11/30: AR/ET/GoM

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Atomic Sharks.7250

Atomic Sharks.7250

you GOM and AR people should understand this, a lot of people in BP are a little depressed at how easily we have won. and all i have to say to these people is that we have had good practice, i can see a good opponent when i see one.


11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


That’s okay Leo….you kitten on here about being demoralized and how you’re losing….AR goes easy on you. You can’t have it both ways and you already broke the limited truce that was there….so we’re back to KOS status with no mercy. You’ll have your time when you’re at the bottom of the tiers, but it won’t be in this one.

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


you GOM and AR people should understand this, a lot of people in BP are a little depressed at how easily we have won. and all i have to say to these people is that we have had good practice, i can see a good opponent when i see one.


Then you haven’t been paying attention.

HoD has been dropping like a rock for 2 months.

SF has been pretty much the 4th Tier 7 server, as they have been stuck in that Tier for over a month. Of all the servers that have been to Tier 7, NSP, DH, YB, EB , SF. SF has been the only one to move up the least up the ranks.

I suspect they aren’t the same server that visited us weeks ago and are likely the least organized of the servers we have faced in the past. Personally I would have expected that they put up a better fight, but I guess it just goes to show how much our little rivalry has tested and matured our Wv3 forces .



11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


So is ET actually pushing AR back and GoM is not? Or did AR decide to go “easy” on ET.

I would like to point out a few things about Anvil Rock ( and I’m sure this applies to just about every server)

There are essentially two Wv3 groups.

The organized Wv3 alliance, comprised of guilds commanders and forum posters here who all coordinate and work (try to at least) together .

Then there are the puggers , fair weather Wv3 crowd and weekend players.

From day one the organized Wv3 AR players have made an effort to leave ET alone. I even posted a screenshot on Sat. morning of how ET had held their borderlands overnight.

The massive take over of the map we all saw this weekend was mostly the work of the the second group, puggers and weekend players.

AR isn’t so much going easy on them, more so than we just aren’t doing anything organized to stop them from taking back their BLs. Hopefully this makes for a much more interesting week for everyone involved.


Here is the thing, we have a Queue in GoM BL and we can’t take our garrison back. If you keep ignoring blue, we will have to chose if 1) we are ok with third place or 2) we will kill blue just so they cant get any points.

I don’t like either of these options…

It turns out fighting a fully upgraded garrison with Anvil Rock having no less than 3 commanders leading the defense is kind of tough. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear they had a queue too.

If it makes you feel better, we did take it.

Gate of Madness

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


So is ET actually pushing AR back and GoM is not? Or did AR decide to go “easy” on ET.

I would like to point out a few things about Anvil Rock ( and I’m sure this applies to just about every server)

There are essentially two Wv3 groups.

The organized Wv3 alliance, comprised of guilds commanders and forum posters here who all coordinate and work (try to at least) together .

Then there are the puggers , fair weather Wv3 crowd and weekend players.

From day one the organized Wv3 AR players have made an effort to leave ET alone. I even posted a screenshot on Sat. morning of how ET had held their borderlands overnight.

The massive take over of the map we all saw this weekend was mostly the work of the the second group, puggers and weekend players.

AR isn’t so much going easy on them, more so than we just aren’t doing anything organized to stop them from taking back their BLs. Hopefully this makes for a much more interesting week for everyone involved.


Here is the thing, we have a Queue in GoM BL and we can’t take our garrison back. If you keep ignoring blue, we will have to chose if 1) we are ok with third place or 2) we will kill blue just so they cant get any points.

I don’t like either of these options…

It turns out fighting a fully upgraded garrison with Anvil Rock having no less than 3 commanders leading the defense is kind of tough. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear they had a queue too.

If it makes you feel better, we did take it.

Grats, it looks like you folks took back your BLs.



