11/30 FC / Kain / DR

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


Lets see if this is the last week we all are together, if so lets make it a great send off to our 2 month (almost) matchup!

Was fun backdooring DR as they tried to do the same SM-rush in EB as they do every week. Held it long as we could but the pure numbers DR had in our own BL was too much and we had to go there.

Good showing from DR tonight. You guys brought a tonne of people out. Will you be reversing the usual weekend trend of Kaineng pulling ahead? Lets see, and good luck to all 3 servers this week!

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: KolyFrog.5970


I’ve never enjoyed WvWvW as much as I did in the last week. I hope this week would be better. Looking forward on more awesome battles!

Chiksilog lvl 80 Human Engineer – Emma Mann lvl 80 Norn Necromancer
[KAIN] Centurion
“I play female characters, so what?”

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: aNTarTis.2561


I know my english is not the best, but I will say this anyway.

Our guild is getting tired of some people from some “great” guilds at Kaineng who always try to boicot any effort with do with our 3 commanders. These people start to say in chat in any map we are on " dont follow them, they are only trolling" “follow xxx guild, no them” and stuff like that, just to boicot our group and made people to not follow us. You want other guilds to join WvW, but then u get mad because they try to help with ther own commanders, and u not like that. You no want to team up with the rest of the server. Keep doing ur “solo” kitten stuff, GL!

we no need to smoke this ####, is really just easy to find another server where we can have some fun, but then u cant start to QQ about people transfering away….

Commander of [XO] Xtreme Online – www.xogamers.com

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Brimwood.7963


There’s no way this is the last week between these 3 servers. The difference between DR and GoM is over 250k points.

Anyway first impressions…those who, because of last week, thought that DR had lost players were wrong. Humongous swarms of DR running rampant and outmanned buffs on 3/4 maps atm. If anything there’s more of them than ever, which makes the accomplishments of Ferg and Kaineng last week even more impressive.
Let’s hope this week will offer more of the same action instead of the domination by an even bigger DR player base as it appears now.

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


what happened to kaineng???

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Darxio.5672


Some of us decided to no longer defend our borderland like last week. Or even defend at all.

Last week [KAIN] and other guilds poured their heart and soul into the defense early in the week. But by the end of the week, it really felt like it was only KAIN directing and upgrading everything. And if we even let our eyes look away for 5 minutes, the DR horde would take it.

Hell, 8 of us did the EB jump puzzle for 10 minutes. TEN MINUTES when our borderlands was blue. The Bay Keep was taken before we finished. And I know we could have prevented that if we were there, but if it takes KAIN’s presence to make that much of a difference, then it doesn’t matter anymore.

Countless times last week, we tried to do dungeons, but quit mid-way because we KNEW that if we didn’t go, we’d lose a keep. We didn’t lose Garrison until Thursday, when it was apparently taken when there was only 3 defenders online. We kept that keep locked down since reset. Bay Keep was lost Wednesday for the first time since reset because we went to the jump puzzle. Hills was lost Tuesday. I literally went to class and it was ours, came back and it wasn’t.

All keeps were lost when our people were not there. And I am not going through that stress again. And many others in KAIN will agree with me.

Last week I learned just how much Devona will throw at our Borderland to try and take everything. Devona literally HATES us. They would rather continue to attack us than defend their own Borderland from attackers. That’s how much their hatred is of us.

And you know what? I’m not going to deal with it anymore. Not my problem. Not my guild’s problem. You want our borderland? Fine, take it. Go make it green and pretty and whatever. Hell, why not sprinkle some red in there with LARP helping you anyway since they went to Ferg and want to break everything of ours when you’re attacking our points.

I’m not dealing with it anymore. Find somebody else defend your attack. I might attack your stuff to reset all your upgrades like you did to us nonstop though.

Enjoy the PvDoor.

Brigade of the Black Twilight [BBT]
Darxio – Thief Commander

(edited by Darxio.5672)

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


Bro, i feel ya pain…i vote u move KAIN to DR…awesome guild with awesome gamers. shame to let it get the short end of the stick.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: NealCaffrey.6450


lol that’s what I decided around last Tuesday Darxio… I haven’t really ran my Commander tag since then and just been small grouping looking for zergs to kill. It’s more fun and less stressful!

