11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Spacedad.2841


Hacking is going to happen on every server – pretty much every matchup thread has people complaining about hackers. We don’t really need to do callouts for it, because that just results in deleted posts and locked threads – report it and let Anet deal with it.

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: RanchDressin.8210


Fun tower fight from a billion hours ago featuring Dope Ram. Ya’ll Draggins’ cray~



11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: ViperWire.4261


So many Darkhaven catapults and trebuchets to try and take West Keep in Maguuma BL.

Poor siege, which was destroyed/rebuilt multiple times. So much wasted gold :*(

Invalid Password [EVOH] – Maguuma

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Wintuo.1356


Dunno bout maguuma but most of us puzzle for siege, or the late night karma runs pay for them just as nicely so not much of a waste there. If cost was an issue we wouldnt be actively playing in competitive wvwvw, sometimes you gotta spend more for the things you want.

Win Two Ohhh lvl 80 Human Mesmer
Guard the Guild lvl 80 Norn Guardian
Outlaws and Vagabonds(LaWz) on TC

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


we had someone watching your supply ..it was at 70 when we started working at it.

what may have happened is we got caught up in battle and you guys stocked up during that time ….but even then it doesn’t reconcile that most of your workers were dead because we were killing everything in sight.

You shouldn’t have to defend yourselves …nor should we.

If you see someone doing something wrong ….report them..don’t come here crying hack.

We had groups actively rezzing and following workers to ensure that upgrades completed. Amazing what coordination does eh?

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


if i said I gave you the benefit of the doubt, yet you continue to defend yourselves – where does that leave me ? pointing out that the bodies were gone ?

it’s all good. Like I said, and other posters have mentioned, the game has been acting buggy. The more you defend the more i question. it’s done.

we love you <3

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


i have to admit, i’m feeling sad and hurt…after I saw your arrow cart repairing itself ( not an arrow cart build site mind you ) – the first thing I said to myself was "Self, you really have to read the wiki more!! " not once did I cry foul, and I just stood there amazed at how well you guys were running siege!!

Does darkhaven get that kind of love in return ?? noooooooo -sniffle-

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Actium.8765


I love you to ricky… or was this not directed at me and only the other teams? :o

Character: Acium 80 Guard
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


love for all – the maggies are my friends, the darkies are my family <3

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Kami.7369


So, Dragonbrand has a speedhacking Asura thief. Sadly I missed grabbing his guild name as he ported away from me before I could hit report.

Yes I know about Steal, Infiltrator Shot, Heartseeker and the number of other Thief abilities that can close and make gaps. This was notable in and out of combat as “lagging” around over great distances, much farther and frequent than any class could use abilities. Just keep an eye out.

Jonlo Vangalen
Getof Fenris – Blackgate

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Richard Nixon.6573

Richard Nixon.6573

Will do. If I find him, consider him reported.

-1-800-GUILD-WAR? They can’t have my ’Brand… I have special eyes.
-Look, look with your special eyes!
-My Dragonbrand!

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Yummee.3170


With all due respect, we had to work hard at coordinating our defense at Stonemist against Darkhaven and Dragonbrand at the same time. We split our team up fairly well with dedicated supply teams to escort yaks in and ressurrecting our workers. You guys discredit us by thinking we just mysteriously get a keep upgraded without any effort or hard work? No hacks necessary. Just cooperation and people who are willing to listen.

But I do feel sorry for the legit Darkhavens that play the game competitively without crying. Because the ones that come crying here just continues to degrade the respect that we have for the Darkhaven server. Everytime we win a battle, the whinies can’t accept the loss, so they have to come on forums to take cheap shots about our tactics calling it “cheesy” or accusing that we are “hacking” just because they don’t understand the mechanics of the game. Ask the people that are actually CARRYING you on Darkhaven to learn why you couldn’t take the keep. If you listen, your commanders/carriers will tell you how to play. It’s funny I still remember why I left Darkhaven 1 month ago, there’s all these crybabies that whine and complain on team/map chat when everything goes wrong. They yell at their commanders and call people names when things don’t go their way. Just sad. Just sad.

Fact of the matter is, during the battle, we stocked up the keep, we upgraded, we defended for like 2 hours until the upgrades went through. And you guys have no idea how to break through other than repeating your basic zerg zerg tactic.