11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Yokoshima.4762


a group of 8 anvil rock hacked their way into our spawn. i have 8 total screen caps. included in the caps are guild names:
ALS, SSFF, Core, Meh

note this is only one screen cap, i have 8.

How is that hacking? they are dead and your alive. Get better Graphics too

How about this then?

That looks like the bug where someone uses skills like “stomp”, and for some reason it pushes you into the terrain, and it makes you stuck, where you have to waypoint out. Usually when it happens to someone new, they have to talk about it before they waypoint out.

Don’t mistake bugs, for exploits. A good rule of thumb is, what is there to gain? If it is minimal, or nothing at all, it generally is a bug, but if the gain is massive, like taking Hills without knocking down walls, or gates, that is an exploit.

This game is buggy as hell, so please learn the difference between bugs, and exploits.

Well, I didn’t need your explanation on what is a bug and exploit. That would be Lightsbane. Was asking what people thought of the screenshot I took. Yes, it is a bug that got him under the ground, but he was attacking myself and others. It was difficult to target him as well as deal any damage depending where he was located. Since he was taking advantage of a bug to gain an unfair advantage, he is exploiting. That gain was not game changing what so ever and it amused me. I did have fun trying to find him since he was using gtaoe, so it wasn’t very obvious where he was and using the tab key didn’t work.

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


If doing damage to another and not taking dmg back in return….then yes, definitely exploit. If knocked through the ground with one of the many blow back bugs that do that…and not able to attack to or from, bug.

If you say that they were in fact actually doing dmg to peeps and objects then no question exploiting.

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: McViolin.8547


Funny, I’ve seen mostly alliance guilds on ET’s borderlands taking their stuff….just saying. Personally though, my guild’s been told to stay off ET for taking stuff….but any of you ET guys attack an EOH tag and they’ll return fire.

Save your threats.
if we see any red names running around in our ET BL, we will open fire.

I remember seeing EOH, love their empty threats as ET just steamrolled you guys earlier

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Rashagal.5867


Just thought I’d drop in an say that I’ve been playing WvW on AR since pre-release, and anyone on here claiming that we suddenly got better is delusional. I’m not from a major guild by any means, so I don’t have any reason to protect anyone’s pride and state that tactics won the day. In fact, I’m a pug with a small group of IRL friends, of which I’m the only one that is dedicated to WvW enough to listen in on the AR Server TS and appreciate all the good our coalition does. I’m not trying to put those guys down. They work hard and every pug deserves to know that those guilds are the ones making the points possible, I just want to emphasize that I mean it when I say that I don’t exactly have much of a dog in this fight.

What I have seen in the past 2 weeks has been a perfect storm of events leading up to this weeks matchup. I have seen what server transfers can do first hand. Watching Borlis Pass go from a server that, for all their honor and fierce skill, couldn’t buy a win (or 2nd place for that matter), to a server that gets bumped up a bracket and still dominates in the span of about 2-3 weeks. This is the work of numbers, not organization. Yes, organization can change the tide of a match in lieu of balanced numbers, but the character of the server changed as well. Almost all of the underhanded and cheesy things we saw and complained about from them were from guilds I had never taken notice of until the server transfers. I would warn my fellow AR members not to follow that path and not to give in to the same things we complained about: camping and exploiting included. Sure pushing them back to spawn is fun, but when siege is dropped its time to speak up.

As for numbers, we have been on the other side of that countless times, and it isn’t pretty when one server calls you out for getting bigger and you throw out lame excuses like Pve’rs suddenly getting the urge to fight. Its degrading to the other server and they have the right to know that we grew.

However, This doesn’t mean they get to write off our skills, If you find them, teach them how dangerous an error it is to cross us. But don’t delude yourself into thinking that 3v1’ing someone is worthy of dancing on their corpse. Give a quick /salute or /bow and be on your way. It takes no time at all and will leave the victim with the impression that we are aware of our advantage, and honor their effort.