Commander Rañger Dañger
Leader of Cryptic Gaze[iSpy]
Evermoor Alliance (iSpy, JAWA, WAR) – Dragonbrand

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Zizanzi.4678


Some of us decided to no longer defend our borderland like last week. Or even defend at all.

Last week [KAIN] and other guilds poured their heart and soul into the defense early in the week. But by the end of the week, it really felt like it was only KAIN directing and upgrading everything. And if we even let our eyes look away for 5 minutes, the DR horde would take it.

Hell, 8 of us did the EB jump puzzle for 10 minutes. TEN MINUTES when our borderlands was blue. The Bay Keep was taken before we finished. And I know we could have prevented that if we were there, but if it takes KAIN’s presence to make that much of a difference, then it doesn’t matter anymore.

Countless times last week, we tried to do dungeons, but quit mid-way because we KNEW that if we didn’t go, we’d lose a keep. We didn’t lose Garrison until Thursday, when it was apparently taken when there was only 3 defenders online. We kept that keep locked down since reset. Bay Keep was lost Wednesday for the first time since reset because we went to the jump puzzle. Hills was lost Tuesday. I literally went to class and it was ours, came back and it wasn’t.

All keeps were lost when our people were not there. And I am not going through that stress again. And many others in KAIN will agree with me.

Last week I learned just how much Devona will throw at our Borderland to try and take everything. Devona literally HATES us. They would rather continue to attack us than defend their own Borderland from attackers. That’s how much their hatred is of us.

And you know what? I’m not going to deal with it anymore. Not my problem. Not my guild’s problem. You want our borderland? Fine, take it. Go make it green and pretty and whatever. Hell, why not sprinkle some red in there with LARP helping you anyway since they went to Ferg and want to break everything of ours when you’re attacking our points.

I’m not dealing with it anymore. Find somebody else defend your attack. I might attack your stuff to reset all your upgrades like you did to us nonstop though.

Enjoy the PvDoor.

17,783 WvWvW kills, guess I need to try harder out there for Kaineng. But ya NoQQ will be doing the dreaded “PVE” grind fest (fractals) this week too. Good luck on the doors.

Stylii Elementalist (Staff)
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) Leader

(edited by Zizanzi.4678)

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


when Ferg finally decided to not let u keep having 2nd place..they stepped it up and pushed u so u were fighting 2 fronts. like DR been doin for over 5 weeks now. Welcome to WvWvW mate. Lot of guilds on Kaineng working just as hard as KAIN…jst sounds like you have no coordination or teamwork.

and DR doesnt hate Kaineng. But ur server has stated in the forums numerous times how you all “hate DR”, so shouldnt be upset when DR focuses on you. Just a thought. But i dont think there’s hate there, jst DR folks interpreted it as something of a challenge. Kaineng always attacking DR for the most part and rarely Ferg…..so they were doing the same.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Gungnir Grimm.7123

Gungnir Grimm.7123

so [KAIN] is burnt out, and [NoQQ] is out of the fight for the most part for this week. I hope Kaineng still puts up a good fight this week, last week was the most fun I have had yet.

Gungnir Grimm – 80 Thief
Gungnir Aurus – 80 Guardian
[AUX] Isle of Janthir

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Darxio.5672


I was in my own borderland for a week. I pulled 12-16 hour WvW shifts.

Don’t tell me nonstop attacks are not blind hatred, even when your own borderland is turning red when you’re making zero ground in our borderland.

I learned a LOT about each server’s mentality by staying in one borderland and making a difference, and observing who attacks and when. And even learned a lot about many of the guild’s mentalities and playstyles, and even some of the players.

There is blind hatred among Devona towards Kaineng, and there is blind hatred among Kaineng towards Devona. The difference is that Devona has the population to bully Kaineng into the defensive nonstop. And last week we DESTROYED you all in our borderland because we were united.

Towards the end of the week people didn’t keep up their end for one reason or another, and left the dedicate people to deal with the horde. There is not enough people on Kaineng to deal with your horde’s blind hatred. We could never mount an offensive against your borderland unless ours is either all blue or all green, and even then that means that we don’t have people somewhere else.

I can’t remember a time Kaineng bullied your borderland into submission like you do to ours on a daily basis. And when there is an attack, it never lasts long because it was an organized guild attack. You have PUGS that regularly attack our borderland because that’s how popular it is to attack Kaineng.

Even when everything was fully upgraded last week, you still tried to take everything and allowed Ferg to stroll into your borderland and take your stuff uncontested as you pushed your hardest to take our keeps. If that’s not blind hatred, I don’t know what is.

Brigade of the Black Twilight [BBT]
Darxio – Thief Commander

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Brimwood.7963


Lol what a ridiculous post again Drednyte. Of course Kaineng usually attack DR. Why? Because the Fergs rarely get the opportunity to leave their own borderlands (which they do defend tenaciously) what with the low numbers they have whereas the legions of DR always swarm over not only their own borderlands but also EB and Kaineng borderlands with impunity, as is again the case today.
I’m pretty sure I’ve never lost a fight against a DR 1v1 or when a Kaineng group met a DR group of equal size but those instances are getting rarer and rarer. Last week was great for it though.

Either way it sadly looks like this week won’t be nearly as much fun. DR has about 10 times the numbers at the moment. Outmanned buffs wherever we go.

(edited by Brimwood.7963)

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: SolarWind.5693


I have to laugh. The irony. Kaineng crying about people capping stuff when they are not on to defend. Just.. LOL!!

A. That was the Kaineng strategy just a few short weeks ago.

B. You STILL do most of your point gains during the week and at the times when you vastly outnumber Devona’s Rest. We lose far more in upgrades than you.

Second post that made me laugh at Kaineng complaining about capping going on while they weren’t on to defend.

CMDR – Devonas Rest [WvW]

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


I actually xfer from Kaineng to Freg the other week. Glad I did. It’s a blast over here, but that’s just me.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Brimwood.7963


I have to laugh. The irony. Kaineng crying about people capping stuff when they are not on to defend. Just.. LOL!!

A. That was the Kaineng strategy just a few short weeks ago.

B. You STILL do most of your point gains during the week and at the times when you vastly outnumber Devona’s Rest. We lose far more in upgrades than you.

Second post that made me laugh at Kaineng complaining about capping going on while they weren’t on to defend.

Um, first of all, not crying. I like WvW but if that isn’t fun because of server number imbalances for a week I won’t lose any sleep over it (or gold for that matter). Level 80 PvE areas and dungeons are always there.

Second, both your A and B points are utter rubbish. Kaineng capping when there was no one on from DR wasn’t our “strategy”, that just happens to be our primetime.
You DR people really don’t get that Asians live on the other side of the world and in different timezones do you?
Yes, during our primetime we outnumbered you but even that is no longer always the case. Last week on certain days the numbers were about even, even during Asia primetime.
Your B point is also garbage as we got most of our points last week from the weekend (we had a 10k point advantage over DR after the weekend even). We kept up a good showing during the week but we certainly did not get most of our points from it, you did.

Finally, we most certainly ARE there to defend. There’s just no chance of successfully doing so when DR outnumbers us 10 to 1. Now go back and hide among your anonymous hive swarms.

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Azsouth.3184


So KAIN is refusing to fight in our borderlands even though they said that it would be theirs to hold while other guilds go off and take stuff in EB and other borderlands as they agreed to in some guild leadership meeting (at least that’s what i heard)? if you don’t want the job don’t say your going to do it then and then not. WAR and Ispy came from EB to help defend our borderlands today and as soon as we defended our garrison (which right after we lost Stonemist which i know if we had still been there could have defended) the KAIN commander who we where telling all the non-allied lemmings to follow decided to log off (which really meant KAIN was headed to DR borderlands and we know this because the Ispy group that was there told us this is what happened). Half of LARP is on FC bc some random dude trolled them? seems like a couple guilds are crying out for attention on Kaineng, my personal view is good riddance and we will rebuild as we have in the past.

Also I have no problem w/ letting DR own all of Kaineng this week and letting them fight it out w/ the Fergs (even though right now it seems like DR is content letting them hold their EB side and all their borderlands save some karma trains for supply camps). I’m tired of this match-up GoM can’t get down here fast enough.

as for the population debate, anyone who thinks Kain and/or FC has more than Davona’s out at any given time is kidding themselves.

(edited by Azsouth.3184)

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: bubO.3548


KR will be out this week as well. Going to get my lowbies and level them up for the rest of the week. We are taking the week off because we feel like Kaineng is too divided at the moment and see no point in continuing.


11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


And you know what? I’m not going to deal with it anymore. Not my problem. Not my guild’s problem. You want our borderland? Fine, take it. Go make it green and pretty and whatever. Hell, why not sprinkle some red in there with LARP helping you anyway since they went to Ferg and want to break everything of ours when you’re attacking our points.

I understand your frustration, Darxio, but I don’t really understand what you’re trying to say about us here? We aren’t going for ruining anything specific, we just roam around and hit what we find or what finds us. It is of course situational but it’s not like we make up our minds to just try to disturb one team all the time. Like 90% of our time on the first night on Fergs was spent in Devonas BL.

Half of LARP is on FC bc some random dude trolled them?

We went to Ferg mainly cause this matchup has been the same forever and just wanted to fight some new guilds and people. Also fighting guilds and players that you actually have some connection to makes it more interesting. It’s nothing personal it is just a game.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Siad.3608


Sounds like goin to FC this week was a good idea with all the Kain guilds pretty much takin the week off.

I Steal Vcrs

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Aeneasx.1589


Larp has gone to fergs to find fight of good caliber playher. fighting on kaening we only kill everyone and cannot die to use down ability. So we now want to fight of good caliber player. and kill ispy for treachery pervasive usage of sieging equipment. With LARP fergs will be best realm only realm on top.

backstabd 22222222222222 finish
Sylvari Rouge

(edited by Aeneasx.1589)

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


Bro, i feel ya pain…i vote u move KAIN to DR…awesome guild with awesome gamers. shame to let it get the short end of the stick.

you could always move to kaineng

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


Kain guilds whining again because they tried and lost… now they’ll go on “vacation” for a week or two or pretend they’re not interested because they had a bad start… then later in the week they’ll post some SS of them taking out some kind of zerg and tell everyone how amazing they are.

I’ll be in zerguson’s crossing for the rest of the week farming badges off envy and np

later guys :/

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: xcavars.5049


Lol at sniffycube.

Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Darxio.5672


If all it takes is for KAIN to not be in the borderland for it to be green, then what the hell is the point of WvW?

I didn’t even fight in the borderland at the reset. I decided with many others not to even step foot in there at reset. Some of my guild may still go in there, but the majority of us who did all the major defending of our borderland last week will NOT be going in there this week.

I don’t need to prove to you the difference we make. Last week should show you what KAIN can do in the borderlands. And this week will show you what happens when we’re not.

I hope Devona trounces Ferg’s stuff this week. They waltzed into our borderland too every now and then acting like they could own the place. They need to be put in place. And if not? Well, then that’s fear on Ferg’s part to go to any map other than their borderland(as I can see EB is all green), or once again, blind hatred on Dev’s part.

Brigade of the Black Twilight [BBT]
Darxio – Thief Commander

(edited by Darxio.5672)

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: NealCaffrey.6450


Couple fights from tonight. First time I’ve had random large fights at the Temple of Storms.

I’ll continue to take 150 badges in ~5 hours especially when it’s this fun whether we win or lose the matchup. The bigger the zerg the more badge possibilities!

Also here’s a score update.


Commander Rañger Dañger
Leader of Cryptic Gaze[iSpy]
Evermoor Alliance (iSpy, JAWA, WAR) – Dragonbrand

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: VileStrainGaming.6091


Kain guilds whining again because they tried and lost… now they’ll go on “vacation” for a week or two or pretend they’re not interested because they had a bad start… then later in the week they’ll post some SS of them taking out some kind of zerg and tell everyone how amazing they are.

I’ll be in zerguson’s crossing for the rest of the week farming badges off envy and np

later guys :/

NoQQ has never cared about the score of WvWvW. We only care about killing people and big zergs with small numbers. We want good fights. and for taking time off to do something else in the game isnt a bad thing. We will still be in WvWvW throughout the week doing what we do best, killing Red names.

[NoQQ] & [Larp] – The old days of PvP :(

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Aeneasx.1589


from video above dodge is disabled, in Taiwanese server where LARP is from thief endurance regen is best. Dodging and swiftnesss boon are permenant for us and we can move quickly in and out of fights to kill many others players from shadows. Can also stack might stacks from dodge for more evade and killing. dodging is important to medium classes. because it causes evade more frequently. TO play thief is playing like fast nimble crane. Must have mostt excellent reflexes required.

backstabd 22222222222222 finish
Sylvari Rouge

(edited by Aeneasx.1589)

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: NealCaffrey.6450


from video above dodge is disabled, in Taiwanese server where LARP is from thief endurance regen is best. Dodging and swiftnesss boon are permenant for us and we can move quickly in and out of fights to kill many others players from shadows. Can also stack might stacks from dodge for more evade and killing. dodging is important to medium classes. because it causes evade more frequently. TO play thief is playing like fast nimble crane. Must have mostt excellent reflexes required.

Good point. My thief is/was a flavor of the month glasscannon backstab thief that I crafted up from 15-80. I really need to redo everything on him including learning how to play something other than D/D+SB. After rewatching the video it’s crazy how little I dodged during those 2 fights /facepalm I know my thief could be better if I put some work into him, definitely not close to even being good on him. I know I’m much more skilled on my guard and ranger as I’ve had tons more playtime on them. I also have a tendency to just go on auto pilot when there’s a ton of stuff going on my screen and lots of voices in TS3 going which results in Daggerstorm and Cluster bomb spamming with no dodge as you saw lol…

The point of the video was that there were alot of DR out tonight which resulted in quite a few fun fights while I only showed 2. Also, I think violin dubstep is cool.

Commander Rañger Dañger
Leader of Cryptic Gaze[iSpy]
Evermoor Alliance (iSpy, JAWA, WAR) – Dragonbrand

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: xcavars.5049


15 in acro is addictive

Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Mash Hog.5672

Mash Hog.5672


You completely destroyed us on the island both times. We were really frustrated by the time we had to port to spawn the second time!

We were just running down and rallying at the island BOTH times, we didn’t expect incoming both times… I was slightly vary of having us rally at the island the second time… but I was like “nahhh can’t happen twice in a row!”

In all fairness though about the “number of DR players running around” these fights were occurring in DR’s borderlands, and we were rushing to defend our keeps.

For the first one, we were rushing to defend south side of bay, the second time we were rushing to protect red tower, and the last one I believe north side of Bay. Don’t quote me on that though, I’m not 100% sure

Thank you for the video though, will be showing this to my guildies as “What not to do next time!”
I hope we can have a better fight next time!

Gasmic > Mic Gazzy
Leader of [GASM] #ELEtism
(Retired) Commander [2500+ tPvP Matches Won]

(edited by Mash Hog.5672)

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: frickers.8309


from video above dodge is disabled, in Taiwanese server where LARP is from thief endurance regen is best. Dodging and swiftnesss boon are permenant for us and we can move quickly in and out of fights to kill many others players from shadows. Can also stack might stacks from dodge for more evade and killing. dodging is important to medium classes. because it causes evade more frequently. TO play thief is playing like fast nimble crane. Must have mostt excellent reflexes required.

Good point. My thief is/was a flavor of the month glasscannon backstab thief that I crafted up from 15-80. I really need to redo everything on him including learning how to play something other than D/D+SB. After rewatching the video it’s crazy how little I dodged during those 2 fights /facepalm I know my thief could be better if I put some work into him, definitely not close to even being good on him. I know I’m much more skilled on my guard and ranger as I’ve had tons more playtime on them. I also have a tendency to just go on auto pilot when there’s a ton of stuff going on my screen and lots of voices in TS3 going which results in Daggerstorm and Cluster bomb spamming with no dodge as you saw lol…

The point of the video was that there were alot of DR out tonight which resulted in quite a few fun fights while I only showed 2. Also, I think violin dubstep is cool.

Can i please be unbanned from your team speak?


11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


Nice fights tonight Ferg. You brought your zerg to DR’s BL in force and ready to pwn. Too bad we shut u down with all 8 of us vs your 20+….lol. Love defending! Well, to be fair defending is a lot easier. We held you as long as we could, called for help from the other maps, but i think at 4am there was maybe 20 DR online combined on all the maps rofl. Kainj’s PvDoor team woke up and started in on EB, so we couldnt get any reinforcements. Thought you had the Hills there for a sec, yay for upgrades and full supplies! lol.

Well, great fights and even though I’m sure u all will take our BL as you’ve got us outmanned by bout 3-4:1 easy….we gave u a heck of a good fight =)

All round fun times.

Darxio: ive noticed when u losing, u always QQn bout “DR hates us”…but when ur winning its “Kain owning DR”…u almost never post about your fights with Ferg. So im to understand its ok for Kaineng to focus soley on DR..but not for DR to focus on Kaineng? Even though we’re not, regardless of what you think, DR is in a throwdown with Ferg just as much as we’re fighting you. Stop da waahhhtrain, get back in the fight. Or stick to PvE. (lol jk)

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: LegoTechnic.5910


Late last week attacking Kaineng was not blind hatred, it was pragmatism. Dev was trying desperately to maintain the score lead last week and you were having none of it—who cared what Ferg did in 3rd place at that time with the point deficit? Additionally you all were really laying into us, and it was FUN. Can you blame us for wanting more of it?

Something does seem missing in Kaineng this first day, though. Ferg still has its rolling zerg, but it always seems leave if it’s ever defeated and chasing it isn’t as much fun as you’d think.

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Themanbat.3206


Kain guilds whining again because they tried and lost… now they’ll go on “vacation” for a week or two or pretend they’re not interested because they had a bad start… then later in the week they’ll post some SS of them taking out some kind of zerg and tell everyone how amazing they are.

I’ll be in zerguson’s crossing for the rest of the week farming badges off envy and np

later guys :/

Lol. That’s funny because I got my monthly kills 2 hours after reset off of Devonas in my borderlands…

Angelic Synergy [Holy], Andromeda (Mesmer)/Samson of Mice (Guardian)/Ren the Stumpy (Engi)

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Psychatog.8246


Kain guilds whining again because they tried and lost… now they’ll go on “vacation” for a week or two or pretend they’re not interested because they had a bad start… then later in the week they’ll post some SS of them taking out some kind of zerg and tell everyone how amazing they are.

I’ll be in zerguson’s crossing for the rest of the week farming badges off envy and np

later guys :/

Lol. That’s funny because I got my monthly kills 2 hours after reset off of Devonas in my borderlands…

grats i got mine in alittle over 40mins off the fergs in there borderland

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Themanbat.3206


Kain guilds whining again because they tried and lost… now they’ll go on “vacation” for a week or two or pretend they’re not interested because they had a bad start… then later in the week they’ll post some SS of them taking out some kind of zerg and tell everyone how amazing they are.

I’ll be in zerguson’s crossing for the rest of the week farming badges off envy and np

later guys :/

Lol. That’s funny because I got my monthly kills 2 hours after reset off of Devonas in my borderlands…

grats i got mine in alittle over 40mins off the fergs in there borderland

Haha. I was there. Those xp trains couldn’t kill anything. I doubt it.

Angelic Synergy [Holy], Andromeda (Mesmer)/Samson of Mice (Guardian)/Ren the Stumpy (Engi)

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: NealCaffrey.6450


Can i please be unbanned from your team speak?

Why would I unban someone who likes to scream vulgar language into a channel with 20 people in there? You’re one strange LARP fellow and should come up with a more clever way of trolling.


Commander Rañger Dañger
Leader of Cryptic Gaze[iSpy]
Evermoor Alliance (iSpy, JAWA, WAR) – Dragonbrand

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: KolyFrog.5970


Seems like my guild isn’t going to focus on WvWvW this week, I can’t blame them. I guess I’ll just work on getting my gear up and maybe work on my map completion or level a new toon (PvE yay! /s). You guys have fun.

Chiksilog lvl 80 Human Engineer – Emma Mann lvl 80 Norn Necromancer
[KAIN] Centurion
“I play female characters, so what?”

(edited by KolyFrog.5970)

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Aowys.9420


Last week was alot of fun. Had a blast .
I mostly fight on EB .

Please stop whining about whatever and get out there and fight . Take a break run some dungoen go farm. Yet to sit here and be lik whatever you cried about and give up is giving up . Aka your defeated.

Defeated by ur own ego or defeated by the enemy is still defeat.

I kn your not all quitters I kn fighting players is stressful . Thats why you do it is for the challange. Kaineng gave this tier a challange this pass week we fought hard and had a blast doing so. Is Kaineng one and done. Or are we fighters that step up to the challange .

If devr gone leave our tier I would lik to send them off with a hell of a fight so they will roll thier tier 7 . I see guilds here with egos all good and you should.

To the AoD thief commander . /wave


11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Tiglie.5834


So KAIN is refusing to fight in our borderlands even though they said that it would be theirs to hold while other guilds go off and take stuff in EB and other borderlands as they agreed to in some guild leadership meeting (at least that’s what i heard)? if you don’t want the job don’t say your going to do it then and then not. WAR and Ispy came from EB to help defend our borderlands today and as soon as we defended our garrison (which right after we lost Stonemist which i know if we had still been there could have defended) the KAIN commander who we where telling all the non-allied lemmings to follow decided to log off (which really meant KAIN was headed to DR borderlands and we know this because the Ispy group that was there told us this is what happened). Half of LARP is on FC bc some random dude trolled them? seems like a couple guilds are crying out for attention on Kaineng, my personal view is good riddance and we will rebuild as we have in the past.

Also I have no problem w/ letting DR own all of Kaineng this week and letting them fight it out w/ the Fergs (even though right now it seems like DR is content letting them hold their EB side and all their borderlands save some karma trains for supply camps). I’m tired of this match-up GoM can’t get down here fast enough.

as for the population debate, anyone who thinks Kain and/or FC has more than Davona’s out at any given time is kidding themselves.

Don’t feed into Sneaky’s amateur troliling we decided to leave before that
Just thought it would be fun to fight some new faces. After the match up score last week we really thought it would have no impact on Jain as a whole and it really shouldn’t. We run generally 5 top. Btw you guys put up a fun fight ranger. I hope at least some kain stay out to play.

Tiglie Wiglie – Oh Bahmaz
Iz U Potato – Absentee Father

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Brimwood.7963


Lol why do people think DR is going to leave this tier? We’re stuck with them for at least two more weeks.
Anyway, the numbers during Asia primetime still seem to be roughly equal. Bit more DR than Fergs or Kains but nothing unmanageable so there should still be decent fights even if the score will be much more one-sided with DRs primetime zergs.

Kaineng is of course not quitting. We’ve been in the bottom tier for a long time and will likely remain there for another while longer. We’re thinly populated but we will NEVER become an empty server as has happened to so many others. There’s too much Canthan pride in this world of ours and even though it sometimes causes conflicts, it also means we’ll still be there long after all the “flavor of the month” servers have plummeted back to earth

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Frosted.1583


I have to say, this past week impressed me greatly. Ferg and Kain held their own very well and gave us a run for our money. Forced me and my guild to think more then just taking a camp here and there. Lets send this matchup out with a bang and everyone try their hardest. This presuming that DR will be moving up. Hope to see you all on the field and pushing hard.

80 Guardian
White Panther[WP]-DR

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Zizanzi.4678


so [KAIN] is burnt out, and [NoQQ] is out of the fight for the most part for this week. I hope Kaineng still puts up a good fight this week, last week was the most fun I have had yet.

We aren’t out per se, we are just going to be concentrating on the dreaded PVE content for PVP gear. ( Whoever thought farming pvp gear in pve dungeon up should be shot then brought back to life to be stabbed, fricking hate pve). Plus we are only 4 – 7 people @ night and I’m sure we have no impact on WvWvW.

Stylii Elementalist (Staff)
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) Leader

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Brimwood.7963


Heh well lore-wise the day-to-day governance of the city of Kaineng is left to the Celestial Ministery…and anyone who has played GW1 will remember what an irritating bunch of paper pushers that is. I say it fits our server perfectly

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: NayrCrall.7104


Besides isn’t it Fergs that have allied back and forth between DR and Kaineng? -.-

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


Man, wth is going on inside K? ..To be a fly on the wall… It’s incredibly difficult to pass up on a, " You should have rolled DR", joke. A few guilds decided they wanted to PvE the slightly less than fresh new content, after what I am reading to be a moral breaking week – Randomly? .. at the same time…

I don’t doubt people want to PvE to get PvP gear, and see the new content and what ever the political answers are. It just seems a bit odd that a few guilds did it at the same time, and literally announced it within hours of each other.

I read a lot of posts in this thread that sound very much like a number of you are teetering on calling out specific guilds or people. I can’t help but wonder if this is a “See how well you do without us, then maybe you will listen” type of response.

It’s kinda lame in more ways than one. There are a few guilds in K I really hope to still see out there. Big wins, crushing losses, stalemates and skin of the teeth moments are always fun when with some of you.

I was hoping for another weekend like last.

Yak’s Bend.

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


Besides isn’t it Fergs that have allied back and forth between DR and Kaineng? -.-

Shouldn’t they be doing exactly that? From my POV it seems Ferg has the lowest WvW population yet they are doing a superb job of keeping their map red, nose semi clean and invading maps and areas when it’s advantageous for them. They are playing the politics side of the game better then their competition.

I like what they are doing and I enjoy seeing them doing it.

Yak’s Bend.

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


Wow alot has transpired sinc i went to work last night after creating this thread.

I am not quite understanding the target of your frustrations on Kaineng? Are you upset War and iSPY did not defend Kaineng BL? I was told by some guys in KAIN you all had a plan to keep the BL locked down. As the week passed by… you guys did an AMAZING job. Seriously. Hats off man. Your efforts in the KBL allowed us in War and iSPY (among others as well I know i saw Rancid and Paper Eater and Chaster at start of the week) to go and foray into DR BL and EB. Are you upset towards some of the smaller guilds i was todl you guys had about 15 small guilds worked into your KBL lockdown plans… did these not pull thier weight? When you make these broad anger filled posts and point a finger into the general air, alot of people wonder who you are talking about.

Last week was a wonderful matchup. You guys in KAIN and KR did a amazing job holding down the KBL, allowing my guild WAR and also iSPY to go out into the other maps and gain some ground.

I am baffled that after such a week…. your decision is to QUIT? Thats regrettable.

It really comes off as a “look at me” tantrum… did you guys want more recognition for your efforts? Taking the week off to “Show us” what its like without you?

I have always made efforts to support you guys in what you do. I have let many of your guild leaders know if they need us, just tell us. I even asked if u wanted us to take responsibility for any specific objective in KBL (not you it was KArma i think i talked to, or Archon I forget).

For you and also Klazart’s KR to take the week off, i dunno.

We came last night to help in KBL when we saw it being swarmed by DR. We pushed off a few attempts on garrison. Ranger in iSPY said he was gunan go hit DR BL with 2 groups while we help KR/KAIN defend amd take back KBL. Few minutes later Klazart, the commander there from you guys tells me he is gunna log needs a break, can i take over, sure i say. Minutes later Ranger sees him and the whole KR group in DR BL.

We were abandoned to defend KBL with now even less numbers. I felt lied to. All we knew was you guys had a plan and alliance of smaller guilds to keep KBL locked down.

I love Kaineng. Its a great server and we have all gotten along quite well, and im sure will continue to do so in the future.

What happenned last night is NOT how we work together.

If you guys want to take the week off from defending KBL. Fine. Tell us, and we will do it. Then you guys can be the offensive arm pushing into other maps.

Dont just up and quit, be deceiful to us, rage on forums pointing fingers and claim to be such a massive influence on the matchup…. its very nonproductive and not very classy.

This isnt how Kaineng needs to be.

Let us know what you need from us, we will do our best to help and support you.

WAR and iSPY are not taking the week off.

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com

11/30 FC / Kain / DR

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540



Have fun on Fergs guys! No reason to think you guys goign to Fergs will change the matchup drastically as you guys arent out to cap anything but to jsut kill kil kill kill kill.

Enjoy the change of scenery!

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com