You’ll get your shot at our us when we go to sleep. And we will take the losses with honor. Just please stop crying about “cheesy” or “hacks”.

Name: Fml Yummee
Guild: Hmong Warriors
Server: Maguuma

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


So many Darkhaven catapults and trebuchets to try and take West Keep in Maguuma BL.

Poor siege, which was destroyed/rebuilt multiple times. So much wasted gold :*(

Yes, good defense in your BL today, idk how yall defended AH with zero supplies for about 4 hours…

id like to point out that Maguuma was not Outmanned in their BL today, not by any means though lol. Good defense on yalls part though, no doubt. Great battles all around.

Crazy Leg

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Kita.7819


so I like how the “Darkhaven Ram” Is now a symbol of success. People used to leave it around to troll the server. Now we leave it around as a trophy since we do so well.

Kita – Guardian
Server: Darkhaven. The Besthaven.

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Skapocalypse.5236


I was able to play a little WvW today on my laptop that barely plays the game. Super laggy but still fun. Ever since Sandy did a number on my house I haven’t been able to get a stable net connection at the places I am staying to play but I managed tonight. It was fun and I miss WvW. Hope you guys have a awesome fight the rest of the week hopefully I can play one more time or maybe sometime next week.


11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


Had more fun in wvw tonight than I have since I started playing. Ran around solo on my elementalist; tons of 1v1-3s, small scale skirmishes, epic chases etc. Ended up just camping ruins on Dragonbrand borderlands with a guardian who was doing the same thing. Lots of good fights, both solo and 2vx. I’m hoping that this fairly even matchup continues to make soloing enjoyable.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


It does seem like taking out the orbs has evened out the playing field across the board. Only T3 and T4 are blow outs. Every other server is within striking distance still… That wasn’t the case last week at all at this point.

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


" It’s funny I still remember why I left Darkhaven 1 month ago,"
Oh Suzanna, Don’t you cry for me ? ? ?

we miss you so kitten much!!

I still couldn’t find any info on the self repairing arrow carts – I’m still looking though, thats a nifty trick!!

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

(edited by Ricky.4706)

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Anatax.3905


Having a blast in WVW this week. Was playing my noob thief all day today, so you didn’t see my heavily armored warrior on the field tonight. Worked hard as hell on the Maguuna borderlands for most of the day. After our alliance commanders left and our guild Commanders weren’t logging on had to leave the map. Great job Maguuna defending your Askolonian Hills on your BL. We tried, oh how we tried to take it but didn’t even come close.

At the end of the night we had a hell of a three way Stonemist fight. That was hella fun. And after we got wiped inside Dragonbrand almost took our EB Darkhaven Keep by bringing Golems up through our watergate. We fought em off repaired our keep and I finally called it a night. Great matches guys can’t wait till tomorrow to resume the insanity.

See you on the Battlefields, Exelsior!

Guild member of Rethisis, proud server soldier of Darkhaven.

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Tine Sionnach.8629

Tine Sionnach.8629

I want to say with the few numbers of players all three servers are putting on the maps this seems like one of the most fair fights dragonbrand has been in in a while. i can personally say it has been one of the funnest. We may have lost a few guilds at the beginning of this match but our night crew is still strong. and our morning crew manages to hold.

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


Yes, good defense in your BL today, idk how yall defended AH with zero supplies for about 4 hours…

id like to point out that Maguuma was not Outmanned in their BL today, not by any means though lol. Good defense on yalls part though, no doubt. Great battles all around.

Confirmed that Maguuma rarely (if ever) had outmanned buff in our own borderland, since I was in it for most of the weekend. Dragonbrand did have outmanned buff on several occasions because well, it really sucks pushing for the south east tower only to immediately get trebbed from East Keep. As long as Darkhaven was on the map, their options were very limited. I haven’t figured out what I would do in a similar situation because the unreachable siege locations in east keep just make it an absolute nightmare to assault when its fully upgraded.

Darkhaven had outmanned buff on several occasions and alternately had huge population surges where they brought down massive forces against West Keep. You guys breached outer several times. Its a horrible situation to get involved in a protracted siege of West Keep because you have to commit so many players to that one location. You guys had to keep so many people around South West tower to stop us overrunning the tower and supply camp (which is where your trebs were). You had to keep players in ruins to stop us sending 10 to 15 player teams setting up arrow carts, ballistas and trebs on the vista point.

And what do you get if you hypothetically take West Keep in such a situation? You can look forward to a protracted siege where we treb outer wall from Garrison. You are left having to defend an almost permanent breach in the outer wall, you can’t move out, you can’t upgrade because you have no supply. Its just a horrible place to be and a horrible location to fight over.

At several points I thought about abandoning West Keep altogether since I felt even if we lost all the upgrades, it would work to our advantage to put Darkhaven in the position we found ourselves in.

If we had more players, I would have liked to switch from defense in Maguuma BL to offence on Darkhaven BL. We tend not to go to Darkhaven BL because our spawn is on the West side of the map and if Dragonbrand is active there, its a real nightmare to get around the hellhole that is West Keep siege warfare.

We prefer the Eastern spawn as long as we can take East Keep. If its fully upgraded and defended then it is a nightmare too. At some point you just need overwhelming numbers.

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Caliburn.1845


There is an interesting sort of rhythm going on in this match-up. Namely that none of our three servers are really able to field strong numbers at any time. So it has become a delicate balancing act of deciding how many people to leave defending each of our respective borderlands, how many people to send to the grinding slogging fight that is EBG, and when/if to send a major force into an enemy borderlands.

It actually feels like there is a lot more logistical strategy. Proper application of forces at the proper time and place are shaping this battle. And small dedicated defensive teams of 10-15 can do amazing things at these population levels in WvW.

Caliburn.1845, Monsters Inc.
Darkhaven>Dragonbrand>Blackgate>Maguuma>Yaks Bend>Stormbluff Isle>Yaks Bend

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


I moved into Darkhaven Borderlands for the first time yesterday and we made good ground until we realized Darkhaven was surging in Maguuma Borderlands and had both the southern towers. They were pressuring West Keep with trebs again so I switched back. We didn’t have the numbers to gain ground in Darkhaven BL and simultaneously hold Maguuma Borderlands so we collectively decided to abandon our push in Darkhaven.

As of yesterday, Maguuma Borderlands was fully upgraded and sieged to hell and back except for the 2 south towers and the south supply camps. Over the weekend it was basically a death trap to ever go there unless you had overwhelming numbers. We had 4 waypoints and thus had insane mobility plus the capability to port entire armies into any keep at 3 minute intervals, even if they were contested.

Even if we were losing ground everywhere else, it was a good thing that our players felt like they had a safe haven to go to. Losing ground in Eternal? Go to Maguuma Borderlands and farm badges at the south towers. It’ll make you feel a bit better.

So Maguuma Borderlands is a no go area. If you want to fight there we will make you work really hard for it or you will have to nightcap it. Dragonbrand seems to have a similar attitude in their home borderland. The minute we step foot in there, they make us pay in time, sanity or gold. Doesn’t matter which.

Darkhaven Borderland is the prize for me, but due to the spawn locations it is really difficult to make ground. Its basically the same situation Darkhaven has in Maguuma Borderlands. If Dragonbrand shows up at any time they can ruin the party for the other attacking server.

Our Eternal crew is doing great. Its worth mentioning that many of these guys are relatively new to Eternal. Our strategy for a long time revolved around controlling the Borderlands for the Orb bonuses which were like pubbie steroids for our Eternal presence. Without the Orbs, this strategy has become somewhat redundant and now we are starting to field serious organized presence in EB from the get go. They played like champs over the weekend.

I haven’t played Eternal since beta so I’m a noob there. I asked some of the battle hardened EB folks to show me the ropes some time. On friday I helped ram down the gate of the keep outside our spawn only to find…another gate. It was like gateception for a bunch of us. What if theres another gate behind this one? A gate within a gate within a gate?

(edited by Besetment.9187)

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: DirtyApe.9360


My 2 cents concerning the weekend fighting (I play on Maguuma):

Overall, I had a ton of fun this weekend. I kicked some butt and got my butt kicked all over every map, which is how WvW should be. I saw each side do very stupid things, and each side do some very clever things. This is why we play WvW! Personally, if I didn’t lose sometime I would quickly grow bored of the game.

Hacking etc.

I think we can all agree that generally the people who discuss WvW here are all against it, but there is nothing we can do about it. Yes, it is VERY frustrating when it happens in the game, but we just have to hold out hope that Anet will take care of it. None of us can stop cheating players from moving to our server and doing whatever they want to do.

Also, some Mag players are still a little annoyed at how loudly and publicly some DH players and guilds condemned our entire server as a bunch of cheating lowlifes in the last matchup, even going so far as to attempt to formally ally with Northern Shiverpeaks in some sort of righteous crusade against ‘exploits’ such as stacking and portal bombing. I realize that is was probably a small minority of DH people, but it was a very LOUD minority.

Stonemist and Supply

I think this has already been disproven, but it bears repeating. I spent a fair amount of time in EB this weekend and when Mag had SM they had organized crews JUST for watching yaks, defending supply camps, and running supply from supply camps for siege and weapons. I spent a good deal of time porting back to our keep, running to a camp for supply, running to SM, building a siege (or repairing a wall) and doing it all over again. At no point when I was on did SM have anything close to a supply shortage, which was amazing considering the amount of random people (like me) running around.

Anyway I had a lot of fun this weekend, so my hats off to both DH and DB.

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


I don’t really care about hacking to be honest. Its not rampant in any of the matches I play and when I have seen it occur the only time it truly had a material impact on our ability to win was during an orb hack. Now that orbs are gone, its almost irrelevant really.

What concerns me the most is the invasion of players on our Public Mumble that have taken to spamming pornographic images, playing obnoxious music and hurling insults at our players. I know some people have called for it to be password protected but it defeats the purpose of public voice comms. We are not a server that has large guilds that can control a borderland via networks of private voice comms. we are a server composed of small guilds and pubbies working together.

We understand that our comms being open makes us vulnerable to spying and we elect not to do anything about it. Ultimately the meta game is not healthy enough for us to invest in counter espionage. You have to ask yourself if it is even worth winning the game when it is in the state that its currently in? The main priority is to play by the rules, have fun, win or lose. Otherwise whats the point of playing at all? Thats a better game to play than making everyone else miserable.

Whatever server that guy is on, is that the kind of game you really want to play?

(edited by Besetment.9187)

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Sals.9534


It is really sad to hear that some DH players are being poor sports.
If people are getting that emotional about a game then they really need to step away from the computer and do something else.

Two wrongs don’t make it right, they hate when they see exploiters so they think it is OK to go and personally attack someone. You are just as bad as them now.

Colegate / Selos Song Kaineng-DE Guild

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


We understand that our comms being open makes us vulnerable to spying and we elect not to do anything about it. Ultimately the meta game is not healthy enough for us to invest in counter espionage.

LOL, funny you mention that, yesterday when RE was in Maguuma BL, we were assembling Golems, and some guy who I wont give his name took three of our Golems and placed them right where Maguuma was trebbing from AH.

I was very upset, and so was his guild leader. Every once in a while I watch people taking supplies from towers for no reason (when there was a supply camp 40 sec away, when he did nothing with the supply after he took it). Idk, stuff makes me think sometimes, It wouldnt surprise me if infact DH has spies for other servers actually.

Crazy Leg

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Halo.8976


At the end of the night we had a hell of a three way Stonemist fight. That was hella fun. And after we got wiped inside Dragonbrand almost took our EB Darkhaven Keep by bringing Golems up through our watergate. We fought em off repaired our keep and I finally called it a night. Great matches guys can’t wait till tomorrow to resume the insanity.

Eh, it was Maguuma…
< the only survived golem.

But hey, after this we got Stonemist less than one minute, so it’s all good.

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Kita.7819


Dear Dragonbrand:

Please step it up in Maguuma Borderlands. You can’t let us fight your Maguuma force, take the keep and then a couple minutes later expect to re-enter the game. If you want the tower, take it, but unless you defend it we’ll just take it back.

Kita – Guardian
Server: Darkhaven. The Besthaven.

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Rabh.2493


We understand that our comms being open makes us vulnerable to spying and we elect not to do anything about it. Ultimately the meta game is not healthy enough for us to invest in counter espionage.

LOL, funny you mention that, yesterday when RE was in Maguuma BL, we were assembling Golems, and some guy who I wont give his name took three of our Golems and placed them right where Maguuma was trebbing from AH.

I was very upset, and so was his guild leader. Every once in a while I watch people taking supplies from towers for no reason (when there was a supply camp 40 sec away, when he did nothing with the supply after he took it). Idk, stuff makes me think sometimes, It wouldnt surprise me if infact DH has spies for other servers actually.

You should never attribute to maliciousness what can adequately be explained by stupidity.

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Dominae.3146


Dear Dragonbrand:

Please step it up in Maguuma Borderlands. You can’t let us fight your Maguuma force, take the keep and then a couple minutes later expect to re-enter the game. If you want the tower, take it, but unless you defend it we’ll just take it back.

I was on your (DH) borderland all weekend, and during times when I figured we’d be in full force (“primetime” slots) a headcount of available bodies came up with 2 .. maybe 3 full groups if we wrangled jump-puzzle players to the cause.

We just didn’t have the players to accomplish anything, and if we did get organized and try and take a tower, the 12 of us would get rolled by 40+ DH who would rise out of the lake and roflstomp us back to spawn and then stick around defending with overwhelming force. If by luck we got an objective faster than your players could arrive, there was no way in kitten we could defend it against 3x our numbers with zero supply or camps.

I think “oh well, just flip it for karma/badges/silver” was what we were reduced to.

That being said, my group did get some good fights in against roughly equal sized groups in the field, but I doubt many of them were your A-Team or anything.

(edited by Dominae.3146)

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


New players take supply from upgrading keeps/towers in Mag as well. This isn’t a single server phenomenon, it happens everywhere. We simply don’t talk about it because it’s been common place for the 2 months this game has been out. Business as usual, etc.

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


I actually saw 3 way fight this matchup. Thank god.

For the last 2-3 matchup it has been us against the zerg + the other guy who doesn’t want to come out and play.


11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


honestly, the hacking stuff rolls off my back because it’s been in mmo’s forever – what does irk me is the people who transfer to other servers to grief people ….that’s some psychological nonsense gamers can do without. It’s a game to have fun, we aren’t here to be someone’s psychologist because they need to feel relevant in life, thats a whole other level of flat out ignorance.

Overall though – all banter aside, this has been a fun match – and when it comes to posting on forums / flame wars and banter ….let’s just say I’ve had years of practice at it in unmoderated forums …don’t do it to yourself!! lol

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

(edited by Ricky.4706)

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: hobbes.6178


Hey Dragonbrand…I know that camping the jump puzzle in your borderlands is part of the game…but the objective is to prevent people from getting the chest so they don’t get badges/blue prints. When you try to set up a “trap” inside the actual vault room, it makes it rather possible for me to fear you all, loot the chest, endure pain, swiftness and lunge away and evade you guys completely…which I surely did.

If your going to camp the jump puzzles at least have the common sense to do it right.

Also that video was quite funny Jonlo

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: ViperWire.4261


:) Maguuma says hello


Invalid Password [EVOH] – Maguuma

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Kami.7369


Had to delete and repost the move (made by a Dragonbrand Engineer) cause I posted it twice by mistake.

Jonlo Vangalen
Getof Fenris – Blackgate

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: DirtyApe.9360


Videos like that make me realize just how terrible I am at the jumping puzzles. To be fair, I’ve only done the EB one twice, but I’m impressed by the speed at which you are able to complete the jumps. I use swiftness the entire time and I still take a long time to line up my jumps (and fall down regularly).

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


He must have done this hundred of times. I’ve seen ppl do the halloween jumping puzzle with the character screen blocking the view.


11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


:) Maguuma says hello

What … all us employed DH folks. Send that pic to your mgr’s and director’s – no rest for the weary. We lost over 5k lead since last night. Time to kick it up a notch.

BTW – all in EB last night ~ what a blast that was. It fully felt like Gumer’s and dragonkitten (multiple times) had us tag teamed. The best was the flip flopping of SM. Hottest potato yet. Great week all ~ good battles all over the map (keeps, open field, and camps).

WTB: Time to sleep!

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: ViperWire.4261


WTB: Time to sleep!

We need a peace treaty for sleep :P

Invalid Password [EVOH] – Maguuma

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Slyther.1297


At the end of the night we had a hell of a three way Stonemist fight. That was hella fun. And after we got wiped inside Dragonbrand almost took our EB Darkhaven Keep by bringing Golems up through our watergate. We fought em off repaired our keep and I finally called it a night. Great matches guys can’t wait till tomorrow to resume the insanity.

See you on the Battlefields, Exelsior!

I was the Commander of the Maguuma force that attempted to golem rush your keep with half a dozen golems, unless Dragonbrand tried the same thing later in the night?

Unfortunately as it was essentially my first time Commanding the whole map (I usually do small teams) I had made some bad calls during the assault, most notably the call to break and storm into the Keep Lord once the second gate busted. I should have kept us stacked, but no one blamed me for it as it was an understandable call to make, especially when we saw some siege in there.

I’m interested to hear how Dragonbrand reacted to loosing Stonemist shortly after they took it. We stuck a Mesmer in there while you two were fighting and took advantage of it when our Keep assault failed. That’s why you do Mesmer sweeps!

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Slyther.1297


I was going to congratulate this player for besting some of my Maguuman comrades, however the trash talking and combat log-out completely destroyed any respect I had for this guy.

Edit: Can’t seem to edit out that giant space in the quote

(edited by Slyther.1297)

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


i’m starting to notice a lot of new names and a lot of trash talk trying to kill server morale, i certainly hope the maguumas haven’t decided to become “that” server and we are just having bad luck with a few bad apples. This isn’t “Eve” For those who don’t know the eve players mentality http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/116503-Eve-Online-Panel-Encourages-Harassing-Suicidal-Player

. I’ve had a lot of respect for maguuma and enjoyed fighting them.

I will start blocking people so i don’t have to hear their attitudes.

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

(edited by Ricky.4706)

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


I don’t mind all the trash talking, but it is abuse to use the reporting system as a means to communicate with the other servers. They added the names as a way to report hackers and exploiters from other servers. I’ve never messaged another player on another server because I know about this.

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: fellyn.5083


I was going to congratulate this player for besting some of my Maguuman comrades, however the trash talking and combat log-out completely destroyed any respect I had for this guy.

Edit: Can’t seem to edit out that giant space in the quote

No offense to you but until we were matched against Maguuma I never experienced anyone combat log before. That doesn’t make it okay, of course. But you can’t get on that guys case for doing it when people on your own server do it too.

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: wads.5730


i’m starting to notice a lot of new names and a lot of trash talk trying to kill server morale, i certainly hope the maguumas haven’t decided to become “that” server and we are just having bad luck with a few bad apples. This isn’t “Eve” For those who don’t know the eve players mentality http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/116503-Eve-Online-Panel-Encourages-Harassing-Suicidal-Player

. I’ve had a lot of respect for maguuma and enjoyed fighting them.

I will start blocking people so i don’t have to hear their attitudes.

are you saying this in response to the video dragonbrand player posted where he trash talks via the reporting function?

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: jaegerx.1693


I don’t mind all the trash talking, but it is abuse to use the reporting system as a means to communicate with the other servers. They added the names as a way to report hackers and exploiters from other servers. I’ve never messaged another player on another server because I know about this.

You’re talking to people on other servers now, you also do it in overflow. They made this system this way for the group questing system. It’s not abuse, it’s a clever way of getting someones name.

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


@wads, no I’m saying some of the poor attitudes I’m noticing on our own server and reflecting on how some players in the past have wondered how to make this game more like eve.

The guildwars players do enjoy playing hard and banter, but not to such extremes…the Gw1 crowd has always been more the intelligent / all about skill and tactics. Big difference.

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

(edited by Ricky.4706)

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


I was going to congratulate this player for besting some of my Maguuman comrades, however the trash talking and combat log-out completely destroyed any respect I had for this guy.

Edit: Can’t seem to edit out that giant space in the quote

No offense to you but until we were matched against Maguuma I never experienced anyone combat log before. That doesn’t make it okay, of course. But you can’t get on that guys case for doing it when people on your own server do it too.

Umm, yes he can. He can get on the case of anyone who does it on Maguuma, too. It’s just we don’t see it. I don’t see why you’re turning this into a server thing.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy