicated WvW guilds taking ownership of the maps. Stragglers show up to the Borderlands, stay around for 10 minutes, see that nothing is happening and leave even if they wanted to do WvW.

Not saying that a server needs dedicated WvW guilds in the BLs to be successful, but TC could sure use organizers there. Even when we make a zerg and take a few places, the overall defenses seem awful compared to BD and CD.

There are also no long-term planning, we gleefully run around and smack everything in sight. When retaliation comes from both sides we cry that BD and CD are both scheming against us. I have to say that some of BD movements are not exactly strategically sound for the 2nd place trying to get back to 1st, and are very much reaction based. In the overall scheme of things, BD and TC aren`t quite as calculating enough for my liking. You don`t need greater than 50% ownership of everything to win in a 1v1v1. Although I have to say it`s probably too late now and TC and BD hate each other too much and are both too short-term opportunistic to work together against CD.

Anyways I`m still having a lot of fun. The fighting in EB is very intense and rewarding. I`m learning a lot about siege placement and other neat stuff from the skilled competition.

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


You and I’ve had some very difference experiences in Borderlands. Bare minimum, there actually is a general commander assignment for each zone. Or, rather, generally we do have certain guilds dedicated to certain zones. Larger issue has always been entrenching properly at a position rather than, say, a lack of leadership. We’ve some people who are over eager. CD’s done the right thing by digging in and basically sticking to what they have.

Also, it’s DB. Like DB Cooper. They’re up, what, about 6k, tops? Compare that deficit to the deficit DB and TC face against Crystal Desert. It’s really not a major issue yet. Queues are full, with the exception that I think DB’s focusing a bit more on CD’s borderlands than we are but that doesn’t really stay that way completely.

Borderlands have been generally where the DB and TC are able to make the most strides, seems to be. EB has looked pretty consistent throughout the match from what I can tell.

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: Scorpio Shirica.1286

Scorpio Shirica.1286

The demoralize tactics by Anet’s inviso-patch have hurt TC more than anything done by any one server.