I for one, am going to be sitting most of this week out. Its no fun when our score is 3x 3rd place and we have 5 CO’s in GOM’s BL all together and icons on, in a big zerg.

GOM’s situation has been tragic, We gained from their loss with [TCMM] and have grown while they withered. I have no ill will towards the server transfers themselves, but would warn that they come in not knowing the reputation or conduct of our server nor do they have any loyalty to anything but the points. If you come to AR, I believe I speak for my server (in this one statement alone) that we will welcome you warmly, assuming you don’t bear a guild tag from one of our kittenlists, and will appreciate another sword at our side any day.

I hope I’m wrong in writing off this week as a landslide, but the silver lining in all this is that next week AR very well might get a chance to seek vengeance on those Smug Borlis Pkitten!

Happy Hunting out there! And to GOM: Yo momma is so fat, she can’t even jump to conclusions!

Anvil Rock Ambassador of [Sane];
[ARM] Anvil Rock Militia Commander;
The Loryak: I speak for these beasts.

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Leogolas.6941


That’s okay Leo….you kitten on here about being demoralized and how you’re losing….AR goes easy on you. You can’t have it both ways and you already broke the limited truce that was there….so we’re back to KOS status with no mercy. You’ll have your time when you’re at the bottom of the tiers, but it won’t be in this one.

Save your empty threats for others easily intimidated , for those still remaining on ET defending our BL. Your words means nothing.
For your infor , I am not even a bit demoralized or going to rant in forum we are out numbered or whatsoever. You are the one saying all that not me.
As for your KOS . Lol it already began since the match started. I seriously do not give a kitten what your tag is. If your name is red and you invade ET BL, you will be fired on. !
So get it in your bloody mentality !

[TSA] The Stuffed Animals
~We Are Deadly When Required~

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952



Nice post man. Exactly what I thought.

I’m also bored this week. I used 90% of my time in sPvP to try new build and do some pvp training. But sPvP is SOOOOOO boring, can’t wait until we get another match up.

At least yesterday I logged in GoM BL, and we had some good fights. But we still had the number advantage so….


Use the slack AR are giving you to get some players back in WvW.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


I haven’t fought many ET, so I can’t comment on the state of their Wv3, but I can say that the GoM I have fought are excellent players, and I respect that they continued to come out even when the odds looked overwhelming. The only thing I noticed was the predictability of the points they were taking in EB, granted it is a small map, but changing direction in the face of a zerg does make it a little easier.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


Not empty threats….just didn’t have people on at 2am EST. We gave you an inch and you took a mile. You don’t have “classy” players on your server and it’s fairly obvious. A lot of AR people felt that “attacking” the little guy wasn’t the best of things to do because we have other areas that garner more of a fight than you little ET guys do. Maybe it’s just your night crew that doesn’t have respect or your filled with a bunch of little kiddies, either way….respect was attempting to be shown towards your lacking WvW population. But even though there were 25 of you guys last night, maybe a little less, maybe a little more….you guys died more than enough to make due on the promise. How long did it take a 20 man squad to take one little tower from 3 people? About 20 mins…..

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


a group of 8 anvil rock hacked their way into our spawn. i have 8 total screen caps. included in the caps are guild names:
ALS, SSFF, Core, Meh

note this is only one screen cap, i have 8.

How is that hacking? they are dead and your alive. Get better Graphics too

How about this then?

That looks like the bug where someone uses skills like “stomp”, and for some reason it pushes you into the terrain, and it makes you stuck, where you have to waypoint out. Usually when it happens to someone new, they have to talk about it before they waypoint out.

Don’t mistake bugs, for exploits. A good rule of thumb is, what is there to gain? If it is minimal, or nothing at all, it generally is a bug, but if the gain is massive, like taking Hills without knocking down walls, or gates, that is an exploit.

This game is buggy as hell, so please learn the difference between bugs, and exploits.

Well, I didn’t need your explanation on what is a bug and exploit. That would be Lightsbane. Was asking what people thought of the screenshot I took. Yes, it is a bug that got him under the ground, but he was attacking myself and others. It was difficult to target him as well as deal any damage depending where he was located. Since he was taking advantage of a bug to gain an unfair advantage, he is exploiting. That gain was not game changing what so ever and it amused me. I did have fun trying to find him since he was using gtaoe, so it wasn’t very obvious where he was and using the tab key didn’t work.

You do realize if a skill knocked him into the ground, and you were still able to attack him before he “GOT OUT OF COMBAT”, he is stuck there until he can get you off of him, so he can Waypoint, right?

It’s natural instinct to try and survive, so you CAN understand a person not wanting to die to you, so they can get out of a bad situation, they don’t know how they got into, right?

His best bet would have been to let you kill him, but he was probably in a panic.

People. <shakes head>

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: McViolin.8547


Not empty threats….just didn’t have people on at 2am EST. We gave you an inch and you took a mile. You don’t have “classy” players on your server and it’s fairly obvious. A lot of AR people felt that “attacking” the little guy wasn’t the best of things to do because we have other areas that garner more of a fight than you little ET guys do. Maybe it’s just your night crew that doesn’t have respect or your filled with a bunch of little kiddies, either way….respect was attempting to be shown towards your lacking WvW population. But even though there were 25 of you guys last night, maybe a little less, maybe a little more….you guys died more than enough to make due on the promise. How long did it take a 20 man squad to take one little tower from 3 people? About 20 mins…..

That’s strange cause on Saturday, both Anvil and GOM hit the 2 side keeps at the same time and even with our spread out force, we managed to push both of you back and retoke our BL. Stop getting on your high horse and think we need pity, its impossible to demoralize ET ever since we had to tough it out during the dropping of tiers. Pick up your swords and lets see what you are really are made of.

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Anvil Pants.3426

Anvil Pants.3426

I like it when “have” becomes “need to have.”

Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]
Grand Progressive Arch Battle Pope of Anvil Rock Defenders Alliance [TARD]

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


I don’t need to have any more than me. Funny. Had a great 1 v 1 against a D/D ele in dredges, good fight. Not sure I “need” anyone to take out another player. Oh you mean they need to have more than one to take out three, oddly, also not the case.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: frostflare.6390


Lol, First time posting in Our WvW thread. I am from gate of madness…and I have to say. I am not demoralized or troubled by Anvil Rocks heavy populace.

For one im a regular ol optimistic son of a gun. In the very begining of the match up a grabed a small group of us and headed to your guys borderlands. There the very few of us(under ten) were able to take the tower closest to us, and keep it from you. Mind you not permently. But We did manage to hold out with so little of us against such a massive amount of you. I remember looking over the side of the keep and all I saw as an army.

Thats the few things I love about GoM. No were not in anyway the best server, we lose alot. We go up against such outweighed servers(and thats ok!). GoM has the power to dig deep, and we have fighting spirit. Even with so few of us against your massive army anvil rock we held you long enough to give breathing room to our own borderlands. Which was the point of the take. We wanted to seperate your armies, and it worked very well for a short time.

You took the tower eventualy though~ And then we took it back..and it went back and forth for a while. Point is though. There is nothing to say.

I won’t pretend and say “Your numbers don’t effect your abbility”, but I also will acknowledge Anvil rock, you have your strenghts and weekesses. Of those weaknesses that you should improve on is the “Vigil Mentality”. You have the numbers to back it up, but I have seen more then once at the start of the battle, you throw bodies into the grinder if it gets the goal accomplished. It’s crazy how if you guys see one red name on the map…You like form an army to kill that one Target. But I give you props that you can amass an army that fast! It’s like the moment a red guy is scouting your camp. Suddenly an army amasses on the hill and completly eradicates the poor guy. He would have had trouble 3V1 But darn, you summon an army!

Also that is not to insult you. I find it impressive. GoM has spirit, and we have skill. We lack tactics, and we have yet to mature as a scene. GoM still suffers from the hacker stigma, but those of us loyal to our server have willpower. Anvil rock, I have seen some one vrs five. Where its one GoM player against 5. He will be downed..But somehow he manages to take out 3 of you. What you lack in that situation, you make up for it in the abbility to completly pull armies in heartbeats. I wish GoM could say “Invader near west wall of astral” and suddenly 30+ players amass and rush them! We simply don’t have the communication or the players.

Thats ok though! I loved the battles, and had a lot of fun. Good luck and keep up your tactics. They are working well. /bow You have been awsome opponents. When GoM gets ourselves a scene, and can fight you on even ground I’d love to and can’t wait! It will be exciting to see how our worlds would far evenly matched! With such vastly diffrent tacics its a war worth being in!

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Leogolas.6941


love all these AR carebears who need to have 8 or 9 to take on a group of 3

I love it when players mistake Wv3 for sPvP. If you are running around looking for a 3v3 fight, you’re doing it wrong.


Agree, nothing wrong running around in bigger group and stomping smaller forces in w3 whenever possible. This is WvWvW not spvp.

[TSA] The Stuffed Animals
~We Are Deadly When Required~

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: frostflare.6390


Agreed as well. I think the only time its a little crazy is when it’s excesive numbers. if tis over 20 people, do we all need to run after one player? Bodies better spent elsewhere. 5 players could easily kit, and slay that one player. 20 players is just a “ego stroke” to me. I suppose though thats the zerg mentatlity of wvw, and thats ok. You pretty much sign that contract when you start playing it. It’s nothing new.

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Leogolas.6941




Use the slack AR are giving you to get some players back in WvW.

Ah, been doing that in pve maps. But you know how pve lovers will be pve lovers.
Though I always tell them that more points in WvWvW will greatly benefits the pve maps.
but i seriously do not want to force players into WvWvW .
But thanks for the advice though.

[TSA] The Stuffed Animals
~We Are Deadly When Required~

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: McViolin.8547


So I log in a couple of hours ago to see a big Anvil zerg in ET borderlands. I’m hoping that was the organized side that thought we needed pity, some really epic fights for ET garrison, hope we showed you what ET is really like.

PS, for the love of God, please stop placing trebs right in the field, I cringe when that happens

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Overworld.9613


Just dropped into the Eternal battle grounds to see if GoM had taken back the overlook, just outside spawn I find several unmanned siege weapons: catapult, arrow cart and a balista, further up the hill coming out of the Overlook are a dozen or so AR invaders, bouncing down the hill like suicidal zero-G Teletubbies (or goblins, you know how in some fantasy stuff goblins are all bouncy and stuff?)

So I legged it.

I don’t know about you but this doesn’t exactly sound like the honor-bound AR guys represented in this thread, no offense, but I think GoM needs a decent sized force to break that gridlock.

Due to range of draw distance you can only see a new arrow cart being built, the rest of the siege is just beyond that. Though I gotta hand it to AR, you’ve got determination to camp out our spawn for so long with so little results.


Secretly creative

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Funny how we are now the Zerging server ahaha It’s the first time it ever happen for Anvil Rock, that’s something special.


You try to make it looks like 1 GoM equal 5 Anvil Rock. I know the feeling, that when you get outnumbered you think the ennemy server is all over quantity.

But our players are as good as yours, it’s the first week since release that we aren’t outnumbered. We learned to fight vs more ennemies. Except those fair weather player, those are a bunch of meatbag. They only show when we are winning, and there only reason for being there is slowing the ennemy.

But every server got them, once you fight HoD and ET, you will become the big bad zerging server.

Also, the reason why we answer so fast, is we have a TS server with every big guild from the server. And since we have the number this week, as soon as something is under attack, everyone is quick to go there. We are bored


I don’t like spawn camping. Nothing fun about it.

But, I gotta admit, those who stay in EB to protect our tower might be bored as hell. They are using their time to build siege and camp. Not something I would do, but I see the reasonning. I hope you group up and kick their kitten

By the way, they seems to be PuG, I don’t reconize their alliance!

Overall, I know the feeling of being outnumbered. Like I said, Anvil Rock didn’t win once since release. It will be our first victory.

Nobody is happy about this match up, except fairweather player and vista hunter. We might look like the big bad server for you, but their is nothing we can do about it.

We have the number, we have an alliance to manage them, and number win match in WvW.

Just cruise until Friday comes And have some good fight in GoM BL!

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Lothial.7859


I’ve had a great deal of fun with this match up. Nice to see how the other side lives from time to time. My guild even had time to make like 7 Asura King (blank) Rat characters and run them around ET border land jumping up and down and screaming for cheese.

So many lulz. Getting a lot of badges too. Had a few epic battles. One particularly good tower defense on our part, and alot of open field combat which is music to a D/D ele like myself.

King Fire Rat
Anvil Rock

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Anvil Pants.3426

Anvil Pants.3426

Lawls. Eredon, you are such good sports. <3

Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]
Grand Progressive Arch Battle Pope of Anvil Rock Defenders Alliance [TARD]

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Bsquared.3421


I hope I’m wrong in writing off this week as a landslide, but the silver lining in all this is that next week AR very well might get a chance to seek vengeance on those Smug Borlis Pkitten!

Nice post Rashagal, but I really had a laugh about the “Pkitten.” What, it’s censoring their own Realm names now LOL….

Nerfedname – Elementalist
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


I’ve actually found this matchup to be completely lame and boring, I have resorted to going into PvE. It seems like GoM has given up and ET never even showed up, AR’s been mindlessly running around looking for anything they can take.

Its been pretty kitten boring actually, I zone in and zone right back out because we already own everything, this is not fun and although I’m glad that it seems a lot of AR seem to enjoy winning for a change, complete domination is not fun in the slightest.

I’ve been playing less since this matchup I find, Been wanting to level my guardian up but hate doing PvE so I’m only on for maybe an hour before I log. I seriously hope this changes with the next matchup either new servers to face that actually put up a fight or the ones that are here now come out anc join the party.

This is not an insult to GoM or ET, I’m sure AR received transfers or more PvE ppl in WvW or whatever the reason. I really hope they take away the free transfers soon because its ruining the game imo.

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Don’t worry, our fair weather players will leave as soon as we get a good matchup, prolly friday.

Then it will be a really fun week!

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Apocalypse.5239


I’ve actually found this matchup to be completely lame and boring, I have resorted to going into PvE. It seems like GoM has given up and ET never even showed up, AR’s been mindlessly running around looking for anything they can take.

Its been pretty kitten boring actually, I zone in and zone right back out because we already own everything, this is not fun and although I’m glad that it seems a lot of AR seem to enjoy winning for a change, complete domination is not fun in the slightest.

I’ve been playing less since this matchup I find, Been wanting to level my guardian up but hate doing PvE so I’m only on for maybe an hour before I log. I seriously hope this changes with the next matchup either new servers to face that actually put up a fight or the ones that are here now come out anc join the party.

This is not an insult to GoM or ET, I’m sure AR received transfers or more PvE ppl in WvW or whatever the reason. I really hope they take away the free transfers soon because its ruining the game imo.

ya i hear ya most of the time i don’t log on that much due to some good video’s on youtube and playing some halo 4. by the way too the GoM player ty for a good Laugh i die Laughing over a bag.


Only if you want to watch.
lvl 80 Charr Warrior part of Twin.

(edited by Apocalypse.5239)

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Air.6452


All in all it hasn’t been a terrible match-up. On ET we have had a fun time battling with GoM and AR. Some notable battles were had, and some very nice defences have been made by all servers.

I haven’t seen too much GoM this time around as I have in the past match-ups. I think they have been spending more time on their Borderlands and EB; however, definitely lots of AR members to go around.

The combat was nice, and for the most part pretty clean. I know we on ET made the mistake of spawn camping AR for a little while in the ETBorder, but we tried our best to stop the rogue players from continuing that trend.

Chody – Leader of We Came To Dance GW2
Crystal Desert
We Came To Dance [WCTD]

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


@Kardiamond You and I seem to be bigger fans of a full scale war. This is by no means meant to offend anyone on either of the other servers, you guys bring it when you have manpower, no question. My guild usually runs defense, and feel we are barely needed this match up. We take time in optimising siege placement, and pride in our defense strategy. You run into a tower with a little red golem logo, expect a drawn out fight. It’s what we do, just not this match. I have been fighting the urge to switch servers because I know next round is going to be an uphill battle, and that’s what I’m used to and what I enjoy most.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


I haven’t seen too much GoM this time around as I have in the past match-ups. I think they have been spending more time on their Borderlands and EB; however, definitely lots of AR members to go around.

Yeah, for the most part we’ve been pretty much leaving you guys alone. AR is a big target and we enjoy wrecking their house. We just don’t have the numbers to hang on to anything we take, so it’s been a big smash’n’grab all week.

Looking forward to seeing some GoM vs ET on Friday!

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Next tier 7 match will be interesting with what I guess will be Gates, Henge, and ET. All three servers have fallen from the top tiers (though Gates did it before it became cool). I wonder how the populations will look.

Gate of Madness

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


It won’t be a very interesting match, lol. The biggest blowout since the orbs were removed was last week when SF beat HoD and ET. SF is currently getting beaten bad by BP. At this point, Kaineng will beat HoD and ET. Those two servers easily have the smallest WvW populations. It was still fun playing against ET many weeks back though. They did their best despite the odds. At one point, they accomplished their goal of owning their entire BL.

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


I’m not sure the next match up for HoD/GoM/ET will be much fun.

GoM still have a good population, and will prolly be able to hold both ET and HoD at the same time.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I dunno, I don’t think Gates of Madness came behind Anvil Rock once until last week and this week they are whooping us good. I will wait and see and do my best =)

Gate of Madness

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Well don’t take this week as a meter.

GoM will prolly have a WvW population boost like it happened for Anvil Rock on friday.

It’s like fair weather player are waiting for an easy match up, and as soon as they see it, they all join WvW. They aren’t the best player, but it still more number.

GoM had a really good population in the firsts BP/GoM/AR match up, I’m sure they aren’t all gone.

Also, with your project of alliance, it should help a lot.

I predict a pretty good lead for GoM next week.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


its been about 3 weeks including this one, GoM was going strong but a lot of ppl leaving for whatrever server really hurt it seems. Its a shame because BP was just pitiful, they seemed to be really unorganized and only managed to pull ahead because of number where as GoM seemed to have some pretty competent players that had no issues wiping larger numbers. Unfortunately those guilds can’t be on 24/7.

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


its been about 3 weeks including this one, GoM was going strong but a lot of ppl leaving for whatrever server really hurt it seems. Its a shame because BP was just pitiful, they seemed to be really unorganized and only managed to pull ahead because of number where as GoM seemed to have some pretty competent players that had no issues wiping larger numbers. Unfortunately those guilds can’t be on 24/7.

Attitudes like that keep us from improving. You gotta have respect for who you are fighting and humility about what you are doing. I’ve seen BP and AR do things better than us for sure (haven’t had the chance to go to ET borderland and don’t hang out in EB so I can’t say I’ve encountered ET at all).

Gate of Madness

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


I fail to see where I disrespected GoM ? As for BP well did you ever actually watch them in action ? If they didn’t have numbers the server would have been deleted due to stupidity.

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


I fail to see where I disrespected GoM ? As for BP well did you ever actually watch them in action ? If they didn’t have numbers the server would have been deleted due to stupidity.

Oh, I thought you were on Gates of Madness. Sorry =)

Gate of Madness

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: frostflare.6390


I agree, GoM is not the “worst server ever”, just as were not in anyway the best. We have our talents, and we have our spirit. We lack the numbers, and we lack orginization(from what I have seen in the most recent weeks). This makes battle for our server a bit of an uphill battle on in itself.

I find AR to have more then just numbers. It’s sad about the spawn camping, but they have such good communication, and they seem to be able to point and move entire squandrouns of players in very special tactics. Rather then just “Seige till dead”. They know certain keeps, and how to work with the building structure. So it’s not just numbers. Anvil rock has amazing tactics. Although I do find this match up to be a bit…“uneccacry” when it comes to numbers.

ET…I’ve never faced on in battle. But from the sounds of it, if they just had a few more players they would dominate everything. They managed to hold both opposing armies at a garrison and force them back. That’s not an easy feat for a one army vrs another, but Et did it against too. Personly I find that inspiring.

I think all server’s have great weaknesses, and great strenghts. GoM right now is still very young in the WVW scene. I saw a few PvE’ers join us the other day, fresh in. And I ran around with a few of them..and even with some guidance they were having trouble getting used to the whole all out war. Which to me says a lot. We have been hit really hard by more then just server transfers(and then teh slander campaign). Anyone new to our server is not joining to run into Wvw, and I still find alot of our entry level areas full of players. I think it will take some time before GoM really becomes a force. But I also think that when the times come, were going to be an amazing world.

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


As for BP well did you ever actually watch them in action ? If they didn’t have numbers the server would have been deleted due to stupidity.

I wish I could +2 this.

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Anvil Rock raised a new alliance with the mains WvW guilds,I hope it will help for the next match up. Right now we can sit on our number to win, but I saw some better organisatin on the battlefield.

GoM is actually working on an alliance right now, and if they win the next match up, they could get a population boost that would throw them back in the mix.

GoM got really good players, I had no issue ganking BP player (Except that kitten DD elem), but small group fight with GoM are a lot more interresting.

I think GoM will soon be back on theirs feets.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: frostflare.6390


I also just realized something. I kind of worry about us getting way to back into the mix…If we match anvilrock in numbers, and anvil rock manages to put Borlis Pass in it’s place….Won’t we be back to the oringal set up that we hated for so long? lol I would not mind fighting Anvil Rock again. But Ill hate to do battle with Bp and Ar in the same rotation all over again. Cuase that was not a very fun match up for the length it lasted lol.

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


I don’t think anyone wants to relive that matchup, I’m actually pulling for GoM & ET to get some more players coming their way. As I stated before complete domination is boring. The unfortunate part is GoM could be a force if they had a few more players, I can’t comment on ET as I rarely see them, their kinda like big foot … not really sure if they exist or not.

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Aowys.9420


Hi . Would like to say KoS has tranfered to AR . At first to see what we could bring back to Kaineng then so many other guilds tranfered off there so most likely gone stay and wait for DevR to move up. If they ever do.

To ET . From the few mins i have seen of you guys I would think you would welcome a wiping to get to the next tier fast. You’ll have much more fun fighting in the next tier down then here .
To GoM /Salute . Then again just from the few days on here alot have lil respect so nm .


11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Highlie.7641


Missing: Player’s from servers: Anvil Rock
: Gates of Madness
: Eredon terrace
If found please send to nearest battleground. seriously where the hell is everybody this world peace is not healthy

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


IT would seem like AR has decided to give GoM and ET the WvW world to play out the rest of the week. Sadly rumor is AR doesn’t want to move up. Too bad however that that option went out the window once AR crossed the 250k mark on a Wednesday night. Not every guild feels this way and many of us have seen this in other brackets on other servers. It may have been great to faceroll this week, but why try to throw a move with not showing up. AR should be up in a tier where populations are similar and where we have to fight for it….

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest